Quite obviously my little Tinkler has a fascination with balls. (Don’t all boys? Can I get an amen from the choir?!)
And this past weekend, Jer’s folks came into town which reminded me that I never posted the photos of the last time they were in town. Not that this post is about Jer’s folks. It’s not. It’s about my heavy-diapered little dude.
And his balls.
And his ability to weild a racket.
Of course. Because if he can’t throw something, he wants to hit something.
Great form Will! Yup, I can see it now….multi-million dollar endorsements from Nike and Prince…oh and Penn….and Wilson. Yup…gotta train em early if you want to retire at 35.
Of course, training is a little hairy when the athlete chucks the balls at his coach.
Seriously though – we have discovered that Will makes an excellent ball boy. Especially since I can’t get the ball over the net.
And I don’t want to retire at 35. I want to retire at 40. like everyone else.
And we aren’t training Will at tennis. Why limit our future to only one sport?
Just call him Bo Jackson. Will-Bo.
Have you guys been getting outside lately with your little athletes? Any ball fanatics in the house? Anyone else who nailed the toddler with a tennis ball can’t get a tennis ball over the net to save their life? Anyone else banking on their little one to get them into retirement? oh. just me then.
He totally looks like he is getting ready to throw up a serve in the 4th picture! My husband is convinced he can make one of our boys an NFL punter. He figures if he has them kick at least 100 times a day starting at age 5 how can anyone be better? Ha
That little tinkler is adorable. SO cute! Great photos as always 🙂
Cute! Will’s expression looks exactly like my daughter’s expression 95% of the time! She’s a “ginger” girl. We’ve also been “having fun” since Jan. But it took us over a year with her so we were prepared for the “disappointing surprise” each month this time.
You must go to Target and procure this giant bag of orange, blue, and yellow balls. They are like ball pit balls, and my daughter loves them. I dump the whole bag in my family room, and it is like our own personal Chuck E. Cheese. Of course, then I spend at least 30 minutes collecting those darn balls at the end of the day. But for baby entertainment, it’s worth it 🙂
I love reading your site I just have one pet peeve and I’ve got to comment on it! I know you don’t mean any harm but gender stereotypes are taught. Will doesn’t enjoy balls, throwing things or toy cars anymore than a gal his age.
I’m pregnant right now and my husband is 6’6″. I have nightmares about how much the baby’s going to eat but I just keep thinking it’s because it’s going to be an athlete. We saw it the other day and it was throwing it’s arms everywhere so I’m hoping for a basketball or baseball scholarship!
I have a little boy that is pretty much the same age as Will…his birthday is April 10 and he’s my first too. It’s been fun to read about your little monkey and realize I’m not alone. Boys will be boys. Throwing things, obsessed over balls, never sitting still, hitting, etc. But I LOVE every crazy moment. He brings me so much joy and it’s so obvious that Will does for you too. Also, I read a previous comment from someone about the plastic balls from Target…totally have them and totally have an inflatable ball pit too. My little guy L.O.V.E.S it. We keep it contained to one room because having balls everywhere drives me batty, but it’s worth dragging it out every now and again just to see him go into crazy mode.
Hi Linda & Mike,
Let’s be frank (or frida if you prefer) – I wasn’t implying any gender sterotypes, I was making an inappropriate play on words 🙂 Yes…I really am that immature.
In all seriousness – I am a huge fan of girls in sports, being breadwinners, smashing things in general with large heavy objects and if my future little girl wants to put me into retirement with her architect design work or her race-car driving prowess…I will treat her like I do all my other highly successful children – with a “where’s my monthly check?” and a “now go make me breakfast” 🙂
Oh and please don’t think I am teaching Will anything…you would be giving me way too much credit 🙂
xo – kb
p.s. maybe I should make a blog fully dedicated to toddler’s throwing things photos….or is that the margarita thinking that it is a good idea?
I will go to Target right after I google the word ‘procure’….
xo – kb
Those will be great yearbook photos when he becomes his high school sports star! 🙂
Girlfriend, you are FUNNY! Got hooked on yo blog from reading about you over at YHL. Um, your baby is pretty much the cutest little boy I HAVE EVER SEEN — Love that saggy diapey! Keep on with the cuteness and the funny, I’m all about the cuteness and the funny!
I love his little belly in the third photo. Round bellies are really only cute on babies and their pregnant mommies…too bad that leaves the rest of out!
Oops, I meant to say “the rest of us out”!
