At the risk of sounding like a broken record….I just wanted to drop in and tell you all that I really am so very grateful for your encouragement. It was priceless to me. No joke. I couldn’t buy friends like you. Really. I tried.
Also, I just wanted to fill you in on how things might be affected with the arrival of little Weston. First, things might be slower and posts may be shorter or more irratic….oh right…things are already irratic. This blog is still gonna be like a Ponderosa all-you-can-eat-buffet of imperfectness…so there will be house posts, personal stuff mixed in with 10K photos of Will and Weston and a little craft-related, or photography-centric posts. Like the header says….a blog about nothing and everything. that’s us.
Oh and I want to write out Weston’s birth story like I did with Will…for posterity sake because heaven knows my brain is mushier than week-old-diaper. So even though it probably won’t happen right away, it will happen.
(Jeremy, Katie, Dr. Tate, Weston – hour after birth)
In the mean time, I do have a ton of project photos and some ‘last-days-before-family-o-four’ posts to bring to you. So please don’t email me saying that I’m ignoring Weston’s arrival…I’m fully aware he’s here. especially at 2 and 4 and 6 am. Oh and since delivering a 10 lb baby is no joke, you can keep me in your thoughts and prayers for some healing. I expected it would be “body-altering” in a lot of ways but I am also experiencing some additional ailments…so mega-ouch.
(Weston – 12 hours old)
And just so the grandparents know….Will is adjusting. He went from spending 100% of his time with either me or Jeremy to spending four solid days away from us…which is quite the shocker for any two year old. He had a great time while he was getting spoiled rotten.
He’s definitely interested in the little brother, showering him with affection (when Will says “don’t cry baby Weston Knox” my heart pretty much spontaneously combusts)…but he also came back with a full blown sinus infection (we thought he worked through it weeks earlier but apparently not) and is making some sad behavior decisions. So we are working on establishing some normalcy back in his life, giving him a little structure, and enforcing the boundaries and manners and still encouraging him with quality time and trying to heal his little body so he can spend more time kissing Weston and me. and me. and me. I have four days to make up for.
(First family photo of four)
So all that to say…thank you guys. Thank you for being so supportive. so encouraging. so everything.
and congratulations.
You are officially aunts and uncles 🙂
I have been reading your blog for ages and never comment before. I just want to tell you Congrats. I’m a mommy of two girls and going from one child to two is an adjustment but all will be great. Take care of yourself, give yourself time to heal. Cherish every moment of your boys being small. My girls are already 11 and 8 and I feel like I just blinked since they were babies.
All the best, Erin
Congratulations–he’s so cute. Is your husband going to be home this week with all of you again, or is it just going to be you and the boys?
Enjoy this time with them.
Oh Katie, little (?) Weston is just darling…. I can’t believe little you were walking around with a 10 POUND baby inside…how did you even stand up????
Rest and heal and nap and blog…..hahahahaha
sending you all love,
Oh Katie, he is just perfect! Don’t worry about the blog or the annoying people, just get as much rest as you can and enjoy that precious new love of yours. You are all in my thoughts and prayers!
Sending a healing prayer your way. I hope you heal quickly.
YOU fill my heart with so much love. I’m so happy to be your friend even though it’s just on the internet and in reality I have no kids, so we’d never get to hang.
I’m sorry about Will’s sinus infection, but am so happy he is interested in Weston.
Take your time getting back into the grind, we’ll all still be here!
Dr. Tate! I don’t actually know Dr. Tate, but I have a lot of friends who are involved with ICAN, so I hear about him all the time. Anyway, congratulations! Weston is lovely!
Saying healing prayers for you! My first born wasn’t as big as Weston but he most certainly bore his own way out of me! A third degree tear that took months and months to heal and a brain that was mentally scarred for life! lol (needless to say I did get over it and birthed 2 more babies with no problems at all.) Enough about me……….hang in there. Hope you feel better soon!
Katie, I am so happy for you! I love the last pic of you all. I saw the pics you posted on instagram a few days ago where your boys weren’t looking so happy. I hope everyone is well today and you will have a great week.
congratulations katie, jeremy and will on the arrival of weston. he is adorable and your little family just makes me smile. 🙂 thanks for sharing.
We love you Katie B. Prayers for strength and healing are headed your way.
It never gets old hearing “thank you”! Some people don’t know how to say it once, so glad you’ve got it down!! I was honored to be a part of it all and enjoyed keeping up via Instagram!! That was a pretty exciting weekend and I’m sure my hubby thinks I’m nuts for keeping him up to date too! Congratulations again and I’m so happy for you, Jeremy and Will! We just went from one (boy, 2 years old) to two boys (2nd born in June) and I feel like it took about 4/4.5 months to get a system down and fully adjust n our house, so I’ll be thinking of you.
