p.s. I haven’t felt overly inspired to blog lately…but then I ate about thirty O’Charlies rolls last night (random early St. Patty’s day dinner in which I gorged myself) and while suffering from food-induced insanity wrote down all the posts I have promised in the last few weeks and realized that I must share all the fun we’ve been having…NOW….before more fun happens and I forget all about it. Forgive me, mmkay…and be on the lookout for random posts…love ya. xo – kb
p.p.s. Does this card look familiar? It should. It’s eerily similar to Will’s Christmas card!
Adorable! (And I know you hate this, but “babies” not babys)
Happy St Paddys day to you and your family from Dublin, Ireland!
And give that wee leprechaun a hug 😉
Dont worry bout the frequency blogging, we re only here for the entertainment value you provide and the happiness (and tears in eyes from giggles) you bring 🙂
Awww, poor Will, someone stole his pot o’ gold! 🙂
Katie Bower… GET YOUR BUTT BACK TO BLOGGING !!!! we (your dedicated fans) miss you and your posts terribly!!!! Not to be demanding or anything lol… but i am waiting on the post about the curtains behind your bed because i desperately want to do that in my bedroom. You are great and your family is gorgeous!!!! love you girlyyy!!!!
Haha…knew that I smelled a typo. Fixed! Thanks Katy 🙂
xo – kb
Does Will really have red hair? Looks brown to me.
Love your sincerity. Can’t wait for you to be back…but take some time for yourself as needed!
haha, that’s too cute! Can’t wait to hear all about the happenings in your new home.
Congrats on the shout out in Sherry and John’s Washington Post article.
We affectionately call it chestnut. But yeah…in certain light he has one flaming red head 🙂
miss you!
xo – kb
Yeah, your blog is the first one i check every morning and im like “dang, when is she gonna post?!” Love your family!!
I miss those rolls and make a trip to OCharley’s everytime we come ‘home’. More house updates pleeeease! 🙂
Happy St.Patty’s Day! I love how even Will’s “I don’t appreciate this” face is so stinkin’ adorable 🙂
Can’t wait for the upcoming posts, glad to know you’re having fun!
~ Anne.
Excited to see wht y’all have been up to!
PS: Do you happen to know what the name of that ‘”Happy St. Patrick’s Day” font is?
Happy St Patty’s Day! Looking forward to random posts whenever they may happen!
I am beyond flattered…and obviously can’t wait for those two to go on a book tour!
xo – kb
I saw that Sherri gave Bower Power a shout out in the Washington Post, what a good friend!!
And yes we have missed you and your lovely blogs. Moving is crazy but we miss you so come back!!!
We totally understand the lack of inspiration. I can imagine that leaving behind your old home is a traumatic experience that takes some time to get over. Just want you to know that you inspire me so please keep writing. I even went to good will today and bought a cobalt vase for .99 and two frames for 4 dollars. I also bought an art book at half-priced books that I plan to take apart and frame various pictures from it as instant art for my home. I would never have thought to do that without you!
I love ur random posts! 🙂
Hope the new house is being good – and wills ok
Ok …… I’m tired that’s the wrong way round..argh lol
bahaha that pic is hilarious! poor little irish will!
FYI: you have a baby = no apologizing for blogging less!
oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhh rolls from o’charlie’s! we relocated from Virgnia to Pennsylvania, which means we are now O’charlie-less 🙁 so you can pretend that you ate some of those delicious rolls for me 🙂
Katie Bower had a gingerbaby! No kidding! Happy saint patty’s day girl.
My husband is a red head and im praying for little red headed babies!