Originally written on September 21, 2009
In-laws for most people can be a tricky bunch. You never know exactly what is going on. You know they care about you but there can be uncertainty in other areas. But with Jeremy’s parents, I have always known one thing with 1000% certainty…they want a grandbaby.
So going to visit them and telling them all about little Grandbaby Bower was really exciting. Especially when it came to Jeremy’s father – Pastor Dad. You see, he works at a church and all of his fellow church-workers have started having grandkids. But not Pastor Dad. So we decided to come up with a little plan to break it to him & Nurse Vicki (Jeremy’s stepmom) that would allow him to brag it all over the sanctuary, offices, and fellowship hall.
Enter the matching t-shirts:
We originally had them wrapped up in a bag and told the pair that it was a small thank-you gift for helping us with the yard renovation. As Pastor Dad pulled out his shirt – he held it up and said “oh, that’s nice.”
Apparently the message wasn’t as clear as we had thought it would be.
But then Nurse Vicki whispered “are you pregnant?”
I just nodded and smiled.
Pastor Dad was still a little confused…I don’t think that he could hear Vicki barely ask the all-important question.
Then Nurse Vicki turned to him and clarified “They are going to have a baby!”
Immediately it clicked.
Pastor Dad was all smiles as he confessed “I just thought you were preparing us for the future. You know. Giving us the t-shirt so that we would be prepared one day!”
We spent the rest of the night telling them our ideas for baby names, talking about the names they would have to pick for themselves (Would it be Grandpa? Pawpaw? GrandPastorDad?) and how they could break it to the friends at their church.
Telling Jeremy’s mom was entirely up to my sweet boyfriend. He planned what we would say. He decided that he wanted to do it in a way that would catch her offguard. So off to Mom’s house we went. We (Mom, my boytoy, me and Jeremy’s grandmother) were sitting outside and talking about cars. Because that is something normal…and lowkey…and would be totally unrelated to procreation. And that is when Jeremy asked “Mom – does your car fit a carseat?”….like there would be a car that doesn’t fit a carseat. She replied calmly “Oh yes. It would fit.”
And then our master plan dictated the grand surprise.
“GOOD. CAUSE WE ARE GONNA HAVE A BABY!” we both yelled in unison. Yelling always seems to help people know that they should be surprised. I do when I clean the bathroom – JEREMY I CLEANED THE BATHROOM! – and he definitely is taken back.
Her face lite up and she ran over and hugged us both. No confusion here. It was out in the open and we definitely caught her off guard. It was perfect. We ended up snapping a few photos before heading off to celebrate.
Now that the big news was out – we only had a few more people to tell. A few more grand reveals. It was a relief…knowing that everyone knew. That it was no longer a burden….a secret with the weight of a new life. It was the first rest stop on a long trip – the one that gives you a chance to smile and defuse. It was exactly what I needed. Just to focus on celebrating my new role in this family….and I was eating it up with a baby spoon 🙂
You’ve got to feel a little lighter after sharing the news with both of your parents.
P.S. I started laughing and almost choked on my oatmeal when I read the “JEREMY I CLEANED THE BATHROOM” part. I love reading your blog
so sweet. 🙂 glad that everyone is so excited for the baby!
i admit i sometimes have mini-daydreams of ways to break the news to our families, even though we are years away from that!
how did you hide it when you first walked up to Jeremy’s mom? bigger sweater??
Fun, fun, fun! Can’t wait to hear more!
Ahh I love hearing these stories! Stop getting me misty eyed at work – lol
okay…now listen….I realize you are over 20 weeks now…
when the HECK are you going to let us in on the sex of this little one?!??!?! WE ARE DYING TO KNOW!! 🙂
Katie, dear sweet bff Katie – we still don’t know. The gender results are sitting in an envelope at home ready for Thanksgiving day (when we plan to have my 5 year old nephew read the results!) We will definitely let you know when we find out! Until then – keep your britches on….or off, if that’s how you roll 🙂
XO – Katie
You do remember our cell numbers…right? We love you all and are looking forward to seeing our favorite daughter-in-law real soon!!
Gramps & Grammy (also known as Pastor Dad & Nurse Vicki),
We are gonna have you dialed in for the gender announcement! Don’t fret, you will hear all the rucus of the Thanksgiving reveal (and then some!) Keep praying for Jeremy – it might possibly just kill him having to wait till then (he claims that the envelope is calling him by name!).
XO – Katie
Very nice. That bathroom comment was too funny! And you look great in that last pic, you’ve really got that pregnancy glow! So does your hubby, but his is more like a proud daddy look.
“JEREMY I CLEANED THE BATHROOM!” had me LOL. Keep it coming, KB. I hope that baby Bower helps you to keep pumping out the gems of hilarity.
hahah 🙂 okay okay…we’ll keep the britches ON…of course…that’s if I haven’t peed in them from spewing my guts….(Oh did I just say that outloud?!! Another side effect of pregnancy..weak bladder..when it comes to spewing…sad and pathetic…anyway..bunny trail.)
Okay-Can’t wait to hear! thats super exciting!
I am going WEDNESDAY!! (of next week!)…can’t….WAIT!
Happy thanksgiving
-The other KB
ps: tomorrow on my blog (wednesday)…I discuss my lovely pee while puking scenario…dont miss it 😉 haha
Your parents must be so excited. I love the shirts.
Take care,
I love it! Such cute ways to share the news.
Oh MY! Jeremy looks just like his mom. I think this is the first picture I have seen of her. I kept looking for the resemblance in the pix of Pastor Dad, but now I have seen the light 🙂
That’s funny that Jeremy’s dad didn’t get… my parents didn’t get it either 🙂 We bought them little grandma and grandpa picture frames. My parents were just like, “Thanks.”
Anyway, I just found your blog, and I love, love, l.o.v.e. it!!!
Thank you, Lori….My side of the family is better looking….lol…can you believe I am just now reading this post? – Jill Bower