Auntie Alyssa!!! (Hey you said we are now all aunts and uncles!) lol
Both of your W boys are soo cute!!
But I have to say, my favorite part of this post was how you described Will’s “sad behavior decisions” due to his sinus infection haha! Glad to see you’re not losing your sense of humor even with two feisty little guys (+ Jeremy) + night feedings.
Congratulations Bowers! Make sure you take care of yourselves – your blog (and readers!) will be here once you’re all healed and ready to handle us :).
Katie, you and your family are so sweet. I hope no one gives you a hard time for not posting as often. My blog is personal/there to keep family updated, and I haven’t posted anything in a month. I’ve even neglected to post photo’s on facebook, leading some family members to believe I’m not taking as many pictures of my five month old (seriously, where did the time go? Wasn’t I just pregnant and commenting about you needing to yell at a pregnant woman so you could get pregnant – btw, told you it would work! ^_~ Only joking!) as I took of my two year old. Not true, my computer is full of pictures of all my babies, but I would rather enjoy my kids than post random updates on Facebook or my blog. Now Instagram I can do. 😉 Congrats again on sweet baby Weston, he is beautiful! Prayers coming your way for fast healing… it’s definitely harder on your body the second time around since you have to chase a two year old as well. Again, love and prayers to you and yours. 🙂
Congratulations again! Glad to hear that everyone is home and on the mend. Sinus infections are nasty and kudos to you for delivering that beautiful 10-lb boy! As you say…NO JOKE! Totally understand that priority #1 are those two little boys, but look forward to seeing lots and lots of pictures and hearing all about this new journey! xoxo Virtual-Aunt-Belinda
Take your time and enjoy your new little one…and Will and Jeremy, of course! 😛 Your blog is so refreshing. I love not knowing what you are going to post about day to day. It’s real life. Not just DIY or decorating…it’s LIFE in general. 😀
A million congrats and prayers coming your way!!
Completely understandable that you need time. Congratulations and I hope you heal quickly!
Again – Congratulations Bower Family!!! So so so happy for you all 🙂 And I hope little Will gets better real quick – so hard to see our little ones sick 🙁 And praying for a speedy recovery to you too Katie! I only had c-sections, so don’t know how a VBAC feels, but praying for your body to recover quickly so you can enjoy your precious family 🙂
Beautiful Family, Katie and Jeremy! Thanks for updating us 🙂 Sending you virtual hugs and kisses! 😀
So, of course, CONGRATULATIONS!!! My heart is melting and exploding (all at the same time) for your family. I have to ask about transitioning from 1 to 2, which I’m sure you’ll get into a ton once you get back into the swing of things. But I’m more curious about transitioning from focusing all of your love and attention on 1 to now splitting that love between 2. We are in the process of trying to get pregnant with #2 (our son is about Will’s age) and it scares the bejesus out of me that all of my focus won’t be on my first love, my first born. Does that makes sense? How are you handling it and is it an adjustment or is it something that just happened automatically?
So excited to hear your birth story and what I will now consider your steel va-jayjay.
(In case it didn’t go thru the first time…)
Beautiful Family, Katie and Jeremy! Thanks for updating us 🙂 Sending you virtual hugs and kisses! 😀
Congratulations, again!! I know from experience that birthin’ ain’t easy, so I’m sure all the mom’s out here in blog land will understand if you have other things on your mind. I’m sure we’d all bring a lasagna, fold your laundry, and empty the trash cans if we could. Lots of love and prayers from Kentucky.
Hi Katie! A super big congratulations on your beautiful boy. I am definitely praying for quick healing. I know that feeling as my first was a 10lb 2oz baby boy who came down sucking on his hand. As impossible as it seems, things will go back to normal!
Beautiful pics of the new family! Rest up. We can wait.
Congrats Bowers! He is so precious – what a blessing! Katie, I hear you on the “body-altering ouch.” Know that our bodies are sorta crazy good at putting things back where they’re intended to be. I delivered my 9-pounder 3 months ago and he kind of destroyed my body on his way out. I had a few weeks where I thought I would never be the same. But then, around 6 weeks or so, I started to finally feel normal again and am happy to report that now everything is feeling, working, looking (sorry), like it did pre-babe. Like I said, it’s crazy. I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t experience it.
Enjoy the newborn fog 🙂 We’ll be here when it starts to clear.
Again, congratulations on your beautiful family. Love the last picture. It looks like Weston is already looking up to big brother Will.
Oh, you look wonderful! That picture of the four of you, little Weston looking at his daddy and brother about melted my heart. Lots of prayers for healing (both you and Will) and for a good adjustment to being a four-some.
