Our Bower Basketball Team….full roster coming this September!
AHHHH! I am so excited to announce that we are expecting number 5! Oh Lord…it takes my breath away just by thinking about it. Not in a suffocating way….in a feeling-the-full-weight-of-my-blessings kinda way. Some of you may understand that. Some of you may not. It’s that feeling that you get when you fall in love and the other person says it for the first time back. It makes your heart skip a beat and your brain just stop functioning and go into overdrive simultaneously. I seriously am overwhelmed with emotion as I type this….it’s thrilling, terrifying and humbling….that feeling that we get to have another human join our family….it’s the best high ever.
As for this photoshoot….I have to dedicate it to my dear old dad. He was a basketball coach for over 20 years and basketball was a big part of growing up for me. Whenever I tell him I am gonna have a baby, he always does the same thing….giant smile, nodding head, says “you guys are nuts” and then he turns to walk away. Then he always looks back and whispers, “just three more and you have a team”….”just two more and you have a team”…..”just one more…” So this time around we felt like it was only appropriate to announce with his favorite sport. We finally have a team dad 🙂
I wanted to answer some of your questions….because I know they are coming…
How far along are you? When did you find out?
I am 14 weeks today! I found out pretty much immediately. We had talked long and hard about having another kid and in October we decided to get off birth control and try for number five. I know. Saying five kids out loud even sounds crazy. The looks I get when I tell people I’m having another are nothing short of shock and sometimes dare say disgust. But this is us. We wanted a big family. I always said I wanted between 4 and 6 kids….whether through biological means or adoption. I never dreamt that my kids would be all boys and that they would be so close together but I can’t imagine it any other way. I joke that people expect you to have 2 kids. The people in our area forgive you if you have 3….bless their souls. But FOUR? They look at you like you are just nuts. And they steer clear of those crazy people. FIVE? I can’t imagine the dirty looks 🙂 It’s gonna be awesome. But seriously…that’s what I’m signing up for….these kids are my biggest and best win-the-lottery moments. I would give up it all to have a big family.
SO we did wait to tell you guys. We just told the remainder of our family this past week. And we waited on purpose to tell them (for sensitive personal reasons) and to tell you…although I was busting at the seams to share it with the world right away. But now that the cat is out of the bag and I am out of the ‘danger zone’, we felt like the timing was right. We feel like you guys are our extended family in a weird internet sort of way….and now you guys get to be aunts and uncles to those crazy Bowers all over again 🙂
Will you find out what you are having? Any guesses?
Yes, for sure we will find out. We will do the panorama blood test again…we did it with our last two kids…and so we should know 100% what the littlest Bower will be soon. I am 98% on the boy train. Jeremy thinks it will be a girl. In my gut I have this feeling that it will be a boy and anyone that tells me otherwise, I just laugh at them and say Nope…we live in the meat-packing district 🙂 I actually already have a boy name! Isn’t that exciting?! I mean…what with the name drama over Max….this feels so good to have that sorted away already. Oh and we have told the boys and Will thinks its a boy (he usually copies whatever I guess) and Weston thinks its a princess (he usually copies whatever Jeremy guesses). Either way…it’s gonna be the most loved baby because it has four baby-obsessed brothers to cuddle it, protect it and love on it!
So number five….have you figured out what causes this yet?
Actually this is the most said question that people ask in real life. I know it’s a joke….I get it…and yes, I know what causes pregnancy. I think 🙂 That being said – here are a few TMI details that you may not know to ask. Yes, we planned this and yes, we found out right away because I took a test every month ever since having Max. I was not gonna be surprised again! So I decided that after Max was born, no matter how many layers of birth control we were utilizing, that knowing early was what I really wanted. I would just buy a whole slew of pregnancy tests at the Dollar Tree and every month on the first day, I would take a test. Even if I was on my cycle. I didn’t care. I wanted to be sure. And that is how we found out really soon.
I have not bought anything for the baby yet….except for a swaddle blanket. It’s this one. And I’m excited that I get to wrap our newest baby in such a sweet keepsake. Also – we are gonna need some of your help – we are pretty close to the expiration date on all our infant carseats. Y’all have any ones that you love? We need a narrow version because we are gonna have to figure out how to fit all these boosters and carseats in our vehicle 🙂 And we also need a new high chair because four little Bowers have pretty much laid our other one to rest. And maybe a bassinet. And possibly a bathtub. Baby gear has changed a lot since we started on the baby train….and any recommendations would be awesome!
Also – we are treating this like it might be our last baby. We honestly don’t know if it will….I mean….that’s something that we always decide AFTER having the baby….if we want more….and so to be perfectly honest….we don’t know. We always knew before that it wouldn’t be our last…..so this time, we want to be more intentional about documenting our whole family growing into itself. Does that make sense? So expect more personal family photos and for me to be extra weepy about Max not being my baby anymore 🙂
Any symptoms? Any cravings?
Yes! This time around I feel oh-so-pregnant. I am already showing big time….like I LOOK pregnant. But honestly – I look pregnant when I’m not pregnant (Taco-baby!) so it doesn’t take a whole lot 🙂 And I retained water right away especially in my face and legs. That reminds me a lot of my pregnancy with William. And then I finally have started phasing out of the so-tired-I-make-zombies-look-alive part of pregnancy. That happens with me every single time. I am just dead weight come 3 pm. And this time I have an intense stomach ache each evening from 5pm-10pm….not morning sickness per se….I don’t vomit or anything like that….but my stomach hurts and I want to eat ALL THE POTATOES. But I can’t. Because it hurts. But I try. Because it hurts. So I’ve definitely gained some weight 🙂 Also – hash browns are dangerous. And also I’ve been getting migraines. Which I have chronic headaches and chronic migraines….but this time I had an episode of vertigo which was thrilling and so scary. Thankfully I was laying down.
My doctor said that I could experience a lot of symptoms because of my age (I’m officially Advanced Maternal Age which is basically just saying you got old eggs) and because my body hasn’t had a whole lot of time to recover from all these babies growing, birthing and nursing. Basically – I haven’t gotten back in shape since having kids. So that can contribute to a slew of issues. But I’ve been trying to do some pelvic girdle exercises and I have my old faithful pregnancy support belt ready to go 🙂
As far as cravings….potatoes when I was feeling sick….mashed potatoes were my favorite….hashbrowns…even baked potatoes. All of them are delish. Also – fruit roll ups. They are my jam. Build me a bouquet of fruit roll ups and call me happy. And sausage burritos from McDonalds. I know…they are disgusting fake food that should not be enjoyed. BUT THEY TASTE SO GOOD. Also soft pretzels….just like I did with William. Also – I cut my coffee habit….very exciting because I just wanted an IV of caffeine during the tired-phase. And I love having one half of an ice-cold Coke in a can. OH the joy that can bring me. Seriously…is anyone else hungry right now!?
Lastly – I wanted to say thank you to you guys. I know it’s been a crazy ride watching our family grow and change and I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have your support and encouragement and daily visits. You guys are always a super awesome support system and have the best advice and most sound words of wisdom and best jokes that keep me smiling. So thank you….and hopefully now that I’m in the clear from being oh-so-tired, I can bang out some of these posts that I’ve been promising 🙂
Congratulations!! I’m thrilled for your sweet family. I’ve been following since you were decorating William’s nursery. I’ve had three boys since then myself and would definitely take a half dozen more, so I totally get the big family desires. Wishing you lots of energy and a smooth, healthy pregnancy. ❤️
Congratulations! What a blessing! I have 3 kids and have definitely reached my limit, but I’m so happy for you guys! I would love to see as a part of your blog, life behind the scenes with so many young kids (car seats, daily schedules, planning for trips, including the kids in your projects etc).
Best of luck with your pregnancy, Katy!
Woot Woot, Congratulations!
Tears of joy for you guys! Yes, you’re crazy, but yes, it’s AWESOME! My oldest is about Will’s age (I started dropping in on your blog shortly after he was born). My second is in line with Weston. Wanted the third, but due to some physical complications after the second, it hasn’t happened. I have watched each of your successive pregnancies with joy, thinking “that could have been me”. But, I’m blessed with this different path God set for me, and rejoice over the path he’s placed before you. Thank you for sharing!
PS We have a family with 8 at our church…you want to challenge their record?! :~)
Love it, love you! Congratulations!!!
As a mom of 4, it’s like you cross the line when you have more than three. Three seems to be acceptable and “normal.” More than that and people think you’re crazy. Haha!!
Congratulations!! Love the announcement, so sweet. You need to recreate when baby is here 😉
As for carseats, we used the Safety 1st OnBoard 35 Air carseat and loved it so much. Like I would have had another baby I loved it so much. It was narrow enough for us to fit it between our hbb and a big 5point harness carseat in the back of my Grand Prix. It also lasted us a long time. My kids are always smaller as babies but we used it for 16months! Obviously I wasn’t carrying it around for that long, it just became a stationary carseat but it was perfect and she was safe.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s so exciting! I’m due in September too. 🙂 I’ve craved Taco Bell and Pepsi which is just insane. I don’t normally have either of those things. So excited for your growing family. This is our #2, we have a Britax infant seat. I love it and we’ll use it again, but it’s gigantic. Also, we just used the portable high chair that straps to a kitchen chair to save space.
Such amazing news! Thank you for sharing. You made my day.
Congratulations Bower family! Such a cute and special way to announce it!
Congratulations!!! Very exciting!
Congratulations! Your family is seriously the cutest!
How exciting for your family! Your little dudes are just adorable and it’s been so much fun watching your family evolve (I’m a longtime reader since before Will!). Congratulations, and I wish you a safe and healthy pregnancy! Can’t wait to see another nursery design. 🙂
Congrats! How exciting! I have 5 and I know what you mean about insensitive jokes… just let them roll off your back. You will be very happy and tired, too, but what joy they bring. And adventures for the rest of your life! I think it’s a girl because I had 4 boys and a girl, so that’s my guess! Whatever, your baby is going to be surrounded by love and joy and lots of energy, and so are you! My #5 was diagnosed early on with failure to thrive and we figured out after observing that he was just distracted and excited and wanted to be with the action around him; he would turn his head to watch his siblings instead of eating. More quiet feedings and a blanket over us, even at home, cut down the distractions and now at almost 15, it’s obvious he is going to be the tallest and broadest of all of them.
