Boring random post here…filled with summer photos. Nothing to get your hopes up. I have quite a few of these bad boys coming up…because I take too many pictures and summertime is running out fast.
Consider yourself warned.
Will ate at the table for the first time. He was excited. And surprisingly wellbehaved. I guess all those whippings are finally working 🙂
We have had some crazy weather here. All summer it’s been blue skies with pink sunsets…and then one night we see this:
No rain. Because we found after buying this house that we live in the valley of the shadow of drought.
It rains all around us…but here? Nadadrop. Oh well…at least we have spectacular clouds. And just so everyone knows, I almost just spelled clouds with a ‘w’. I feel bad for Will if I homeschool.
Here in Georgia, summer lasts long past August. September will still be hot and humid and tan-inducing. But since school started, I feel the pressure to finish our summer list. So this week, we climbed Stone Mountain. There is my pack mule boyfriend. We guestimated that he had 35 extra pounds strapped to him between the Camelbak, the baby and the stuff jammed inside the Camelbak. Thank goodness he could handle it because I have 35 extra pounds strapped to me and I barely made it.
When we got to the top, Will hugged Jeremy’s leg. I wish I could train the kid to do this on command because it is adorable.
Remember how Will use to call Jeremy ‘Diddy’?
Yup. That’s changed now. Now he calls him ‘Jer’…which sounds like “Gee”. So now I say whatsupgee? like ten times a day…my boyfriend doesn’t think it’s quite as funny as I do.
Crazy part is that sweat mark is from Will. All that work…riding in the Bjorn.
When we got to the top, the view was pretty spectacular and the wind was crazy.
Of course…
You can see off in the distance the buildings of Atlanta…
The buildings on the left are downtown…and the ones on the right are Buckhead I think. Perhaps Perimeter? I’m not quite sure now that I type it outloud. Either way, they all were getting loads of rain.
Obligatory family photo. Will is doing his best to make sure I say ‘boob’ in every post.
My parents went to visit my Pappap and brought back a couple boxes of tomatoes. Have I told you how much I love his tomatoes? Because I do. Probably more than bacon…if that is possible. And on Sunday I had a BLT and almost died. It was heavenly. And ever since, I’ve been snacking on this:
Randomness – Am I the only mother that watches their kid like a hawk for schizophrenic tendencies? I know it’s a little early and he’s not talking yet in general, so is it strange that I worry he’s gonna start talking to voices in his head? It runs in both of our families…
also, same question applies for autism.
it may just be me being paranoid.
You know that fence we put up in the backyard? Yeah, well Lowe’s put the panels on sale…and we took the receipts to the store and they gave us $70 back. Pretty sweet huh?
This is one of Will’s favorite balls. It’s one of those Super Balls that is supposed to bounce like a hundred feet in the air. Of course, Jeremy ‘tested’ the accuracy of those claims for a half hour after purchasing it. I’m kinda surprised he didn’t climb onto the roof to see if it would help. The verdict? It bounces very high.
I can’t really help but take pictures of our crepe myrtle tree. It’s always asking for me to come over and take pictures of it. Total camera hog. What a diva.
We found a tick on Will’s shoulder. I freaked out. And then I grabbed the camera. While pulling the sucker off, it tore into two pieces. And I don’t know why you put the tick on a bar of soap – but that’s what my mother used to do and by george I will too. Please note the toddler bite marks. Soap in mouth was not a punishment…and now you can see why disciplining is difficult.
I feel bad sometimes about our house. I haven’t really done much decorating. I think it’s because I am still so attached to the other house. I didn’t really expect it to take this long…and I know that if I just hung some freaking pictures on the walls, it would help. Can you tell I am the sentimental type?
Pink skies at sunset.
Will and I draw with the chalk. I’m very proud that he knows what to do with the chalk. He will run out, squat down and draw two lines…sometimes three. Basically he is a chalk prodigy.
Can you tell what I do with the lens cap when I am taking pictures?
Man how I love him. I love his raggedy toenails and his skinny little legs. I love him so much that it literally feels like my heart is galloping inside my body when I think of him.
ok…last one. Pink sunset skies…great icecream. Can you believe that this photo is completely unedited? Straight outta the camera. And it is my quintessential summer moment.
