Just a few quotes from our bedroom tonight…..and I quote….
Zombies in 3D is Riddddiculous.
Have you seen her boyfriend? He is so 720p.
Who snorts because someone else is snorting?
This post is getting away from me…let’s reign it in Katie. Take control.
I wanted to answer some frequently asked questions all in one place…like a blog post 🙂 So here are some of your most repeated questions and the honest-to-goodness answers and a smattering of never-before-seen-Will photos.
- When are you and Jeremy going to have another baby? (make Will a big brother? get pregnant?)
Well….to be completely upfront and honest…we pulled the goalie in February. So it’s been five months & counting….hopefully sometime it will happen and if it doesn’t, that’s okay too…but for now we are just taking it one monthly visitor at a time. The upside is, sex is pretty darn fun. In short – WE ARE TRYING 🙂
- Am you ever afraid of crazies/stalkers/people knowing too much about you?
Sure. That possibility of some unbalanced person stealing a sleeping infant in the night strikes fear into everyone who has ever divulged their info on the internet. BUT I do know that angels protect me and Will and Jeremy….and that the 24 hour alarm company and the loaded Glock helps too. Plus, I have met very few people that are crazier than me. You think I am kidding. I am not. The psycho Katie can and will be released if someone tries to hurt anyone I love. Consider yourself warned.
- What are your favorite beauty products?
Beauty products are few and far between at my house. I do love Avon’s Plump Pout lip gloss….and Clearasil’s creamy face wash…but beyond that, I use whatever is available and not just submerged into the toilet bowl by my one-year-old. I am so laid back about beauty products….I mean, just last night I washed my hair with Will’s Johnson & Johnson body wash…and now every time I turn my head too quickly, I catch a whiff of a clean baby’s bottom.
- How did you and Sherry become in-real-life friends?
Well, we were both bloggers…and I linked up to her because I copied her header idea for over my old draped master bedroom wall. Then she did a post featuring my post. Since she had like seven people regularly comment on her site at the time, I was overcome with her blog-celebrity-ness. So then we commented back and forth on each other’s blogs (specifically about a white ceramic bird and a Goodwill wrestling match)…and then one day I just decided to email her and invite her to visit if she was ever in the area. And then she did. I was just as shocked as you are. But then we just clicked. We have a ridiculous number of things in common – we were both lifeguards in highschool and both of us are from Jersey and we both have math-geeky dads and we both love Empire Records….the list goes on and on. And she has this huge awesome personality and I like that…sometimes I like taking the backseat and just laughing at other people’s jokes. And to be completely honest – she is one of those people…those ridiculously kind, encouraging, funny people that has the ability to be edgy and smart and attitudey all while being completely gracious at the same time. So that’s how we did it.
- I want to know more about your faith…what denomination are you?
We are Christians. We believe the Bible…every single darn tootin’ word….even the weirdo stuff like God created the world in a week and the hard stuff like a virgin having a baby. We believe in having a personal relationship with Jesus…not just going to church…and we believe in loving others. Our denomination is Jesus. It’s super simple.
- What is the best advice for a new blogger? to grow a blog? to become a succesful blogger?
Just keep truckin. Don’t look at your stats…you don’t need to know. Find your voice…and be yourself. Build up a blog you are proud of…and create a site that you would actually want to read. And for heavens betsy – get big pictures…because squinting gives people a headache.
- What does Jeremy do?
My darling boytoy works from home for a little company called Equifax. He does sales…and takes his job EXTREMELY seriously. Like it is a treat if he comes out of his office for longer than a five minute PB&J lunch break.
- Do you ever get told you look like Britney Spears?
Brit-brit, JLo, Kate Middleton, Charlotte from Sex & the City, Jennifer Love Hewitt, so-and-so’s second cousin who lives next door, the list goes on. I figure I have a generic enough face that I kinda look a little like everyone.
- How can I turn my photography hobby into a actual job?
Seriously, if you find out…let me know. I still am trying to figure this whole thing out. I do know one thing…a portfolio helps…so maybe work on that.
- How do you know a room is done? Like completely finished?
To me a room is never done. There is always room for tweaking. I don’t wear the same clothes everyday (okay okay sometimes I do)…so why would a room always look the same? I like to do tweaking…switching things up…updating a pillow here or a chotchky there. Fashion and decor evolve and so therefore a room is constantly in a state of growth.
- How much time on average do you spend blogging? reading other people’s blogs? doing blog-related activities?