In another note, I love your blog – I love that it is a buffet of life and love. I’ll be glad to read what you have the time and energy to put up. And as a mother of two boys myself, I understand. Congrats again!
Congrats again and take all the time you need for you and your family.
Congrats again and take all the time you need for you and your family
I am praying that you start to heal up and feel better very quickly. Your new little guy is adorable and Will is just precious. I hope he is feeling better real soon, too.
Your first vaginal delivery is always the worst. Hoping for lots of healing heading your way. The peri bottle is your friend!
Congrats to you all, again!
I LOVE that Weston is looking at Will!!! Already bonding! I love love love watching my boys bond…they fight too, but they are so amazing to watch.
Ah! Congratulations! I can’t believe he was 10 pounds. Good job 🙂
Good luck with everything. And feel free to photobomb us with baby pictures. I love babies lol
No worries about sporadic posts, enjoy every moment with your boys!
I love being a “virtual” Aunt!!!
Oh my gosh, is it weird that this post made me cry a little? Especially the part about Will trying to calm Weston. I have an almost 3 year old and a 9 month old, and when he talks to his sister I melt into a million pieces; “I yuv you baby sissy,” and “Baby sissy please no cry!” are my favorites. AH.
As much as I love your blog (and still check it during my daily blog reads), please, skip the blog as much as you need to, we’ll be here when you get back, you’ve got lots of healing to do <3
Your little family is adorable! I am glad you are all home, and happy together! Praying for a quick recovery for you! Pushing out a 10lb baby, girly you are my hero!
You shared your story via Instagram in such a beautiful way, and I loved the comments from moms who are hoping to have VBACs – what an inspiration to them! Saying a prayer for full healing for you and Will and lots of precious moments to outnumber the stressful ones in the days to come!
P.S. Your hair looks AWESOME. Kinda jealous of that.
Awhhh I just love the photos! So sweet of you to check in! Hope all of you are feeling 100% again soon! xoxox Steph and Mary
Congratulations! In the family photo it looks like Weston is already looking up to his big brother. 🙂
Thank you for letting me get a little baby fix virtually! Congratulations to your family and I hope you have a blessed holiday season. Enjoy those boys 🙂
I love your first picture as a family of 4. Weston is already looking up to Will..ADORABLE! You did a great job, Katie. I love following your blog and reading about what you are up to.
Thanks for sharing with all of us out here!
Your little family of four is gorgeous! Congrats! I had fun following along on Instagram! Wishing you all the best!
Katie, you are the best. The fact that you were instagramming every step. Blogging his precious picture hours after his birth. I mean, come on. How do you do it all? Take your time, enjoy EVERY minute and if people are emailing you stupid stuff. IGNORE them. Is your life, your boys and your time. ENJOY it!!!!! Virtual hug to you from lalaland.
Congratulations on your family of four and all the cuteness that comes with it. Weston already looks so much like Will in the profile picture! Each little nugget that you put out on this blog is a blessing that you’re sharing with us readers, so thank you for any updates that you put your time into!
PS – sad that you maxed out on FB friends. I think I put in a request a few people too late! Glad instagram doesn’t have that problem!! 🙂
This post made me so excited! So glad you were up to checking in with your extended virtual family and friends. 😉 Hope you recover fully, smoothly, and as fast as possible! (same for Will, too) I look forward to seeing more pictures and hearing the birth story when you feel up to it. You know where to find us!
I know it sound sappy, but 1 Samuel 1:27 is coming to mind. I remember all us virtual aunts and uncles praying for little Weston a year ago when your family was wanting to grow. What a beautiful answer to prayer!
Awwwwww seriously Weston is the cutest little bubba ever!! (obviously will is too… ♥)
I love the way Weston is looking at his big brother in your family picture! too cute.
Congratulations to the both of you, and im sending many healing thoughts to you Katie.
Love Auntie Georgia 😉
Congratulations Bowers! You guys are a beautiful, blessed family of four!
Stay strong, Katie. Your lady parts will heal with time. USE the peri bottle, stool softener, and ibuprofen. This might be TMI: try the always infinity pads!!! Way more comfortable than those big, bulky pads.
PS- I think Mama deserves a SPA day. ; )
so happy for you and your family!! 🙂 Hope things are going smooth and Will is adjusting well!! 🙂 I now have a 2 week old… so I am right there with ya!!
My last boy was 10lbs 5oz. I feel ya girl. Inflatable donut=BFF
Congrats mama:)
Thanks for sharing little Weston with us all, I’m a new follower to the blog and I am loving reading up on you all. Well done and just take care while you heal.
