Every year we travel up to Jeremy’s hometown of Chattanooga and celebrate Christmas with his family. ย This year we were there for almost an entire week so we got to relax a little more than usual (read: eat more than usual) and visit more people than usual (read: eat with other people more than usual) and see the sites (read: complain about not eating at Rock City).
I think the highlight of the boy’s trip…ya know, besides getting 2.4 million monster truck gifts, was seeing Lola. ย Sweet Lola is the daughter of Jeremy’s childhood friends (I’ve talked about her here and here and here) and is the spitfire-est spitfire of a girl if I ever saw one. ย I think Will is in love. ย Don’t worry….he is already betrothed to Clara and Sherry and I have a no returns, no exchanges policy ๐
We also got to give another friend’s baby some loving and she is the opposite of LJ when it comes to the hair-category. ย But OH THE CHEEKS. ย Seriously. ย They get even bigger when she smiles. ย If that is humanly imaginable.
After church we snapped a bunch of photos of the family…err….Jeremy and I with LJ. ย The boys were chasing the cat. ย It provided hours of entertainment. ย Poor thing.
I should have asked Jer to take off his coat. ย At least I got him to lower the dirty diaper out of the shot. ย It’s all perspective, right?!
This kid is my first Mama’s boy. ย Some of you may not understand this but when I was pregnant with Will, everyone would say “boys are the best, they love their mama’s!”….but he wasn’t all about me like promised. ย He was all about Daddy. ย I loved that and I understood. ย But it did burn at times. ย Like if he got a boo-boo, Daddy was the only one who could kiss it. ย And then Weston came. ย My little lover-boy Weston. ย Also had stars in his eyes for Daddy. ย Also had these moments where I wanted to be the be-all-and-end-all. ย And then there was LJ….who won’t leave me the heck alone ๐ ย Jokes aside, I get it now. ย I get why those other moms out there feel like boys love their mommies. ย They do! ย Fiercely! ย And I can’t say that it’s easier or harder to have someone obsessed with you or obsessed withย Daddy. ย Because there are still those burn-moments…when you feel like you have nothing left in the tank to give, or can’t soothe an ache or pain no matter how many kisses, or when you have to take a shower and you know that it will break someone’s heart. ย I say all that for all you mommies out there…the ones waiting for their Mama’s baby….the grass is just as green and keep kissing those boo-boo’s. ย I would say Will is a solid 50/50 now….it only took four years ๐
My camera is on it’s last leg I think. ย It’s not broken by any means but it definitely seems like there is something wrong. ย I’ve had it serviced by Canon and I switch between lenses to test it but I think it’s the shutter. ย Too many clicks over the years. ย I have read quite a few articles about the thing and thinking of switching back to a cropped sensor. ย Anyone out there with theย 6D or 7D? ย Anyone try it out against the Mark III?
The boys. ย Weston is wearing a similar outfit to last year….but last year he had blood on it because he busted his lip tie. ย That’s all I could think about this year….how I don’t have to worry about blood from his mouth anymore. ย If you want to read about that, you can by clicking here. ย Basically we had his lip tie lasered and it has been a great decision for us. ย We also had LJ’s tongue tie clipped in the hospital. ย Now I don’t have to worry about blood on his shirt….if only there was a procedure for getting him to not stick his hand down his diaper ๐
A friend said that Weston is really starting to look like Will. ย I can see it in this photo.
Side story. ย I put all three of these guys in the tub. ย I do it all the time. ย Weston must have scooted too far back and was sitting on LJ’s leg and hand….LJ started reaching for something. ย He slipped sideways and had no way of supporting himself since Weston was on top of him….he would have fallen but Will reached his hand out and supported his neck. ย It all happened really fast and I had to get Weston off LJ before I could pick up LJ so Will just held his baby above the water. ย Nothing really happened and LJ didn’t even get water on his face…but to me, Will rescued his baby. ย He is getting to be so aware of things…responsible….like his Daddy. ย I was never that way. ย It just made me really proud and happy that God gave me Will as the big brother. ย Side story done.
The first Christmas we did was at Jer’s mom’s house.
LJ was practicing his crawling. ย He is so fast now. ย I forget how fleeting those slow-crawling moments are. ย Then they turn into baby race cars.
The big boys were super excited.
Jer’s grandma came. ย I might start crying as I say this….she is fading from us. ย She is one of those ladies…one really special person who is full of happy. ย full of kind. ย full of sweet. ย And she is fading. ย She is really thriving at her home…she found friends and companions at her home for folks with Alzheimer’s…but I would be lying if I didn’t say that I already missed her. ย She was right in front of us…same as always….loving her quirky little Christmas presents….her heart was the same but her memories….any memory of Jeremy and I and the boys….we were lost somewhere. ย I am so happy that she is happy. ย But I am so sad that the process of saying goodbye has started. ย And I feel it the most for Jer’s mom….I just can’t imagine. ย I can’t put it in words. ย I just know that it’s a self-less and bittersweet place to be.