You may have noticed that we have a couple new sponsors. Welcome to ESaleRugs and Brad Hughes Plumbing. And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that sometimes sponsors make blogging a little more palatable….like when people call you names and you wanna quit bloggin forever. So please show them some love by checking out their goods.
Stay tuned…I have a lot more to share – including another fabulous giveaway 🙂
I think these random posts you do are my favorites. I love seeing house stuff too, but there’s something so nice about just scrolling through pictures.
Whatsupgee!! Thats great, I would so say that too:) I’ve been to Brusters once. It was really good. My sister (who lived in Knoxville) said they have pj day and if you were your pjs you get your ice cream free!! What fun!!
You’re not the only mom who watches her kids for autism–my bff does too. I’ll tell you the same thing I tell her: HE’S INDEPENDENT. 🙂
I agree with Kristen. I love the random posts. We all get to know you even better. Is it creepy when readers (*cough me*) feel like your friend?
Just so you know, I laughed out loud twice and snorted once reading this. People who leave you mean comments are poopheads and don’t deserve space in your thoughts. Instead, think of all of us who love you and take time out of our busy days to check in on you. You rock. ‘Nuff said. 🙂
I have no idea why anyone would call you names. That’s just plain crazy. Anyway, your whole thing about being paranoid for autism and schizophrenia is totally normal, I think. I don’t even have a child yet but I keep thinking about all the problems I have in my DNA… whatevs!
I happen to think this is a great, not boring post. I’m sorry you have to deal with people calling you names, this is your blog. grrr… Any way. I totally get what you mean about the house. But the most important thing you are doing in your house, is giving your baby a safe, loving place to live. If I had a baby at home I would do the same thing, but for right now, decorating my house is my distraction from the fact that I don’t have a baby. I do want one disparately, but in the time being while ‘waiting’ I am going to decorate the crap out of it… 🙂 And when baby comes, I’m sure it will be on the back burner since it won’t be the biggest thing I have going on… Good luck and keep your chin up. You have plenty of people that support you and your blog. We love you KB!
Such beautiful clouds! I’m in the watching for autism club too – also wondering what to do with 18 month old tantrums (ack is it oppositional defiance disorder???). I hear myself all day saying ‘it looks like you’re feeling frustrated there, lets do something else’. Nutty me, my poor son.
I’m glad you were able to take your recipt and get money back at lowes. When I saw they went on sale I hoped you could get money back. I even told my husband that “Katie bought those fences”. He looked ar me like I was crazy and asked who Katie was, lol
Im totally ‘monitoring’ my 5 month old for OCD tendencies and such. 🙂 Especially since I watched a show on a beautiful young girl who was showing signs at about age 2…Im on the lookout now!
Whos calling you names? Do you want me to punch someone in the nose for you? Or at least draw my fist back in the air like IM GOING TO???!!! That’ll teach em. If they dont like your blog…dont read it! People are weird.
Love the random posts. From one BLT lover to another, the next time Will gets a tick, paint it with clear fingernail polish. Then wait for it to pull its head out and start moving (you do this so you don’t accidently leave part of that nasty thing in your kid). Snatch that sucker off your gorgeous (not autistic, not schizophrenic) son and smash him. Or put it on a bar of soap. Thanks for the slice of summer.
I am new to your blog and LOVE IT! Thanks for my morning laugh 🙂
Please don’t take this the wrong way- because your photography skills are wonderful- but the best pictures- the ones that crack em up EVERY TIME- is the “throwing stuff” pictures. WHY ARE THEY SO DARN FUNNY TO ME!?! I am to the point where I look for those first b/c they are hilarious! Just make a book for Will of all of the throwing stuff pictures! HAHA!