Was hoping this was coming soon! I SO admire your desire for a big family and just doing what’s best for you. I have a little 10 month old and still want three more kids. People think I’m crazy and your sweet family gives me all the feels for wanting my own big family!
Congratulations! It has been so fun to watch as your family has grown. I’ll never have my own team (only have 2) but also a boy mom and boys are so much fun!!
Omggggggg!!!! So exciting!
Omgggggg!!!! So exciting! Congrats!
So so so happy for you! I’m team girl!
What wonderful news! Congratulations! Hoping the rest of your pregnancy is smooth and easy.
Such amazing news! I love your sweet family, can’t wait to watch it grow again! Boy or girl, that is one blessed baby! Sending love from Canada
Congratulations! What an exciting journey you guys are on. You have a beautiful family and so much love to give to all the babies! And your announcement photos are fantastic!
Congratulations!!!! xoxox
I will say I had noticed your new favorite shirts were the fuller, baggier kind that I liked to wear when I was pregnant. Again, beautiful family always…..
Congratulations Bower family. I’m so happy for you.
Wow congratulations! Babies are always the best news! I am 25 weeks along with my first and I had the same stomach pain from 5pm til whenever I fell asleep- that was my only escape from the pain. I couldn’t eat anything at night because my stomach hurt so bad and was so distended- but only from 5pm~midnight. Turns out, it was the iron in my prenatal vitamin so check with your doctor. I would take the vitamin before bed and would be fine all day until 5pm.
Hope you figure out what is causing your pain!
Congrats! When will you find out the sex? What kind of camera do you use for these awesome
I’m speechless.
Yeah, I really am.
Good for you guys! Congratulations and God Bless! Good to know someone is out there doing their best to avert this: http://theweek.com/articles/642303/americas-birth-rate-now-national-emergency
You may have pregnancy induced gastritis. My symptoms were almost exactly like yours….late in the day stomach pains, not throwing up, and wanting to eat ALL. THE. FOOD! But you can’t because it makes you sick. May be worth looking up and mentioning to your doc. Congrats by the way!
Congrats! The questions you get with a large family are so intrusive! We have 4 and the comments are never ending. Hopefully this baby is healthy and happy. That’s all that matters!
Blessings on your growing family! This new little one will be surrounded by so. much. love.
Congratulations! Can’t wait to meet this Bower! You are so blessed, you are giving your kids such a gift of a large family! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well! We love our Diano Radian Car Seats, nice narrow profile, and go from infant to booster
Congratulations! No matter how many kids you have its still very exciting!
I knew it the minute someone commented on your long hair! It always gets so long and flowy when you’re growing a sweet little Bower babe! Congrats!
Congratulations Bower family! How exciting! I so wish I could handle having more kids. I’ve always wanted a big family, but 2 is where we stop! Can’t wait to follow along on your journey.
Congratulations to you and your whole family! I am sure the boys will love to have another little one to dote on 🙂
Your kids are the cutest! If I made kids that adorable I’d have at least 10. Congratulations!
OMG…Katie and Bower Fam…..That is A-MA-ZING NEWS!!!!!! I am sooo excited for you all!
I loved being “advanced maternal age” because they want to do a few more ultrasounds, and that’s always great in my book! I was 37 and 40 for my 2! Congratulations again!!
Congratulations on making your full team! God has richly blessed you. I volunteer to be an internet aunt or gramma! My kids are old enough but not ready to have kids, so I really could be a gramma. You’d have to come out to California, though.
Congratulations! I totally get the looks and questions. We’ve noticed those with our 4 boys even though our youngest are twins. It’s either people are so sweet and ask kind questions or we get dirty looks and behind the back comments. I’m not sure why but it’s like 3 is acceptable but 4 and more are lumped into the same category of crazy and unnecessary. We have just started going out with all 4 boys to restaurants and other places. The thing is you can’t teach your children how to behave without giving them the experiences that help you teach them. We try to avoid those high problem hours so that we can minimize the disruption but even if there are adults being louder or more disruptive, it’s the children that attract the negative attention. Can’t wait to follow this journey your on!! You guys make cute boys and I’m sure a little princess would be equally as precious.
yay!!! SO exciting! I’ve loved watching your family grow and I can’t wait to ‘meet’ this little baby.
So so sweet. Nothing but awesome positive vibes coming your way. Can’t wait to hear the gender. And can’t wait to see your bump! Guess you can leave the nursery that way for a bit. Beautiful news. Congrats. How many grandkids is that now for your parents????
Congrats Katie! My mantra is “You do You” meaning whatever works for you and your family is all good with me. Haters gonna hate. Anyways, if you don’t already, check out the vlog on Youtube- JHouse Vlog. They just had their 5th baby and they are religious and super sweet. For those days you are feeling all alone in the large family train it might be nice to watch an episode or two.
How fun!! We have 4 under 4. The last was a set of girl twins. We say we are done having kids, but it doesn’t feel like it. Crazy because we have 4 wonderful kids and they make me nuts a lot of the time. There are a lot of reasons to be “done” but I’m not sure I’m there yet. Congrats!! What a fun announcement today.
Congrats! I know I’ve been guilty of the side eye when seeing friends grow their family past the “acceptable” three kid mark. Conversely, I get the “more is better” lecture when I tell people that my daughter will likely be an only child. Either way, each family’s choice is so personal, and shouldn’t we just celebrate the gifts we’ve been blessed with?
Hoping you have a healthy pregnancy!!
Oh this is so super exciting Katie!!! I’m so excited to continue to watch your family grow. Nothing sweeter than hearing about new babies. Congratulations to you, Jeremy and the boys!
Yay!!!! Congratulations to you and Jeremey and those handsome boys 🙂
It’s SOOO wise to treat this like your last pregnancy. I was sure we would have one more but I don’t think our family dynamics can handle another. The past few days I have been coming to grips with “maybe” starting to shift to “we are all done.” I wasn’t ready for that… I didn’t savor those final kicks and rolls and belly hugs.
It’s wonderful that you are planning ahead!! Maybe you can cradle your belly a few extra times for us who won’t get to again 🙂
AHHHHH! I am SO EXCITED for you, friend! Cannot wait to follow along on this pregnancy – I just adore your entire little family. Sending so much love!
Congratulations!! You make the cutest, sweetest kids, so have as many as your little hearts and hands can handle! <3
Congratulations! That is so amazing. What a blessing. 🙂
I LOVE our OXO Tot Sprout night chair!!!! And while you’re at it, get the OXO wipes dispenser – game changer!!!!!
Congratulations!! You guys are very blessed and I wish you all the happiness with your newest Bower baby! It has been so fun watching your family grow. Thanks for letting us share a little piece with you.
Congratulations! I always saw you with 5 children! I’m so excited for you and your family! Potatoes were my thing with my last baby too! Mashed and baked. French fries and hash browns offended me. But buttery mashed potatoes! OMG! Yummm! And this is crazy, but during my first pregnancy, I wanted sausage burritos…at night…when McDonalds didn’t serve them! It took one fit and refusal to eat any other food and my husband stocked our fridge with them so I could have one for dinner!
Love & blessings x5!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Many prayers for your beautiful family.
Congratulations on your full roster! I love that you welcome the odd look/comments and crazy that is a big family. We call our family “the traveling circus”. We have five blessings and life is beautifully chaotic.
I’m 15 weeks right now with our little blessing baby! 11 years of trying with our first and ONE TIME for this little one!
We are so thrilled!
I’m feeling you on mcdonalds breakfast while pregnant!!
Canadian bacon, egg and cheese bagel, with a hash brown of course, so delish! Haha
Congrats, I’m one of 5 and there was never a dull moment! When we all get together just for a birthday or a holiday, it’s a big huge crazy crowd of 12 adults and 5 kiddos (nieces and my son). I love every bit of it!
Congratulations to you all!
Congratulations Katie and Jeremy!!!!! Yay!!! I am so excited I am going to be an internet Aunt again to another Bower!!! Since I am the oldest of 5 kids, I completely understand the looks and comments from people. The best part of a big family is all the crazy fun, silliness, never a dull moment, love, support, encouragement and having best friends that are your siblings! I am SO excited and I am praying for you during this pregnancy. Much Love to you, Jeremy and my cute internet nephews!!!
Oh my goodness, there is so much happy in this post! Congratulations! We have three, and our families think we’re crazy for wanting more. The post you wrote awhile back about struggling was one of the best and most relatable you’ve ever written, to me. Seeing this after just fills me with such happiness for you. What a wonderful blessing.
I feel if anyone can handle five kids it is you. I have never seen anyone so joyous to have kids. You and your family are very precious. Congratulations on kid number five!
Congrats!!! I can’t wait to see the tripped out bunk room you will now be building FOR SURE! 🙂
YESSSSSSS!! *overly enthusiastic fist pump* several weeks ago, I randomly had a thought come to me that ya’ll were pregnant so I was kinda waiting on this. (Don’t be alarmed, I’ve got those thoughts since I was a toddler and I’ve not been wrong yet…nothing is wrong with me. Haha) I am SO excited! Congratulations!!
In soooo jealous Mrs. Bower!!!! I love babies so much and yours are all so adorable and I can’t wait for y’all to add another… Or two!! Y’all seem like such amazing parents and we need amazing parents bringing truckloads of babies into this world!!! Congrats congrats congrats!!! I can’t wait to follow this journey again!! I pray for a wonderful and healthy pregnancy for you and baby bower number five!!! Soooo excited for you guys!!!!
Such a blessing! Congratulations! #teamgirl, because every Mama needs some extra estrogen in the house! Praying for a healthy baby and a healthy Mama, and speedy delivery! 🙂
Coming from someone who has been reading since William was a baby….Congrats! It has been such a thrill watching your family grow!
So so exciting! Congratulations Bower family! I’m 14 weeks tomorrow. 🙂 We did the Panorama as well and found out last week we are expecting another sweet girl!
Congratulations, such exciting and wonderful news! Sibling bonds are so fun to watch especially when they are close in age and can enjoy many of the same things. Congratulations again!
Yay! I love watching your family grow!
