The pictures of this post have nothing to do with it. Just randomness because that is the beauty in having a blog about nothing…and everything.
1. This week I bought my first Depends. Actually it was Poise. But an adult diaper is an adult diaper. I tried to lie to myself….telling myself that I was a hardcore surgeon that was about to be in the OR for twelve hours straight saving lives….or that I was an astronaut in the outer limits of space discovering an alternative fuel source on a foreign planet. The truth is…I can’t stop coughing and my pelvic floor muscles feel like an entire World Cup soccer team kicked me right in the….
2. I’m not a driven person. I have no desire to compete with people. I have no feelings that I need to prove myself or be something more or even be the thirteenth hundred best at anything. None. I don’t know where that comes from. Maybe my age. Now at the ripe age of thirty two, I am immune to criticism. I do however want others to feel like I love them. Because I do. But I don’t care if they think that I’m crazy…or stupid…or even a waste of breath….as long as they know they are loved by this crazy stupid waste of breath. It’s a weird place to be…
3. I’ve questioned my faith and little threads of it one point seven billion times. Every time…the same result…there is a God and He loves me. He wants me. The ultimate sacrifice rescued me from a forever of not being with my Love. It’s not that complicated…but then again…love is always the most complex thing in the world.
4. I have zero sense of time. None. Not an iota. Five minutes could pass and if you ask me how long has it been….I could say five hours…five seconds. Sometimes I forget what year it is…and what month….sometimes the day of the week. Ok, ok…most days of the week I have no idea what day it is and it takes me a solid thirty seconds to figure it out. I’ve always been like that. And Will has been late to preschool more often than not because of it.
5. I snap at my children. I don’t play on the floor enough. I let Weston eat food off the floor. I pray sometimes that naps last thirty minutes longer just so that I can mindlessly watch New Girl while eating junk that I don’t let my kids eat. I am often not the mom I want to be. And then sometimes I am. But sometimes I’m not. And I think that is probably what makes me a mom. I think that is probably normal.
6. Most movie stars just don’t do it for me. I don’t see the draw. I did have one celebrity crush that makes perfect sense to a seven year old. He could make a bomb out of pocket lint, lawn fertilizer and a paper clip. One time I wrote a story about him. I learned how to make a rope out of sheets so that I could run away and marry him. If you are a child of the 80’s you probably know who I mean…
7. I google the randomest, weirdest crap. On my phone currently are several open windows….how to hotwire a European car (I already know how to do domestics), gestational length of a wooly mammoth, how to give someone stitches, beat-boxing techniques, what cells are toenails made of, identical twins separated at birth how do they look now, and can I grow clam pearls at home. I Curious George the crap outta google. And yes, I just made that monkey a verb.
I love this post. There is so much judgment these days especially on the net and it’s getting old. Fast. You’re alright, Katie-girl.
Love this.
I’ve been reading your blog for over a year now and never left a comment before. But as a fellow middle aged mother (of three boys!), I just want you to know how much I appreciate and love your honesty. I look forward to reading your blog because of your humor and way that you connect with all of us readers! And hey, it’s also nice to know that I’m not alone in my lack of bladder control! 🙂
You are freakin’ hilarious! And also completely normal… At least in my experience. I am also a 32 year old mother of two (single) that does or has done all of the above. Thank you for being real Katie Bower and making me feel a little more normal as well
You’re awesome! I’ve considered the notion of buying me some depends too. Especially right after having a baby. One of my biggest fears about potentially having another child is that I will have even less bladder control than I have now, YIKES!
I think it’s great to hear how other moms are at home. I totally relate to not playing enough with my kids and hoping for naptimes to last just a little longer.
You’re a great mom! I love your honesty….and your boys are the cutest! 🙂
I am like your separated-15-years-before-your-birth almost twin! Besides the fivehead, I also have a dodgy bladder, a distinct lack of drive, a loving God, no sense of time, and variable mothering skills! (I am renowned as the queen of Google, as well.) High fives! The main difference between us – other than your drop-dead beauty and my middle-aged matronliness – is that I definitely have some celebrity love going on… currently for Jamie Bamber from Battlestar Galactica. (The “new” one, which shows both my age and how far behind I am on TV-watching.)
Alright, I’ll be honest since you were. Ha. I think this is the best post you’ve written in several months. Motherhood is hard, we all know that. I’m a (for real middle-aged) homeschooling mom of three boys. I get it.
I am going to assume that you saying you aren’t driven and you don’t compete have something to do with blogging. Maybe I’m wrong? You don’t have to keep up. I expect to see even less posts from you in the future. And that’s fine. It’s your blog. Do it when you want. Maybe you’ll lose followers, you’ll most definitely lose sponsors. Doesn’t matter! You can’t freeze time, and those babies won’t keep! You don’t owe us anything. Enjoy those boys!
Okay, so maybe you weren’t thinking that at all and I’m just talking to myself. 😉
You’re fab! xo
The beauty of No. 1 is that now you can make Depends jokes all of the time! We do!
After my hub was hit by a car while riding his bicycle, he spent 3 months in ICU and 3 months in rehab. Depends were a part of his reality. Not the easiest thing for an ex-Special Forces man, but a reality none the less. We now have Depends jokes at least once a day in our house- all told by him, though sometimes I sneak one in… it depends! It’s great! It just puts a spin on the past of joy and healing!
No. 4 also reminds me of my hub. After his TBI his sense of time is shot and completely different. It used to befuddle me, but now I get it. Time is just time.
I love this post… but where is the gender reveal?? You said you would tell your family over Thanksgiving and us afterward! Nosy minds must know!