I love this post, it’s so full of gorgeous images and thoughts 🙂
I love that Will calls his Dadda “Jer’. My husbands name is Sean and Max (my little guy) has started calling him Shaw. So cute. 🙂
Love your random pics. We are taking our little girl to Stone Mountain tomorrow to ride the train. She is obsessed with trains and going over train tracks right now, so I figured a train ride was in order. I have also thought about hiking up the mountain, but I am not so sure with a 2.5 year old. How long is the hike up? I haven’t been to Stone Mountain in years…I see that they have tons to do now, did yall do anything else while yall were there?
My baby love my lens cover too ! And my camera strap – thats how we got her to crawl. I was cracking up at the teeth marks in the soap – hilarious!! You’ve inspired me so much to capture the little things love the random posts!
Love to follow your posts! Just wanted to throw in that you are correct about Buckhead! That’s my home! Loving that skyline…. and yes, CRAZY storms that lead to scary freak accident deaths (sorry, should I even be saying that to a new mom? sorry!)
When you pull a tick off, you might want to save it in a small vial of alcohol. This is in case someone develops symptoms related to a tick infection (not to scare you), then at least you have the tick to help in the diagnosis.
I was at stone mountain about 12 years ago when I was still in highschool. It’s amazing and I can’t wait to get down there with Paul & the kiddos for them to see it.
How cute is his little sweaty back!
The teeth marks in the soap made me giggle!
Please don’t quit… there are way more of us that get your crazy sense of humor… who cares about the rest. They just don’t need to read BPB anymore.
Give me a call… and I’ll come down and help you decorate =) Anytime!
Love this. Is it weird that I want to experience a “Bower Summer”? Ya’ll do the most fun, random, summer-time stuff. And I could go to Brusters In fact, that is sounding like an excellent choice for Friday lunch….
And like everyone else said – forget the haters. You make all of our days brighter every day (like Brusters does). You rock!
Love your random posts, Katie. And your gorgeous photos (is it possible that Will is getting even cuter as he gets bigger?!)
Be careful with those ticks- nasty little suckers! We live in the Northeast (founding forefathers of the lovely Lyme disease, which is carried in the tiny deer ticks), and I do a tick-check on my 3 little guys every single night from April – November.
Keep up the good work, and ignore the nay-sayers. Your blog is by far my fave of all that I read (and I’m sure many others feel the same!) Have a happy Friday! 🙂
My parents live on Lake Lanier and we always plan to hike Stone Mountain when we’re in the area but the weather never cooperates. Here’s hoping that six times is the charm. Great pictures!
Random blog feedback here… is it possible to put a link to comments at the end of the post? I find it a little tedious to read through the post and then have to scroll back to the top to click the link for comments. I think it would help usability a lot.
Didn’t know that! I had just read an article in a magazine about Lime disease so we have been watching for signs but it didn’t say save it…now I’ll know!
xo – kb
I believe it’s a couple miles…maybe 1 and a quarter? But you can take plenty of rest stops 🙂
xo – kb
ooohhh…thanks for the recommendation!
xo – kb
Stone Mountain is soooo nice! And I’m totally giving my son my camera lens while I take shots. Great idea 🙂
I love how much you love will!
I think any of us who have a family history are always on the lookout for symptoms, and should be, within reason. Especially with a baby boy who doesn’t talk much (which often means nothing). My now 5 y/o son does have ASD and even though the signs were there early it wasn’t on our radar. Next time around I’ll be a paranoid freak, for sure (though my guy is adopted, so the genetics don’t factor in). My best advice (that you aren’t asking for!) for everyone, is if you have any real concerns, get an evaluation from your state early intervention agency. I wish I would have pressed harder earlier to get some help for my little man (who is doing GREAT and going to gen ed kindergarten in a week – ACK!), but everyone kept reassuring me he was doing well because he’s a cuddly, social, friendly little dude (as are most kids with ASD I know).
[not remotely saying that anything is going on with darling Will – all I know about him is that he is SO FREAKING CUTE!!]
Love your photos and this blog – beautiful family and great pics!
Brusters! I didn’t realize they had locations all over the place…I live in New York. Best ice cream ever!
Also, you’ve inspired me to cook up the bacon I have in my fridge. We have tomatoes in our garden too… BLT here I come!