As far as carseatsoon go, I have a friend who is about to have 4 and her go to is diono to fit them all. 🙂
I’m excited to follow this newest development!
Ahhhh! I was hoping you’d announce another baby soon! So excited for your sweet family. Boy or girl, this baby will be a perfection addition to your family and I can’t wait to hear all the exciting news this year. You are my favorite blogger (I am also a boy mom!) and enjoy reading about your life and adventures in GA.
Blessings to all 7 of you!
Way to go Girl!
Excited for the Bower family, and wouldn’t it be exciting if it truly was a little girl!!! But as long as he/she is healthy and hairy…that is all that matters!
Take care of yourself!
Enjoy every minute…it will go fast!
Once again…your family is wonderful because you and Jeremy make it great.
Congrats from Colorado!
Congratulations!! I’m pregnant with my third and every time I see a new post from you I get excited thinking maybe you’re having another! Haha I’ve been reading your blog for a long time so it’s fun to see your family grow. Best of luck!
Just wanted to say congratulations! And seriously, forget the haters. We need more good people in the world having babies. It seems like you and Jeremy are really good parents, and love your kids. That’s all that matters. 🙂
Eek! Congratulations kiddo! I’m with you, prolly another beautiful Bower boy 🙂 I always wanted more children, but wasn’t able to have them. So excited for you!
Congratulations Katie! I am so happy for you. Babies are always a blessing. Can’t wait to follow along on this journey!
Congratulations Katie and Jeremy!!! So happy for you, you make beautiful babies, but more importantly, you’re a wonderful mama to them. I am from a large family and can’t imagine life without all of my siblings.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I’m so excited for you guys. And as much as I want to see all the fun/cute/adorable/pinteresty things you would do with a baby girl, I’m also on team boy. 5 boys!!! Either way it will be the most loved little baby in the state of Georgia. What a lucky little fellow/gal to be able to join the Bower family!
Oh wow, congrats!! I actually think having a fifth boy would be awesome! I have a good friend who has 5 boys and it’s pretty cool. We are stopping at 2 kids, (c-sections and age make it so), but I love the idea of having a large family! So fun!
Congratulations! I’m due in June and about to order the Britax B-Safe 35 Elite. My husband drives a Mini Cooper so I specifically researched infant car seats with a more narrow base.
So excited for you guys! We only have 3 so far and people think we are crazy. Congrats!
Congrats on your growing family! So excited for you!
So very excited for you. Y’all would totally fit right in here in Greenville. We are the weird ones for only having two kiddos. And totally done the “advanced maternal age” pregnancy, hang in there! My Braxton Hicks started at 20 weeks and didn’t stop until The Dude was cut out of me.
Many Congrats Bower Family!!! God has blessed you with beautiful kids – can’t wait to see Baby 5! I am a new mom and am loving the baby gear. I suggest the Uppababy Mesa car seat. I love that it can snap right in the Uppababy strollers. We have the Uppababy Vista stroller and it comes with a bassinet. It was awesome when our little guy was smaller. I’m also a big fan of the OXO Seeding High Chair. Easy to clean, great harness, tray has a top layer so if one gets super messy you can unclip and have a clean tray all ready to go. God bless you! Thanks for sharing this fun news!
Congratulations! I am one of seven kids so I always think it’s awesome to see big families! I wanted to comment with a car seat recommendation. We started my daughter in a Britax infant seat (which we liked), but switched her to the Diono Radian (convertible seat) at a year. Love the Diono! It’s very easy to get her in and out of it, gets great ratings and they take up much less space in the car. I hear them recommended frequently for 3 across. They are also good for 5 lbs and up (in case you don’t need an infant seat.) They are a little pricier, but often on sale on various websites.
Congrats! I’ve been reading your blog for years and I’m pregnant with my first baby. I’ll be 14 weeks in 2 days and since we’re so close I’m excited to follow your journey! Love your blog!
Ahh congratulations! I am due apparently the same day as you with my third child! I am 14 weeks today, too. My second child is just a couple weeks older than Max. My oldest will turn 4 two months after my third is born and I get the comments often. I get that! But I don’t care because this is the life I wanted!!! So many people say things like my family is done since I have a boy and a girl, but why??? hahaha I want more! Anyway, congrats!
Congratulations!!! My husband is the middle child of 5 boys and he is so close to his brothers, they have been his best friends throughout. Siblings are the most precious gifts to each other. So much joy for you and you family! Wishing you a quick and easy pregnancy.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Congraaaaaats!!! 🙂 🙂 I’m so conflicted on what gender I’m wishing for, for you. I kinda want to see another boy! I was very much on the girl train when you announced Max’s pregnancy. Good thing it’s already determined 🙂 Best of luck in this pregnancy!
(PS how is LJ THREE already?? I saw your insta the other night and was like, wut?)
This is great news! Congratulations! I’m also in the “elderly” category right now for being pregnant. Don’t forget your walker and dentures when you go in for your Level 2 ultrasound! 😉 Enjoy and best of luck!
Congratulations! As a mom of 6 I feel I could have written this post; SO. MUCH. LOVE. I once had a lady tell me I was wrecking the “perfect” family, one boy and one girl family, when I was pregnant with my third, so rude, he’s one the greatest people on the planet in my book. 🙂
Now I keep dropping hints to the hubby about fostering, he’s not biting but I’ll keep trying. I might not be able to “fix” their world but I could love them.
Katie, CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you guys and your boys will be such great big brothers! I was constantly asked if I was going to have a basketball team as well…I already had the 4 boys like you. We stopped at 4 but we always wanted a big family and we felt like party of 6 was right for us. May the Lord richly bless your family and your pregnancy. Sending hugs to you from Colorado. =) YAY!!!!
Woo hoo!! I knew it was this from the insta post!! So excited for you all! Congrats!!!
You guys are INSANE. Congrats! I can’t even decide on having one child, let alone five!
Mind-boggling. Do you still do it all by yourselves or do you have any help? I can’t imagine doing it by ourselves!
Congrats! I’m totally on the boy train. I can’t tell you how many fruit rollups I consumed when preggo with my son!
SO happy for your family!!!:) I love love big families and hope to be blessed with 4 or 5…or 6 of our own as well:):)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so excited for you guys! Y’all keep having your adorable babies as long as you want, and I’ll keep enjoying the pics!
I just had my first a little over a year ago, so I’ve got some baby gear recs for you. We had the Chicco Keyfit Infant carrier/car seat/stroller system. We recently upgraded baby to a convertible seat and went with the Graco Extend2Fit. Happy with both! We also love the Arms Reach cosleeper and/or the Rock N Play as a bassinet and my bun was obsessed with the WubbaNub soothie pacifiers. Finally, the Bamboobies breast pads were my jam for stopping leaky boobs! And they were super cute and comfy. Hopefully something in there is helpful! Hope this one goes smoothly for you!
Congratulations! I had to chin in on the car seat recommendation because our Cybex Aton was the absolute best. It is also super narrow and I’ve heard works well in a 3 across set up. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby!
WOW!! Congrats to you guys. I’ve been reading your blog since Wil was a baby so it’s pretty amazing to have seen your journey. can’t wait to hear what you’re having. AND i wish you a safe pregnancy and delivery!
Congrats!!! We actually super love our IKEA antilop highchair, there is an insert for smaller babes and it’s so simple, light weight and easy to clean!
Congratulations! I didn’t see this coming – good surprise! I think the puppy made me think you were calling it quits at 4 boys!
Congrats! Such beautiful news. – In a time when the internet is full of so much criticism and hate, these are the types of posts I love to read. I’m excited to read about how you balance it and the sweet stories of your boys. What a blessing! The world needs more families that love and want children. I’ll be praying for a smooth pregnancy and a wonderful transition for your family. (And that you finish big red because I am so excited for that project).
so happy for you guys!
Oh girl! Welcome to the fabulous 5 club! I always say that telling people we have 5 kids is my favorite party trick! You’re absolutely right, you’re expected to have two, tolerated with three, odd with four, and certifiable with five. It’s the best! I actually had a stranger ask me yesterday if I ever sleep! Lol. I am so thrilled for you! All of our kids are just a little ahead of yours, with our oldest at 10 & the baby now at 20 months. It’s a whirlwind, of the absolute best variety. You’re gonna love it!! Congrats (internet) friend! So very happy for you!!
Congratulations to you and your beautiful family! Now go take a nap!
I’ve been a reader since Will was born! This is soo exciting! Congratulations! Your going to have the cutest Bower basketball team ever! If this little is a boy you should think of some sort of basketball/ team theme for its nursery 🙂
Congrats guys! I’ve always said people should have the amount of kids they feel like can love and support. It’s nobody else’s business – you do you! I’d love to have a big family but we have two now and three is going to be our max (pregnancy is SUPER hard on me) if I can even get hubby on board with that. I am thrilled for you boy or girl, and I know you will be too! I had a little feeling with your light posting schedule and the lack of fashion posts lately!
So happy for you guys!! We have 5 little ones too, and we absolutely love having five. Yeah, there are definitely looks from others and maybe some not-so-kind comments, but I think that makes the encouraging, sweet ones all the more nourishing for the soul. (And, yes, there will be those, I promise!)
Congrats!! How exciting! Im glad to hear you are finally out of the exhausted phase and hope the stomach stuff soon passes. When you were pregnant with LJ I was pregnant with my second (due around the same time) and I’m now pregnant with our third and only a week ahead of you! It will be fun to share (virtually) our pregnancy journey again. Again, congrats to the Bower Family!!
Congratulations!!! I’m sooooo excited and happy for you!!!!! 🙂
I read this post while rocking my half asleep baby in her Tula carrier (the only way mama gets any computer time). For car seat I highly recommend anything that comes with a stabilizing leg attached to the base unit. We have the GB Asana and LOVE it, I feel our little one is very well protected. Studies have been showing that this leg really helps keep the car seat safe during collisions… Of course we only have one babe, so size was not an issue and we bought our car seat a whole year ago, so they’ve already moved on to newer and better ones… Anyways, back to the congratulations! I would happy dance, but now she’s asleep! 🙂
Eeeek!!! Congratulations Bowers!!! As far as car seats go I highly recommend the Facebook group/website Car Seats for the Littles. They are great at both recommending seats and assisting with placement so everyone fits. We have the Chicco Keyfit 30 and I love it. Easy to install, easy to adjust the straps and on the off chance you have a tiny newborn it fits small babies really well. Stay away from the baby trend infant seats as they don’t fit the average newborn properly.