I love posts like this! Thank you telling it like it is. What I wouldn’t give to do a jumping jack without wetting myself. I will look you up if I am in the area and need stitches, or help stealing a car.
I am a 65 year old grandmother, also a user of Poise! I felt all the same emotions you young moms are experiencing, and my three kids are fabulous adults anyway. We just weren’t as honest about it as you are. I enjoy your blog, your children are beautiful and thank you for sharing Jesus with your readers.
This is such a great post! I assure you that you are not alone in your feelings. I think many mother’s think and feel the same away and are afraid to say anything. I totally could have used some depends after my second child was born 🙂 I appreciate your honesty and that is one reason why I love your blog!
I feel you on all accounts, buying depends, snaping at my boy, not getting on the floor enough, etc. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves, and say we are doing a good job. Thanks for sharing with us. 🙂
I seriously love you. I’m never a blog commenter, but this post is just so REAL! Thanks for being you!
These were great 🙂 No one really tells you that you will be going to the bathroom six times before you go to bed during pregnancy and for a while after that! I would say you are a very normal mom, unless I am not normal either 🙂 That is a possibility. I pretty much clock out after we are done with school. I figure I am a teacher and my job is done for the day 🙂 Then I clock back in when my husband gets home and it is time to be a wife and make dinner 🙂
Love this! It’s a prime example of why I’ve followed this blog since I discovered it over three years ago 🙂
Love all of it. And three words: Pelvic Floor Rehab (Google it). I did it after a particularly bad birth and am very grateful my doctor recommended it 🙂
I love your random posts! And the pictures of the boys are beautiful 🙂 Happy Holidays!
I love this post! My favorite, hands down, is #5. You described me perfectly! And I think it is totally normal! 🙂
Love this- and I lived in depends after my children were born. 100xs easier than changing a pad and mesh underwear. Plus mesh underwear+a c section incision=no bueno.
Admirable lady you are! I only ever first saw MacGyver a year and a half ago when I was pregnant. I’m a 90’s child married to an 80’s child, so he was a bit shocked when I didn’t know about Macgyvering things. We watched it almost every night after our kids when to bed and every night without fail, I’d dance to the theme song. So. Freakin’. Catchy. My pregnant belly just couldn’t help but jiggle. Oh, and… he looks almost identical to my father-in-law. So they must be what identical twins separated at birth look like. Oh and the whole diaper buying thing – you have a great enough excuse, pregnant with your third!! Laugh all you want, mama, laugh all you want. 😀
Macgyver! Loved him also. Keep on Katie, there are no perfect Moms out there, even though some pretend to be. 🙂
Love it! And try some Kegels. They DO work for that. Promise.
Thanks for the honesty!
Thank you for this. There are very few things that I admire more than realness and transparency. #2, #3, and #5 are my favorites…but really, I relate to them all!!…..even the depends….I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to jump on a trampoline with my kiddos again!!
don’t fret. ever. as a mom of two small ones myself, i have these days. most days are like this actually. i sit and wonder, WHY did i even go to college? I can’t find a job, my house is a mess, we live out of laundry baskets. but, i’m quick to remind myself that my kids are fed and even dressed appropriately most days. that’s winning for this stay at home mom.
You are normal and I love all these randoms confessions. I think all Mom’s are like your #5….at least I know I am and I have 2 kids. I think it’s funny how you are not a good judge of time. I feel like I worry about time all day long. I think you either are hyper aware of time or your not. LOL
Yes I just covertly had mini chocolate chips & popcorn for breakfast while my children ate a healthy-ish breakfast. No judgement here woman. Now to the Y where I can get my 2 free hours of babysitting, catch up on my HGTV and maybe even break a sweat! Thanks for being my chuckle of the day. GA is lucky to have you but we would gladly take you in MN if you ever need a new home :). K
Katie, you’re my favorite person I’ve never met.
Ha! You had me at Depends. After my 4th child, I had to rethink my wardrobe to eliminate anything in the khaki realm because… well, you know how khaki looks when wet.
Have you read this amazing post about the myth of the supermom? So thoughtful and just what us mom’s need to remind ourselves: like you say, no competition… no need to beat ourselves up for ‘snapping’, etc. We need to stick together!!
Katie…. 32 is NOT middle aged. Not by a long shot. Does this title tie in with your #4 about having no sense of time? LOL
Your comments about nap time lasting 30 minutes longer…..oh have I been there. I love how honest you are and I enjoy reading your blog. 🙂 Don’t even get me started on how cute your two boys are…I could squish them, so adorable.
MacGyver 😉
Annnnnd now I want to google all those things. I too have a google problem
Squats are your best friends, ladies 🙂 I had 3 babies in 5 years (we are so blessed, but it wreaks havoc on your body!!) and I promise you: do your squats and you will stop peeing yourself. You will strengthen your pelvic floor as you squeeze everything on the way up, and get a nice, toned booty as you squat down.
Thank you for your honesty and a little insight into your life, Katie B! I love your blog!!!
Thank you so much for this post, for your honesty and your humor. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only mom & woman out there going thru life the same way. Love your blog!!!!
Katie, I love this post. You are amazing. Thanks for keeping it real and helping the rest of us feel a little more normal.
Katie, you make me smile deep, real smiles with my eyes and everything. This post cracked me up! I’m also awkwardly noncompetitive, and even let the other racers pass me when I ran track because they looked like they really wanted it more than I did. I was 14 & didn’t run another race after that. 😉
I love this. I don’t have kids yet, but I definitely suffer from “I’m not doing enough compared to everyone else” syndrome. Thanks for reminding me that we’re all lazy sloths from time to time. 😀
Thank you for being so honest and helping me feel normal! This post was just what I needed today!