When I read to the part about the name calling, my gut reaction was “ohnotheydidn’t, I’m gonna put an end ta that!” – just as I would feel if I heard someone was picking on my sister. I guess my love for my favorite bloggers is fierce! Haha. My actual sister loves BLTs and bacon almost as much as you do. Oh, and not to make you jealous, but recently (on national ice cream day) I had the joy of experiencing maple bacon crunch ice cream. It was delish.
Are those chairs from the picture of Will eating in the kitchen red? Did you finally get around to finishing them? If so, I can’t wait to see them!
I love that he called him Diddy.
I have never heard to put a tick on a bar of soap.
Great post. Before I was a mom I had no idea how much I could love a little boy. I still can’t really even put it into words. Looks and sounds like you know the feeling.
Sucktastic about the name calling. Just listen to the good name calling Katie. You are a superstar mommy with a great ability to bring readers into your quirky but at times funnily imperfect life with your too-adorable-for-words family. Just remember, those silly heads that say mean things to strangers in Blog world are just people that live to get a rise out of people. Those aren’t opinions to be respected, just ignored and pitied. Hope you blog for many years to come. ; ) I mean, at least until we get that photo of you grabbing Will’s leg in an attempt to slow/stop his walk down the aisle on his wedding day…lol
Katie- Since you can see my email addy, I would love to have an open discussion with you concerning that tick you found, so please email me if you are interested.
I have lyme disease with Bartonella and my 3 year old son does as well….all from a tick that I wasn’t given antibotics for. I live in Georgia (actually just a few counties over from you). My life for the last 3 years has been a roller coaster, the first year being an absolute hell. My son has complications and did 1 year of antibotics. Since I was not treated upon getting bit, I will forever have lyme bacteria (the same is true for my young son), we both will have to go on an off antibotics for the rest of our lives…all because the treatment wasn’t started as soon as the tick took a bite.
I know you’ve been told all these years ticks are no big deal, I also know what the doctors will tell you (if you don’t see a rash, then don’t worry). Lyme IS transferred via 1 little bit sample, not the 24-48 hours the doctors will tell you. It’s like saying you can’t get rabies from an animal if they only nip you.
Lyme and co-infection treatment is highly political (thanks to the CDC and ATL being the home of the CDC). Doctors in GA refuse lyme exists and further more, refuse to even treat it. Even proactively. Anyways, I have loads of information to share.
Additionally, if you want to ever know if the tick that was attached contains any bacteria (lyme, bartonella, babesia, etc), stick the tick in the freezer then ship it off to be tested.
I’d love to have further discussions with you, please email……
Katie- Since you can see my email addy, I would love to have an open discussion with you concerning that tick you found, so please email me if you are interested.
I have lyme disease with Bartonella and my 3 year old son does as well….all from a tick that I wasn’t given antibotics for. I live in Georgia (actually just a few counties over from you). My life for the last 3 years has been a roller coaster, the first year being an absolute hell. My son has complications and did 1 year of antibotics. Since I was not treated upon getting bit, I will forever have lyme bacteria (the same is true for my young son), we both will have to go on an off antibotics for the rest of our lives…all because the treatment wasn’t started as soon as the tick took a bite.
I know you’ve been told all these years ticks are no big deal, I also know what the doctors will tell you (if you don’t see a rash, then don’t worry). Lyme IS transferred via 1 little bit sample, not the 24-48 hours the doctors will tell you. It’s like saying you can’t get rabies from an animal if they only nip you.
Lyme and co-infection treatment is highly political (thanks to the CDC and ATL being the home of the CDC). Doctors in GA refuse lyme exists and further more, refuse to even treat it. Even proactively. Anyways, I have loads of information to share.
Additionally, if you want to ever know if the tick that was attached contains any bacteria (lyme, bartonella, babesia, etc), stick the tick in the freezer then ship it off to be tested.
Check out “under our skin” on youtube
I’d love to have further discussions with you, please email……
I love this post! Sometimes the random ones with tons of pictures are the most fun. It has a little bit of everything! And I love your blog, so don’t let any meanies get to you!
