Atlanta is a very diverse and unique city. I love it here in Hotlanta, the A.T.L., A-town or whatever ya wanna call it. And just a little FYI for all you non-atlantans – if you live near the citylimits, the burbs (which can be over an hour away) or inside the perimeter of the city, EVERYONE says that they live “in Atlanta”. It is home of Coca-Cola, the Braves, the Falcons, the dirty south, Stone Mountain, and a kick-A aquarium. I am very proud to say that I am an Atlantan.
So naturally, this book caught my eye last time I was scoping out the sale section at Barnes & Noble. I had a gift card in tow and swooped up a copy in a jiffy.
I think they make these books for pretty much every major city. It can be great for introducing your alma mater to guests and if you ever move (gasp! the horror!) then you have this wee book to remind you of the place you once called home.
I thought it would be perfect in our guest bedroom for our overnighters to experience a little photo action of our beloved city. Plus I am the type of person that prefers pics to words in a book – and this little diddy was chock full of befores & afters.
Plus, the magazine with the Tennesse Volunteers on the front just wasn’t satisfying my decor taste buds. I think that was a Jeremy selection 🙂
The magazines got stashed and the new Atlanta book took over. Not only informational, it is also decor friendly with it’s natural colored cover. The color pallette is a little more in sync – no more blazing orange in our woodsy colored room. And next time we have guests, the area will be perfect to set out a basket of overnight essentials such as towels, toiletries, some Atlanta postcards and stamps, and a water carafe.
It is coming up on holiday season and that means family and friends coming to celebrate. But what do they need? Do you have a hard time figuring out how to personalize the space for your guests? Well, Martha has some great ideas. And I always love SimpleMom’s hints. Also, hit up for other ways to make sure your guest has a uber-comfy stay. And if you have your own idea for how to make your special visitor feel like a superstar, throw it in the comments to share with my nine other readers (yes people, I have tasted popularity and it is SWEET!)