I LOVE this post Katie. I love that you’re imperfect! It makes me feel better because I’m not the perfect mother either. 🙂
Congratulations Katie, you are so normal! Thanks for your honesty – I look forward to reading your blog and it is posts like this one that make me love you 🙂
Depends! With my second pregnancy I wore a pad the ENTIRE time because my daughter was laying directly on my bladder and just walking made me pee in my pants. Luckily it all went away when she was born, phew.
And you’re a very normal, and very excellent mom 🙂
Yes to all, but especially #3. I wish you would have put it as #2 so I could say “Haha, #2”. Next time…
I thoroughly enjoyed this post!
Beautiful photos, and a beautiful, honest reflection on life (as always). Thank you for being you!
Love this!
I’m also a mom of two. Ever since I had my second kid I’ve had to cross my legs every time I sneeze…
I also snap at my kids. On Sunday I caught myself saying “No, stop, stop it, stop it, stop it, STOP IT!!” It was a new low point. I’m sure there will be more….
and i always pray that nap times will be longer. 🙂
Lol! Oh man we’re so different! For instance, I always heard women talking about not being able to hold in their pee after a baby. While I have no issues with that…for the life of me I can’t hold in a fart after birthing my 10 pounder!! It straight up makes me blush! Like a few months after coming back to work I stepped over a pile of papers and…yep it just slipped out. Freaking hilarious.
Much love,
Nicole B.
Le sigh, MacGyver. Except I loved him because he could make a bomb out of chewing gum and a paperclip. I don’t think I’ve ever commented on your posts before, at least not a non-giveaway one, but I just had to tell you that I really enjoyed this one. I’m a 35 year old mom to 6, soon to be 7 kids. (4 his, 2 mine, and 1-to-be ours). I love God also, and love seeing your heart in this matter! You are a great momma….and I know this because only the good ones question if they are doing a good job. At least that’s what I tell myself. 🙂
Anyway, just wanted to say I am cheering you on!
Every pregnant girl reading this (like myself) immediately started doing their kegals :).
Glad to know I’m not alone in the weak bladder – I’m due with number #2 around the same time as your #3 and everytime I sneeze or laugh to hard something comes out – love your honesty about it!
Is it possible what you’re feeling is normal for every mother? In 2008, the average age of a first-time mother in the US was 25.1 (and rising). Life expectancy for women is 81 years old. Good news, I don’t think you’re middle aged 😉
I had to laugh at the comment about wishing your kids would sleep longer so you could snack. That was me. I have a major popcorn addiction and I was always told not to give young kids popcorn so I would save it for when the kids were sleeping. But then my son stopped napping so now he gets a popcorn snack too… And yes these things are all normal. Loved this post :).
I’ve been a long time reader but have never commented before. I usually come here for a peek at your latest project and a laugh, but I had to let you know that I adore this list. I’m about 10 years older than you and I remember that feeling that started to settle in about that age. I also started to give less of a crap of what OTHERS thought while taking a closer look at what I thought about MYSELF. It looks to me that you are more than OK with it and that is wonderful. I think you’re pretty great and thanks for being honest and authentic.
And as far as the Poise situation goes… sorry to say that a third child = pee-pee pants. Let us all take a moment for Michelle Duggar. 🙂
I love this post!! Thanks for sharing your randomness- and I died laughing about the Curious George verb- love it!! 🙂
Love it!
Your honesty is breathtaking. I related on all levels of this except the mom part but yes on the poise part. Life happens, sometimes we are too entrenched in in it that we forget to just let what happens happen. Thanks for writing!
I can relate to all of this. Rock on, KB
Girl, I rocked the pants off some Depends after my last baby. I had a natural delivery the first time, no issues but wholly Stromboli there was a ton of water when it broke. I was already at the hospital so I didn’t care about the mess. For my second, a friend suggested getting Depends to wear if my water broke at home, so I wouldn’t make a giant mess of the car. I got a box of those new Sillouette underwear kind and figured I use the rest of the box at nighttime during recovery. Well, ended up needing a planned C-section and I ended up wearing those Depends at the hospital. WAY more comfortable then mesh panties and 1940s giant pads. Made the hubs buy me a few more boxes, rocked those suckers for 2-3 weeks. Amazeballs! So comfortable I can’t even tell you how comfortable. I’d do it again, wish I had done it the first time around. Rock it, girl!
This should honestly, become a regular series for you! I love it!
Haha!! Fave. Blog. Post. Ever.
P.S. I am a 35 year old mother of 2 pre-teen daughters and I’m sorry to say, I still can’t jump on a trampoline or do plyometrics without incident. 😉
THANK YOU for #5 and #7. I feel as though there is at least one other person cut from the same cloth out there now. Feeling better, thanks!
Like this post coz I’m that too.. sometimes we are our own …go through these same feelings. But it’s good to be satisfied and to be okay with ur space. It’s amazing how much I’m like that and suddenly I pull up my socks… being the best and suddenly not the best. I wonder why that is… All I want is this happy state of mind and nothing else period. When I say these kinda feelings to my hub! He never gets them. Then I begin to wonder am I normal or am I complicated. Hahaa I’m running around circles.
Your post just made my day. It’s nice to hear someone else struggles with faith and who they are sometimes…especially someone I admire so much. Thank you!
I love your honesty. You are completly “normal” and that is one of the reasons I love reading your blog. Now when are you going to write your book?? I will be one of the first in line to buy it! Your writing is so honest and refreshing, not to mention, you are one of the most hilarious people I “know”.!!
Came here to say this. 🙂
Depends, hmmmm? 🙂 The fact that you want some uninterrupted time alone with Zooey and the cast of the New Girl is nothing to be ashamed of … isn’t that the magic of being a parent? Reveling in the YOU time that you have … which is slim. I’ve been a reader of yours for a few years and to me it looks like you have a happy family – Your boyfriend and boys are always smiling and they know their mama loves them!