On a lighter note…I used to make fun of Jeremy’s family videos because the Christmas morning’s were so quiet. ย In ours, we had screaming, crying, my dad grumbling about the wrapping paper and us losing parts that would make playing with our new toys impossible, my mom yelling “ONE AT A TIME!”, my little brother opening someone else’s gifts. ย It was like watching a hoard of zombies at a cadaver convention.
Now….I crave the quiet. ย I like the happy and subtle smiles and the sweet still moments of his family’s christmas. ย Of course…I don’t think that is in our future at our house but it’s still nice to experience when we visit GrandBee.
Will made his gingerbread house…err….train with Grammy.
Weston got in on the action. ย I think he had alterior motives ๐
And at Jer’s dad’s house we were dealing with some very sick boys. ย Weston, LJ and Will were all coughing, sniffing messes. ย LJ decided that he was so excited that he wasn’t going to sleep the night before. ย yeah. ย Needless to say…we had a late start because I needed a shower and a bottle of tylenol and a Red Bull. ย It’s amazing that nobody is half asleep here.
LJ loved his ribbon. ย Best. ย Gift. ย Ever.
Overall…it was great. ย The boys came home with more monster trucks, more ramps, more candy, more toys than I could have even imagined. ย I got boot socks, gift cards, Sculpey clay, The Pioneer Woman Cookbook (!!!), the Beauty Blenders
makeup sponges I wanted, and some of that homemade Grammy fudge that we all fight over.
Then we rushed home to get to our own christmas celebration! ย What did y’all do? ย Anything fun? ย Any memories made?
Great pics! What a fun Christmas! The part about Jeremy’s grandma made me tear up. My grandma is suffering from dementia and (probably) Alzheimer’s. It’s such a tough road and it’s heartbreaking, so I feel for Jeremy’s family. It sounds like you have wonderful memories of an amazing lady, just like my Grandma. ๐
Looks like a beautiful, loving, Christmas!
We went to Ohio to spend Christmas with my husbands family. It was the first year I was away from mine. It was rough, but I was happy to do it for my husband so he could be with his for the first time in 5 years (he’s military.)
1. The first picture of Will – wow, I could really see him as a teenager in that, he is going to be such a heartbreaker (says the mom of a 14 year old boy-crazy girl)
2. Yes, I have a Canon 7D and it’s fading, but it will have to outlast my 17 year old going to college in the fall (cha-ching)
3. Got teared up when I read about Grandma. My dad was diagnosed last year and is fading. Still lives with my mom, but not sure how much longer that will be. I’ve heard Alzheimers patients can either be really happy or really angry/mean. Lucky for both of us my dad and Jer’s grandma are both “happy”. That’s what I keep saying to myself anyway. Hugs.
4. Lastly, when you mentioned Will and Clara – waaaa! If y’all vacation together again, could you get Sherry to approve a photo posting of the two of them, because there are still those of us that miss the Petersniks… and their house.
Adam and I were sorry we had to miss church that day. We would to have seen the bigger boys and meet the newest addition! You are all so blessed to call The Bowers family. Our baby girl LOVES Vicki ๐
I love the pics! Looks like Grammy and Gramps have a special love affair with Will! So cute!
Katie- I have the 6d and love it! It’s still full frame though… Have never tried the mark 111, so I can’t compare. Good luck! Your boys are beautiful!
Great time… great pics. ๐
Where’d you get your white coat? Love it.
I love it when you talk about Chattanooga! As a Chattanoogan it is always fun to see the city from someone else’s point of view! Go Mocs!
Wow, I wish I had seen your lip/tongue tie post back when you posted it! I’m pretty sure I was still in the throes of painful latches w/ my daughter due to what I’m pretty sure was at least a lip tie (I think the lactation specialist looked for a tongue tie – and said there wasn’t one – but I don’t think she looked for a lip tie). Thankfully, as she got older, it somehow worked itself out and she never had problems getting enough milk. But my poor nipples! If I have another baby w/ similarly painful latching, I’m for sure going to get 2nd and 3rd opinions if needed. I think we might start w/ the dentist first to see what they think and go from there. But I’m glad you had posted about this and brought it up again. Particularly w/ lip tie, there’s too many people (including certified lactation specialists, unfortunately) that aren’t aware/trained to recognize it, so the more parents who are aware that it might be an issue, the more the professionals are going to have to become better trained.
A www!!! Brief Pertersik reference, I miss them.
At the other end of the three boys at Grammy’s house spectrum, we took my 15, 20 and met our 23 year old at my moms home. We got to visit winter, and leave Southern California to head to the midwest. We lost my dad a dozen years back, but all my brothers and sisters came to our hometown for the holiday. We stayed a little longer this time too.