So *you’re* the one who buys pregnancy tests at a dollar store. I always wondered…
I don’t have an exact car seat to recommend, but we just did the Toys R Us trade in thing….. trade in old baby items and get a 15% off coupon for a new item. It worked out well for us.
I’m due September 12! 14 weeks tomorrow! This is our second and we already have a girl so we are of course getting all the “I bet you want a boy” and “I sure hope it’s a boy” comments, I can’t even imagine what you are getting. I could care less if I had all girls or all boys and neither should anyone else! Good luck to you In this pregnancy!
Ahhh!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Katie!! What lucky little boys to have you as a mom. No matter what gender baby Bower #5 is, you will be so blessed by him/her.
Congratulations Bower Family! I’m so excited to follow along this journey with you. Such a blessing!
Crying happy tears for you right now! (Is it weird to be so ridiculously happy for someone you only “know” through a blog??)
Congratulations on this new little blessing. He or she will be so surrounded by love.
Best wishes for a healthy, happy pregnancy!
Congratulations! I come from a family of 5 and LOVE it!
With my second I also had that terrible stomach pain – mine usually started around 2pm, but it sounds the same….not morning sickness but serious pain! I hope yours gets better soon.
Jeremy and Katie- right on! How absolutely wonderful. It’s a joy to see you loving your kids big and bold and trusting God as your family grows. What a gift has been given your family in this little one. Thank you for showing our culture today that having more than two children really is a blessing!
Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever posted a comment on your blog before but I have to this time. I’m SO HAPPY for you!! You are SO BLESSED!!! Your boys are so adorable and obviously very well loved and cared for. It is REFRESHING to see families who love Jesus, love each other and want to have children because they are a blessing from the Lord! I couldn’t be happier for you and your husband! And your kids…we have four boys ranging from 2-14 and they all adore their littlest bro. In fact they would love to have another baby too. We will see. I’d be in advanced maternal age as well. Keep up the great work mama. On hard days just remember to trust God, love your husband and kids well. Stay close as a family, train your kids in the ways of the Lord and teach character- God will do the rest. Congratulations!!
And if you’ve never read any of Sally Clarkson’s books, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND them. The Mission of Motherhood, The Ministry of Motherhood, Desperate- just to name a few.
The only tip I have is to just forget the baby bathtub and use the sink! I had a tub for my first 2 and got rid of it with my last 2 and I wish I would have just used the sink for all 4. It’s easy, doesn’t require another “thing” laying around or being stored, and keeps you motivated to keep a clean sink Plus it reminds me of a simpler time before there were so many gadgets and must haves for EVERYTHING. Congrats on #5! You make some dang cute kids!
super fun! 🙂 wahoo!
people have so many things to say about family sizes. we have 4 boys- and believe that we are done… but our sitter is one of 12 kids and it sounds crazy and majestic in their house. it makes me hesitate to say we are done, and i know we are all wrapped up in one breath.
CONGRATULATIONS on this huge blessing. 🙂 will be praying
Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever posted a comment on your blog before but I have to this time. I’m SO HAPPY for you!! You are SO BLESSED!!! Your boys are so adorable and obviously very well loved and cared for. It is REFRESHING to see families who love Jesus, love each other and want to have children because they are a blessing from the Lord! I couldn’t be happier for you and your husband! And your kids…we have four boys ranging from 2-14 and they all adore their littlest bro. In fact they would love to have another baby too. We will see. I’d be in advanced maternal age as well. Keep up the great work mama. On hard days just remember to trust God, love your husband and kids well. Stay close as a family, train your kids in the ways of the Lord and teach character- God will do the rest. Congratulations!!
And if you’ve never read any of Sally Clarkson’s books, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND them. The Mission of Motherhood, The Ministry of Motherhood, Desperate- just to name a few.
Congratulations! I hope this time you get a girl but then this is coming from a family (daughters included) that do not know how to mix up the gender pool. Even if you get another little man it will be such a wonderful blessing. Saw you at the Tiny House Festival, how did you like it?
That’s so exciting! We have 4 boys and are due in September too! It will be so fun to watch your journey. Good luck!!!
Congratulations!!! Gorgeous family!
Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever posted a comment on your blog before but I have to this time. I’m SO HAPPY for you!! You are SO BLESSED!!! Your boys are so adorable and obviously very well loved and cared for. It is REFRESHING to see families who love Jesus, love each other and want to have children because they are a blessing from the Lord! I couldn’t be happier for you and your husband! And your kids…we have four boys ranging from 2-14 and they all adore their littlest bro. In fact they would love to have another baby too. We will see. I’d be in advanced maternal age as well. Keep up the great work mama. On hard days just remember to trust God, love your husband and kids well. Stay close as a family, train your kids in the ways of the Lord and teach character- God will do the rest. Congratulations!!
And if you’ve never read any of Sally Clarkson’s books, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND them. The Mission of Motherhood, The Ministry of Motherhood, Desperate- just to name a few.
Congratulations!! I only have two girls, so I am living vicariously through you 🙂
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I’m so excited for you and your family! I’m also expecting in September, the 24th. With my second baby. Can’t wait!! And happy I have another momma to go through pregnancy with even if you have no idea who I am. lol congratulations!!!
Congrats! I’m well into the third trimester with my first but I distinctly remember the bloated, stomachache, hungry-but-physically-can’t-eat phase right around where you were. Ugh – THE WORST. I found that weighting my food intake toward the beginning of the day (i.e., eat more at breakfast and lunch and then taper off in the evening) helped curb it some. That and LOTS of water. Maybe it can help you too??
Also, getting the right vitamins for MY body helped with symptoms and I’m hoping will set my body up well for post-partum recuperation. I found a functional/holistic doctor to complement my primary care physician and it’s been wonderful. (But that’s coming from a very crunchy mama in Madison, WI. :D) You’re probably all over this but if not, you might consider other ways you can support your body (particularly biochemically) so it’s not overly depleted after five beautiful babes. Hope all those symptoms chill out soon!
Congratulations!!!! I am predicting twins…
CONGRATS! I married into a huge family! My husband is one of six, they are all married with kids (I have 16 nieces and nephs). There is ALWAYS something going on and it makes for hilariously fun bdays/holidays/ect! So excited for y’all!
What an adorable announcement! Congratulations Bower family! Your boys are just gorgeous, and I love seeing your family grow. All the best!
This is so exciting!! I always read your blog and say to myself I wonder if I will ever be pregnant at the same time as her. And guess what!?! I finally am! I am due in July! Yay for 2017 babies!! Congrats to you and your whole clan 🙂
Eeeeeeee! CONGRATS, Bowers! Nothing I love more than a Big Bower Announcement I still tear up even thinking of the sweet, sweet gender reveal video you made of the boys on the creek.
In regards to new stuff – check out the Puj soft foam bath tub. It’s a flat piece of foam that has 2 easy folds to make a little tub in the sink! It’s an infant bath back saver (say that 5x fast). I was able to let my big kid take a bath or shower in the real tub while I bathed baby in the sink tub – Mom multitask ftw! Then the mat unfolds and goes on a handy dandy command strip hook on back of bathroom door. No extra plastic tub kicking around the bathroom.
Congratulations! May the comments about how your life will not be complete without a girl be few and far between (been there lol). We have Diono Radians and they are beefy but also thin. I want a large family also…my husband and I just picture a future Thanksgiving table filled with kids and grandkids 🙂
Congratulations! I know just how you feel. My family is my happiness and life. (We have eight kids.) Yes we are crazy and we love every minute of it. We get the crazy comments occasionally, but not as much because we are only kind of crazy here in Utah! Our street has one family with 7 kids, three with 8 and one with 10! (And some small 4 kid families 😉 We love every bit of it. Except when it drives us crazy! (We are real people!) I hope you will have a safe and happy pregnancy!
I am SOO excited for you guys! I know five is a lot and I’m sure you will get lots of looks. I live in the Atlanta area and get looks with just my three (age under 5). I have a friend with 7 and she always tells people when they make comments that you have to have at least 9 to get your own TV show! LOL!
I also know the feeling of treating a baby as your last. Today is my third baby’s first birthday and I’m feeling all the emotions because I’ve been saying he’s my last all along! Seeing your news makes me ache for another, but I have such difficult pregnancies, I’m just not sure. Congratulations to you and your family!
This is such a cute announcement! I love how sweet those boys are and that it’s a nod to your dad. Enjoy every minute just in case it’s your last. If you do have a girl, I don’t think you all ever have to worry about her dating!!
Congrats! I’m just a week ahead of you (15 weeks on Wednesday). It’s crazy that I’ve been having the same type of ‘morning sickness’ as you. Thank goodness that stage is coming to an end. Super excited for you and your fam!
What a sweet announcement! Congratulations to the Bower Family!! Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you and (my guess) Baby Girl Bower! Man if that’s the case, you’ll need to try and give her a sister and go for 6!
We decided last week to “officially” be done at 3. A little sad, a lot relieved, not sure I could handle anymore while homeschooling 😉
Tiling your first floor bathroom was a dead giveaway that you were pregnant again! 🙂 Congratulations!!!
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! So wonderful! Congratulations on this new blessing! People just don’t know what to say around big families so it just turns into awkward, totally not that funny, heard 1000 time jokes. You’re just throwing them for a loop! Haha. It feels like you just had Weston, or LJ, and Max too. So happy for you and your family internet stranger!
Your to-do list just grew! Congratulations on another blessing from God.
congratulations. but i did have a moment of “you’re insane.” very cute announcement.
Congratulations! That is so exciting!
We are preggo with #3 and just had to update our infant car seat to. I went with the Chicco Keyfit. EVERY review I read was nothing short of amazing. I do know the Diono Radian is narrow, so that might be a good option for you.
As for high chairs – we’re getting the Ikea one again. I started off with my first with a wooden one that I HATED cleaning. Swapped it for the Ikea one with my last. I left it outside – so we knew we’d need to replace after months in the rain and yuck. So, for the price, I’m getting another. It’s so easy to clean.
