Originally written on July 30, 2009
I decided to pop the question.
He didn’t know it yet but my poor helpless boyfriend was about to be attacked by his knocked up wife. He’s like one of those poor motorists on the side of a mountain. Driving down a curvy road. He knows there is danger. He knows that the low shoulder may cause his car to drift off the cliff. But the views? Oh the views are spectacular. Especially the one of him buried alive underneath 15 million tons of rubble. That is what is about to happen people. An avalanche of hormones, afterbirth and poopie diapers are about to crush my poor husband. my poor boyfriend. my friend.
With a bazillion mental pictures of my helpless mate crushed under the weight of this announcement, I decided to take one more test.
Maybe the first three were wrong.
Maybe that expensive brand just gives false positives. Maybe those money hungry pregnancy test makers just wanna freak you out so that you will buy more to ensure that indeed there is a dinosaur growing in your hootch. I need the cheap brand. The cheap brand test is what I should have bought in the first place. The cheap brand never lies.
(enter cheap brand peeing here)
Dang cheap brand. They must be in cahoots with the expensive brand.
Ok – so I guess that means that I must tell him. The slideshow is ready. The lie has been planted. (I previously told my boyfriend that I made him a slideshow for our anniversary which is over two months away). Now. it. is. go. time.
I completely lied to get him to sit down with me and watch the little ditty called “50 questions”. It is 50 black and white photos of me and him with questions that pop up – questions that are meaningful to the both of us. Questions that make us laugh. Questions that were important. Questions that are totally inside jokes. And the last one…the last one is a picture of me with a positive test…and the question says…
“Will you be my baby-daddy?”
[vimeo vimeo.com/5822003]
That is an amazing way to tell! We are going to be trying to produce some offspring soon, and I want to be able to tell him in a great way… such a fantastic idea!! Our last name is Bunn, and everyone tells me I should just put some bunns in the oven. I think that’s too obvious though! Any other cute ideas?
Ahh! So cute! I can’t wait to see what his reaction is.
Katie, that is an awesome way to tell your boyfriend that he knocked you up! 🙂 Man, seems like everyone I know (and those I don’t) is getting preggers!
That was so cute, and so creative! I love the last song choice 🙂
Hey Katie! That was amazing and such a thoughtful way to tell the boyfriend!
Oh that’s great! What a fun way to tell the boyfriend! Wish I had half your creativity.
That’s probably the cutest way to share the news with your bf/hubby. I love it!
Katie, this was so adorable and thoughtful….hope he loved it!!! Thanks for sharing your journey! PS LOVED the song selections!! : )
Aww, that’s awesome! Did the BF have any idea what was going on? Come on, spill the beans.
That was fantastic! Congrats.
Awww. You are so cute. And clever.
This was awesome!!
You are so creative and also so brave to share all these intimate moments of your life with strangers all voer the net. I feel like I know you and we should be friends.
Great Job…now spill the beans on his reaction 🙂
Very excited for you both!
That was so cute! I think I would have been freaking out so much to never have come up with such a memorable way to tell him.
So cute! Now you’ll have to tell us his reaction!
oh my gosh!!! So cute and creative. You’re going to tell us his reaction next right? I’m on pins and needles!
So cute!!!!
BRILLIANT!!! Oh you have to tell us his reaction!
So cute!!! I’ll bet he was surprised and happy!
I loved your DIY and home decor blog entries…but this all takes the cake. Even better than the “cat scan.” I hate to say ROFL, but that’s practically what this baby-daddy story is doing to me!
How exciting! Can’t wait to “meet” the Bower bambino/a!
Thank you for sharing the video with us! LOVE IT! I’m so happy for you and Jeremy.
AHhhh!!! You’re just going to leave us hanging?!!! What was his reaction?!!! (Total personal question that you can please ignore, but I’ve been curious as to whether this was a “surprise” or not, as you haven’t talked about taking your B.C. pills for awhile. So I thought you were trying, but you’ve seemed so surprised in your posts, I admit to wondering. But I know it’s none of my/our business!)
Only you, Katie Bower, only you. haha, love it! I love a good baby-daddy announcement story, I can’t wait to see how this one turns out.
LOVE it!!
I love the telling of the ‘Summer Bower Baby Saga’! But, it’s also driving me crazy! I’m checking your blog, like 15 times a day to catch the next chapter in the story. Wait a minute… this is all part of your master plan to increase readership of your blog, right? BRILLIANT idea – you had me at “I’m gonna be a mummy.”
So cute! I wish I could have waited and done something super-adorable like this, but I basically hopped back into bed after taking the test and said “Hi Daddy!” Best of luck with your little package, we can’t wait for ours to get here in January!
Congratulations! You are so creative. Looking forward to reading the next part of the story 🙂
that was really great. far more romantic that the way I told my hubby. I thought it was funny that some of your questions, although personal to you and your bf, could be inside jokes with me and my hub for totally diff reasons. Very sweet. Can’t wait to hear about his reaction.
Way too cute, you are! And your boyfriend is much more cool with taking pictures than mine, FO SHO!
“enter cheap brand peeing here” . hysterical
I knew I was going to cry!! That is the sweetest thing! I often daydream about how I’ll tell my man if it happens. Oh – in your pic “Does this ring make me look fat?” Um…no, but you look like Kristin Davis, Charlotte on Sex in the City
katie , gosh so happy for both of u,
u will be great crazy funny parents!
u are soo pretty funny smart and your ouse is sooo great! u always make me feel better:)
kisses from cooool poland
OMG!!! I love it! Your slideshow made me tear up 🙂 Question: one of the questions was “can you please savor it?” I was wondering if Jeremy does what my boyfriend (a former Marine) does, and absolutely INHALE food?!? Because I will work so hard on something and he eats it in a nanosecond. I don’t know how he even tastes his food sometimes! If we’re having a romantic dinner I sometimes ask him to eat slow at my pace, and it’s so hard for him, lol!
So great. Congratulations!
and what did he think?! adorable! absolutely sweet. congrats again.
Ok second comment on this post. I am confused, is Jeremy a Red Sox fan or a Yankee fan? There were a lot of pictures with the ‘B’ hat but then there was at least 1 with a ‘NY’ hat.
To be honest, I am just as confused as you. I don’t think he is a fan of either. He might be just a fan of dark blue hats. I have no idea 🙂
XO – Katie
Ah! This brought little tears to my eyes! Can’t wait to marry my boyfriend (July 2010) and give him a little bundle of joy!!
Hmmm, the Yankees hat is having me rethink our virtual friendship 😉
Woah woah woah, did I just see a NYY hat? Are you guys Yankees fans?? Cuz we sure are! 🙂
P.S. This is probably the best idea I have EVER heard for sharing the news with the hubs! Great music, too!
AWESOME!!! I love it! You are so clever and creative 🙂
VERY cute…and I applaud your ability to keep the secret for days! I told my hubby as soon as the stick dried! 🙂
I just have to say, you spoiled the ending, I know you are holding (baby), and i still cried at the end.