Two things have been flooding my inbox and I am seriously grinning from ear to ear for both.
First up – I’ve been getting dozens of emails from folks who spied Jewel’s new baby boys nursery online (here’s the link to all the celebrity nurseries) and think she may have gotten some inspiration from Will’s old nursery.
Yes…that is a very flattering thought.
No…I don’t think it’s true.
I do love the fact that her designer used reclaimed barnwood for the wall and hung ‘mounts’ on it – plus they get bonus porky points for including a pig on the little bookshelf…BUT I have to say that woody accent walls have been around for a long time. Hello – 1970 called, they want their paneling! So as much as I would love to say that it’s an original idea…it’s not. But it is nice to confirm that Will’s old room had some good design ideas in it for budding baby boys who may grow up to be country music stars.
Speaking of stars, let’s get to numero dos.
Number two of awesomeness is that Will’s old pumpkin photo was used as a hardcover book for the recent MyPublisher buy one – get one promotion.
Mama’s little boy could be a model afterall! So glad we practiced Blue Steel for those four hours every Tuesday.
And yes, the special offer is buy 1 book get 1….not buy 1 baby Will, get one….because let’s just be honest, if that were the case, MyPublisher would be sold out 🙂
Last bit of info…this morning we revealed that Sherry and I were in the same place at the same time. That’s because for our anniversary, we decided to repeat last year and go on a road trip! So Will, Jer & I packed up and went to Richmond…but that’s not all. there’s much much more. and tomorrow I hope you will relive our road trip with us!
I saw the MyPublisher coupon in my inbox and thought, “Hey, that’s Will. Wait, they wouldn’t steal from Katie! Would they? I better go check…”
Glad to know it’s fair and square. 🙂
Will is a model!! How cute!! 🙂 And I can’t wait to relive your roadtrip!
you ARE famous (arent we all famous in our own minds? 🙂 If I saw you in a Goodwill I would quietly stalk you aisle to aisle (just to be sure it was you) before running up to you and asking for a cell phone pic and autograph. Im So uncool in those situations. You dont give enough credit to yourself regarding how many of uswait with baited breath for your posts. Enjoy your 15 minutes Lady!!!
I like Will’s nursery better!
I definitely like Will’s old nursery better than Jewel’s. Maybe because I love dark wood, or maybe because of the mounts she’s got that don’t really stick out from the wall. But either way, Will’s is cuter! And that picture is adorable too. Next thing you know, they’ll be making a movie after ya’ll 🙂
I love Will’s nursery so much. I have the photos of it saved for inspiration when we have a baby boy. 🙂 Can’t wait to read all about you & Sherry’s adventures!
Will in the pumpkin is adorable!! 🙂
Katie, I think that this confirms that your dream has come true – you’re a professional photographer! You deserve it for all your hard work and because you take amazing pictures.
Can’t wait for the roadtrip stories.
So glad I’m not crazy in thinking that random babies look like Will. I opened the email and immediately said that was Will, but couldn’t find anything to confirm it. He’s adorable!
OMG I saw that picture of Will (not knowing it was him) yesterday and honest to goodness thought “that baby looks a lot like that Bower baby”. Holy cow! I think that means I’m too much of a stalker. Sorry about that.
Anywho, he’s adorbs.
I TOTALLY saw that email in my inbox yesterday and said to myself “Is that Will, from Katie’s blog??” I looked around to see photo credits but they weren’t included in the email and then figured I was just being a wierdo and seeing things. Then thought to myself, “you don’t even know these people in real life, and now you are seeing thier baby in random emails. You are loosing it Sadie…loosing it!” Ha!! Congrats!!!
Ok the SO got inspiration from Will’s old nursery and I must say I loved yours so much better!! 🙂
Me too 🙂
you’re very cute but i have to tell you as a person who lived thru both the ’50s and the ’70s, there was no panelling in the ’70s. there were lots of interior decoration styles going on in the ’70s, among the very best john dickinson in san francisco. check it out!
see, this is what I get for not being old enough to live through the 70’s!
xo – kb