Congrats on Weston’s birth! This is a wonderful but tiring time, so don’t stress about updating your site. We all totally understand! All the best for a fast recovery too. I had the most severe tear possible with my first, c section with my second, and it was just ouch all around with both of them. Oh the pain, and the sleep deprivation. Sending good vibes your way for a good sleeper (and if he isn’t a good sleeper, try the ‘rock n play sleeper’, that thing is da bomb!).
So so so so so Awesome!
Very thrilled for you!
Weston is beautiful! Take Care!!!
Hi Katie. Thanks so much for posting! The photos are gorgeous. My favourite is the 1st, Jeremy looks a bit weary….and the last, Weston, looking to his big bro – precious! Enjoy this time with your boys.
It took me a good 8 weeks to recover from the birth of my son. Surprised I didn’t carry a peri bottle around in my purse. Take it easy, accept all the help you can and let your body heal. Best wishes to you. Can’t wait to read Weston’s birth story.
I love how Weston seems to be looking at Will! Such a cute little family! Prayers for quick healing and an easy adjustment! Congratulations!
Congrats! Your first family photo is lovely, hope you heal well and quickly, Will gets better, and your adjustment and nursing go super smooth!
I hope you heal up soon…and enjoy those handsome boys of yours! 🙂
I love the first ‘family of four photo’. Weston is already fascinated by Will! Take care of yourself and I pray you heal rapidly. You have a lot on your plate right now; I will patiently await your blog posts however erratic…they always make me smile.
Yayyy I’m an aunt or a tia (in Spanish). Congrats on all your handsome boys. Blog when you can. No rush.
I had a lot of issues…down there…after giving birth to my daughter 10 months ago, so I can totally commiserate with the additional ailments and healing needed. It’s more common than I think people realize. I hope you’re able to take it easy and rest as much as a little newbie baby will allow.
Congrats! He’s gorg!
Peri bottle FTW!!
Precious family photo – I can’t believe how Weston is looking at Will, awesome beyond words 🙂 May God bless you all, and please give Will & Weston’s Mommie & Daddy plenty of energy!
You are amazing and lovely and your family rocks. If anyone “complains” about well, anything, you just pay them no mind! You just did a miraculous thing and at least one person in this corner of the world (Los Angeles) is cheering you on in a big way! Looking forward to more updates and sending quick healing vibes to you and Will.
I will be happy to read whatever you post, whenever you post it. Love your voice, not just specific things you talk about. Heal up, rest up, expect more bad behavior choices…it’s a part of learning to get along in the world. Congratulations again!
My baby, now 3 months old, was 10 pounds 4 ounces at birth, and I had a vaginal delivery. I broke my tailbone as I was pushing her out. So yep, I know all about those “other ailments.” 🙂 Good luck with your recovery!
Good job mama!!! His size is a testament to how well you took care of him….the rest will heal (we have 4, I speak from experience ;), you did fantastic! Give your body time to heal and your newly extended family time to adjust, we will still be here. You guys are a beautiful family and is it just me or does Weston look just like big brother? What handsome boys!
Congratulations! Take time to heal and get everyone back to normal. I have a two month old, my third, and it takes some time to feel normal and just want to devote energy outside the basic baby and toddler (and kindergartener for me) rearing
It might just be me but I find it easier to love the second one quickly because of the first. And yes, your focus may not be entirely on your oldest…but you don’t love them any less…just wish your schedule was back to normal. I always said that your love doesn’t diminish…your hearts capacity grows.
xo – kb
You’re in my thoughts! Hope you all heal fast and enjoy the boys! 🙂
Baby Weston is the sweetest. I can’t wait to watch him grow up with Will! Take your time getting back to the blog, girl – you deserve some down time (but thanks for sending some updates our way!). Sending lots of love and support from up here in Nova Scotia xo
Congrats, Katie!
My second little boy arrived almost four weeks ago and it has also been rough going with my first (turning 2 yo this week). I’m hoping that the adjustment that people talk about takes place soon, but I feel you! Hard to tell if it’s Terrible Twos or new baby issues, but I know it too will pass. Best wishes 🙂
Just wanted to say congrats! And also, I’ve been there and you take all the time you need to recoup and hug and kiss those gorgeous little boys! That is one beautiful newborn. And OH MY GOD – 10 lbs?! That is amazing!
Also, is a great website for nursing help, if you need any 🙂
Congratulations again, Bower family! I’m only commenting again because the “You are officially aunts and uncles” made my heart melt into a puddle on the floor, and I started grinning from ear to ear. Enjoy this time, as you know, it goes by quick.
Sending you prayers for physical healing, patience, peace and ease in adjusting to your new ‘fuller’ family life. SO happy for you guys. Best wishes with this big transition! It’s a beautiful life you share with us. Grateful to follow along 🙂
I hope everything heals. I know you may feel a little guilty for leaving will, but always remember he was with dotting grandparents and is also really excited to meet Weston too. Take all the time to heal and bond. We will miss you but we completely understand.