My boyfriend’s name is Jeremy too and usually our little guy calls him daddy. But if the hubs doesn’t answer him right away he yells out “Jer!”. And it cracks me up every time! I think it’s cute Will does the same thing, must be a boy thing :).
here in FL we use the ole match trick. light a match, hold it close to the tick, and it’ll back itself out.. towards the heat. Then you can snatch him. Same idea. The nail polish trick is also a good way to kill chiggers – if you happen to get them. I did one summer from cleaning up a bunch of Spanish Moss. It was BRU-TAL!
I don’t usally post on blog comments, but Katie—I am pretty sure we would be BFFs if only we lived close. We have boys the same age (with similar personalities it seems), we have the same neurotic worries, and I just love everything you write. I feel like I am missing out on this great friendship that would so be there in real life. xoxox
I am new to reading your blog and I LOVE your posts and attitude. I’m also a horrible speller too…could NEVER home school because of it! LOL So just a quick question. I know that your camera is another appendage for you but when you are hiking up a mile or so long trail what do you do with it? Are you always carrying it or do you have a small camera bag or backpack? Or do you have a smaller more portable digital camera? I have 2 kids and I find it hard to take the nicer DSL camera around becasue of it’s size and fear of breaking it. Thanks!!!
Katie, I loved seeing how your summer is playing out through your camera. It makes me realize that summer is fleeting and I need to be better about documenting it! I drag my camera everywhere but sometimes feel intimidated to pull it out and get people together for a picture. But, it’s those pictures that are so precious! Keep it up – love your blog!
Katie Bower – I’m an everyday reader and an only occasional commenter – but just wanted to say that I’m a little po’d that someone called you names! I say that there are a bazillion blogs out there – and you read the ones that interest you and ignore the ones you don’t! Blogs are so personal and I think it is great how you put yourself out there every day and are honest and forthcoming with your live, relationships, and fears etc. It makes the rest of us feel normal and more balanced knowing there is someone out there that we can relate to!
Know that you make me laugh every Monday-Friday! Thanks for being my daily, lunch-time entertainment! Keep on, keepin’ on!
Girl…whoever is leaving you mean comments is not worth your time or hurt. Keep on keepin’ on! You’re an awesome mom, wife and blogger and you’re doing what you love.
I’m sure sombody else has already spotted this and commented but I noticed you finished our table/chair poject in the kichen and from what I can see, it looks fabulous! 🙂 Can’t wait to see more!
i think every mom watches their kid like a hawk for autism. i have a little guy who is 4 and has a speech delay + sensory integration issues. I guess my point is–regardless of a child’s quirks you love them to pieces! 🙂
Not sure if you knew, but the recent issue of food network magazine includeds a little booklet with 50 recipes all on bacon….thought you might enjoy it!
Bruster’s!!! Oh man, my husband and I are obsessed with that place. Black Cherry Ice Cream = Heaven!
Looove the tomato plate – is that pesto on there?
Ugh now I’m hungry!
Just an FYI for ticks that works amazing, keep an old baby food jar (or something small of that sort wit a lid so it doesnt evaporate…or spill…or get thrown by will ;)) somewhere in your house (i have one in my laundry room and next to my kitchen sink since my dogs get so many)
anyway, fill it with alcohol, pluck out the tick and drop in the jar…it will die right away
i keep the ticks floating in there for a few days (mainly because im lazy) then flush them down the sink or something.
so much better then ruining a bar of soap!
Katie, Love your blog. I am an avid reader who lives in Athens, and I love reading a blog where I know the locations that you talk about. I have never been to stone mountain, but would love to go. You are a great mother and a photographer and the combination produces some amazingly cute photos! I hope your business keeps expanding! Keep on blogging, because your great at it!!
You’re just being a good mommy to worry and watch and want the best for Will.
Quirky behaviors (schitzophrenia, depression) run on both sides of our family, too, and my sweetest little boy in the whole world has Autism- more on the Asperger’s end of the spectrum- AND he’s the most handsome, generous, empathetic, forgiving (shall I go on?) smartest, most interesting person I’ve ever met. Such a blessing.
From one mommy to another, please don’t worry, it’s all good.
