I hate setting resolutions. Kinda. I also kinda love it. But I never am good at actually doing them….accomplishing them. I guess I am not as resolute as I want to be. Take for instance this mornings breakfast. I went downstairs craving english muffins, pulled out the cereal from the pantry and ended up making egg burritos. I still haven’t put the Golden Grahams away because I might need a snack later….and let’s face it….cereal is a very good snack. Oh shoot…I just remembered what I forgot…I already had a snack. See what I mean? No resolution.
So that is why I making goals this year. Goals are something to aim for. Something to put on the list and cross off. So here’s the deal….I have four main goals….these are my pertain-to-the-blog goals….because let’s face it, I also have a goal of getting rid of my blackheads, serving more in the community, being more intentional with my kids, and embellishing some tshirts.
So this year I am determined to finish the following rooms – playroom, guest room, the boys room, the dining room, the office, and the downstairs bathroom. I have started them all. I am currently not done with any of them. That’s a room reveal every other month this year. That’s pretty cool, right!? Oh and if I start any other room….I also need to finish it in 2015. Can it be done? Will I fail? Probably…but if I get even four rooms done, I will be thrilled.
Ok not technically a buttload. That’s a weird build project. Can you imagine? Look at what I created?! It’s a wooden poo! Take a sniff!
Anyhoo….I mean build a lot this year. I have plans. I wrote down thirty projects that I want to post about this year. Thirty building projects. Some of them are easy….fifteen minutes tops….and some are big….like EPIC LORD OF THE RINGS type big. Bilbo would run for the hills with his very hairy hobbit feet at how daunting and time consuming some would be. But they would be awesome to complete….it would mean some crazy awesome storage and projects to share.
I know this sounds like a little weird but there are some days where I feel like I am creating organization, creating systems, creating beauty, creating memories all day long. And then other days….I’m surviving. I am literally creating nothing. On those days, I feel down. I know it’s part of life to not have everything exciting all the time but for me….my body craves creation. Even if it’s watercoloring a picture with the boys. Even if it’s figuring out a better way to store the crackers. Even if it’s a wreath or a pillow cover or a label for the boys winter clothing. Those creations are like my life line….my version of oxygen. So I figure that I should breathe. I should do those things each day and somehow share them….celebrate them….and so I want to make a new hashtag on Instagram called #katiecreates….it’s not going to be epic awesomeness…but it will be my way of celebrating my little creations. Also, one of my goals is to make a monthly wreath. Dorky I know…but whatever. I dig wreaths.
GOAL #4 – WALK to 400
I know that this is not a exercise blog. I barely talk about sports or Crossfit or Yoga or exercising. The thing is…I have a torn ACL and I am getting older. My body isn’t bouncing back like it used to. And setting a healthy attainable exercise goal is good for me mentally. I can’t do much because of my leg….walking, swimming and the elliptical is about it….so I want to make a goal of 400 miles. If I do the elliptical, I will count it as 15 minutes is 1 mile. I am already done 4 miles which puts me behind for this month. I want to put one of those little tracker things on my side bar and I hope that if you are like me….pushing healthy activity to the back burner….then you will consider doing it with me and so we can do a little Carlston dance at the end of the year and not be out of breath 🙂
So that’s that…my four goals. What have you decided on for this year? any goals? resolutions? epic plans? I’d love to hear them.
I’ve got some goals for 2015 also. My biggest is downsizing. I’m shooting for a box a week (already a box or two behind). We’ll be moving into senior independent living in about six years (and it will take me that long to dig through a three story house). I plan on doing it thoughtfully, making good decisions and choosing good homes for some family items. I’ve finished all of my house projects (yee haw!) concluding with re-doing the cluttered laundry room / storage and turning it into a great craft room / laundry room with loads of storage and counter space and peg board EVERYWHERE. It looks so good I was dragging strangers in off the street to come look.
I’m also reworking my wardrobe. No new purchases until I’ve dug out and gotten rid of all the not so great clothes.
I’m also working on eating more dark chocolate. A girl’s gotta have goals!
Excellent goals. I can’t wait to see the finished rooms and the amazingness you have in store when it comes to building! I like that wreath a month idea too!