CONGRATULATIONS! so stinkin’ happy for Team Bower!
For the car seat recommendation, I highly recommend joining ‘Car Seats For the Littles’ on Facebook. You can either post to the wall or PM them. Let them know what vehicle, and what other car seats you have and where they’re located in the car (for top tether spots). They can help you find the best infant seat for your space issues and possibly shuffle some seats if necessary to get the whole team in safely.
Truth. That cheap little high chair is a workhorse and easy to clean!
Congratulations! Y’all make some beautiful babies so it just makes sense to have another. 😉 Sending you lots of prayers for a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby. <3
Congratulations! Every baby is a blessing and I know this one will be loved just as much as your other children! Excited to find out what you’re having!
YAY! Congrats Bowers!
Congratulations!! This makes me heart happy. My first is just a month or so younger than Max… and now our second (shhhhh!) will be just 1-2 months younger than your 5th! I loved reading along and relating to so much you posted during your last pregnancy and look forward to doing so this time around, too.
Congrats!! So excited for the addition to the Bower team!
Congratulations!!! I’m a boymom x5!
So I can relate to everything you’ve just said.
Healthy and Happy is what matters most, don’t let anyone/anything take that away from you!
Congrats Bowers! That’s wonderful news. 🙂 The Diono brand car seats are perfect for fitting 3 across a typical vehicle.
Huge congratulations!! Very excited for you
Congrats! If you want kids and you take care of them, which you do, you should have as many as you want and who cares what anyone else says. Both my sons have 5 each, one has all boys and the other has 3 girls/2 boys. They are all a great joy to this world as I know yours are as well. Just enjoy the pregnancy and the time you have with them because it flys by.
What a sweet announcement! So excited to watch another Bower Baby join the crew. Congrats and best wishes for a happy, healthy, uneventful pregnancy!
I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU! What wonderful news!!!! I have been a reader since before Will was born; I was pregnant at the same time and we have had three babies since. These little ones are such a blessing and a joy!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have six boys myself. Big families are awesome!! Congrats again!
Congrats! So happy to see your beautiful family continue to grow! I just keep wondering…how do you do it? I have two (4 & 21 months), and feel like 99% of the time my house is a wreck, I’m in my last pair of clean clothes, the car is filled to the brim with goldfish and things falling out as I open the doors, and I’m late to everything…and I’m a stay at home mom without a popular blog business. Any tips on…life? Go you for being able to juggle everything! I’m super impressed!
Oh..and I’m expecting #3 in late August..so my unorganized self will likely only get worse!
Congratulations and many blessings to you and your family! 🙂
I mean I think it’s kind of strange that people expect 2 kid families and forgive people for 3. Families come in all shapes and sizes and I love how colorful my family is with 4 siblings. I want at least 3, God willing, but the more the merrier. The world needs more good people and def more good men like you’re raising! Congrats Bowers!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Cannot wait to internet meet the newest little bower in September
Your little (big!!) family is just so adorable and I can’t wait to meet the new addition. Congrats to all of you Bowers!!
Congratulations Bower family! Max is very close in age to my little guy. I’m a (lapsed but getting recertified in 2 weeks) CPST and would be happy to answer any car seat questions you have. You’re welcome to email me, assuming you can see my email address on your end. Also, my favorite high chair is the $20 Ikea Antilop (you can literally hose it down), I love the PUJ baby tubs (we have the flyte although the other one fits better in certain sinks), and I’ve heard great things about the Halo Bassinest. If you don’t already have a great carrier, I highly recommend the Líllébaby Complete. Their airflow version would probably be perfect for hot Georgia summers and the lumbar support is a total game changer. I LOVE mine.
This is wonderful. You and others on the “inter web” 🙂 make it look like a piece of cake (although we know it’s not) and sorry if mentioning cake gave you new cravings. I remember back when you had trouble getting pregnant after Will and if only you’d known then what you know now! God bless all of you.
Yay! But I SO admit to not having a clue where you have the energy to have 5!!! But loving your family from pre-Will to #5!!!
That last picture with maxing holding the ball for the new baby made me teary eyed. I even shared the news with my husband who remembered the whole Max pregnancy story…Congratulations all of you!!
So SO excited for the whole family!! ❤
I have 5 kids too and I have loved it all! Congratulations to you and your family!
This is such a cute way to announce!
Congrats! I was wondering when #5 would come along. I’ve been reading your blog since you’re mummy baby announcement with Will!
I’m due with my second baby in about 9 weeks. My first born just turned 5 years old, so I feel like EVERYTHING is so different when it comes to baby items. We just ordered a travel system but everything else is hand-me-downs. By the way, all Graco items are 20% off at Target AND there’s an additional 5% off with code “GRACO” right now.
I also bought one of these car seat cover / feeding cover / shopping cart cover things from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Multi-Use-Baby-Cover-Breastfeeding-Shopping/dp/B01G4HWCNU/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1489445633&sr=8-1&keywords=pentish
Also, I spotted this Binxy Baby shopping cart hammock on Instagram that’s next on my list! Genius! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BZ2WNS8/ref=br_it_dp_o_nS_ttl?ie=UTF8&colid=148WDQGP9Q4JV&coliid=I2JKDSQRITSAEO&vs=1
We also used a Cybex Aton for our third and it worked awesome for three across. It’s pricey but it is a super solid, yet cushy, seat. Get the Q model- the canopy is larger than the next model down!
Awww, congrats! (from a mama of four boys 🙂 )
Congrats!!!! 4 in 5 years here but I believe we’re officially done! My husband already thinks I’ve officially lost it mention I’d be up for 5 if we were younger. (I had baby 3 a couple months after turning 35 & baby 4 a couple after 37. Fortunately healthy pregnancies & babies! Full disclosure…I did get gestational diabetes but had it with them all, so nothing new.) Prayers for smooth sailing for you!!!
Selfish question…will you be posting Max’s birth story (maybe I missed it?)? I love reading them (& your nursing posts too!).
Thank you for sharing your family with us!
I know how you feel with the looks and comments. If I only have the littlest kids with me people tell me how cute they are and make comments about having two. If I tell them I actually have 7 the whole feeling changes. Suddenly my kids aren’t cute anymore? strange.
Anyway, congrats!! big families are awesome. Obviously! ; )
Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news!!
congratulations, bowers!! what a cute way to announce your pregnancy!! i bet the boys will remember the photoshoot with the basketballs forever. can’t wait to follow along—big families are the best!
I am nobody, just an occasional reader,
But, another one of those sweet faced cutie pies?!!! You guys make such cute kids! Congratulations!!
Congrats from Australia, Bowers! Looking forward to another Bower, more family posts/photo shoots and more baby spam. As well as all those makeovers you’ve promised 😉 xx
Congrats! I highly recommend the Graco 4Ever car seat. it goes from infant to booster and lasts 10 years so we felt that it was a good investment. Not sure if it is one of the most narrow though.
Congratulations!!!! I am always in awe of your super mama skillz! (I am barely hanging on with just one.) Thank you for letting us share in the journey. Many blessings for your big beautiful family and for you in particular.
A friend sent me this blog to read today. I’m currently 14 weeks (4 days to be specific) also with number 5. The difference in you and me is that ours was NOT planned and certainly my a surprise. This will be my third child in the Advanced Mayernal Age range. I’m excited to welcome a new little one, but am mentally still having problems wrapping my head around it. We always said 4, and maybe adopting later on. Our make-up is three boys, then our princess, who I also just KNEW was a 4th boy….I’d even already told people it was a 4th boy:) I was in such shock leaving the Dr.’s office that day that it took a few days to sink in.
Thank you for saying all the things I needed to hear/read. I’m already dreading the “you have FIVE kids” conversations.
Good luck to you on your “full roster!”
(Sorry for all of the typos, I’m on my phone and it won’t let me go back to correct).
I’m very happy for the entire Bower Clan! I had my first at 35 and second at 36 1/2 and that’s it. My husband is an only child so he would have loved at least four kids. However, we did not meet until we were 34 (me) and 46 (him). Two is plenty for us, especially since I am the bread-winner and he’s the SAHD. I do admire you and how easy you make it seem – even though I know it isn’t. Where do you get your energy?!? And how healthy and handsome your boys are! Personally, I hope your #5 is a little girl – you need a little more variety 😀
Congratulations ! As an only child who married the only son of a family with 9 kids I think there is nothing more joyous in the world than a large family. I watch my children growing up with all their cousins and believe there is nothing better in the world than belonging to a big family.
Ignore the people with opinions and enjoy every minute with your beautiful family you lucky girl x
Congratulations!!!! Many blessings to you all and the newest Baby Bower! 🙂
I second the Diono Radian RXT. We only have one baby, but an adult can fit comfortably on both sides in our Impala. Congratulations!
Congratulations! As a mother of 5, I love big families. Mine are quite a bit older than yours..first were 3 boys..now 40, 36 and 34. Then, surprise! Twin girls, now 28. They grew up so fast it seems..what great times we have all together during holidays. I also have two grandchildren to love on!
I wish you a healthy, happy pregnancy. Can’t wait to see another sweet Bower baby!
Congrats Bowers!!! Our 1 & only turned 5 today Wishing you all the best!
Congratulations! God bless you all! Every big family I know have the best relationships (with each other and their spouses later in life). Best news of the day!
Congratulations!!! Your boys are so cute! We had four boys and decided to go for number five–and it was a girl! 🙂 We had another little princess a few years later 🙂 Boy or girl, having another baby is a blessing! God bless you!
Congrats! Happy for you and who cares what others think?!