Can I just say how awesome it is that your so normal!! If a mom says she doesn’t snap at her kids, hope they take a little longer of a nap, and let them eat food off the floor I feel sorry for the kids bc that means they have Bre Van De Camp for a mother! Yoir normal! And can I make a small request and please have a baby update! I need to know how this pregnacy is different from the other 2 and what your having or just some kind of update! Pretty please with a cherry on top!!
Thank you for this…. thank you for being so open and honest.
It is a characteristic that I still at times struggle with. I hate hurting peoples feelings.
You praying for 30 minutes longer was what I felt like this morning. Woke up at 6 when my husband left for work & prayed so hard that our little one would sleep 30-60 minutes longer. I do it frequently b/c sometimes you just have to recharge.
If your child isn’t sick or dying then a little corn pop off the floor, dirt on their faces & leaving them to play by themselves for 10 minutes while fussing will not harm them. Sometimes we do what we have to, to get through the day.
I hope that you deep down know that you are an amazing mom & never 2nd guess that. You stay home with your children which is one of the hardest jobs there is out there. Thank you for making us all feel normal & for the brutal (yet funny) honesty! We’ve been there!
xoxo – ashley
And this is why I love reading your blog!
This was awesome. I can so relate, and after I write this I’m going to google identical twins separated at birth. I must know what they look like! Also about the pee thing- yup, I got three little ones, it happens. But I got three words for you: Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist. Oops, that was four words. Anyway, find one and go see her! Mine was this amazing woman who knew waaaay more about my lady parts than any doctor I’ve ever met. It’s kind of an awkward appointment, but you don’t seem the type to shy away from awkward. 😉 I nicknamed her “The Vagina Whisperer.” Anyway, have a great day and I’ll cross my fingers for an extra long nap for ya!
Love the honesty, but I have to say, middle aged? (Looking at my parents and in laws I have to say I am looking forward to being 64 and alive and energetic.) I sure hope you want to/intend to live waaay past 90. 🙂 So, basically you just passed the first trimester of life.
Chalk up the rest to young mom of two/pregnant mom weariness. It’s not for the weak. Seriously.
Thanks for making me chuckle. Again. 🙂
Love this post! When will you be sharing what the little one is inside of you!?
If ya’ll are middle aged, then I’m just plain OLD…44 with a 4 year old and an 18 month old! You’re just a young chickie:) But in your 30s, you really do start to know yourself and I believe, love yourself more. 40s rock, too. Loved the post. Depends..oh yes. Kegels help!
You’re middle-aged just like you are “infertile.”
Come off it, Katie. What you are is full of horse shit.
Oh no, please tell me 32 isn’t considered middle age? Someone posted this on facebook and when I clicked on it I thought I was going to be readying a post written by an at least 45 year old about having kids late in life. I’ll stay in denial for now, because no way am I going to accept that at 29, I am almost middle-aged.
Loved the post though! #5 is me everyday. And probably almost every other parent. Oh and #7. One of my phone tabs will always include the Mickey Mouse hot dog song because it is the only way I am able to get my toddler to stay still during a diaper change. If anyone accidently closes that tab, they will be slowly tortured!
LOVE number 5!! and can totally relate to all of them!! This blog is one of my faves…keep on keepin’ on!!
I loved this post 🙂
Oh Katie, how I can relate to peeing your pants…well not yours but mine. I started doing the Insanity dvd’s and let me tell you…I pee my pants every.single.time. I actually started bringing my daughters potty to the basement to use mid jumping jack. We are actually getting a utility sink installed so I can rinse my potty out after my workout. True story. My name is Kelly and I pee my pants on the daily.
Love the honesty. Absolutely love the pictures. You have a gift and are blessed with beautiful children.
Can we agree to not refer to 32 as middle aged? Please and thank you.
A 29-year-old
You rock. That about sums it up. 🙂
LMAO!! Michelle Duggar. HA!!!
I don’t have anything to say, except I love posts like these. Love you and your honesty! <3
Random googling crown won by Katie Bower. And I thought I was bad!
Wendy, that comment about Michelle Duggar was hysterical…………….. absolutely hysterical! Made my day 🙂
I love how the love you feel for your children shines in all the pictures of them…….. and how you keep it so real. You’re doing fine Mama 🙂
A great, honest post! Also, Curious George as a verb is perfection!
Wish I lived on the East Coast so we could be friends! You’re the cutest! Love your honesty. And PS, these pictures are amazing. I hope that you framed a couple, what cutie pies. I’m hoping for a little bit of pink with the next one 😉
Boy do I feel you on #5 today lady! My 2yr old has been testy all morning, and having to discipline him always makes me feel awful! Especially when all my 36wks pregnant booty just wants to sit in the recliner and eat brownies!!
But that is what makes us human! And moms! And thank you for helping me feel better about it today 🙂
I love everything you said! My friend and I have discovered that after having kids you can’t do jumping jacks(we both have 2 kids)…you can tell which women have had kids in an exercise class…they all leave to visit the potty half way through jumping jacks. 🙂
I’m 33 and I feel the same away about just not caring anymore. And I’m almost never the mom I want to be but I’m a pretty damn good mom so I’ll take it… and yes, my kids eat food off the floor all the time and I might have breakfasts made entirely out of Little Debbie Nutter Butters when I tell them no candy for breakfast but you know, that’s why I’m the adult and do all the adult things so I can have a breakfast full of delicious chocolate/peanut butter.