I spend at least three hours daily on the computer. Usually, I try to fit my blogroll in during the mornings while Will eats…and then I blog, tackle projects, edit photos and email during naps and when Will goes down for bed. I tend to stay up REALLY late to get my posts done…so that is why I am always tired and complaining…but luckily I can blame it on the baby and nobody has to know 🙂
So there you have it folks – a little q&a…straight from the horse’s mouth. I better run cause it’s 1:37 am. Oh and keep your fingers crossed that this will be the BIG month…maybe I should wake up Jeremy just in case….
Thanks for this post, Katie! Good luck with everything you do. (and I mean DO) hehe 🙂 My husband and I have been trying for almost 2 years for baby #2 after the loss of our first son, Isaiah. It’s a tough road for some people, but honestly that’s the cross we bear and we leave everything up to God anyway, he knows what he’s doing. We’ve actually moved onto adoption and we are in the waiting process! Yay! i will say a quick prayer for you tonight! Good luck and take care of yourself. My advice to you is, once sex starts feeling like a chore take a step back, re-evaluate and reconnect. Keep each other close, even when you’re not doing it. 😉
I’ve never commented on your blog, but I’ve been following both you and Sherry for months. I love your voices in writing, your eyes for decorating, but most of all I just love how you guys keep it real! Your blogs are the two that I check in on every day. In fact, your blogs are what inspired me to start my own. I doubt it will ever become a source of income for me, but I finally get to move into my own apartment! So I get to decorate however I want. I’m so excited, but I just wanted to drop in and thank you for being my inspiration.
Hey Katie, I was wondering what happened to Will’s room. I can’t wait to see what trend you’re gonna start this time 😉
Im so sorry for your loss. We lost our son Jack last winter and the road after has been filled with sadness, longing, and hope. I wish you luck and youre in my thoughts! XO
Katie, Thank you for your honesty as always and I love the Q&A blogs. Ive usually wondered about the questions you answer (even if I havent asked) so I look forward to them. Keeping my fingers crossed for you regarding the beebee stuff. Its so hard to ‘just relax’ and let it happen. It sure is fun trying though (well not always 🙂 sometimes its just darn tiring. I remember telling my husband some nights ” lets get it done…no fancy stuff”. Im kind of a romantic like that 🙂
I liked your example of keeping a room the same being like wearing the same clothes every day. It’s always fun to have some variety, even if it’s just changing out a picture on the wall.
That photo of Will with the *cough* “buxom” statue is pretty priceless. Please be sure to share it with whoever he ends up getting engaged to.
Love the photos, you are such a hoot- Will is gonna’ love you for that one! Saying a prayer for fruitful activities! 😉
Good luck trying!! And God Bless you for being so open about your faith!! Yay for Jesus lovers 🙂 And Bible Believers 🙂
I think that part of your post just made your blog shoot up to #1 in my book. Good for you for not being afraid to love Jesus out loud.
Love that last picture of Will, he looks so grown up!!
And I love the way you put that question about your faith. I know personally how hard it is to stand up for what you believe and I think you’re doing an awesome job.!!
Thank you Lynn. I’m sorry for your loss as well. It’s a strange but comforting feeling knowing there’s an angel up there watching over us. I wish you peace and love!
dearest katie,
woot for the baby making! good luck. are you going to try to VBAC? (i’m due w/ #3 this fall and am attempting a VBA2C. ) i think it’s good to decide on and blog about these things before you’re even pregnant. 🙂
i was just thinking about your house the other day (is it weird that strangers think about your house?) and thinking how you need to fill it up w/some more cute bower babies. thanks for fufulling the expectations of your readers. . . cause that’s what it’s all about.
I found your blog recently (through Young House Love) and I love it. It’s funny and heartwarming and informative and inspiring all at the same time. I am CRAZY about your living room and would love to replicate it at my house. I have a house full of boys, though, and I’m afraid I’m going to have to avoid all things white for a loooong time… 🙂
Like another commenter, I especially love that you’re so open about your faith. I hope God continues to bless your beautiful family.
Thanks for the great blog! I look forward to reading every day!
Yes, I want to attempt a VBAC but we shall see…
xo – kb
Haha! Karla – I am so sorry to hear about Isaiah…what a heartwrenching loss. I simply can not imagine. I love the name though – and didn’t Isaiah in the bible talk about the coming of Jesus (who was adopted)….it’s perfect for your situation.