In regards to goal #4, I love my fit bit for helping me track my steps/miles and keeping me motivated. There are a lot of different brands and styles out on the market now.
Look forward to seeing all the progress on your 2015 goals!
Love the idea of goals instead of resolutions, as they sound way less daunting. I’m 100% behind healthy 2015, right after I finish my Christmas chocolate. (BTW, I spotted a Carlton typo).
Our word of 2015 is INVEST! In our bodies, our home, and our retirement accounts. Investing in our bodies in the way of eating good things, not bad things; exercising (and going to physical therapy for an old injury); getting some dental work done (yay.); and being mindful of screen/phone usage (my eyeballz!). Investing in our home in the way of some upgrades like heat pump, siding, and windows. Investing in our retirement accounts… like, we spent a LOT of dinero last year… bought a house, a car and went on an epic vacation. So this year is all about being wise with the opportunities to take care of business! I also want to learn to play guitar. 🙂
Do you have a Fitbit or other finess tracker? I received one for my birthday at the end of July and received a report today in my inbox that I walked the equivalent of 481 miles last year (since activating it in August). And I haven’t stepped on a treadmill/ elliptical once. Or gone out of my way to exercise, really (yikes!). I typically log between 5-7K steps per day, which isn’t really that much. Anyway, my point is: every little bit counts. You’ll be surprised how fast you reach that fitness goal when you start counting the “mundane” steps as well as the intentional ones.
After baby #6 I am back on my elliptical. I did 1000 miles on the elliptical in 2013 so I am hoping for a REPEAT! I love the elliptical because it is so gentle on my joints. Good luck!
I am all about goals. When I make resolutions, I feel like I’m already setting myself up for failure. I actually participate in the #oneword movement which means you choose one word to live your life by each year (and you have four great ones!). My word is “up”, which to me means taking everything to the next level – my blog, my work, the quality of my relationships, and generally being positive.
Great goals! Can’t wait to reap the benefits of those first couple when we get to see all of your projects! I haven’t made resolutions for a long time now, but I did some for this year. On the list were: drink more water and read a book before bed (instead of scroll/play/watch things on the phone). Oh, and find a good devotional for the year. We’ll see how it all goes down. 🙂 Good luck with yours!!
Whoa and I thought 400 was high!
xo kb
So… is it cheating to steal some (or all?) of your goals? I have a house I’ve lived in for only 6 months and finishing the rooms is HUGE on my “imaginary and still kind’ve creating it” list. Creating is something I was just chatting with Studly about this week. I haven’t made time for it because I was just surviving between one surprise after another after the move. Building is something I’ve wanted to really jump into for years, and this new house gives me the space to do it. And Walking – well I need to get my butt in gear. Running… Walking… heck anything involving movement would be fantastic. So I’m going to be a total lame-o and steal your goals, but implement them in my own way. I’m going to go get more specific about mine, now, but thanks for the push! I definitely needed it. I’m not one of the “cool kids” that comes up with a word for each year, but if I had to this year, I’d probably pick something like “committed”… or something that eluded to actually finishing what I start. So here’s to us and our finished goals in 2015! WOOT! #katiecreatesandhopestealsgoals (jk!)
im the one who sent you a late Christmas card….anywho, have the surgery to fix your acl if you can, I had mine reconstructed when I was 15 and have had 2 others…best choices I made! Oh, also check out the rowing machine!
My resolutions are mostly to keep myself from falling behind schedule. I quit working when I had my daughter 2 1/2 years ago. Without the constant schedules to keep & deadlines to meet, I tend to stay in my pajamas all day with my daughter. Shameful but true. So these are my goals this year.
1. Don’t procrastinate doing the dishes! As long as they’re in the washer after dinner, I do fine but if I wait until after my daughter is in bed then I’m too exhausted. I ems up staying up super-late just avoiding them.
2. Get more sleep. I am a better mommy & wife when I’m well-rested.
3. Get to at least 3 yoga classes a week. I am such a better person when I go to yoga. I play more with my daughter & keep the house cleaner. It also helps me keep to a schedule. Plus, if I go, my daughter can go to the daycare at the gym for an hour or so & get socialization. She & I spend a LOT of time together & I know she needs a break from me as much as I need one from her.