Don’t worry to much about the Poise, your body and, um, “functions” will come back soon enough. 🙂
Thank you for the smiles today. Based off of the last few months of reading your blog, we’d be great, weird friends because your mind wanders about, like mine. Oh and I think middle age starts at 45.79, not 32. Have a wonderful happy day K-Dawg! If you haven’t been called K-Dawg yet, then I don’t know what’s wrong with peeps…seems like a name that would fit you.
I’ve read your blog for a few years now and have always loved your down to earth approach at life and your love for Jesus and your husband and kids. This post seems to be all inclusive of that and was incredible to read. My best friend and my husband will never understand how I could have a crush on Macgyver, when he was obviously so much older than me, but I had a serious infatuation and used to dream that we would solve problems together and that I would get to take rides in his truck. Thanks for the laugh today 🙂
Thanks for sharing this Katie! It was a great brain break for me in the middle of my day and your randomness brought a smile to my face.
Sometimes I think we were identical twins separated at birth, because I could have wrote this post myself. I’m so glad there is someone as quirky and honest as me out there. I mean that in the nicest way possible. Have a blessed and dry week!
I eat off the floor myself most days. Not as a regular meal-time practice, but you know what I mean…and if I don’t, the kids are going to find it anyway. 🙂
Posts like this, from you, are my favorite. Love your honesty, and most importantly, your weirdness. Keep on keepin’ on!
My mom was a single mother and my brother and I use to plot a way to have her meet and marry Richard Dean Anderson….it did not happen. What a stud.
A wonderful honest post! I struggle on being the Mom I think I should be and the reality of the Mom I am! I love my 3 year old to distraction and spoil him horribly, but I snap at him too! I hate that and beat myself up for not being calm 24/7. I love when he goes to bed and I can watch and do whatever I want! Last night he unwrapped 15 of the 25 presents I wrapped for a Christmas countdown, thanks Pinterest. I was a little upset, but I know i will laugh about this in years to come.
Oh Katie We love you too!!! and posts like this are why, I can totally relate on about 90% of this list. As for the depends issue, after 5 kids I was convinced that I needed surgery to put everything back where it’s supposed to be but the urologist sent me to a pelvic floor physical therapist (who knew there was such a thing?) she is my new bestie because I can sneeze again! when you’ve had this baby look one up they are lifesavers.
Just saw a PostSecret where a mom tells her kids they’re allergic to something so she doesn’t have to share the candy with them…
I love this.
That is all.
Love this! You are awesome and I can totally relate!
I hardly comment, but THIS is why we all love you Katie Bower! Thanks for keepin it real.
I don’t normally comment on your posts, though I enjoy reading them. But I wanted to let you know this post made me smile. As a new(ish) boy-mom I 1) enjoyed the pics of your boys, then 2) enjoyed how real you are and 3) appreciated how simply you stated your faith. I’ve never thought of my love relationship with Christ as being simple yet complicated, but totally agree with your statement there! Love is the most complex relationship there is! Thankful Jesus is more faithful than me and patient in dealing with complexities!
I love these posts. They are what keep this blog real…and not just a facade, like facebook where people paint perfect pictures of their lives. It’s what makes us feel close to you. Your realness, hilarity, your imperfect grammar (which i would never notice or criticize, but some point out to you!) and downright awesomeness.
You always say you love your readers and i would like to share with you something that this post gave me the guts to admit to you.
Last week (i think it was) I became very jealous of you, and it made me angry. Why is She so blessed? i thought to myself geez, they are opening a Crossfit Box, have two gorgeous homes, and more importantly two gorgeous babies with a third on it’s way. how *perfect* is her life?! her HOUSE. her BOYS are gorgeous! It was pure envy. And i didnt like it. I have been reading this blog for about 2.5 years now, and i have cried with you during your hard times, and laughed and smiled through others. So i know not everything is peaches and cream.
I contemplated emailing or posting a comment last week about what was going through my mind, but i swept it under the rug. Until this post today, and how it reminded you how real everything is. Also, thank you. Because when i got envious/jealous/whatever you want to call it last week. it made me think. made me think about all the blessings in my life. I am 31, have a life full of love (not married or no children yet..but hopefully a fiance sooon 😉 ), a beautiful home that i own, a job, and so what? So what if the entire upstairs of my house can fit into your master suite?? Now i am rambling…
I don’t really know if any of this makes sense…. So from a stranger, thank you. Thank you for this little blog about everything…and nothing. I love it. i love you and all the sharing you do! and i certainly love the few minutes respite it gives me away from work!
LOL! That’s brilliant. Wish I’d thought of that years ago… perhaps one day I’ll have grands to try it on!
KB, you are great… just awesome!
Loved this post and could relate to almost all of it. Thank you 🙂
Um…crawling out from under a rock here, but if you’re middle aged at 32, what does that make me at 49? (and a mother of a 10 year old)? Yikes….I realize most of your readers are on the young side probably, but still… be gentle with us old folks!
ha. You are so cool and you don’t even know it!
I can so relate on so many things you wrote:) With with baby #2 on the way I have been having the same problems in the sneezing department:( It’s nice to know I’m not alone:)
I used to just love your blog. I’m pretty sure I now love you. I can completely relate to all of this. All of it. I feel like you’re reading my mind.
You are too funny.
I think you just read my mind. Minus the depends part. But I do have a dog with a serious gas problem sleeping on my lap right now and farting in her sleep. I have been trying not to throw up for the past 30 minutes because I do not want to disturb my General Hospital (and possibly a Real Housewives if nap time goes well)/web surfing time. Anywho, I just wanted to tell you that you are in good company and I love reading your blog. Motherhood is hard. We need each other and need to know that others are going through the exact same thing. So kudos on the post!