Thanks for all your prayers…and we will definitely not let the nasty become a chore 🙂
xo – kb
I love how honest you are when it comes to answering questions. Not everyone has the ability to be so open. Good luck with making Will a big-brother!
Katie, you’re hysterical. And thanks for being bold about your love for Jesus! Please tell me what effect you used on the photo of your husband and Will under the photography hobby question – beautiful!
I like the Q & A too! And I can’t believe you’re brave enough to be trying again already…my 14 month old is exhausting enough, I need a while longer before we try again!
I super-duper love the picture of Will, Jeremy, and the statue. It’s awesome!
You are awesome. Your faith is refreshing and your honesty is the best. Thanks for blogging!
Thanks for the q&a. Just know that I totally appreciate all the late nights you stay up blogging. Your voice is so honest – about everything – and that is hard to find. As a mom to a 4 yr old and a 5 month old it is refreshing to hear, in a blog, that things are not always perfect. So many blogs paint such a rosey almost unrealistic picture of their home/family/kids/cooking/etc. But you are real – about all of it.
(….And pulling the goalie – I have never heard that before! I love it!)
Thanks for the Q & A and all your hard work blogging! I love your posts and always get a little giddy when I see a new Bower Power post to read! Keep up the great work! 🙂
You are absolutely adorable. Like the others here, I appreciate how you “keep it real.” Definitely a woman after my own heart! And, hey, I love Jesus too!
Hi Katie – I have never commented, but I just had to say how much I enjoy your blog. I am a SAHM, so the hours can be long and isolating (even though, like you, my husband works from home!). Thanks for your relatable posts and funny stories 🙂
Hi Katie, I dont comment a lot but I’m always visiting to read new posts.. you´re so funny! I like so much ur way of writting and throught that I believe you must be a very nice person 🙂
Your house is so pretty, those 4th july pictures were awesome, and I just laugh out loud with the Will’s throwing off stuff tagged pictures hahaha
I’m a mother of 2, I’ve a 5 years old girl and an almost 2 yrs old boy, his bday in on July 31, and he is just like.. throw off everything hahahahaha
And the picture of him on the breast of the statue, so much fun!!! 🙂
I wish the best for you and your family, lot of blessings, keep rocking on!
Believe soon you will have good news about Will being an older brother 🙂
(São Paulo, Brazil)
Hey Katie-
I to rarely comment but just wanted to say I love your blog and your honesty in everything you share.
You said it wonderfully-Jesus is our denomination. So true and simple. It’s an inspiration and reminder to us all. We must be bold and intentional about our faith. God can use people in amazing ways!
Hilarious post, as always. Thanks for being so upfront about your faith – love how you put it! I’m right there with you on the “taking it one monthly visitor” at a time – such an exciting time but also easy to spend too much money on preg tests every month. 🙂
Katie Bower, I love hearing from you. (Keep ’em coming!)
And I was just recently wondering a couple of the questions that you addressed. (which denomination and how you and Sherry started being real-life friends.) Perfect timing!
In fact, I thought of you today while eating bacon… I’m not a huge bacon fan, but my hubby paired it with milk chocolate (crumbled Hershey bar). YUM!
Thank you! Yes, we found out about a fatal condition our son had at my 20wk utrasound. He still had a heart beat and still kicked strong. However what he had (Anencephaly) was 100% fatal and couldn’t survive outside the womb. We carried to term anyway and because there was still a chance he could live for at least 1 minute, that’s all we asked for but we got 95min! As we were trying to name him, I googled a name I liked (Isaiah Matthew) and the verse Isaiah 49:1 came up. “Before I was born, the Lord called me. From my birth he has mentioned my name” That was it, that was how we knew that was his name and this was his and our fate. He was/is the biggest blessing in my life. He was my perfect angel. He was baptized with holy water from the font I was baptized in and that was our proudest moment. Thank you for your sweet comments, but please don’t feel sorry for me, I don’t feel sorry for myself. God knows my plan. I’m just learning what it is. Isaiah is guiding me, and you’re right, Isaiah was the perfect name for us to choose! 🙂 Thank you and good luck!