4. I want to keep myself in a nice calm place & surround myself with positive energy & people.
Good luck to all of us!
Those are nice, what are you going to do with so many wreaths???
Can’t wait to see your finish rooms and you building crap, I meant buttload.
One of our goal is too loose weight (as half of the world does), we are starting a cleanse tomorrow. Giving our bodies a break for a couple of months, it is going to be so tough! I love carbs!!! I need to loose 15-20lbs.
Another goal, go through all of our stuff and make a yard sale/donate with items we don’t need/use. I have a lot of clothes in good condition that haven’t been worn in years.
I was just coming over here to say get a fitbit!
You GO Katie Bower! That photo of you walking with the stroller is so inspiring! Is there anything else that we readers can do to keep you going?
Do you have a Fitbit? If not, they are theeee beeeeeessssttttt. Totally 100% worth the money. I have walked so much more, and because my mom and I can compete (gently, I am not a competitor) I’m doin’ my thang on the treadmill and I’m like “You know what? I could go an extra 5 minutes.” Love my Fitbit.
Would you mind posting mood boards of the rooms you want to complete? I think it will satisfy us readers to know where ya at, and I think that it will help you to stay on track!
I should be a motivational speaker.
Thank you, and good night.
Writing! I need to write more. I need to write all the time. When I think of an idea I need to write it; whether it is a good idea or not. My eraser can decide that later. Can’t wait to see more of your creations…especially ones where you repurpose things 🙂
I hate resolutions. Too much pressure. I make plans or hopes for the year. This year I plan to spend less, to think before I actually make a purchase and whether I really need it and what I could do with that money instead. I plan to complete an Olympic distance triathlon. I hope to complete a half marathon in September. Notice that last one is “hope” 🙂
My goal is to launch newest project, a planner. I am so sending you one Katie! You will love it. Look out for something in your P.O. Box in March. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your goals! Sorry about your ACL – I went through the same injury. Is there a reason why you can’t have surgery to get it repaired? It will make you as good as new, able to walk and run worry free! Just wondering because if it’s because you’re scared of the surgery or putting it off, I’d encourage you to go for it!
These are awesome goals Jen!
Regarding investing, if you haven’t already, check out Dave Ramsey’s website – he’s got a TON of investment and personal finance advice for free. Makes investing possible for anyone (and helps people get out of debt – tha’ts our goal this year!) Good luck, and happy 2015.
We’re trying to read the bible in a year (Thank you, the One Year Bible for making this an easy process!), get fit, start attending adoption orientations, and get a new job. Loved this post. Now go on a walk! 🙂
First, dude, I just saw your Home Depot commercial on Hulu. STUD!!!
Your goals are awesome, and they are definitely attainable!! I have a bunch of things I’m trying this year. First, I gave myself a theme for the year, which is “Time”. I want to manage my time better and create more time for the things I actually want to do. I have specific career goals for Jan and Feb which are a little daunting…eh…
I also started several tiny habits that will build, sort of mini investments. So far I’m making a habit to floss one tooth a day (at least), as well as eat an apple a day. I’m also reading some of the Epistle prayers every day (have you tried?). Later on I’m going to be adding walking daily and other such stuff. I actually started a nerdy habits blog that explain it all more…and actually this is the first I’ve shared it with anyone. Gulp. Anyways, good luck with your goals, I know you will make it!
I love this post Katie! I agree with you. I don’t make resolutions either because I feel like I am failing as soon as I make them; Hah! but I did want to make goals. Like go to the gym at least 2 times a week and create a morning routine and an evening routine for myself. My job is a bit weird in the hours I work and it’s hard for me to routine myself everyday since some days I could be working 9am – 5pm and others I can be working 5pm – 1am (yes! 1 AM!). SO I want to create a list of things to do in the morning whether I wake up at 7 am or 10 am and a small (SMALL!) list of evening things to do in the night right before bed ; and this one will be harder because when I get home at 1:30 am all I want to do is crawl into bed. Surprisingly I had “create more” on my goal list this year as well. I finally got a sewing machine for christmas this year so I want to use it!