Katie, I read your blog daily, but don’t comment often. I just wanted to let you know that I really admire you. That’s all. 🙂
How in the heck are you & Will able to be outside in this blazing GA heat! The heat and humidity is enough to choke you. UGH!
Not so much with sports yet, but we did our first finger painting lesson (and posted pictures) and I think I may have the next Picasso sleeping in a crib down the hall!
Love all the pictures you have been posting lately. Makes me so excited about our photo session with you coming up Aug. 12th.
Remie is only 10 months old but she will be playing tennis and golf soon, since those are the money makers. I’ll settle for her finding a way to pay for college. Which will allow us to retire early.
Will is the cutest!
Ignore the margarita — you’re doing great! 🙂 Will is ALL BOY and he’s currently showing you and the world that this is so. As a former (and current?) TomBoy, I was into mud pies, playing army men and building cities in the dirt for my brothers car collection. At the same time I also made sure Barbie was in on the fun too. But I was ALL GIRL. I didn’t want to be too dirty or throw the pretty mud pies or whatever my stinky little brother wanted to do.
Yes, we are all different. It’s to do with the plumbing. 😉
You are teaching that adorable Little Tinkler to be WILL. And he’s all boy! Enjoy it — the stuff they throw and catch only gets more dangerous. Like curve balls. Behind the plate.
And for the record, I’m waiting for The Boy to honor his Mother with the lifestyle to which she will become accustomed — that of the mother of the next Joe Mauer. Look him up. 🙂
Have you switched to disposable diapers? I saw you had a post a while back about reusable and didn’t know if there was a reason for the switch. I know several people who are considering both options, just curious (I’m not hating either way)!
He he he! Also, I put Kate’s blow up pool in our family room and put the balls in the pool – homemade ball pit!
Oh, without water in it 😉 Unless you want a giant mess!
Oh my goodness…. I just wanted to take a quick moment to say you are so fantastic!! I think I have a total hetero-crush on you!! hahaha 😀 You and your family are just cute as a button annd your blog is funny and fantasic reading.. I <3 it! Reading yours actually made me want to start my own, if nothing else for my mom (who's almost 2000 miles away) to read… So it hit the ground a running a couple days ago and I am one step by step guide at a time figuring out how to work it… lol
In response to your "Anyone else banking on their little one to get them into retirement?" We live in Louisiana, but are from California and a couple weeks ago we went and stayed in a beach house in california and as we were walking down by the beach looking at the very nice and terribly over priced houses, My lovely little girl told me that when she is eight years old she is going to buy me a specific beach house that she picked out and give me $6000 dollars a month to live on, she picked the amout. I told her to promise me and that she needs to really do good in school and go to college so we can work on this 😉 Luckily she either wants to be a marine biologist or a lawyer… so If I keep my fingers crossed and we work really hard we might just get it!!! lol 🙂
We actually do more of a hybrid approach (as you can see with Will in the photos wearing both disposable and cloth!)
We usually slap a disposable on him if we are going out (which is why Will was wearing the disposable first – because we went to dinner)…and then as we got home and we stripped him down to his skivies, we changed him out with a cloth version. It works for us…especially when he drops a load in a disposable because otherwise we are like those dog people toting plastic baggies around with Will’s doodie 🙂
xo – kb
I have 2 little boys (Wyatt, 2.5 and Taylor, 5.5) and this is pretty much what we do all day: balls, balls, balls and more balls. Just wait till your also telling them “please, stop playing with your balls!” 😉 But Taylor is our little prodigy that we’re counting on for early retirement. That baseball swing is out of control!
It’s scary how similar our senses of humor are, aka that of a 13 year old boy. If I had a dollar for every time my fiance has shaken his head and said “dirty girl,” I’d have a whole lot of dollars. My bad.
My 2 year old daughter decided to swing her foam baseball bat like a golf club today so her daddy and I were thinking “ohhh, golf… that’d be a good sport for her! There are a ton of scholarships out there for girl golfers!” and so we started thinking that it would be awesome if she enjoyed a sport enough to go to college for it. She’s definitely her daddy’s daughter if that comes true in 16 years. So you’re not the only one thinking about it!
Hang onto that photo of his good form with the tennis racket. My hubby has a similar one of him as an infant with a golf club and he’s now a professional golfer and that photo gets brought up so much!
OOppppssssss…. That was suppose to be twenty eight lol… Sorry 🙂