Jeremy peaked over my shoulder when I created this board and he said “that’s an awesome jacket…wait…is that a kid’s jacket?!”.
It’s true. It’s awesome. It’s a total thunder stealer because everything else below is really cute too but then it swoops in like a caveman with a butane burner…
Gap is one of those places that I can count on if I am in a pinch for something REALLY adorable. The prices? eh. not as adorable. But the resale on them is decent via consignment if you can manage to keep them stain free. My advice for a small budget? Splurge on Gap items if you are dressing your little guy for a photoshoot (you’ll look at those photos all the time!) or a special event (like a Christmas pageant or your sister’s wedding).
Baby GAP really is so cute for clothes!! I just wish they were a little more reasonably priced. Blurgh.
And that jacket is GOOOOOONE!!!
I love Gap kids clothes but they are pricey. They have decent sales though!
Katie- love your blog but… enough with the clothes posts! It would be one thing to expose us to some wonderful unknown shops- but you’re telling us about the most popular stores: Gap, Target, Children’s Place. I LOVE that you’re making a huge effort to post more, but these type of posts are bland and getting old. I’m not hating on your blog, just giving you my honest feedback.
Hey Katie! Just wanted to say thanks for writing these types of posts, I have two boys and don’t have time to shop around for them so it’s like you’ve already narrowed down some items for me, saving me time! We are headed to H&M tomorrow and I hope to score some of the items you posted about from there.
PS: the link to the jacket takes me to men’s jackets…
amber, i agree. i’m getting tired of the commercials. i want to keep coming back, but not for long. let’s see some progress on the house!
Looks like you are going to have to write a post on why you are posting about clothes 🙂 Over at “Enjoying the Small Things” she does sponsor post for independent children clothing stores which is something different. I love your blog to pieces but I am already flooded with my daily emails from Gap, Target, Old Navy, etc. This is also just my honest feedback.
I’m so tired of always seeing negativity in the comments. It makes me sad that Katie has to deal with this every. single. time she posts. If I was her, I would not be able to keep my cool.
Although these clothes posts do not really apply to me yet since I don’t have a little boy, I appreciate them for if/when the day comes. People always ask you where you buy Will and Weston’s clothes so I think it makes total sense that you created this series. Keep up the good work! Haters are always gonna hate.
As a former GAP KIDS employee, I advise that you sign up your email address at your local GAP store for store discounts. Often they have sales like 40% or 25% off sale prices. I have seen people walk out of the door with 2 pairs of jeans and two shirts for under $25. Also, don’t forget that they do price adjustments for items that go on sale within 14 days of purchase. New items go on sale within 4 – 6 weeks from the time it hits the store.
Gap is my favorite for kids clothing. It’s like mini adult clothing.
Agreed. There’s content and then there’s substance. The former does not beget the latter.
I actually love the clothing posts. I have two boys (3 and almost one) and I work PT, so I hardly ever have time to shop in the store (gasp!) or browse online. Plus, this really applies to a lot of people looking at buying winter clothes for their growing boys! I’m a fan.
There is an almost identical jacket that I got from Joe Fresh for $29 bucks. Not sure if you are doing a Joe Fresh edition but they (JF Kids) are at JC Penney now which is super cool.—boys-3m-24m-/prod.jump?ppId=pp5002860345&catId=cat100260040&deptId=dept20000017&N=1949&pageSize=96&topDim=Brand&topDimvalue=joe+fresh&dimCombo=Brand%7C&dimComboVal=joe+fresh%7C¤tDim=Brand¤tDimVal=joe+fresh&colorizedImg=DP0604201317041187M.tif
Love the Gap, too. I love the Gap outlet MORE. I score a season ahead like buying for next summer already (shirts for 1.50, shorts for 5.99 etc). These posts make me feel like we are shopping together. You know, without kids or stalking husbands, with our coffees and freshly manicured toes… Total girls day. : )
Disregard the haters. If people don’t want to read about clothes…. then don’t read it. It’s your blog. YOU can post anything you want. Right? I like getting to know you/your style whether it’s personal or decorating. You are funny, you are creative, YOU are the reason I read your blog. ; )
Wait, this is random, have you seem PITCH PERFECT? So silly. Maybe you can post your favorite movies/songs, too. Just an amazing thought…
Peaces- Nik
Agreed. If anyone is looking for something a bit more original you can check Peek, Joe Fresh, Zara, Diesel…
Love you Katie…but Gap, Target & Children’s place?? Lol.