Leslie, just thought I’d throw this out there –
Last year my Bible study group went through some really interesting studies from handstotheplow.org. Typically each study is about 8 weeks, and follow the same format each week: day 1 read the passage, days 2-5 answer questions and look up other verses, and day 6 read the author’s notes for addl insight. The one that was particularly life changing for me was the study on Romans! The studies are free to download, or $15 to get a hard copy. Good luck with your devotions!!
I spent some time praying about 2015 as I felt that God was really teaching my husband and I a lot. We decided to do a word of the year, DISCIPLINE. To be more disciplined this year with our faith, physically, financially, new business. It is the stepping stone to what I believe are going to be great blessings this year from God. Thank you for always sharing your stories! I am really praying about finding more christian mommies who can share the ups and downs of life in my city (like your little group). For now, I can just read your blogs until then! 😉
I sat down and wrote out my 2015 “To Do” list, broke them out by inside and outside projects. A couple are carry overs from last year that didn’t get done. I did buy a manual treadmill so that during the bad weather months I can keep up with my walking schedule. I also have a Fitbit to keep track and motivate myself everyday. Last year our Health & Wellness Committee at work gave us a walkathon challenge and I came in second, this year I’m shooting for number 1 baby!
I already had it done once in college…so part of me is a little scared of the recovery!
xo kb
We’ve been following Dave for about 10 years now and it’s changed our lives! Everything paid off but the house! And we’re about to sell another property we have to get that one step closer to getting it done.By this time next month we’ll have about 85% total equity in the home we just purchased. It feels sooo good. I’m glad to hear of others utilizing the concepts he teaches too!!
My sister had it done once at 14 and then again at 30 (I think?)…we’re 36 now and she still has a lot of the same exact problems, except a little less swelling behind the knee from where cysts pop up. If you aren’t suffering from things like bone spurs and cysts like she was just yet – hold off. Recovery does get a lot harder as we get older though (particularly with 3 boys, I imagine) so maybe getting it done again soon would be worthwhile. There’s no one-time fix from what we’ve found, but walking elliptical and yoga are all great options. Good luck!
I’m curious when you plan on painting your family room? I think you may have talked about it being a bigger project a long time ago because it requires scaffolding.
Also, is it weird that I wish you could update us on the Petersik’s?
Totally hear you about the ACL. I tore mine before I got pregnant with my first, had surgery when he was 7 months old and looking back now, I would not get it repaired. the recovery when you have children is unreal (as you already know) and I only had one child at the time. Luckily my husband is a teacher and was off for a whole 8 weeks to help me recover but it really took a toll on both of us, obviously more on me. I did use my own muscle which was longer recovery but if I were to tear my ACL today, it would take much convincing to do the surgery again. I would just convert to walking and elliptical like you are doing.
Katie! This is great. I did a 100 mile walking challenge last summer, but I wore one of those fit bracelets that literally counted every step (even those to the fridge to get a snack)…good news is, I did it. In 3 months. I may or may not have been pacing the driveway on the last night to cross the 100 mile marker, but I did it!
So, I say do the 400 mile challenge, but count everything! Every. Dang. Step! You’d be amazed at how far you walk in a normal day just running after the kids!
Can’t wait to share in your progress!
I’ve been doing something similar to declutter, although my goal is to get rid of 1 item every day. I either give away, trash, donate, or sell each item, but in all, 1 item a day seems manageable for me! And it always feels good when I get rid of MORE than 1 item in a day!
I really like your word of the year! We also bought a house and a car last year and did a kitchen remodel (that is still in progress, ugh!), so we’re looking forward to a less… spendy… 2015 too!
I highly recommend Leslie Sansone’s Walk Away the Pounds series. I absolutely love it and you will do a ton of miles!
Love your goals. Looking forward to Wreath A Month. Thought i was the only one wanting different ones all the time. And I hear you on feeling low when creativity takes a back step. I do demand a Carlton dance video from you at end of year to celebrate the goals though! (Pretty please?! Would be so hilarious. Smiling already at the thought.)
My main goals for 2015 are prioritising looking after my health, and then attitude. I had a very rough 2013 and 2014 and I understand a lot of it I couldn’t have changed even if I knew it was coming, but I sure could’ve handled it better. I still have a lot to be grateful for and that both COULD and SHOULD be reflected in how I speak and think (rather than the whinging that’s been going on).