Such a precious picture. You all look wonderful! Looking forward to reading about how you gave birth to a TEN POUND BABY! Legit. Hero. Status. AND after having a c-section w/Will. I cannot believe how amazing that is!
In the above picture Will looks like a perfect mix of you and Jeremy. I don’t know why I didn’t notice it before. And Weston just checking out his older brother…
Rest up and prayers for a speedy, less painful recovery.
Enjoy every precious moment with your newborn. They grow so quickly which is bittersweet. The newborn stage is so precious, but each stage after is new and exciting.
Best wishes with Will as he adjusts to being a big brother. It can be fun and challenging all at the same time. My son’s friend is a big brother and he says “don’t cry baby killian” and it melts ME and they’re not my kids! I can’t imagine how much you melted when Will tells his baby not to cry!
When you have time, I’d love to know more about Will adapting to being a big brother. We hope to be in the same boat sometime in the near future, God willing. Our little man is wonderful and generally well-behaved, but no doubt he enjoys our full attention for now.
Saying prayers for you and your beautiful family. It’s been said many times, but I’ll say it again–you look amazing! No way I’d know you’d just given birth to a baby, much less a 10 lb. bundle of cuteness. Heal up and get what rest you can so you can feel as great as you look.
I just want to again reiterate how AMAZING you are for not only birthing a 10 pound baby, but for looking great while doing so! I hope everyone is feeling better! Get some rest, enjoy those Bower boys and the aunts and uncles will be here waiting!
Oh Katie – many, many prayers for your healing! My first thought when you said 10lbs was OUCH! You have a beautiful family, can’t wait to see more pictures and hear the story behind all the Instagram pics!
I’m so happy to read this! I had been waiting for your follow up post, and you are awesome for getting back to the blog so quickly! You ain’t waste no time, girl! 🙂 Congratulations on the new addition, he is adorable!!!
10lbs, you’re a rock star! Sending you prayers for fast healing.
I’m usually more of a lurker than a poster, but had to comment. I’m sending quick-healing thoughts your way. Thanks for the pictures, you know we’ve all been dying to see them! And don’t worry about erratic posting, I think we all understand! I’m surprised to hear from you as soon as this, actually. 🙂
so happy for you, katie!
Weston looks SO much like Will! how nice for you guys 🙂
and what.the.heck. you look so good after giving birth! go, you!
Gorgeous family! I love how Weston is giving Will the stink eye, that or he’s completely obsessed with him already. Oh, brothers 🙂
Praying for you and for the whole family adjusting to this new normal!
Just seeing that 12 hour old picture of Weston – adorable by the way! OUCH! You are my absolute hero!
Best of luck and well wishes while you heal! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
It’s never too soon to start Kegeling. Do as many reps and sets as you can and try to stop your pee with them.
That oughtta whip those muscles back into shape. (Yes, it really helps)
Take care of yourself and your family- lots of prayers your way! Lovely pictures. Enjoy this new adventure.
you take your time!! but seriously I can not wait for your delivery story! 😉 Will’s delivery was identical to my now 27 month old’s and your tribulations with the dreadful c-section were so similar to that of what I felt! I am now pregnant with our 2nd and am hoping to deliver via vbac! I hope all went as you would have liked and I want every detail, ok so that sounds a little creepy but with as little creepy blog stalker and more mom to mom friend as possible, I can’t wait! 😉 Congrats, you have a beautiful family!
Congrats to you to your successful VBAC! I can’t wait to hear the story as I’ll be attempting a VBAC as well on our next birth. Weston is precious and I am anxiously awaiting the W&W photos to start flooding the site. Congrats again and take it easy. This time is precious for your family to enjoy together.
Great photos as usual. Hope everyone is adjusting well at home. Especially Will. It’s tough to be one of two instead of the one. I was behind a truck all the way to work this morning that had a huge sticker across the back that said WILL POWER. I kept seeing WILL BOWER. Give him extra hugs and kisses while he adjusts. Your story about him saying don’t cry baby Westin Knox is adorable.
Your love doesn’t divide, it multiplies!
Congratulations again! I just had a baby 7 months ago and my delivery was a bit um…ouchy…to say the least…so, I am just trying to say that I will be specifically praying for YOUR healing during this exhausting, wonderful, emotion-filled and did I mention exhausting? time. Much love from our family…
I love that little bundle! Congrats!! Saying prayers for healing!
Congratulations! So happy your sweet little guy is here- I’ll be praying for you- giving birth is no joke. Hang in there and take your sweet time getting back into things. Love!!