Worrying is what mothers do. I do it too with my daughter. I looked for Autism for awhile (but my parents, hubby and I agree she does not have that issue due to her love of people and talking among other things) but my big one is OCD. I know it’s not a huge problem to some but it kind of runs in the family. My side of course. And then there’s always other things parents worry about but Will seems like he’s doing perfectly fine (well from your blog and what you write about!).
I was going to ask the same thing! Is it weird that maybe we know too much about Katie’s furniture that we notice it is different in the background of a pic,lol?! I agree that the red looks great with the recent table makeover.
Travis did the EXACT same thing, testing the Super Ball. Must be a man thing.
We’ve never been to Stone Mountain. After seeing how cool it looks on top, it’s on my to-do list!
I love that last photo, very beautiful. Did you use a tripod or were you able to handhold it, and get it that sharp?
Hey Katie, we just visited Stone Mt a couple of weeks ago with our 20 month old son. He has a very similar personality to Will it seems 🙂 We all worry about our kids too much… and why they’re staring at the wall a little too long or something crazy like that lol. Our ped did an autism test at 18 months (standard I think) that made me feel better and quit worrying. Love the randomness of your posts, you’re so relatable for so many other moms! Not to mention the ones like me who also live in the south, have rambunctious wild boys, love them so much it hurts, and LOVE some greasy food.
You made my day – happy weekend!
I take all photos handheld…pretty lucky sometimes 🙂
xo – kb
oh yeah baby 🙂
xo – kb
Have you ever heard of a Kaboost? They are these really great boosters for children that go on the bottom (feet) of your chairs so they can sit in a big chair with the rest of the family. They are GREAT!!!
Also there is a restaurant in Nashville (Loveless Cafe) that serves Fried green tomato, bacon and lettuce sandwiches. Not so healthy but super yummy! I might try making them myself.
love it!! you rock my world, kb.
I constantly refer to you & $herdog on a first name basis to my husband and he looks at me like i’m crazy.
don’t feel crazy about the autism/schizophrenia lookout, it’s good to be aware but I think the onset for schizophrenia is in your twenties?
keep up the awesome blogging!
“I love him so much that it literally feels like my heart is galloping inside my body when I think of him. ”
I know this feeling so well, I am constantly overwhelmed by my love for my little guy. I love reading about your little man!
aaaaahhhhhh i heart you katie. keep bloggin 🙂 you are so sweet about the new house/old house, I totally get that. That said, I still can’t wait to see your next project!
gorgeous random pics in this post and i’m slightly embarrassed to admit my hubby DID get on our roof to test out my little guy’s super ball. it started out well until the ball bounced into our neighbor’s yard and was devoured by their rottweiler. live and learn 😉
Looks like an awesome summer!!
Just wondering, how are you feeling about your carpet after living with it? We are getting new carpet and one of the martha Stewart patterns is the only one we both agree on lol.
We still love it.
It’s held up really great so far!
xo – kb
You are right – the onset is usually later – sometimes teenage years even or so I’ve heard. BUT, in the cases of my uncle and Jer’s aunt, there were other social signs earlier than actual diagnosis…chances are it won’t happen to Will…but it helps me to calm down a bit if at least I am mentally prepared 🙂
xo – kb
My husband has bipolar disorder in his family, so I’m constantly looking for that in our son. This is a little pointless since in my experience, most toddlers are more bipolar than people with actual diagnoses. But you’re not alone!
Keep climbing Stone Mountain with Will! I’m from Lawrenceville and my dad used to take me and my two sisters up Stone Mountain every night during the summer. He would have one on his back in “the backpack” and one on his shoulders and the other would walk. We each had our own rock where we would switch off who was walking and who got to ride. Those are some of my best memories!
Katie, I just wanted you to know I love reading what you share-your honestly, hilarity, great ideas, beautiful pictures. I’m pregnant with my first, and I just remind myself, nothing can happen to this baby without going through our loving Father’s hands–hopefully just an encouraging reminder for you too. I know difficult circumstances will happen since we live on this earth, but I also just know that God is in control, and loves us more than we could ever understand. xoxo