Here’s my best Christmas story:
My 15 year old son sat down to the third or fourth in a week of one of my mom’s famous farmers breakfasts (juice, potatoes, eggs, meat of some kind, usually two kinds, fruit, sweetrolls or jelly – I can’t eat that way anymore – aacck!) and said to her:
“Grammy, now that Matthew took his new job in AZ and Joshua is away at college, we don’t get a lot of time to hang out together and game. It is really great of you to have us and let us take over your den for days to have that brother time.” Way to go Daniel! Being thankful and celebrating the true gifts of the season –
expressing some gratitude (besides just wolfing down food) . . . woo hoo. They were truly funny in Church XMAS eve – I personally packed their suits, but asked them to bring the right shoes – HA! One pair of black skater shoes with rasta trim, one pair of gray hightops with green laces, and one pair of leather fishermans sandals that my 23 year old now thinks of as suitable for every occasion! Should have taken a feet picture . . . all equally fashion tone deaf when it comes to zapatos … must be the San Diego upbringing.
Sorry to hear about the sniffles, the flu waited until we got back home and only got three out of five . . .
Happy new year Katie!
I TOTALLY understand what you’re talking about in the mama’s boy category. I completely expected my first to be head-over-heels in love with me and he just wasn’t. He’s definitely more 50-50 now, but for a while I wondered if I moved out if he’d even notice. It was awesome to watch him with his daddy, but a little sad for me, too. My second is COMPLETELY a mama’s boy. Woooweeee. He loves his mama. I get that, too. Thankful for both!!!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas! You give me photo inspiration. One day I WILL learn how to work the nice camera and stop taking only phone pics.
This was our first Christmas in Italy. It was hard being away from family. But it was nice to work on some traditions of our own and not have to spend hours in the car.
I will preface this with saying ALL of your boys are beautiful. But oh my! LJ is sooooo cute! I love his moppy hair, big smiles and wide eyes! What a charmer!
Wow… Jeremy’s dad is totally Weston in like 60 years…
Love the red dress you are wearing. Could you tell me where you got it?!!!??!!
I have a question for you. How do you get gifts for your younger boys? Specifically LJ. I have 2 girls that are 15 months apart, and we don’t need anything. I have all the clothes from my older daughter, and as far as toys go, we have so many. We don’t have a ton of space, so more toys would just be more clutter. I feel bad though because my younger baby doesn’t get a lot of new stuff. She is only 10 months old now, and maybe it won’t matter as she gets older. I’m just feeling lost trying to come up with things to get for her or to tell others to get when they ask. Her first birthday is right around the corner, and I’m at a loss.
New York and Company.
xo kb
My biggest regret is you not taking a picture of that ahhmazing senior picture on above the stairs at your in-laws
and sharing its’ beauty with the world! (I can make fun of senior pics because I ended up taking mine WITH my now husband and then eventually used them as our engagement pictures. Hashtag childbride.)
Well…that is a really good question. In general, we do end up buying less. I try to request things from family that would be either special for that kid (think Easter outfit that won’t be in anyone else’s photos or a book that is part of a bigger matched collection) and then we try to add to an ageless toy bucket…like matchbox cars. Every kid is different and they might develop different interests so the introduction of different things is healthy. I definitely think that parents (myself included) need a reminder that we don’t need to spend a ton of money and that reinventing the things we already own are a positive thing for gifts!
xo – kb
Haha! I love that thing ๐
xo – kb
We are! And we missed seeing y’all too! Everyone told us that your little one is ADORABLE.
xo – kb
I got it YEARS ago at Victoria’s Secret.
xo – kb
So many comments about this post so I’m all over the place. It sounds like a great Christmas with your family! I ache for a a momma’s boy when we only have a daddy’s girl so far. I love the story about Will ‘saving’ LJ. Your boys are getting so big… I especially love Weston’s sideswept hair in the family picture. Having to deal with alzheimers is a struggle and my heart goes out to Jeremy and his family.
Get the 6D. You won’t regret it! You are all looking gorgeous, happy new year!
I didn’t realize how hard it would be! Sometimes my own grandma forgets things but not like GG. We are glad she is able physically and has such a happy heart but at the same time this disease is taking away her “wholeness” and that is heartbreaking because she is an amazing woman.
xo kb
I have tried both the 6D and the Mark III, and I’m a huge 6D fan. The only notable difference between the two is on your wallet. LOVE my 6D!
I LOVE my 6D!! It’s full frame so it’s low light capabilities are incredible, AND it is like half the cost of the Mark III. You’ll love it!
A couple of things:
First and foremost: Alzheimers is so, so hard. I’m sorry you’re losing Jer’s grandmother in that difficult way. In our prayers.
Second: Your boys are growing up to be amazing, precious young men.
Third: Whoa, beauty blenders. They’re life-changing, if I may be so flippant. Check out some youtube makeup gurus for their takes on it. My favorites are MakeupbyTiffanyD, Nicole Guerriero, and Jaclyn Hill. It’s DIY, but makeup! ๐
Merry Late Christmas!
Oooh thanks for the guru recommendations! I am kinda new to the makeup blog world and am DEVOURING the tips and help! Heavens knows I need all the help I can get ๐
xo – kb