So, when you called us aunts and uncles at the bottom of your post it made me tear up a little. which probably makes me crazy. that said, I am SOOOOO happy for you! also I hope you heal up fast and without complications!
Lots of prayers for healing and rest, and a smooth transition from three to four! Looking forward to every post, but take your time getting better and settling in!
Your family is so gorgeous. That is all.
Take care of yourself and don’t worry about the blog! You’ll get back in the swing of things soon. I had boy # six months ago and it was so hard at first. But it all flies by ( too quickly). Someone told me that the hours crawl but the days fly! We’ll be praying that you guys heal quickly!!
You just concentrate on taking care of your little family, girl…we’re not going anywhere. 🙂 Congratulations again and you are all so blessed!
First week or two with “two” boys is hard! I had some painfull…issues….too! It gets better. I wore baby #2 in a baby bjorn alot! It was a big help! Best wishes….you done good!
Congratulations! My #2 was a 10 lb 4 oz beautiful baby boy which I also delivered vaginally… so I can understand when you say you need time for healing. Warm water in the peri bottle, lots of cooling spray, ice packs, limit your walking. And I won’t even get into dealing with the big H word… but I feel for you and the next couple of weeks. Take all the time you need!!! I’ll pray for your speedy recovery and a quick adjustment to the new “normal”.
Take your time, makes me feel more normal. Enjoy those baby snuggles, mine is 11 weeks and getting bigger every day!
You are in my prayers for a fast recovery. It is TOUGH! I took me weeks to feel better… I sat on that boppy for a good 3 weeks. I’m looking forward to what you think about a vaginal vs a c-section delivery… I imagine not many women have done both! Congratulations and enjoy your sweet little family.
Congratulations! I also gave birth to a big baby (although not quite as big as Weston), so I completely understand the “healing” needed. Here’s an amazing hint a pharmascist gave me: line up 3 Tucks medicated pads (so they form a 5/6 inch pad almost) and put them in a ziplock bag. Put them in the freezer for a few hours. Then every time you use the rest room, grab a bag, take the pads out and lay them so they will be against you. The medicated + cold is fantastic!! I used them for 3-4 weeks and was so thankful for the advice every time!
Just so you know, I didn’t post either of my boys’ birth stories on my blog until their first birthdays! It actually wound up being a great way to reflect – but I just tell you that so that you know can’t possibly take as long as I did. 🙂 Weston is so precious – I hope you heal up quickly!! I had a 4th degree tear with my first delivery, and some unfortunate consequences from that after my second delivery, so I can identify! You will get through it!
Thanks for sharing. And I know it’s true… so many other moms say the same thing. It sounds more genuine coming from someone who is newer to the transition. Can’t wait to read more about your journey!!
Congrats again, Katie and Jeremy! You have a beautiful family! I hope you heal quickly (and that Weston is a good sleeper!).
Oh Katie…I understand about the ailments and “ouch”. My first son was 10lbs and second son was 9lbs. I think it was over two months before I could sit down without a “doughnut” seat! Not fun…but those little men are so worth it!
Congratulations are your family of four. I promise you will heal and someday, like me, you will get plenty of sleep every night because they are grown. Enjoy these moments because time flies when we are so busy with life.
I don’t think I have ever commented before and just wanted to tell you that I followed his birth and think you and your family are amazing. I was proud and I don’t even know you! Take care!
Praying for healing, for blessings for the fam, for Will’s (and everyone’s) adjustment, for rest. So happy for you all!
You look so happy and peaceful. So so happy for you, Miss Katie!
Loved this response! I’m due with #2 in May (kiddos will be 26 months apart). It’ll be a crazy kind of wonderful!
Congrats Katie!!! You have such a beautiful and sweet family! Love your blog, photography and everything. All the very best xxx
What a beautiful family. I can’t wait to hear your birth experience because it sounds similar to mine, minus three pounds on the baby. But I might have you for hours in labor. Not sure. Love and zen to everyone.
How are you so freakin’ gorgeous while you’re having a child?! Craziness. I was doing my nightly routine of perusing Pinterest and pinning 48937860 +1 things and saw this:
Immediately though of you. LOL. Hope it makes you laugh a little 😉
Pushing out a ten pounder? No wonder you have some ‘extra’ healing issues going on Katie. I hope everything heals quick smart and it will…vaginas are pretty freaking amazing when it comes down to it 😉
When we brought home our darling baby boyt twelve weeks ago, his older brother (2 y.o ) coped just fine but his older sister (4 y.o) was a MONSTER. She adored her new little brother but she struggled with the fact that life had changed and was no longer all about her. The good news? It got better, quickly. With a little bit of special attention for her, firm boundaries and fast consequences for bad decisions, we had a lovely, well-adjusted, grown up girl by about the four week mark. Life has been so sweet since then. It won’t be long until you are feeling the same way xxx
Oh Katie – I rarely comment but have just had to say that they way Weston is enthralled by Will is priceless. Watching your kids love each other is one of the most precious gifts that motherhood provides. Good luck with baby, your healing and getting everyone settled in.