I’m loving these posts! But to be perfectly honest, I love pretty much all posts from bloggers that I feel a connection to. Of course it’s wonderful when a post comes up that relates perfectly to my life (24 weeks pregnant, don’t know what to cook for supper and am really worried that I just bought the worst (unreturnable) floor ever to put down in my newly renovated bathroom) buuttttt…. even posts that are not relatable to my life right now still feel like a present! My life isn’t even that hectic but I can’t imagine balancing it all and then on top of that creating blog posts several times a week. So, Katie, I guess this is just a thank you for giving us a peek into your life, your beautiful home, and your unbelievably adorable family. I would understand completely if you announced tomorrow morning that you were done with blogging and all its negative side effects but I really hope that you don’t because it brightens this wife/daughter/sister/friend/teacher/DIYer/soon-to-be-mother’s day to read about your daily adventures!
AWw thanks Maggie!
xo – kb
That’s where I shop! Guess I am not so original 🙂
xo – kb
Very cool!
xo – kb
I don’t think the intent was for anyone to be negative. I think everyone mentioned that they love Katie and clearly love the blog. I might argue that I’m the biggest fan! I think it is just the tiny posts dedicated for 5 or 6 articles of clothing was/is getting redundant. I think feedback is important, negative and positive. That is how we all grow and improve as people. This blog generates income so I am sure she appreciates the feedback from dedicated readers. What kind of people would we be if all we heard was positive things about ourselves?
Happy Shopping everyone, no matter where you shop!!
Seriously! I would love to see progress too! But like I said in this post, we decided to do life more this summer and less projects.
xo – kb
p.s. these clothing posts are purely bonus so feel free to skip em if they aren’t your jam! I just got aware that people kept on asking about the boys clothes so I decided to go shopping 🙂
Like I said before…they are purely bonus posts so there is nothing else it is taking the place of. If they aren’t your jam, feel free to skip. But people ask me where I shop and what I buy ALL the time so this is for them. When the bonus posts are done, I will be continuing with my boring what-it-is-now regular posting.
xo – kb
I seriously don’t get these comments. If you don’t like it don’t read it. Simple, right…?
I know your comment is in reply to Gen but I want to address this so that folks don’t get defensive on my behalf. Absolutely feedback is awesome. I never shy away from people’s comments – positive or negative. I just want to make sure everyone keeps in mind that these are BONUS posts…purely extra on top of the other things I post about each week. If they aren’t your jam, feel free to skip them but know that I am trying really hard to address the folks that have emailed me hundreds of times asking for tips on boys clothing. Obviously every post isn’t going to be for everyone…and there are going to be more boys clothing posts….just warning ya.
xo – kb
I am loving these boy’s clothes post. I have such a hard time finding cute/cool stuff and you have been opening my eyes to clothes right in the stores I shop at 🙂 Picked up the blue trousers from H&M last week for my lil one, Woohoo!
I agree that the price of these clothes is rather expensive but I should say that the quality of the material is really good. My son adores this label. As for me the style is rather unusual that is why not all the models are to my taste, but he likes them and that is great.
We all read this blog for free, so write about what you want. I enjoy your blog. I have actually enjoyed the clothing posts since i have 2 little ones. wish you got a cut, because i ordered some H&M stuff for my three year old girl because of you talking about them on your post.
I dont love every post on any blog, just like Im sure you dont love everything you read either. Some things I relate to, some I dont. But I do appreciate your blog, and your willingness to put your life out there. I dont know how you have time for it all. So one post a week, or five, I will still read it!
Have a great day!
Back when I only had one boy (which meant more money) I bought a lot from Gap. Let me say it was the best money I ever spent! Almost everything I bought held up for not one boy, not two boys, but all three boys and still looked new! I don’t know what they do to their blue jeans but they just don’t get holes in them like others. Good post, Katie!
Amen to that Asia. I’ve been reading the comments on all the clothing posts lately and laughing out loud at how ridiculous people are, posting comments that are so negative. I have been a fan of Katie’s blog for a LONG, LONG time, have never commented, but I just have to say I find it awful that people comment so negatively toward Katie for writing about what SHE wants to write about on her own blog. This is her blog and we are all guests here that at some point just so happened to stumble upon her personal diary of her life. She doesn’t owe anyone anything, this is her blog and she can write about what she wants…so if they don’t like it, they should just skip the post and stay quiet 🙂 I really feel bad for them that they have so much negativity to share.
