I’ve mentioned Cole before.
I know I have.
At least once.
Remember how he makes me melt and soar at the same time?
Well, his effect on me has gotten worse.
I am practically a goo-ball flying through the air at the speed of sound.
A mass of mooshed-up-smooshed-up goo. with a beating heart.
Don’t ask how it’s possible.
Ask how it happened.
go ahead.
well, since you asked, it all started when I walked in my Mom’s house to see this:
My veins started oozing.
and my heart literally lept from my body. It wasn’t as gory as you might think.
My innerds blew sparks when I saw those little feet not even touching and the ground.
and my legs…well, they betrayed the rest of my melting body by moving me closer.
And then to see these:
sweet tiny five year old fingers.
on the ivory keys.
and then they started playing.
and that’s when it happened. my heart, the very center of my being, my emotional core – it burst into a million bubbles dripping with pride and love and thankfulness and floated beside those sweet musical notes as they hung in the air.
It was the sweetest thing I’ve ever felt.
Sweeter than chocolate. Sweeter than sugar. Sweeter than honey.
They should try to bottle this up and give it to pregnant women for their glucose test.
It was really too sweet for my sweet tooth. And I am owner of a champion sweet tooth.
It was like a million tiny kisses on my soul.
and I’m not talking about the chocolate kind.
I love you Cole-baby. with all of my bubbly heart.
GGGGGGGGGGGGorgeous photos, Katie! And think: someday your little boy could be doing the very same!!! PS: I love all that artwork behind the piano at your mom’s house!
Aw, that’s so sweet! I love to see children playing any kind of musical instrument..beautiful!
Awww what a cutie! I love that shot of his fingers~
Love(!!!) that last picture. And love how you describe all those feelings. Too cool.
Ps: I was just watching Man vs Food and heard bacon described as “God’s bookmark”. Thought you would agree.
<3 Liz
So so so sweet. There’s just nothing like the sweetness of a five year old’s fingers tinkling the ivory keys. Five year old’s fingers float between the charm of baby chub and the beauty of big kid. Up close, they’re priceless. I know. I’ve seen it, felt it, love it.
Wow, that last picture is COMPLETELY brilliant.
What does your mom have framed behind the piano? Old magazine covers? Whatever it is, it looks really cool.
So wait… is he family on your side? (cause you said he was at your mom’s house, i was just guessing) because the first picture of him (ice cream cone) I thought he looked a lot like Jeremy.
Hey Laura –
That’s funny because Cole thinks he looks like Jeremy too! He’ll even point to a baby photo of my boyfriend and call it his own. I blame those light eyes 🙂 But to answer your question – Cole is my sister’s son…she was a teenage mom & Cole has no blood relation to Jeremy….yet. Future baby Will is gonna be the missing link to bring my favorite two males together!
I LOVE it Katie, you’re so sweet! What a cutie-pie he is! There are so many moments as a momma that make my heart just puddle like that too 🙂 The other day, for instance, when he told me I was “boo-full.” Awe!
P.S. ~ I put a hilarious video of Noah the other day up on my blog ~ you’re always making us laugh so it’s only right to return the favor! 🙂 You can get a glimpse of what little boys are like, although I bet you’ve gotten a great glimpse through your wonderful nephew! 🙂
I just had to tell you that what you said about Cole was very touching! I “know” neither of you but it was beautiful… 🙂
AWWW that picture at the piano was so adorable. Too precious.
P.S. I am loving those photos in the back at your moms house. What all are those, they look like vintage pictures from a distant. Looks really nice.
What a super cute picture…I have a fun giveaway on my blog…a $100 prize ..comments will be closed on Monday night, but today’s entries get extra chances…so stop by and join in the fun.
i love how you describe things, not in a still-life-painting-i-say-what-i-see-realistic sort of way, but in an i-feel-life-and-life-with-all-my-being sort of way. it’s so refreshing and marvelous.
and love the photos! i bet there’s not a bare wall in your house!
I’ve always heard darling boys can melt a mama’s heart….you’re gonna have one of your own soon. Your heart’s going to be one gooey sweet mess.
Love your posts, but I have to say, this is probably one of my all-time favorite ones!
THIS is how I feel when I look at my niece and nephew (even though they’re at the difficult ages of 19 and almost-18, respectively) AND my two little neighbors, Coby and Gedalia.
They OWN my heart.
CUTIE!! Your last picture was amazing? Could you tell us what settings you used and if you photoshopped it at all, please? You should submit that one in a photo contest!
Hi Karen R. –
AWW thanks! And my settings for that last photo were as follows:
Focal Length:25 mm
F-number: F/4.5
Exposure Time: 1/80 sec.
And yes, I did photoshop it. I applied Pioneer Woman’s B&W action set to it.
Hope this helps!
I just stumbled on this post and I love the the shadow from his hands looks like a heart. Such a sweet boy!