haha…hilarious 🙂
xo – kb
Thanks Bonnie – I need a donut. Wait. Make that two 🙂
xo – kb
Girl…you forgot the benzocaine ointment 🙂
xo – kb
Oh my goodness…the tailbone pain is the worst. I didn’t see that one coming. I can’t imagine breaking it. You are a champ.
xo – kb
There he is! He’s got quite the fan club 🙂 very deservedly-so too…he was amazing.
xo – kb
Oh, I have to recommend a book for you to read in your copius amounts of free time. 🙂 But really, I thought this book was great at guiding me with regards to helping my daughter become a big sister. She’s a spirited kid – quite a handful – and yet she’s been awesome with her baby brother.
Siblings without Rivalry
Good luck!! Stay strong! And I hope you heal quickly and completely… down there! Eek!
Jer was home today but he goes back in the rest of the week. I have my mom coming and my mother in law is here…so I definitely have help!
xo – kb
You are awesome; just like your babies, husband and entire family! We, your slightly offbeat delivery cheerleaders and blog followers, embrace our virtual and spiritual aunt and uncle roles wholeheartedly and wish you, & Will too, speedy recoveries and more than 2 hrs of sleep very soon! And for anyone who may be confused how this works, it’s your blog to do whatever you want to do whenever you choose. No expectations. 🙂
Congrats you guys! You sure make a cute family of four!!! Keep bringing those erratic posts of randomness because thats how you keep it real and thats why we love you!!!
I love how Weston is already looking up to his big brother in that last photo! I love birth stories, so I can’t wait to hear how your’s went. But you heal up first! My little guy was tiny compared to your’s, but I still thought that healing was the worst part.
I must say, the thought of having to have pushed out my 9 lb 6 oz daughter made me feel better about having a C-section after 27 hours of labor. You get major kudos for doing it with a 10-pounder. Gotta love those almost-2-week-late babies!
Speaking of Quinland, she says that in the “family of four” picture, Weston is looking at Will and thinking, “Who the heck are YOU? I’ve known these other two for two whole days already!”
Hi Katie,
I’m typing this while nursing my own 10 pounder son in the middle of the night – I’m sure you may be up too so I’m thinking of you. I must admit I was a tad jealous when I heard you got to deliver vaginally. . This is my 2nd (delivered my 7.1 pound peanut vaginally) as well but ended up with a csection which is also no joke to recover from as you know from your first. I know all circumstances are different and are happy you got the vbac you wanted. I was very interested to see when you would give birth bc my due date was about 10 ish days after yours but you gave birth 2 days after me. I do look forward to reading the birth story and knowing about the extra healing needed. It would also be interesting to know if you knew approximately how much he would weigh bc of ultrasound or something. I started measuring 3 weeks ahead at 34 weeks and dr was very concerned about baby getting stuck coming out. At 40 wks I had u/s that estimated 11.3 and baby was born 10.1. Anyways I’m rambling from lack of sleep. All this to say I’m thinking of you and your family and look forward to reading about the birth. Enjoy the pie- you most definitely deserve some!!!
I’ve already said congratulations…but it does warm the cockles of my heart seeing a 12 hour bambino…I hit 12 weeks today – yippee for me! One day the nausea will disappear & before I know it, my Lewis will become a big brother like Will.
Aunty Tara xx
Beaut pics, Bowers! Love that little fella and his oh-so-gorgeous brother. Healing hugs all around. mwah Hx
That doctor’s face scares me :/ no wonder Weston is crying :/ poor baby
Congrats ^_^
Congrats and you know we all (hopefully) understand and cant wait to hear more about him whenever you have time. Just enjoy him for now. P.S. holy wowzers does he look just like your boyfriend in that 12 hour pic?!
What a BEAUTIFUL family!! I love that last picture…it looks as though Weston is looking up at Will. So sweet. The adjustment from one to two kids isn’t an easy one. The more Weston grows and can start doing things, the more interested Will will get. And just wait till Weston is running around with him laughing. It’s the best thing in the world.
You’re a rock star – thanks so much for an update and also thank you for posting to Facebook so we can all see how Will and Weston are doing. 🙂
My grandmother had 10 children (!), and her answer to this question was the same as others here have said. With each addition, she said her love for the others never diminished, her heart just grew to contain all the love for the new child. What a beautiful thought!
That last picture is my favorite. It looks like Weston is looking at Will and that they already have a special bond!!