The clothes you post about are cute, but did you hear that Old Navy (owned by Gap) seems to be using child labor again? I prefer more ethically sourced clothes like Burt’s Bees Organics or BabySoy
I have to say I have 3 boys and I shop at H&M all the time, love their long sleeve shirts for layering under cute tshirts. I also shop at GAP all the time. My point is yes they are kind of pricey but my 3rd is still wearing ALOT of pieces from both these places that look brand new and I also have a lady that I sell them to when my 3rd outgrows them so they do last if taken care of. But then I have to confess that I also love Tea Collection, Boden, & Joules. So for those complaining don’t read ’em if you dont like ’em but Katie is showing some quality and value clothing for boys IE NOT walmart or Target.
PS I totally was not ready for fall/winter shopping and hopped over to GAP after this post and blew a wad. Those striped pants are too cute to pass up plus some shirts and cute socks.
I didn’t mind the posts since I have little nephews and want to buy them adorable things, but maybe folks would have received them better if there were two stores per post? I cover a bit of fashion on my blog and I’ve noticed that groupings/full outfits tend to get the best response.
Just my personal opinion! Love your blog either way. 🙂
But these aren’t things you’ve bought. I understand if people ask you where you got a certain outfit the boys are wearing in pictures, but these are links to things you don’t even own, right? I don’t get the point. Anyone can go to a website and ping things they would buy but haven’t.
Today it’s BAAAAAACK! But only in size 2.
Thanks so much for changing things up on the site – I always get a good laugh when I read your posts and appreciate your sincerity and focus on what is going on in your life. I just happen to be going through so many similar things that I’m grateful there is a funny, authentic perspective out there. Regarding the Gap stuff – totally agree. Not crazy about the prices (I’ve always headed to the sale rack in the back first!), but when you’ve got something special coming up it’s well worth the splurge. I feel like they are also a better quality and last longer or wash better then other clothing. I’m expecting #2 in late November and feel like the trial-and-error we went thru with #1 will keep us from having to postpone college savings LOL! I also have a strong aversion to baby clothing that has lots of animals and wording on it. I’m partial to colors and patterns that are simple. Our first was boy and now expecting a girl – I’m finding that there are a number of very cute simple things that our little girl can wear b/c I was so particular about not wanting the boy to be a walking billboard. I’ve been able to find a number of things that fit the bill at Gap. Example – navy and white striped onesies or pants can be made super cute for boys OR girls. May I also recommend ordering some stuff from American Apparel? I ordered a simple onesie in a color I can’t find anywhere and it has been amazing to wash it a thousand times and see that the quality is still strong and the fit is great. Good luck with everything and keep writing whatever the heck you want! I’ll continue to look forward to your new posts!! I’m a huge fan in Knoxville!
YAY for American Apparel!
xo – kb
Yup. Anyone can. It’s not about what I buy but what I would pick to buy. And yes…some of these things I did actually buy (like the leather jacket and the striped pants). I think that it’s sortof like following a Pinterest board on kid’s clothing…except almost all these things are available right now for purchase. I get that it’s not for everyone (or even most people) but the moms of boys out there that have requested this have been asking about clothing picks for YEARS…so I finally decided to give it to them (even if it is just a small group of folks).
xo – kb
Thanks for the input!
xo – kb
Boo! I hate news like that. I’m glad to see in that article that Gap is taking action out of concern for the welfare of those kids!
xo – kb
I enjoy reading these clothing posts. I know you don’t have girls (yet), but could you do some posts about what you would pick for girls? I know you have done something similar in the past for your niece. It’s always nice to see someone else’s perspective on clothing choices.
you should check out They are new (they bought out 77 kids), they have super cute clothes and GREAT prices.
I don’t feel like they’re necessarily negative. I expressed how much I love this blog and gave her my honest feedback. It’s not like KB just posted one or two clothing posts and people started tearing her apart- there have been quite a few and people are giving her constructive criticism. Just as you feel that negative comments are unnecessary, I think it’s silly that people feel the need to run to Katie’s defense. I enjoy this blog and understand that not all posts are going to “be my jam”, but if I were in Katie’s shoes I would want to know if my readers feel that my posts are getting redundant or bland (and from reading the comments, it’s obviously not just me that feels this way).
Hey Katie – just wanted to say, thought these posts aren’t my jam, it’s your blog and you post whatever you want. Clearly a LOT of people love these posts, and I’m sure that if I weren’t a childless 21-year-old student, I would too.
I’ll just pop by when I see housing things or design or lifestyle updates, other than that I’ll just stay away from the kids shopping posts. But that’s what’s wonderful about the internet and the blogging community – you can mix and match!
You don’t owe anyone anything 🙂 xxx
You are costing me a lot of money lately Katie! So thank 🙂 All of these places have adorable clothes, and I just can’t stop myself from buying…