Congratulations Katie! Love watching you and your family grow and change — I had a feeling there would be a Number 5 soon! Lots of love to you guys
Congratulations on your growing family. I will be 15 weeks on Thursday. I also had the Panorama and found out we are having a girl. This will be our first after two miscarriages in 2016
Congratulations! We had five in 7 1/2 years, as well. We get the looks and the comments – but mainly, that we’re superstars! Ours range between 6 and 14 now and I’m telling you, it’s only getting better and better! Children are a blessing from the Lord! Can I get an Amen! 🙂
Oh my! Amazing!! I have been reading since William was a babe. I have 3 boys and imagine more (we are totally done!) because each pregnancy was worse than the one before. Had to chime in on a few thoughts… with our last (he’s 6 years younger than the middle boy) we totally skipped the infant seat and got a Britax Pavilion. I carried him in a Ergo carrier when we weren’t trucking the older boys to school. And we skipped the “high chair” and went with a Keekaroo Right Height chair (it holds an insane amount of weight, and I prefer it to a kitchen stool to climb on). We got it with a padded insert for babes, and used those until he was a year. He’s 4 and just decided he wanted a big boy chair (and I cried). We aren’t getting rid of it yet, as we still use it for when the boys’ friends come over and we need an extra seat. Congrats Bowers! Can’t wait to see the new addition!!!
Congrats! I’m SOOOOOO excited for you guys. Five kids will be so much fun, and you will have so many grandkids someday! Think about what Christmas will look like! I’m jealous! The photo shoot is also perfect. Priceless.
Congratulations, that is so exciting!
Congratulations! So exciting! I am almost 17 weeks along with our 4th and I totally get the nervousness in telling people. In fact, I still haven’t told my boss and it’s getting seriously ridiculous! The ONE thing I MUST get for this baby (for me?) are milk savers (http://www.mymilkies.com/milksaver). I’m so mad I didn’t know about these with my first 3 – especially my 2 boys who refused to drink formula and I just detest pumping. That’s all I got. Anyway, I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly and that your PGP isn’t too bad! :/ I get it too but not anywhere near as bad as you. But it still sucks! Here’s hoping for happy and healthy babies and mamas! xo
Congratulations!!!! So exciting!!! Babies are a wonderful thing to celebrate! Also try Gatorade for the headaches- might not work but an easy try! I got bad headaches with #3 and #4 and finally figured out that with growing a baby my electrolytes got off and Gatorade fixed it most of the time.
Congratulations again!
Congrats!! You’re the one raising your kids so boo to those who seem like they need to voice their preference. It doesn’t affect them so just be happy with your darling family.
Baby gear opinions….love the rock n play. Only good for a few months but so easy to move from room to room, and wonderful to rock and snuggle them bedside.
Bathtubs…I got annoyed by baby bath tubs and just folded a hand towel and laid baby in the tub with a little warm water. Their baths are so quick before they learn to sit anyway.
Love Britax car seats.
Nose frida! Not as gross as it seems.
Have a svan high chair (can hang it from the table to clean under the high chair!) but also considered the Tripp trapp. But IKEA if just want cheap and easy.
So exciting! Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and baby!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a blessing. And you are super Mama!
Ahhhhhhh! What fantastic news! Congratulations! Don’t let AMA scare you… my li’l urchins were born when I was 41 and 44 (last year), and the only complication I had was pelvic girdle pain with #2 (ouch!). Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy…SOOO happy for you!
Congratulations, Bowers!! We have five kids, ages 10 and under, and it is the best!!!
Check out the Nuna Pipa infant car seat. It’s only 8 pounds. We love it and the stroller is great as well. I ordered through Nordstrom, since their return policy is so awesome. I wanted to be able to easily return if it wasn’t as great as the reviews. But it is, so no returns necessary!
Congratulations! I’m a mom of five and it’s great! Big families are wonderful blessings. (And we also had to buy a lot of baby stuff for #5. Baby stuff is really not made to survive more than 3 kids.)
Congrats on your new blessing! I have been following since Will was a tiny one. I would wait and hit refresh for new ones to come at due dates! What ever shows up will be a miracle from above. I think all of yours look different and they are each their own which I find so great! Prayers of joy & health! ❤
Congrats on number 5!!
I second the IKEA antilop high chair!! We absolutely love ours. Simple, easy to clean. I don’t understand those big bulky things – look like a pain to move around and clean. And and the cost is great. Of course I’d pay double for it – that’s how much I like it. The cover for the padding/insert for smaller kiddos isn’t the best looking in my opinion (I’m just not a fan of anything red but xmas stuff!) but you can get awesome ones on Etsy!!
Congratulations! So excited for you and your family. I don’t know how you do it-you’re amazing.
Congrats! I still remember your video announcement with Weston! I remember how incredibly grateful you were and it just really touched my heart. So happy for you and your family! It’s been such fun to follow along for so long now.
This is such exciting and blessed news! I wanted all the potatoes with all 3 of mine! We have a taco place that sold round hash browns and I surely did make my husband go late because I needed them!!!! Congrats. Truly elated for you!!! Xoxo Erin
Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing. Your boys are just precious.
Huge congratulations to the Bower family! While five sounds crazy to most of us, if there is a family to make it happen it is certainly you all. Wishing Katie a safe and healthy pregnancy and I can’t wait to “meet” your newest sweetheart. Love and prayers for your family. Xoxo
So exciting! Confratulations and good for you guys. This baby is one lucky soul to be with your family!
Congratulations! I do hope its a boy. I always thought it would be great for you to have 5 boys after I saw the sign that you had made with the 5 arrows!
Katie, I am so excited for you, just as if you were a personal friend!! I have followed your blog since Will was born, and you are the reason I joined Instagram to follow his birth on there. I LOVE your birth announcement! Your boys are sooo adorable!! Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy!! Can’t wait to follow this journey, so keep the stories and pictures coming!
Congratulations! Children are a blessing no matter how many you have or how many funny looks you get. All the more to help fund your fancy retirement home! So exciting!!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family. What a spectacular family. Truly, congratulations! And, what a fantastic photo shoot!
Congratulations! Couldn’t happen to a nicer family. The world needs more happiness.
Congratulations! How wonderful 🙂 I started reading your blog back in September so excited to follow along this journey with you. Praying God gives you all the joy and peace and strength you need! x
Congratulations! I always wanted a big family and even with just my little family now I can appreciate how much effort caring for children requires. It is a hugely admirable thing to care for a child. Anyone who naysays is just projecting their own issues about their own family life or lack thereof. I have had flack as well and we only have two; these types are idiots. Congratulations again, what a blessing. Also on car seats we have a convertible combi coccoro which is made for tiny European cars. It’s phenomenal. We also use a keekaroo high chair which I love (paired with the oxo booster – my kids are climbers) but I also really admire the IKEA ones. A friend has the oxo one which is very nice as well.
Congrats and so exciting!! My husband is one of five boys, everyone thinks my mother in law is crazy but they all say it was so much fun growing up in a big family!
Congratulations, Katie (and family)!!! Praying over this sweet new baby right now!
You are a blessed family. Congratulations.
I was just waiting for this announcement! Congratulations! I can’t believe that sweet Baby Max won’t be the baby anymore! They are all just too cute!
Congratulations! So happy for you and your family!
KATIE! Congratulations to the whole family!!! We just made our pregnancy announcement yesterday too – we have the same due date!!! I’m pregnant with #2 AND #3 (14 weeks yesterday, due Sept 11). I can’t wait to read more as you progress and plan. ***March through your pregnancy with nothing but pride & joy – there will always be people around to knock you down – but who cares about the haters?! <3.
Congratulations!!!! We have 5 and people think we’re crazy but it is just the best. So much chaos and so much love!
So exciting!!! Congratulations!!!
Congrats Katie!!! I’ve been reading your blog since Will was just a little baby…and your only baby. I love watching your family grow and I’m so excited for you guys…can’t wait to meet baby #5.
Oh may gracious ~ congrats!!! Love the photos ~ adorable…. adorable boys.
I will. I accidentally lost the photos. I think I found most of them….but I’ve been waiting because I keep thinking I am looking in the wrong spot 🙁
xo – kb
haha…my dad thinks the same thing 🙂
xo – kb
Don’t worry about all that! That’s my philosophy. You are in the middle of it….don’t put ridiculous worldly expectations on yourself. I know that it’s hard and you want things to be orderly and neat but just prioritize and take one thing at a time. And if things get crazy…be able to just say “it’s not that important. My kids are healthy and happy!” Seriously…this too shall pass 🙂
xo – kb
Seriously. Always pregnant. Always tiling.
xo – kb
BOOM! We did it 🙂
xo – kb
It’s me. I buy all the tests 🙂
xo – kb
We are cosmic baby twins 🙂
xo – kb
Just Jeremy and I….although my mom comes on Thursday afternoon for a couple hours to engage Weston. She is usually here when the others are napping and William is at school so Weston gets some solid Nana time. And we did hire the sweetest lady to come help clean once a month. She is a life saver and my Christmas present 🙂
xo – kb
Congratulations! You have a beautiful family! Guessing the boy name is Wilson? 😉
Woohoo! So happy for you guys, we are expecting our first in September!! 🙂
Yes….hairy babies are the best 🙂
Love that typo Barb…you made me laugh out loud!
xo – kb
Ahhh why didn’t you say hi! I was a crazy person that day but I would have loved to see you!
xo – kb
This is number 13 because my sister in law is expecting too!
xo – kb
Should be any day now and we are planning on telling the family at LJ’s birthday party.
xo – kb
I LOVE this post. You make gorgeous children. So happy for you. I was one of five siblings, it’s great!
Can’t wait to hear gender.
So exciting!
I have 2 Diono Radians for my 2 kiddos (ages 3 1/2 & 1 1/2), and we love them! So sturdy, yet streamlined. They’re side-by-side, and we still have enough room for another adult in the seat next to them (2nd row of Mazda CX-9). I bought mine on Craigslist (I know, I know…but they looked brand new) from a grandma who only used them occasionally.
Hahahahaha! I thought of that too when I saw these photos 🙂 (but just to be clear since some people who read this might not get it….no not wilson…not a chance!)
xo – kb
Awesome!!! I’ve wondered a few times when you and Jeremy would take the leap for another. Congrats to you both! I’m almost 16 weeks with #5 and my husband and I love to take the kids out and see what stranger will make comments about us having to many kids! 😉 We find that 70 and over usually adore the kids and radiate love towards us and 60 and under think we are crazy (and probably irresponsible). But I’m with you, big families are wonderful! I hope you have a great pregnancy. Oh, and good for Jeremy, he must be one of those great men who are supportive and will do whatever he needs to do to support you. I’ve got one of those too. 🙂
Congratulations! Hope everything goes well.