Loved this, thanks for the smiles.
hahahaha Michelle Duggar – love her, but glad I don’t have her bladder
I really wish we friends in real life…. And this post is one of my favorites!
I scheduled my ‘reveal’ photoshoot for Thursday…so the earliest will probably be Monday. I know it’s weird to want to reveal that way but waiting a couple more days won’t hurt now 🙂
xo – kb
Probably Monday 🙂
xo – kb
You aren’t old! You are like me! I feel like that middle aged bracket is BIG. We are the not-young-not-yet-old…
xo – kb
Great, now I just had to google “identical twins separated at birth how do they look now” and have lost several minutes of my life 🙂 Loved this post
Amen, sister!
This is my first time commenting. But I can relate to most of these. Thanks for dipping into my thoughts and writing on your blog. You’re funny as heck girl.
I don’t do squats. I’ve had three all-natural births, two weighing over nine pounds, and my bladder is fine. I am shocked by all these comments! I didn’t realize this was such a problem. Very eye-opening. And confusing.
Wow, this whole post made me love you even more!
I love you!! You crack me up seriously.
I am however a little mad [yes I typed made 3 times while trying to type mad] at you though. We were pregnant at the same time [You with Weston and me with Clara – yes we have John & Sherrys’ daughters name as our daughters name] and I’m a little sad you didn’t wait for me for the next one 😛
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! 🙂
Don’t be mad! We want more so there is always next time!
xo – kb
#5 Was written for me for sure…while I identify with everything you said I know exactly how you feel on that one. 🙂 No you are not alone.
You know you can see a physical therapist for your pelvic floor! Look for one who’s women’s health certified.
Can’t believe you think you’re middle-aged at 30-anything!…With babies! My daughters are 42 and 43 and I have a hard time thinking if them as middle aged. I’m 64 and, although I know I won’t live to be 130, I feel like I’m barely out of middle age! Enjoy the blogs of all you youngsters, but believe me, you will look back on all this and smile : )
I’m not a middle aged mom, just middle aged…. :0
I Curious George the crap out of Google too. Sometimes I think about what if something were to happen to me and they went in and looked at my history, what would they think!?!?! LOL~
It’s funny…my mom always told me that middle aged was from 30 till 60….you aren’t quite young but not old…I guess it’s all relative and how you feel that counts!
xo – kb
Agreed! That means we’ll be dead at 60. Let’s just call it a 1/3 life crisis.
-Another 29 year old Elizabeth
A reveal photoshoot? Doesn’t everyone in your family already know? Seems like a desperate cry for attention.
I love your blog. Everything you said has such a ring of truth as I sit here reading your blog to take break after work, while my kids play outside. FYI I’m also eating something I don’t let my kids eat. All I keep thinking is I should really go play with them, but I just want a small rest 🙂
I love that you keep it so real Katie xx
I think that we must be twins separated at birth or perhaps sisters from different misters or something like that. Today I put my kids 3 kids down for nap/rest (two boy and a baby girl) and sat on the couch (which was surrounded by mess and christmas decorations that I have yet to deal with) and watched New Girl from last week while I munched on Chocolate Macadamian Nuts and Cheesies! Currently on my Iphone is Identical Twins who marry Identical twins, When does the Boy Meets Girl meets Boy new series start, and how to make a fire in a fireplace. I pee my pants all the time (after 3 kids it’s impossible not too) I often run out of underwear so my hairdryer has come in handy on more than one occasion. I am also 32! If you ever want to vacation in Victoria, British Columbia, look me up!
PS I love Macgyver when I was a kid!
#1 – definitely less embarrassing than the alternative. And less laundry.
#2 – sounds like a great place to be
#6 – I am always disturbed by the lack of chest hair. ew. Which means my favorite celebrities are country singers 😉
Or a desperate attempt to make this special for our family yearbook! I guess different folks different strokes!
xo kb
Really loved the post today Katie. It’s been a stressful week but your message today was very comforting (and made me laugh)- Thanks for keeping it real and putting things in perspective. You’re awesome!
Best post ever…seriously, loved it 🙂
” I am often not the mom I want to be. And then sometimes I am. But sometimes I’m not. And I think that is probably what makes me a mom.”
Love this,,, I have never commented on your blog, but today I needed this. I am new mom again ( 13 yr old and 19 mo old) and Recently had to go back to work after being a stay at home mom with my first. I feel like I’m not the mom I want to be or used to be, but maybe this is all part of the bigger plan! Thanks for making a overly tired over worked crazed mother feel normal today.
Great post! Thanks for keeping it ‘real’! For anyone that has given birth or has any bladder issues, I highly highly recommend the Hab It: Pelvic Floor DVD/workout. You can buy it off Amazon. Kegels can only do so much! And while peeing during pregnancy is normal it isn’t normal when not pregnant and the DVD can really help with that issue and pelvic floor weakness in general. I found this gem after my second baby and I’m so glad I did. Hope my comment is able to help others as this issue isn’t widely talked about.
If you’re old at 32, what’s that make me at 62. I sometimes feel 90, but usually still feel in my 30’s. Great pic’s of the boys, neighbor! Come see me sometime!
Love this post:) How far along are you now? I feel like we need a baby #3 update!
when you write identical twins separated at birth, I was thinking like siamese twins, surgically separated at birth!
MacGyver…was totally obsessed! My brothers and I would watch it every day after school. I rarely comment but want you to know I look forward to your posts bc they make me laugh and you keep it real. Hate to tell you, but keep those Poise pads around for a long time! These dang kids are horrible for bladder control! 😉
Monday, huh? Funny because you have known for quite some time, yet that is right after your “BFFs” do their reveal on Friday.