Hi Katie,
Loved this post, especially the fact that you don’t apologize for being a Christian. I’ll say a prayer for a plus sign for you and Jeremy. If you’re ever in the Omaha, Neb./Council Bluffs, Iowa area for any reason, I’d love to meet you in person. Maybe you could do a Goodwill crash here. (Hope that didn’t sound to stalkerish…if so feel free to do a background check 🙂
I loved the Q&A post, how fun! I love the absolute honesty in your words, it’s just so real as if you’re talking to us over a cup of coffee.. Thank you for letting us look in on your world and best of luck with trying to conceive, I hope you get your positive soon 🙂
~ Anne
I love you blog and I love the quirky, funny person you are. I also thoroughly appreciate a fellow Steelers fan and most of all a fan of being a believer in faith in Jesus and loving people, not necessarily a denomination.
xoxo- Kristen
I won’t lie. I want you and Sherry to be prego at the same time with number twos. And I want you to have a girl and Sherry to have a boy.
A girl can dream, right? LOL
Keep keepin it real Katie Bower. You’re fantastic and your pictures of Will make my heart smile errrrrryday.
(And like most who have commented… I found you through YHL, and I found them because they’re V-A residents like me…. don’t tell, but I dream of running into them at IKEA.)
I love you! As Wendy Williams would say “you are my friend in my head”
This struck me as so funny Nicole. You must be legit if you challenge me to background check ya – sounds like something I would say 🙂
xo – kb
what an amazing story! I have a friend who also carried a baby that would not survive and got to spend a record number of days with her…and it changed her life. I love your perspective and the fact that you see your time with that precious little boy as a gift…you go girl!
xo – kb
It’s the heartland action from Pioneer Woman’s free action sets. I love it 🙂
xo – kb
Hey Katie! Found your blog through YHL. Loving your posts!! We actually have a few things in common which is fun to read about. (photographer, Christian, our boys are close-ish in age, etc) We’ll be “removing the goalie” (LOVE that) soon for #3. Your living room is amazing. I’m a huge navy/white fan and I just adore all the stripes and high ceilings. swoon. Anyways…enough “blog-commenter-wierdo-who-thinks-she’s-got-stuff-in-common”….yeah, stepping away from the keyboard now. 🙂 I’ll just admire your lovely home and leave ya alone. haha
Thanks for sharing this with us! And thanks for not shying away about the “religion” question. It makes me happy that you love Jesus, too! 🙂
Yay for trying for a baby and yay for loving Jesus! 🙂
Pulled the goalie?!? Are you nutso woman??? For real, I totally admire
You for going for more babies!!! I wanted to have FIVE (I have 4 brothers)- I have a 10 month old, he’s amazing, I’m exhausted! The thought of being preggo or having a newborn frightens me… But who knows, maybe next month I’ll change my mind. Love. Your. Blog. And we had a church group from near Atlanta have dinner & dessert w us… Is it weird that I thought “I wonder if any of them knows Katie Bower?”
Just wanted you to know that you make me laugh. In a good way. It makes me happy when a Bower Power post appears in my Google Reader because I know you always have something great to say! Good luck with the baby makin!
Miss KB, you are the best. I internet-adore you. It’s late here too, so… that is all. xoxo
Love your Q&A post! I also love that you proclaim your relationship with the Lord so boldly! <3
Will is SO. CUTE.
Denomination Jesus. Love it 🙂 Thank you for being honest about your faith, in such a public forum. Such an encouragement for me to do the same more often on my own little blog, even though at least half of my readers aren’t.
Yay! For random Katie! I believe us readers are all slightly stalker-ish so of course we want to hear the answers to all these questions and more. Thanks so much for sharing such personal details, & another set of prayers here for you for a quick positive result… (But lets be real, it’s more for the fact that there will be more gorgeous Bower-ness to stalk)(Oh yeah & because us YHL stalkers also know upfront we have to wait for more gorgeous Petersik-ness) 🙂 Thanks for a very entertaining post Katie B.
Will is already engaged. Have you met Clara Petersik? 🙂
Dear Beautiful Katie,
I hate redundancy, so please re-read the comments from Chaeli, Amanda at the Digital Duchess, Natalie, Hollie, Cindy, and Carly. I’m dittoing all of them. (Except the part in Cindy’s post about it being late. Just bein’ thorough.)
I live in RICHMOND. It kills me whenever I hear that you were in town and I didn’t run into you and Sherry somewhere. But I continue to hope (that’s all, by the way. No stalking. No plotting. No shopping on a different side of town to up the odds. Just hoping. Really.)
One year ago, I bought my first house. You guys have given me the courage to take some risks and to attempt some DIY. (Before y’all, I didn’t think it was safe to let an amateur wield a caulk gun!) THANK YOU.