YMMV, but I found with each baby that a traditional high chair was less and less appealing – my kiddos (I have three) wanted to be at the table with the rest of us, eating grownup food PLEASE AND THANK YOU SRSLY WITH THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD…so I would suggest one of those highchair booster things that you put ON a regular dining chair instead. Cheaper (I think ours was Fisher Price? Graco? Nothing fancy.), you can use it longer, and it’s one less piece of furniture in your dining room. It still has the 5-point harness and a tray, and several straps to keep it securely on the chair.
Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog since you were a young family of four, so sharing your journey has been a blast. Wishing and hoping for your health and the baby’s!
Congratulations! There is no such thing as “too many” babies, IMO. 🙂
CONGRATUATIONS! I remember when you were fighting to have number 2 and you were sad that it might never happen. Look at you know, on to #5!
A very BIG congratulations to you & your family. Not my jam, but I’m old now 😉
I’ve always been envious of large families. Wishing you a safe & healthy pregnancy!
Taco Bell & McDonalds hamburgers got me through mine, couldn’t live with out them. And every evening was a chocolate banana milkshake.
I know why I gained 50 lbs. during my pregnancy 🙂
Congratulations Katie and Jeremy!! God has blessed you both with a beautiful family of happy, healthy and completely adorable boys!
Oh congrats!!! We have 5 too and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. We get the weird looks and comments, too. But I just try to respond with the positive about the joy they bring. I am so happy for you and your wonderful family!!
I am one of five and have four girls. Big families are so much fun! Congrats!
I have a Diono Rainier and I actually hate it. The only redeeming quality is that it’s narrow. It takes up SO much room rear-facing, and once we turned it around, I couldn’t get a safe install forward-facing. I also really dislike the ratcheting harness adjustment; it takes so much more effort to tighten it than any other carseat I’ve owned.
Now I feel like a Debbie Downer…womp womp.
Congratulations! I have 5 and I have to laugh almost every time I tell people because it shocks even me (and they look at me like they must have heard wrong!). I grew up one of 5 and wanted my kids to have their own little pack like that– and they do. Blessings to all of you! It is the best kind of hard work!
Congratulation Bower’s! You make beautiful humans, I say go for 6 I hear great things about Diono Radian carsests for compactness https://www.amazon.com/Diono-Radian-All-Convertible-Shadow/dp/B005MQRAAK 4moms makes great high chairs.
Congrats!! It takes a strong family unit to raise kids these days… looks like baby will be in great company!! Here’s to a healthy baby and pregnancy!! God bless!
Congratulations!! To all of you.
Congratulations!!! 🙂 I’m so happy for you all! My brother-in-law and sister-in-law had 5 in just under 7 years and it was the best kind of crazy. I love hanging out with them. I’m pregnant with #2 and we loved our Chicco Keyfit 30. I’m not sure how small it is though. As for a bathtub, we had several different kinds and I preferred our cheap Summer Infant one from Target because it fit in the kitchen sink. It wasn’t fancy by any means, but it was the easiest to use! I can’t wait to see your sweet family grow and I’m looking forward to some of your favorite maternity items too! 🙂
Congrats, Katie! I’m due with my first in July 🙂 now every time I hear someone’s pregnancy news I get SO excited! Two other ladies I know just announced their news over the weekend and you’re the second blogger I follow who is expecting this year too! Please share all of your tips and tricks on how to stay organized with kids, because shoot, I’m only having one right now and I’m worried how I’m going to keep up with juggling everything! Tips from a mommy of five is like gold! Congrats again!
Congrats on the newest addition. I had a feeling you were expecting when you posted the white shirt picture last week or so. You were glowing and I just knew an announcement was coming.
As far as the stomach issues, did your doctor check your gallbladder? My last pregnancy, my gallbladder was full of stones. I was miserable. They’re common in pregnancy. I hope it resolves soon and your sciatica plays nice this time.
YAY!! MORE CUTE BABIES!!! Congratulations Bowers! Is there really any greater blessing or purpose than being a mom?! SO HAPPY for you guys!!
Congratulations, Bowers! I love the announcement. 🙂
My OB says they are just as good as the expensive ones!
EEEKKKK!!!!!! How exciting and special and wonderful for you all!! You guys make the best looking kids and I can’t wait to see what this one will be!
boy?girl? whatevs…this is one lucky babe!
Congratulations! Your babies are beautiful and big families are so much fun! I’m a few weeks from expecting my first, but have been a long time follower of your blog and I love all your mom posts! Im sure I’ll be looking back through for first time momma advice!
Congrats!! Someone may have mentioned this already (can’t read through all the comments!), but Diono Radian car seats are amazing; you can fit three across. They are tall and narrow and get great ratings (they are quite heavy). They turn into boosters as well.
Good luck!
Congratulations! I’m thrilled for your sweet family.
Greetings from the Black Forest in Germany.
I am a 2Daughter -Mama / 1Girl Grandmother and soon july 2017 Boy Grandmother.
Greetings to your mom and please tell her that I would like to have many grandchildren like her!
WHAT???!!! I can’t even right now! I am SOOOOO excited! Look at those gorgeous boys!! How could you not want another beautiful Bower in this World. I’m all the yesses over here and if anyone messes with you, they’ll have me to deal with!
Congrats! Love you!
Oh Katie congratulations!! Such wonderful news. I love watching your sweet family grow! Can’t wait to “meet” the littlest Bower. I hope you keep feeling better and better!!
I am so happy for you guys, and hope for a happy, healthy pregnancy and baby.
My mom used to say “if you can do four, you can do forty.” She had 7, and would have kept going if she could have. I think big families are a blessing, not just for the parents, but for the kids too. Later in life, to have that many people to love and be loved by… well, isn’t that just winning the lottery of life? We have four too, by the way, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
So so so very happy for all of u!!! Can’t wait to go along for this amazing and exciting ride with all of u!!! Thanks for sharing ur news in such an adorable way! Congratulations!
Back to back babies is so hard on our bodies, I felt it with my third for sure. “Advanced maternal age” (is so awful to hear.. All. The. Time.) I ended up having placenta previa because of the pregnancies being so close and being 35. My stomach felt heavy and the baby felt so low, like he could wave hi to people low. Anyway, I hope that’s not why your stomach is hurting & I wish you a happy & healthy pregnancy. I envy you, we can’t seem to make a decision on #4. Sending love from Boston.
Katie!! Congratulations Mama, you’re living the dream. 🙂 I have no idea how I missed your news but I am so excited for you and your family! You mentioned you have been dealing with migraines and chronic headaches this time. I deal with these daily and have been hospitalized in the past. I also have fibromyalgia and am currently weaning off all medications so my husband and I can start our family. But I am TERRIFIED for the surge in pregnancy hormones and what that could mean for my migraines and how to treat them. Obviously I am under the care of specialists and will be When that time comes, but was wondering if you have any advice you could share for things you’ve done that have helped you manage your condition and symptoms during pregnancy. Thanks so much!!
Aw. . . so happy for you guys! We’re expecting #5 in July and I feel simultaneously thrilled and overwhelmed.
I remember you had struggled with SPD with Max and I found a great resource you might be interested in: https://fit2b.us/pubic-symphysis-dysfunction-routine/ Fit2B offers tummy-safe exercise for women with postpartum abdominal separation, but they have a TON of workouts besides just ones for pre/postnatal. All the videos are family friendly, so no scantily clad ladies or inappropriate conversation about the body. She has a video on exercising the pelvic floor that you could watch w/ your kids and they’d never know it had anything to do with your lady parts. 🙂
Here’s a video on Vimeo you can watch to get an idea of what the videos are like (and squatting is a great labor position, so this is a great video to use to prepare for labor!): https://vimeo.com/94616502 (FYI, not affiliated w/ Fit2B or anything. Just love what they have to offer for safe, effective exercise at home.)
That’s very exciting! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! I am one of five, except it was all gals in my house 🙂 So happy for you guys and that your boys will have that growing up like we did, I can safely say my sisters are my everything and I’m lucky to have them. We’re all grown now and starting our own families but we definitely got the looks and questions growing up, people couldn’t believe there were five girls in one family….but I wouldn’t have traded it for anything!
Congratulations! As long as you have the means (emotional, financial, support etc) and the house is filled with love….who cares if some people judge. I’m jealous! Looking forward to all the updates.
CONGRATS!! So happy for you! I have loved the Peg Perego 4-35 infant seat, lightweight, narrow, comfortable and fits for a long time! Also love the Peg Perego Prima Pappas high chair as it’s so easy to wipe down to clean. And lastly LOVE the summer infant bath sling, I’m a big fan of sink baths and that one folded up so easily and slid into our kitchen cabinet! good luck!!
Oh my gosh, congratulations!! Such exciting news!! Coming from one of five siblings, you will always get the comments, but thankfully you seem to already know to let them roll off your back. We are almost finished with cooking number 3, and probably will have a fourth (if I can handle being pregnant again!), so I just love big families!
Congratulations! You’re going to love it! I have 3 boys, then a girl, 3 more boys and another baby girl <3 And we homeschool, so people think we're extra crazy 😉
PS I didn’t even realize your due date when I read this the first time – I’m due in September as well (!!!) but it’s our first baby If ours is as cute as any of your first 4, we’ll be lucky indeed!
Katie!! Hahahah I had to scroll so far down to find this comment box!! 🙂 CONGRATS! I always wanted a big family (with 5 boys and then a girl, to be exact.. so far only have one girl!) so I am totally enjoying reading about YOUR adventures! Glad to hear you’re not so tired anymore – it gives me hope! (Due in October!). My brother recently said to me, “Hey, the transition from 1 to 2 is way harder than none to 1” (Wow, thanks…) but I was thinking for you at some point the transitions must have started getting easier! You’re pros! Here’s to an amazing transition from 4 to 5! <3
Awww congrats! I only have two, for now, but I love a big family . I wish I would have gotten married young enough to have a bigger family. I’m 36 and my husband is already 40 and are kids are 3 and 1.
You are so lucky!!! 🙂 Can’t wait to see if it’s a boy or girl.
yasssssss hunny!
#lovewins #getthembabies
Congratulations!! Your love and enthusiasm for your family is amazing!! I had been thinking it was about time for another Bower (if y’all were choosing to have another)!