But a Carlton dance video? Please? 🙂
Thanks Jenni! I will definitely check that one out! I appreciate the recommendation 🙂
I hate to put it off…really…but I know that recovery is tough and the time to go to therapy is even harder to come by with little ones. Maybe when they all go off to school 🙂
xo – kb
I am getting quotes on the living room…but yeah…it’s pricey and it does require scaffolding or someone with serious ladder skills. I know the Petersiks are doing awesome. I saw a preview of their new book and let me just say this…it’s gonna be EPIC. You won’t want to miss it!
xo – kb
It’s a hard decision…I just know that it would be really hard for me to chase the boys with crutches or a brace on! 🙂
xo – kb
I’ll have to practice 🙂
xo – kb
YAY! I’m ridiculously excited now 🙂
xo – kb
I do have one but it doesn’t work for me right…my brother in law says that it’s because I might walk too smooth. I went on a four mile walk one day and I couldn’t hit 10,000 steps! It was so weird!
xo – kb
I don’t know….use them I guess! Wreaths are really cheap and so satisfying to me so maybe I will give them away as gifts after.
xo – kb
Hi Katie! I will walk the 400 miles with you – that’s a good motivator. 🙂
My goals are to wear my FitBit every day and try to get up to doing 10,000 steps consistently every day. It’s hard with a desk job and a toddler, but I’m trying! I’m recovering from a bout of plantar fasciitis and I fell down our steps (on ice) yesterday and hurt the foot that was healing from plantar! Ugh! So, health is my big goal for 2015. We want to try for baby no. 2 this spring and I want to drop about 30 pounds before doing so. Hoping maybe if I’m not as heavy this time around I won’t suffer some of the problems I did when I was pregnant with my son. Can’t hurt! Also, we’re trying to eat better, save more money and pay off credit card bills 🙂
That is sooooooo awesome! You are living like no one else! We are in Baby Step two, so I am SO THANKFUL for your story. It’s encouraging! We’ve got a long road ahead of us!
On the steps, a 4 mile walk might not be 10,000 steps. I know I hit 10k at 5.4 miles and I think you’re taller than I am. Also, the new health app on the iPhone is great. It counts steps too, as long as you have it with you. I’m never without my phone on a walk so it works well for step/distance tracking.
xo – kb
There’s only two of us in the house these days, but I still buy enough to feed the husband, myself, the two kids, and if catastrophe hit our neighborhood I could easily feed all my neighbors! My resolution is to only buy produce and dairy items at the grocery store until I use up all or most of the boxed mixes, the excess in the freezer, and the ready made meals that have been “Foodsavered”. This new approach has forced me to look up new recipe ideas using things I already have on hand – who knew you could make a tasty tuna casserole starting with a box of Macaroni and Cheese?!
It’s on like Donkey Kong! I have half a month to catch up on – eep!
Love your fitness goal! For me – I want to get my window treatments on my main level taken care of. I also want to get started on pulling up the nasty carpet in my house and getting some hardwood floors refinished or whatever needs to happen (not sure what condition they are in). For my fitness my resolution is to remain consistent with my workouts. I’m set for that because I’m currently 12 days into Insanity Max 30 (60 days total) and then I have TurboFire which I think is another 60 days, and then I have Les Mills Combat (another 60 days) and I since I have 21 day fix workouts I might just do 21 day fix between each of those workouts to recover. Should last me a good chunk of the year!
Oh those darn knees! My entire family has had the knee surgeries. And I mean ENTIRE! My sister had ACL twice, my dad, husband & brother meniscus and my mom ACL & meniscus. I had meniscus done 2 years ago. Sad part is I to this day have no idea how I did it. Just gradually started bothering me. And then when I got it fixed I woke up from surgery only to find out they sutured it instead of trimming it and I couldn’t walk for 6 weeks! Needless to say running a business as a picture framer on a rolling desk chair for 6 weeks was so hard! But I survived!
Anyway hope you get to check those goals off. Mine include learning how to unplug more, manage my time better, & actually take a vacation this year!