I have been in our backyard a total of eight times. One time it was to watch Burger pee.
Seriously. both about the number of times and the pee thing.
We moved into the house almost two and a half years ago and it’s like a jungle back there.
So you should count your lucky stars that I took this photo. and survived.
I almost died. The bugs looked at me like Reuben Studdard looks at an all-you-can-eat wings buffet.
So why am I showing you the back of our house? And why would I raise awareness about the bug-infestation that is our woods? Well, funny you should ask. We were getting so much done in the front yard (and I am a habitual project-starter) we thought that we would get a few trees downed in the back yard before they took out our house. and it’s inhabitants. And my boyfriend’s television. And my fridge…that holds the bacon.
Obviously I am eager to share the exciting process. And introduce you to the studs that took our badest boy – a big daddy pine down…to the ground…to get out of the rain…boom…booom…booom! So here he is:
So huge-eronomous that one photo wouldn’t cut it.
First, we hired a guy from our church, Jason Chapman. He’s a pro tree chopper. and affordable. And of course, you remember Eric the Yard Dude. He’s the one that helped us with our front yard. (boys avert your eyes if you would like to continue remaining hetero….this is your final warning.)
Jason quickly harnessed up with these spikey leg thingies.
And started climbing the tree.
And he climbed.
And climbed.
And climbed. Can you see him way up there?
There he is. No fear of heights here. I mean…there. Heights make me have accidents.
Along the way, he cut off little branches. But the point of the mile-high climb was to tie a couple extra long ropes to the top. You see, these boys were gonna fall this thing in one giant move…instead of chopping off sections at a time.
blogworthy?…you can betcha your front row tickets to NKOTB on it!
So Eric was busy on the ground getting the tree lines attached to winches. They were going to use this rope system to ensure that the tree would fall exactly where they wanted it to.
The Takeuchi was their wingman. Ensured that this big fella was gonna bang Mother Earth just right….get your mind outta the gutter you pervs 🙂
So they began cutting.
About ten minutes later, this big hoss was on the ground. Yay for winches.
The wingman did the cleanup. He often does 🙂
And because I am feeling extra excited about chopping down a potentially house-wrecking pine tree, I put a little video together below for your viewing pleasure. or you can click on this link to see it 🙂
One hundred thousand points to whomever can name that tune!
Oh and if you need a good tree chopper in the Atlanta area, email me and I will send you Jason’s number! Happy chopping ya’ll!
I don’t need any trees chopped down, nor am I in the Atlanta area, but I’ll take his number anyway. Hot d****************! 🙂
I’m so distracted by the hot, shirtless man that I really didn’t catch a word you said.
All I know is I have a LOT of trees in Kentucky I need chopped down. LOTS OF TREES.
Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9???? My brain isn’t working properly (hottie overload), so I may be wrong . . . LOVE your blog!!!! (I stalk it every day . . . wait . . . too much info?)
I just spent way too much time trying to figure out where I’ve heard that song. I can’t remember, but I would be extremely disappointed in your creativity if it’s not by Chopin. I’m going to continue looking cause I want the points.
Whoa… shirtless??? I can’t believe you have an enormous yard like that and don’t have it all decked out to enjoy daily! I’d never leave if I had that big (and private) of a backyard!
Hah – we actually do need a tree chopped down before it takes out another power line. I sure hope we have hot tree-chopping dudes like that here in Massachusetts! Loved the Ruben reference, BTW. 🙂
Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, 2nd Movement.
um, so what if i don’t live in atlanta and don’t have any trees that need chopped? can i still have jason’s number?? pretty please?? 😉
You’re lucky to have beautiful pine tress to chop. Here in Miami, I only have Palm trees, they get boring after a while. You’re a lucky girl having those hot looking guys chopping trees for you.
I just planted some trees so that I can call this shirtless hunk of man to come chop them down.
Points to Catherine and Wes.
Good job ya’ll 🙂
XO – Katie
Even though I’m a married woman, I can appreciate a good looking fella when I see one (from an artistic perspective, you understand). Part way through your post, I had to double check what you wrote – I thought you said Jason was going in for the mile-high club, instead of the mile-high climb!
oh, I hope this is the beginning of some fun backyard makeovers! you have an awesome back yard!!
Oh, Eric the Yard Dude is so cute – love him! Glad he made another appearance on ABP. I support you in all of your decor decisions but am sad you cut down that tree. I guess if it was threatening the bacon, it had to go. Way jealous of your backyard. And, of course, you spending time with Jason and Eric. And being around Jason while he was shirtless. Could you please write a follow up post soon called “Eric the Yard Dude Without His Shirt”?
LMAO at “the wingman does the cleanup. he often does.”
You crack me up.
Hello HOT tree chopper Jason!!! I don’t have any trees but can I have his number anyway? WHOA!!!!
I’ll take one of each!!! Heeelllllooo husbands!!!
I enjoy browsing your site and inspire a woman to get going on her own projects. Thanx…..
Note: On your photoshop Aimee Boudour there is a posting not sure you put it there might want to confirm: I went into it and stated it was personal. ?????
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Ok, so I consider myself a tree-hugger and hate to see any tree come down, but you have to do what you have to do to protect your home. And I gotta say that was one cool video. Way better than pictures! And my daughter (turning two Aug 1st) made me watch it three times in a row! Oh wait, here she is again, make that four!
That’s strange Susan – I went and looked but didn’t see what you were referring to…maybe it was a fluke! Let’s hope so 🙂
Hi Laura – I think of myself as a tree/plant/shrub/flower-lover and am proud to say that I plan on planting at least three oxygen-manufacturing-deciduous trees for each pine we give the axe…err…chainsaw 🙂
XO – Katie
ohhh pick me! i live in atlanta and could start have trees chopped down, just if it means jason the tree chopper would come and visit. does he have a website that we can review for, ehm, “business purposes”… that would be dandy…
Looking back in your archives and I wondered what furniture did you end up getting from your grandma’s estate? I was just curious. Hope that’s not too nosey.
I don’t know which side of ATL you are on, but we had success with Newman Tree Services when we had to large magnolias removed last year.
Yeah…I’m married to a wanna be lumber jack BUT…I’d take your lumberjack for a spin or two! 🙂 LOL
our backyard is jungle-like as well. I was watering the plants the other evening and looked down to find FOUR mosquitos on one leg. seriously?!
I am from Atlanta (my parents still live there) I would totally drive back to see Jason take some trees down in their yard. Actually they do have some dead ones they need removed…you should email me Jason’s #. Seriously. 🙂
More details please. How old is tree chopper Jason, is he single and has he thought of moving to New England? Lots of trees here to chop.
Holy Hottness!!! You have some might fine looking tree choppers!!
While I do appreciate the boy-view, I am quite interested in all those life rings on the trees trunk. Did you check it out? Did you count the rings to find the age of the tree? Ya, I’m a bit of a geek.
Whoa Nellies…Jason will have to suffice as total eye-candy…he’s hitched and has a new baby boy…and you should see that kid topless…it’s outta this world 🙂
Thanks for the recommendation Sweetteaandlemons…will definitely keep that name lodged in my tree-chopping roledex 🙂
Hi Focipresley – ACTUALLY I did count them – 38. I guess the midlife crisis is a true thing even for trees!
XO – Katie