We have a Nuna Pipa car seat and love it. It’s lighter than others and has a stability bar with the base. (We are about to have to upgrade- curse you time thief, where is my baby?)
Also a Stokke Flexibath, which I like but am not sure it would serve you well since you have other kids. (I plan to use it for a while so we aren’t wasting water filling up the entire bathtub but y’all have a tub full so not a concern!)
We also love our Keekaroo peanut changer. Easy to wipe down after diaper changes gone scary. Ideal for changing boys!
Congrats again!!
Katie! I’ve followed you for a long time and haves loved watching your family grow!! My oldest is named Will too Congratulations!!!
So so very happy for you guys!!!! Love it! I have four girls and would LOVE to go for number five but sadly I think I am too old now! Ha! Best wishes to you for a healthy easy rest of your pregnancy! 🙂
Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you.
I’ve been quietly following your family for a little over two years, and reading through your detailed posts about your first pregnancy was very encouraging when I was pregnant for the first time. I come from a big family and I’ve always wanted one, too!!
I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 12 month old, and I’m pregnant now with our HUGE SURPRISE baby that I did not plan on having for at least another year. It has been a huge bucketload of emotions to sort through, but I am starting to get used to the idea and I am excited for the chaos that having 3 ages 3 & under will bring. I’m exactly 1 week behind you, so I plan to follow closely. 😉
I, for the record, am also voting boy. How awesome would that be?? On the other hand, that would be one seriously doted on and protected little girl. Hard to resist. <3
OMG!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!
We have 2 boys (6 years and 7 months), and my baby fever is in full force! So happy for you and your family.
If you co-sleep I recommend the dock-a-tot as a must and also the Rock N’ Play.
Congrats, Katie! Your kiddos are absolutely adorable, so excited you’re having another! I’m due with our 7th in September as well, big hugs in having survived the first trimester. Hope your pregnancy is uneventful and wonderful!
Wonderful news for such a sweet family! Looking forward to following your pregnancy and baby’s arrival on the blog! Checking in on your site makes me so happy! Congratulations!!
Congratulations!!! I love following you guys and your boys. They are all so adorable (we actually have a Weston of our own and every time you describe him, I swear the name dictates the personality bc they’re so similar).
Here’s to a happy and healthy 9 months!!
And on a selfish note, can you put in a good word with the big man upstairs for us? We’ve been trying and apparently it doesn’t come easy for us. This post just made my insides want a babe even more.
Congratulations!!! So exciting! I have three boys and LOVE it. Car seat/stroller system… Orbit Baby. Hands down, the BEST! I used it for all three and loved it. Pricey, but worth it.
How thrilled I am for you. I thought you were announcing another baby when you introduced the puppy. Girl, so many little ones and a puppy! You must have the patience of a saint. You certainly are blessed. I love hearing about planned babies who will come into a whole loving family. I’m 68 so I can’t recommend car seats or high chairs but I can recommend you keep doing what you’re doing. Prayers for a healthy baby, boy or girl…maybe it’ll be two girls! Your babies are so beautiful, but the two of you are healthy good looking couple too. My daughter has friends who have twelve children, so five is only beginning.
They haven’t told me what causes my headaches and migraines…but I can clearly identify triggers….it’s hormones, barometric changes (like I can sense if it’s about to rain), stress, and lack of exercise. I cut out gluten and that didn’t help, added a bunch of different minerals and vitamins to supplement my diet and that helped a little (B2 is one that helped more than anything) and I have been trying to drink TONS of water. At night I drink probably six bottles of water alone. I think the best advice is to bring it up with your doctor and if you have a neurologist…they can always suggest things!
xo – kb
I will definitely pray for ya.
xo – kb
Congrats! (I’m way behind on my blog reading and just catching up.) What exciting news! I’ve been reading your blog since before you were ever pregnant with Will so it’s very exciting to see your family growing again. You guys make the cutest kids. Can’t wait to meet the newest Bower baby!
I say: “here, here! Be fruitful and multiply! Congratulations! I am happy to see children come into families where they are wanted and loved, rather than neglected. God bless all y’all!
I like that your kids are all close together…its so much better that way. We had 3 further spaced before we let God plan our family size and honestly, did not know how much we wanted a large family until we had one. It is an amazing life! You’ll never ever regret it.
Here’s to your someday Baseball team!;)
Oh, and geriatric…haha. I was 46 when my 7th was born…and finally a girl!!!! 🙂 Seriously, you’re like 12 next to me…
Thank you friend 🙂 You are the sweetest!
xo – kb
Whoa, congrats lady! I was just catching up on my blog reading and jokingly thought “I wonder if the Bowers are adding anymore kiddos to their crew…” Ha! I’m firmly in the no-more-than-2 category for myself (we’re 1/2 way there with our first!), but I’m pretty darn impressed by the parents that can wrangle big families without losing their minds! (and you seem to be doing an amazing job)
I just came across your blog for the first time and have to comment! It was interesting to read about your 5th pregnancy and the fact that you have 4 boys. (My sister also has 4 boys.)
As a mom of 4 girls, my gender reveal ultrasound ended with finding out I’m pregnant with twin girls! And I totally agree that by the time you have a 5th (&6th!) child, the original baby equipment is in need of updating! 🙂 Blessings and congrats!
the IKEA Antilop Highchair: I bought 2 for my twins and love how easy they are to clean. (and the color doesn’t scream “baby equipment”) Definitely recommend it!!
I’m late on this, but congratulations! I just had baby number 4 in January. My husband and I decided to try “once more for a girl” and got another boy. I was seriously, honestly depressed for the first 5/6 months. It was very difficult. I think it’s important for women to share feelings like that with each other because I felt lonely in my feelings and a few gals who haven’t been able to have babies made me feel horrible and “wrong” for my feelings.
I just think it’s so important to support each other. My family choosing to have 4 children doesn’t (and shouldn’t) take anything away from someone who is unable to have children. God decides. Not us.
I guess I’m sharing because after 2/3/4 babies of the same gender, who wouldn’t be a little excited to imagine getting the other gender this time. Of course once our baby boy was born, I couldn’t care less that he was a “he”. I just really wanted to do bows and ruffles! I hope you get all the supportive comments in the world on this announcement. I know sometimes folks can be well-meaning and unintentionally hurtful. And having more than two kids seems to open up people into thinking they have a right to tell you how your family “should” look. Like, if we choose to have 3/4/5 children, it’s ok! And it’s ok if someone else chooses 1. And if someone chooses none, that’s ok too! And those who want children but cannot get pregnant for whatever reason, I pray for and hope for them.
Anyway, my comment is a novel now! Wish you the best! Wish you a healthy baby who sleeps through the night at 3 days old:) Wish you nothing but the best! And I wish you bows and ruffles and if not, Polo horses, seersucker and Sperry’s with no socks! xo!
OMG! I am so excited for you. We are expecting baby #3 and I have to say it makes me just want to even it out to 4. I can’t wait to see what #5 looks like since you have such different looking kids but all equally adorable.
We had an old lady neighbor who had six kids and was older than old. One day we were talking about life and I asked her if she had any regrets. She told me that if she knew then what she knew now, she would have had six more (meaning 12). She said her children were the ultimate joy of her life. Congratulations, Katie! I know you will have the best team!
Thanks, Katie! Same here – hormones, quick barometric pressure changes (a blizzard one day then 60 degrees the next day – gotta love the Northeast), and stress are my main triggers. And when all three happen at once, it’s pure disaster. I’ve tracked mine for years but diet has never impacted mine, though I have a fairly strict diet anyway so that could be why. I’ve been under the care of a neurologist for years that I see often, but it’s always good to hear how other women deal with the same health issues so I really appreciate your feedback. Sending you good juju that you feel well the remainder of your pregnancy. 🙂
Congratulations! I am also a longtime reader from Germany and it has been such a joy to see your family grow! Boy or girl – it doesn’t matter but I am also ” team girl” because I would want to be that girl – with four adorable and loving older brothers 🙂 I think what you do is amazing and you have a wonderful family! Greetings from Germany – Lara
Congratulations!!!!!!!! I’m a mama of 6 girls I’ve been reading your blog since before you had your first baby
Thank you Kristin! It’s a bummer to deal with but so common. I think women especially think it’s just lack of sleep or whatever and forget sometimes that they are popping tylenol every day….the ‘chronic’ label seems so complain-y but once we start talking about it, it’s clear that it’s caused by things we generally can’t control! Glad to hear that you have found a good doctor!
xo – kb
I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! (Well, I suspected it a few weeks ago.) Congratulations!
Congrats!! I’m late to the news but so excited that your family is growing. This post is bolstering my courage to try for our 3rd. I’m a little weary after our second (strong willed to put it mildly) but I/we just don’t feel done. Excited for what the future holds.
Go Team Bower!! ⛹⛹⛹⛹⛹
Congrats! I missed this! We have 5 also 😉
I’m a little behind here, but I’m so excited about this! I wish I could have 5 babies, but I feel pretty drained with 3 and working full time. I’m also treating my 3rd baby who is about to turn 1 as my last and it’s so bitter sweet. I’m so happy for you! You’re so brave and blessed. Go you! Feel good.
My question: was Sherry the first one to know?
Jeremy was the first one to know 🙂 He was the one that asked me if I was pregnant and made me stop to get a test. But this was a planned pregnancy so that is probably why 🙂
xo – kb
Ahhhh I’m so jealous! I have 4 boys also and I’d love to add one more but my pregnancy was so bad with my last one that I just can’t do it again. That vertigo you felt was what I felt like my entire pregnancy! The baby at the end was worth it but it was not fun! Anyhow Congratulations!
I haven’t visited your blog for ages due toto crazy work life, but am so thrilled I did! I too am due in September, and funny enough I’m all about the hash browns at the moment too! Vertigo, check. Sick but not vomiting, check. So this is exciting to read, and I’ll be following your journey! It’s only #2 for me with a 5 year gap so I have to do some kind of baby refresher course! Congratulations!
Oh my gosh! Congratulations to your beautiful, growing family!!! So excited! I just saw the reveal post and was so confused since I hadn’t had a chance to catch up on your blog!