Someone asked me about an accent wall in a comment and I was like...hmmm which one did you say? there have been so many! The fact is…accent walls are one of my favvvvvsssssss in life! Accents in general are a favorite. It’s one of the main reasons I watch The Crown and guys…I married a southern boy. Also legs. But that’s got nothing to do with home improvement. Or Queen Elizabeth. OR DOES IT?!?!?! 🙂
ANYHOO….I wanted to take a little trip down memory lane and share some of my FAVORITE accent walls with you guys and maybe give you a bitty bit of inspiration to tackle a wall in your own room. It is a whole lot easier than doing a whole space and it adds flavor and personality! Let’s do this!
Guys, my accent wall virginity was definitely taken by my first love, my young love. I would make a wood joke but that would be going to far. MAN I FEEL FRISKY TODAY DON’T I!?! Forgive me. Let’s just start over. My first idea for an accent wall is making a pallet wood wall. It’s fair affordable….we always recommend making sure you do your research when installing something like this – here is our tutorial that we think is pretty fantastic.
Speaking of accent walls in nurseries, you may remember that when we moved, Will’s room was all sorts of personal drama for this mama. We repainted it a couple times before installing this accent wall made of burlap. After that I was smitten in Will’s nursery. It added so much texture and totally had a vibe of casual farmhouse. I loved the look of it especially behind the gallery of frames. In the end we went with a different direction in here (see that top pic), but it was very affordable and easy to install (I just used a staple gun!). Here is how I did it!
Goodness comes in threes right?! Well, my third accent wall in a nursery is the faux brick one we did and LOVED. This guy was originally in Weston’s nursery (it’s now Max & LJ’s room) and we think it is a subtle move in the right direction. The time it took was well worth the end result and honestly, I think it is way more durable than just sheetrock. Here is the link to that goody.
Classy is an understatement when it comes to this board & batton accent wall. It was super simple to do, we feel like it adds just enough personality and looks so good with pretty much any decor. I can’t wait to make this guest room into Ella’s nursery so that she can have this beauty in her space! (Yes I’ve been thinking about that! soon people soon!). If your taste tends to slide more to the traditional side, this would be the accent wall for you. Here is our recap about how we did it.
Throwing it back to the old school when I decided to paint a random wall in our house with a bright green shade! Guys…it doesn’t take much to create an accent wall. This one was SO cheap and it was made from paint testers in our first house. I dare say….I still love it. I don’t know exactly why I picked that lamp situation but it is what it is 🙂 The point is….the green paint really perked up this upstairs landing and gave it a tooooooon of personality with less than the cost of a cheeseburger. Here is the recap.
My brothers house was transforming from a bachelor’s pad to a home after he got married and I made him this table and gave him a little foyer makeover including this faux shiplap wall……THAT I DID FOR ONE DOLLAR. one. you heard right. uno. un. een. It was by far the easiest and cheapest ways to do an accent wall and it looks great. I imagine that when I look at that wall, Joanna Gaines is patting me on the shoulder telling me that she is so proud and a single tear rolls down my cheek. Here is the tutorial on that baby.
If you have a little nook in a bathroom or laundry or kitchen space and want a little added drama….throw a tile accent wall up in that spot! We did in our first floor bathroom and it is one of the spots we get LOTS of compliments on. It’s super easy to clean, it protects the wall really nicely and is very custom and everyone loves seeing their own mug framed out with a pretty tile. Consider the cost – some tile is very affordable and some is a little pricier – and the length at which you will want to keep the tile up (you don’t want to tile if you change your mind a lot or frequently!) because tile might be the perfect fit or you may want to consider other options. Here is the link to how we tiled this sweet little accent wall in our bathroom.
Last but certainly not least is our wallpapered accent wall. We did a makeover of the end of our upstairs hallway shortly after Ella was born and OH MAN, do I love seeing that wallpapered bit of space. I am definitely on a wallpaper kick and have some staring me down in my bedroom right now 🙂 It just needs to be installed. But the point here is that wallpaper is new and fresh and sometimes even removable so this is a non-permanent solution to adding pattern and texture. It can say “hey y’all, I have a good personality and I’m good-looking so you should totally be chums with me.” You know what I mean. Here is the before and after of that space – you definitely need to check it out.
So in conclusion….accent walls are life. And I’m a tiny bit obsessed with trying out new ones. I have about three more on my brain that I want to do right now (any takers!?) because they instantly add OOOmmmph to a room. And every room needs a little more of that 🙂 So which one is your favorite? Have an accent wall in your house? Do you love it/hate it/currently researching legal states where you can marry a wall? I want to know! And happy weekending y’all!