So you made me google what is considered middle age and according to the always correct wikipedia – it definitely does not start before at least 35, 40 is a more common starting point… anyway, it made me panic that I was middle aged at 30. We’re not there yet! And yes I feel ya being pregnant with #3 too – the coughing and sneezing are no good. My one two year old is potty training and gets so upset if there is one drop of pee on her undies – and I am like girl please that is nothing!
I loved your post and completely relate – isn’t motherhood awesome and awful at the same time? But what a blessing that we get to experience this 🙂
Yikes. I know you like to come across as “adorkable” and quirky- but admitting you need an adult diaper? I just can’t wrap my brain around sharing that info with the entire world- friends, family, folks from your church, your husband’s co-workers…? I’m a bit embarrassed for you :/
Seriously – what is up with the unable to control pee thing! That has to be the worst. I’m currently pregnant with my third and recently realized that while vomiting (sorry – that’s TMI and gross!) I lose all bladder control. It’s like my water breaks every time. I’m just thankful it hasn’t occurred in public… yet. I haven’t thought about getting Depends, although it will make me feel like I’m 109 I might just have to bite the bullet and do it.
Why didn’t you do this reveal photoshoot in the many weeks you have already known the sex while you were waiting to tell the grandparents??! That was your last excuse for not sharing and now there’s a whole new one! I enjoy your blog but this is just getting ridiculous. I’m guessing you’ve noticed page views are up as people continue checking in each day to see if you’ve announced so that’s why you’ve extended again. If you were my BFF in real life, I’d tell you to come off it and that it’s getting a little annoying, so I may as well say the same to you 🙂
No more a desperate cry for attention than leaving unnecessary rude comments on the way one chooses to document their big life moments. Can’t wait for that post KB! <3
I am also a 32 year old mother of two, and this was 1) one of my favorite posts you have ever written, and 2) one of the most relatable pieces I have ever read, ever. Thanks, Katie. You inspire me with your lateness and lazy mothering because I live in your world. Love!
And these are reasons why I cannot miss a post from you! You’re REAL! You’re unapologetically yourself, and it’s wonderful 🙂 Thank you Katie!
Keep those Depends for post partum, they are so much better than those stupid mesh underwear.
Why didn’t we do the photoshoot before? Is that your question? Because it’s not that big of a deal…and like I said in the post…no sense of time.
xo – kb
Yup. Sherry texted me telling me that she is doing hers Friday and I can’t be more thrilled for them! I hope their little one cooperates with the ultrasound tomorrow! I think this next week must be the week for reveals…because Chris Loves Julia just did theirs!
xo – kb
I am almost done with the second trimester!
xo – kb
xo – kb
Oh I’ve shared way worse than that….
xo – kb
Bought my first depends at 24 after the birth of my first child. They are awesome – absolutely no judgement here. I also have no drive for competition. Personal best is about as good as it gets for me. Thanks for keeping it real.
Yes #5!!
I totally pray for an extra few minutes so I can catch up on my favorite shows and enjoy my favorite treats WITHOUT SHARING!
🙂 You are lovely!
Hands down, this is the best post I read on-line in a long time! I’m a mom of 2 girls (7 & 3) and I totally get it! Plus Google is one of my BFF’s … he always has an answer for me, no matter what I ask.
Commented before but do not see it. Just wanted to say, great post. Love the honesty and absolutely love the pics. You have beautiful children.
And this is why you are my favorite blogger!!
Where did you get Weston’s sweater?
I swear it’s like you peek in my brain and find what I need to read, then say it here. Not every post, but when I’m having a hard week, your blog is my comic relief, my idea area, my go to for decor ideas..
I’m 33, and haven’t tried the diapers…. Do they work? I feel ke I’m at the point where I should… I thought because I had 3 csections it’d get to skip that part. #stillhappensALLTHETIME
I adore you KB, for keepin’ it real, for sharing your heart, and for how very talented you are as a whole person. I often say to my hubby Joe, “look what KB did, I want a kitchen like hers, I want to have it all together like her. ”
So, reading this makes me feel like more of a normal, snappy,mtv watching, real mom. Just trying to love my little family, and be me. This post made me all teary eyed. Today Katie Bower, I’m ever so thankful for you and your blog. xoxo
Ps, Weston’s party was so cool. Love the theme and everything.
Baby Gap ages ago 🙂
xo – kb
Aww thank you. That was such a sweet comment!
xo – kb
Thank you!
Are the poise working?
Number 7!! Number 7 made me laugh hysterically!
That was simply awesome!
Your comment for item #1 struck a cord with me – I have found myself in the same boat. (By the way, I have heard that the adult diaper industry is growing like CRAZY as the baby boomer generation ages). I found this online workout site that is AMAZING! It’s all about healing your body from things like childbirth. I read about it on another blog, The Humbled Homemaker. I joined and I have noticed a difference when I cough – it’s great. It’s called Fit 2 B Studio ( They have lots of workouts that are 10 mins or less – I can’t workout any longer than that with two little kids at home. LOVE IT!!!
So far so good 🙂
xo kb
So, basically you’re telling Katie that she SHOULD feel a certain way, and that since she doesn’t, you’re going to go ahead and feel it for her? That’s puzzling. Just because YOU would be embarrassed if your church/ husband’s co-workers/ whoever knew that about you, doesn’t necessarily mean that Katie should.
A reveal photo shoot sounds like fun! We were the “surprise” type- all three times! I hope you have a blast, and I hope you can just ignore these rude commenters. It’s your body, your baby, and your blog, so you get to do it just the way you want! I really don’t understand why other people care so much anyway! The rudeness is mind blowing!
