Okay clue #3 comes with a bit more juice…
What kinda juice? The juicy kind.
Here is the juicy tip that I know you are dying for – the correct answer has been guessed. Which one?
Nanna nanna boo boo…I’m not tellin 🙂
So which was it? Dining room? Patio? Bar? Kitchen? Human growin? The International Space Station? Hmmm….I guess we will have to wait and see!
clue 3 looks like an exploded tampon so im sticking with you are pregos and are in the process of a nursery. =P
but i must admit, the basement reno is a good guess too!
Clue #3 looks like a VERY close-up shot of a paint brush? So I’m going to guess you’re painting and hardwooding a nursery?!?
I really hope it’s a really funny baby.
thanks a bunch Shannon! i was going crazy trying to figure out what clue # 3 was!!! lol. i think i’m gonna go w/everyone on this one & vote that it’s a nursery you’re working on.
Hmm, I was going to say basement because I don’t *think* you are finished with it? But Katie didn’t mention it in this post so now I wonder…my second guess is nursery and third is dining room…does that cover all the options?! Lol. Hmm. Back on the old blog there was a lot of missing BCP on your monthly goal list, maybe it IS a nursery??!!
it better be a baby!!! Otherwise I will be disappointed 🙁
Priscila & Shannon – you are cracking me up!
Mandy – gosh, your memory is very good! I should have you come over to remind me about the pill cause mine stinks…
I guess you will have to wait till Tuesday to get the scoop!
XO – Katie
This looks like a paint brush to me, too. But with how neat and clean you keep your brushes, I can’t imagine that this exploded looking thing is a regular brush… some kind of faux finishing device?
I stick with my dining room guess, but I truthfully have no idea what it would look like from these clues!
weeeeeell, if it IS a nursery you wouldn’t need reminding…. ; )
Oh I must know what it is! I’ve been trying to figure it out and I really have no clue.
I need another clue!
looks to me like someone’s getting highlights, lol.
I’m a terrible guesser, but I’m looking forward to knowing what in the world it is.
i just give up…
It’s hair dye on your roots because you cant do it anymore when you are pregnant!
Looks like a gnarly yucca plant to me. Not sure what that has to do with my hopes of a bacon-related project…