Ah – you’re making me cry. How beautiful!
Yay for more babies! I have to say I’m envious of people who get to conceive the “fun” way, whithout the help of a woman in white with a basting tool! BUT… I have two beautiful healthy girls (I’m 35 so even though the youngest is only 3 months and I’d LOVE one more I think we’ll call it good) so who in the could possibly complain!
I tell people “We’re having fun practicing!” and smile really big, which usually shuts people up about the whole preggo-thing.
My friend’s mother always says, “Don’t worry about someone taking your kids. Nobody wants them but you.” I don’t think it’s smart or healthy to parent out of fear; not to mention that whole statement about considering the lilies of the field & the birds of the air, if they are provided for, how much more does your Father love you (paraphrase, obvs).
It’s fun to get to know a little more about you! Even though I don’t comment a lot I’m sure I’m not the only reader who thinks, “yeah, if we met in real life, we’d totally hang out at thrift stores together” 🙂
Hey KB,
I love Empire Records too… it was on VH1 the other week.
Do you chart your temps, etc when you’re trying to get pregnant? I hope you get the + sign soon!
Yay for pulling the goalie!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 And for Jesus 🙂
Nope – we are trying to do just the oldest technique in the book – DOING IT 🙂
xo – kb
well, usually when someone says “we are trying” in the blogs, it sometimes means they are already pregnant, and just saying that before they can finally tell the truth to everyone. so, katie, you may be pregnant already, but not saying yet. well that’s what i think. heehee.
also, if you are still nursing, or stopped recently, i know it is harder to conceive…so, maybe that is why.
good luck. 🙂
I am telling you truthfully as Aunt Flow as my witness – as far as I know, I am not pregnant. However, there was last night….
also, this may be TMI but dearest Auntie came back to live with me 6 weeks after Will was born and Will stopped nursing April 9th…so I don’t think it was that. I think it is just that whole timing thing…
xo – kb
Hey there, I just recently started reading your blog (and writing my own) and I’m loving it! Also love your boldness about your love for Jesus!
Hahaha, you make me laugh so much. I love how open you are about so many things and I don’t know many pro-Jesus people (my boyfriend calls me a Jesus freak because I go to church occasionally) but you’re never annoying/overbearing about it.
What a fun post! Blessings on your journey.
Hey Katie! I noticed Will’s carseat in a few of your photos. Is it the graco nautilus 3 in 1? I ask b/c I’ve been looking at that one to buy for my son and wondered what your opinion of it was. He’s only 5 months old and he’s getting too big for his infant seat. If you have a few free minutes i’de love to know what you think. Thanks!!
Well, it is highly recommended that infants face backward for long past 5 months…so I would say even though we LOVE the Graco Nautilus – I would have to say that you might want to look into a rear-facing option until he’s at least 1 🙂 Safety first!
xo – kb
hi katie – I just adore your blog, found it via the fab YHL a few months ago and so glad I did, i just love reading about you and your gorgeous fam, all the design tips n tricks and always get a few giggles in before my day really begins. i know it’s a big decision to put your whole life out there in the public domain but it’s such a joy to read, i hope you keep it up forever and be a groovy ol’ blogging granny! I’ll be reading as long as you’re posting! Much love from Australia! : )
So funny that you talked about stalkers on this post. Last night I dreamed I walked into your house to leave you cookies. In the dream I didn’t see a car in the driveway, so I walked in to peek at your house and leave you cookies. You came out, were a little surprised, but very kind and gracious. I promise to never walk into your house uninvited. I must have blogs on my mind if I’ve been dreaming about them. You seem like the type of person who would understand this and not be freaked out :).
GO GIRL GO! Thanks for being that honest as well… People relate to being vulnerable and it really takes guts to do so!
“Our denomination is Jesus” > Love this!
This post cracked me up… like I loved every word of it! Have LOTS of fun ‘trying’ and good luck. 🙂 Also loved your Jesus section… JC is my homeboy too! Thanks for sharing!
Great Q&A post, yo! Love your faith, humor and hair. Yes, you have great hair. And I really loved the pic of Will gettin’ freaky with the statue. That’s priceless! I guess I need to go visit the statue of David with my daughter… 🙂 ha! Ok, that’s dirty. Sorry.
Actually, rear-facing is recommended until they are two now. So much safer 🙂 Will is so adorable, and you kick some serious blog butt! Love your writing and pics. Talented you are!