Way to stick to structure, and for still giving him boundaries, even with a newborn to care for. My older 2 kids are only 18 months and 3 days apart. And I was always so tired BUT I knew that structure was the best for Emilee!!
So happy for your family!!!
So sweet! Yay for a healthy baby!
Congrats to you & your family!! Love the family pic.
Katie, your family is beautiful. Praying for healing for you and for Will’s adjustment period to move quickly. I can imagine it being difficult for him but I know you two are such good parents that it will end well for all. Good luck and we will see you when we see you (on the blog). No stress!
babies big and small… grown and brand new are just a wonderful!!! just enjoy every moment! be well . i wish you and your family all the love and happiness! CONGRATULATIONS thanks for always making the rest of us laugh with your blog.
Congratulations! I pray you heal quickly and that your energy comes up to 110% soon. Keep the faith!
my sister used Dr. Tate today too, she wanted a VBAC as well, she loved him so much she drove the 3 hours from home to atlanta. good choice!
Oh, the memories your “body altering” comment brought back. Our girl was just eight pounds, but oh my goodness the pain! I had a third degree tear, and I wished afterwards for a C-section! I never found anything but time that helped ease the pain, so I hope you have! And if you have, I hope you share! The chilled tucks comment above sounded promising. Thanks for sharing pics of your new little guy. He’s absolutely beautiful!
Oh, Katie!!!!
I love so much my new status!!! I’m loving to be Weston’s. aunt!!!! I’ll be Tia Mary, as we say here in Brasil!!!!:)
Can I get to be Will’s also????
Big kisses and lots of love coming all the way from Brasil,
Tia Mary
I love the family photo! Just wanted you to know I’m thinking of you and hope everyone is adjusting well…it does take time, doesn’t it? Don’t worry about updating the blog all the time–we’ll still be here! 🙂
Loved all your updates on instagram. Thanks to your hubby for that. You look amazing for someone who had a 10lb baby. I feel for you on the body altering….my little miss is 5 weeks old now and I still have the odd twinge.
Hope you are starting to get some rest now. and that Will is getting better- no fun for him 🙁
You look AMAZING in the hospital pics!! I hope I can look half as good when I have kid(s) someday!! 🙂
God bless!
Congratulations! Hope your are getting some rest and healing fast. We just brought our 3-day home yesterday and between her & our 2-year-old I think we’re going to have our hands full:)
So happy for you!
Congrats a million times over! That family photo is beyond precious….
We had our second boy when our first, Sawyer, was almost 2, and it was a crazy adjustment. He hit the terrible twos (cue surprise tantrums from a beforehand totally non-tantrum-y kid) like three weeks before Lincoln, so having a c-section and not being able to pick up my almost-tw0-year-old who was throwing himself on the floor kicking and screaming while I was also holding a baby…yeah. Adjustment. 🙂 Sawyer and Linc now get along (mostly) really well, and the tantrum thing went away quickly with firmness and consistency. Saw was just learning to talk and would ask to hold Lincoln by saying, “Have it?” Adorable. I predict that before you know it, you will have two boys who simultaneously love and try to kill each other with play swords. 🙂 Hope the transition continues to move you toward that place! About six months later, I finally thought with real belief, I can DO THIS! So if it takes a while to fully adjust, I think it’s normal.
Hey Katie! Congrats on baby Weston. i have been thinking about you ever since I saw that he was a 10lb-er! My son was also big, 9lbs 9.5 oz with a huge head and I had quite a mess of healing to do. In retrospect, I did not advocate for myself enough, because I was tired and overwhelmed and thought that was just what a vaginal birth was like, and now I know better! So I just wanted to tell you that if you are in pain or not healed beyond a few weeks you should DEF speak to your doctor about pain meds and things to help. Because i waited to seek help I spent my first 7 months with my son barely able to sit down 🙁
He’s beautiful Katie, congratulations.
Wishing you an easy recovery, good blocks of sleep and an easy adjustment to becoming a family of 4.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
So much I could say from one mama to another who has also achieved her birthing dream. Such an intense and amazing way to welcome your new little one into the world! I only had a 9 pounder (no meds at all) and I agree the recovery is difficult- I had flippin’ SPD worse after the birth. I can’t wait to hear his birth story! (And would be happy to share mine privately if you’re interested, from one powerful mama to another). And yay for Dr. Tate! I live in the Midwest but he’s well known and respected around here. And I consider him my boyfriend. Along with Dr. Marsden Wagner… and Dr. Michael Odent. Anywho…
Congrats on your achievement and healthy Mr. Weston! Welcome to the world, little (big) man.
Congrats on adding to your gorgeous family, and for a successful VBAC! You’re a rock star!