Is it so hard to imagine that someone who runs after two little ones all day while pregnant might FEEL middle aged? My goodness, what’s it to you? Why would you care so much to make this rude comment? I’ve got 6 years on Katie, and sometimes I feel older than dirt, and other times I feel like I just graduated high school yesterday!
Katy, since when is 32 middle aged???????????????? Girl, you’ve barely hit your prime! You are too young to be calling yourself that! You are awesome, funny, and have adorable babies! Can’t wait to find out what #3 looks like! Merry Christmas to you and your precious crew!
I love your honesty Katie! I don’t know why our society has this disillusion that mothers are supposed to be perfect. They never have been and never will be!
I love your comment about immune to criticism. When people judge or critique us for who we are, it’s usually because of their own insecurities. Lord help us to love unconditionally!
I always enjoy reading your blog!
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!
People are so CRAZY on here! It’s up to KB as to when, why, how, if….she decides to share the gender or any other info about her baby! People should just be happy for her and leave the ridiculous comments off her site!
Cant wait to see the reveal photos! What a great idea!! Love your blog! XO.
Oh my goodness. Katie Bower. You are the best. Best. That is all.
I LOVE THIS POST!!!! I love your blog anyway, BUT this post is right up my alley. Thank you for your weirdness (makes my weirdness seem ok LOL) and your honesty!!!
As the 54 year old mom of 14 and 10 year old boys I actually laughed out loud when I read this pos: 32 = Middle age? You have GOT to be kidding, right????? You should go back to this post when you are 50ish (um ACTUAL middle age) and you will find your self chuckling at your YOUNG self!
I’m with Jude — you are SO not middle aged, girlfriend. Wait until 40 is looming at your next birthday and then talk to me about middle aged. 😉 (You know I’m teasing, right? Because I really do think you’re great.)
Also, I think it’s HILARIOUS that you made a verb out of Curious George. I was skeptical when Google became a verb, but now I say it all the time…I may have to switch it up. Curious George is the new Google. 😉
I LOVE YOU!! And 32 is soooo not middle-aged!!!! I’m 36 and think middle-age is closer to 50. Not that we’ll all live to be 100, but it seems more middle-of-your-life to me. Definitely NOT 32, girl! 🙂
Loved reading this!!!!
Katie, first middle aged?! Crap…where does that put me at 42 (am I 42…counting…yes I am) Second, this is my first time commenting on your blog but I had to cuz at this point I am pretty certain we are identical twins separated at birth (except for the fact that we look nothing alike and I am way older, and a half dozen other facts that totally disprove my theory, but whatev…) in my brain we are the exactly the same! I love your blog not even for all your nifty projects but because when you think it’s like my own conversations with myself…hilarious and comfortable (except I use tons more “colorful’ language nudge nudge…it’s a bad habit) its just like I know you!
Good for you that you want people you love to know you love them, and given that, they most surely do. Excellent for you that you don’t really give a hoot what others think of you. And finally…I will somehow steal the new Curious George adjective and use it! Be well, feel blessed as you are and keep doin’ what you’re doin’! Love it!
Thanks Teri! And we totally fall in the same category. Maybe it comes from being homeschooled but I honestly feel like I am in a huge bracket of women age-wise. I guess some folks think differently…
and your comment totally made my night. It was so sweet and encouraging 🙂
xo – kb
But really…who can’t love you? You’re awesome!
#5 and #7 just made me love you even more.
No one likes a hater, Barb & Nicole.
And the backhanded passive-aggressive smiley face at the end, Nicole? If I even saw you in real life (we’d never be friends) I’d tell you to get off your high horse and learn some manners.
And everyone knows Katie is competing with Sherry. <-sarcasm.
My goodness. I thought adults read this blog.
Grinds my gears when people pit these two friends together. Props to you Katie (and Sherry) for not letting those in the cheap seats ruin a great friendship.
BTW, congratulations on Baby Bower Boy no.3!!! I'm thrilled for you and know you will be an unreal badass mama. You're awesome-sauce and I enjoy your blog and am in awe of the frequency of updates considering you're already running around after two boys and have another in your belly – I have just the one boy and struggle to shower or eat enough let alone host amazing parties and do photo shoots and run a blog……. RESPECT!!!!!!!!!!
Those that get their Depends in a bunch about Katie saying she ‘feels’ middle-aged need to grow a spine. ‘Middle-aged’ doesn’t have a definitive age-parameter but is veeeeery roughly 30-60 and that gap increases as the life expectancy increases.
And S.? You’re a douche. Just sayin’.
Folks are getting sooooo touchy about everything: the middle-aged comment, gender reveal photoshoot etc.etc. I get being a fan but why are people sooooo invested in absolutely everything Katie says/does? Or maybe they’re not and they just feel powerful behind a monitor/keyboard and get their jollies off critiquing anonymously?
Everything I say online, I make sure it’s something I’d be able to say to someone’s face. I have no problems calling out douchey people in real life, so I’ll do it online too.
I love this blog and think Katie’s doing a tremendous job. Takes a lot of conviction and guts and I admire her for it.
This is why we all love you! Your transparency is so refreshing! 🙂
I’m definitely an 80’s child (I’m a smidge bit older than you) and I think we were going to marry that same celebrity character (#6)!
Agreed. You don’t qualify for middle-age quite yet, Katie, honey. Check back in about 10-15 years.
And as a mom of 3, if you don’t snap at your children once in a while, you’re not human and THEY aren’t going to learn that other people (including mom) have moods and feelings too. They can be the centre of your universe but never let them think they are the centre of THE universe.
Happy Christmas and best in the new year with your lovely family.
After reading number 7 about googling everything and anything random I now know I’m not the only one!! Thank you for being you and making us smile!