Love BP, Katie! I was wondering, what did you do before you were a SAHM? As in profession?
Good luck with #2 🙂
Thanks! I was looking into it more last night and realized that he still needed to face backwards. Looks like we’ll be getting a convertible car seat for now. I definitely want my little 20 pounder to be safe!
Dee, I had a similar dream a few weeks ago. Katie was very sweet about it but she was secretly holding a big pair of silver scissors “just in case.” haha Also, Will was walking next to her because she was pushing a stroller with a BABY GIRL in it! We shall see… 🙂
Ok, so I only poke around on your blog once and a while. I try to limit my blog intake because for me, it becomes a total time suck and total time sucks have no place in a PhD program, BUT I’m officially hooked now because sister, you speak the truth. Not only are you talented (love your projects and your photography), and not only do you write in an accessible fashion, but you love Jesus and you aren’t afraid to proclaim Him. Thank you for this: “We believe in having a personal relationship with Jesus…not just going to church…and we believe in loving others. Our denomination is Jesus. It’s super simple.” Clear, clean, gospel message: Jesus. Yay for a common bond! xo
WHAT?! why am i finding out that other people like the movie “empire records” so much later than when the movie came out? this is such a mystery to me. recently (read- between 4-8 months ago) some facebook friends from high school mentioned a few liners from the movie and i was so pumped! and now THIS?! wow.
what’s with today, today?
love reading your blog. also – i have a kid who is sideburnless. we cut his hair reeeeal short and it looks like it’s on purpose now. he’s our third kid, so having the baby hair grow out and be all handsome/cute/beautiful wasn’t top on the list. i caved in when the hubs asked if we could cut his hair and there’s no turning back. i think your guy is SO cute. for reals— but thought you might be down with that tip if you were ever even thinking of cutting those sweet baby-locks.
Yay! I totally appreciate your honesty for your Jesus-love. Sometimes as Christians we shrink back a little and find it awkward to define what we believe: “We believe in having a personal relationship with Jesus…not just going to church…and we believe in loving others. Our denomination is Jesus. It’s super simple.” Perfectly answered – personal relationship, and Christ is our denomination. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Love it… and I know that our Lord is thrilled with your open-ness!
… and your other Q&As were fun to read about, too 🙂
I sort of think that you look like Carla Gallo, mainly from the nose up. She plays Daisy Wick in Bones. Thanks for answering all the questions. You are definitely a real human being 🙂 Even though all you do makes me think otherwise.
Haha, I’ve also been told I look like Kate Middleton & Charlotte from Sex and the City. And Winona Ryder…. Oh to have a generic face…
Katie you do look alot like Charlotte from SATC 🙂 For someone that dosent have a lot of makeup at hand you look amazing all the time!
Dont know how you do it- I always look like a train wreck and I have absolutley no excuse!
Yay for pulling the goalie! You two have some fun now ya here 🙂
Ummm…. that should have been “hear” – it’s late – I need to get some sleep now 🙂
If there was a “like” button, I’d click it for this comment! 🙂
THANK YOU for saying you keep a loaded Glock!!! i wish more people would take their personal safety more seriously!!
I love your blog (as well as YHL) and your pictures and renovations and design ideas!
Yay for pulling the goalie, that is super exciting. I am pregnant with our first and due in November. I can’t wait to be a mommy! It took us 6 months to conceive so maybe July is your lucky month 😉
“We have a ridiculous number of things in common – we were both lifeguards in highschool and both of us are from Jersey and we both have math-geeky dads and we both love Empire Records”
I knew there was a reason I lived both of your blogs!! Fellow NJ-er here as well as a high school lifeguard and love love love Empire Records. Ha! I often wondered what drew me to both your blogs, very random. Now I know it’s the Jersey in you!!
Great job on keeping us entertained.
Our denomination is Jesus. Love it! So simple…so true.
Also, Empire Records= awesome!
And Drop Dead Gorgeous 🙂
I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now (i found it through YoungHouseLove) & I’ve known you live in the Atlanta area (like me) but was surprised to find out your ‘boyfriend’ works for the same company, and same division as my dad. What a small world! Thanks for sharing, i love reading your blog 🙂
I loved this post so much. Thank you. I’ve even actually read *all* the comments, which I never do, and I don’t think I have anything to say that hasn’t been said. I loved it all, especially: the photos, the answers, the Jesus, the game plan update, and the personal firearm reference. Have fun practicing! Goalie-free is the most fun 😉