As a blogger, the biggest compliment a fellow blogger could give would be to tell ya that they are one of your readers.
Basically any reader is giving you a hug when they read. A hug while I am unshowered. It’s true. I am baring my sweaty soul with my unshaved pitties of quirkiness and you are accepting me with open arms. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate each one of those hugs. Each one from each of you.
Fellow bloggers understand how much work goes into blogging. They know the stink. So if you are one of those bloggers who reads, one of those bloggers who has Bower Power on their blogroll, one of those bloggers who has linked up to me, thank you. Thank you for giving me a mutually stinky and hairy hug. Thank you for blogging. And thank you for making me feel normal 🙂
Special thanks to the top ten referrers this past year…
Hottie McTotties, huh?! Seriously…why are these gals behind a computer? Crazy. So in no particular order, a very heartfelt thank you to each one of you guys…
- Jen – I Heart Organizing
- Sherry (and her main man) – Young House Love
- Layla – The Lettered Cottage
- Emily – Imperfect
- Dusty – All Things G&D
- Kate – Centsational Girl
- Sarah – Cozy Cottage Cute
- Lauren – My Crazy Life
- Lyndsey – The Loflands
- Sarah – Thrifty Decor Chick
The happiest part about this post? Well, I have been a long time reader of each of these girls….so its a double whammy of blushing. Happy browsing!
A big hairy hug from me!! I really love your blog. And I love John & Sherry, too!! That’s actually how I first heard (or read) about you. Speaking of the Petersiks, I’m going to their book signing in 2 weeks and am so nervous/excited to finally meet them in person! Eek! I hope Sherry wears her new bangs down, I can’t wait to see them. 😉 Thanks for being such an awesome blogger!!
Did J like the slippers? I bought the same pair for my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day last year and he can’t get enough of them. He hates labels and thinks most things like this are a waste of money but boy does he love this indulgence!
Ugg- commented on the wrong post.
Hey lady! Thanks so much for the link, I’m in good company! 😉 Hope your start to 2013 is going great!!
A big WOOHOO (like Vicki from the Real Housewives of OC says) to all the bloggers out there! I don’t think my parents will ever understand the world of blogging but that’s ok, that’s why we’ve got each other 🙂
I blog, and I’ve been reading yours for over two years. You’re a really fun and sweet writer, Katie. 🙂
Ha ha, my very first thought was ‘wow, they are all so pretty’. THIS is why my photo is nowhere to be found on my blog… :))
Although I am not a big time blog in any way, I do appreciate the work you put into this blog Mrs. Bower. 🙂 Thanks and I hope you enjoy it enough to keep at it for years to come! And thanks for all of the links, I had not found a couple of those blogs – new blogs to read – YAY!
I know most of these very talented bloggers. I’ll be reading the rest today. I always like to know who the big time bloggers (like you) read. It’s kind of like trying to find the restaurant where all the good chefs in town eat at.
I really loved this blog post – it’s always cool to me to hear about what other blogs my favorite bloggers read/know. It’s kinda like becoming friends with a friend of a friend (and I weirdly consider you my friend – in a non creepy way, of course). Since I know you like them, I feel like I will like them too! So thanks for the introductions 🙂
Thanks for all the inspiration and fun! Look forward to what 2013 brings. May it be filled with spray paint, goodwill finds and bacon!
I enjoy your sense of humor so much! With that, this post is annoying! 😉 I already read 3 of those bloggers blogs daily plus yours, now I’m totally getting sucked in to the other blogs you listed and my lazy nights on the couch reading blogs have gotten lazier! 😉
It is fun to see the blogs you follow and thanks for being yourself on your blog. It’s what makes it such a great daily read!
There is no way my picture is up there on your ultra famous blog. I’m really glad I photoshopped the heck out of it now. 😉
Thanks so much for the shout out and I am saying HI even though I read all the time (but am terrible at commenting.
Hi, hug, and maybe a high-five?
I met your home girl (and boy) last night when they came to Miami (and totally had an almost awkward moment with Sherry in the bathroom… imagine me realizing who I was washing hands next to and not wanting to be THAT fan who freaks out on one of her favorite bloggers in the bathroom of all places, but still totally trying to be cool and at least acknowledge her presence).
Thanks for sharing this list, I can’t wait to ‘meet’ some new blogs. And P.s. you should totally write a book just so you can take a book tour to Miami so I can meet you too. Some people collect baseball cards… or ceramic animals. I’ve decided I want to collect pictures with my favorite bloggers.
haha…I can only imagine your bathroom situation…I think it would be awesome to just hug someone in there. not saying anything. just hugging 🙂
xo – kb
haha…you don’t need photoshop Sarah. ever. I was thisclose to using a certain babybjorn photo 🙂
xo – kb
Sounds like something I would do- just not in Miami. Miami is crazy.
When I was in high school I did a duet acting scene for a competition; basically the premise was that I was a crazy evangelical who would lock all the bathroom stall doors and then prey, er, convert the poor souls who came in with full bladders as they ‘waited’ for their turn. Epically hilarious, just saying.
Well, HEY! 😀 Thanks so much for the sweet/sweaty shout out, Mrs. B!
Your blog rocks my socks off…and I also owe you a ‘thank you’ for sharing with your readers this past year, too! We appreciate the e-love so much! 🙂
Aw shucks pretty mama! It’s crazy to see my mug on your famous blog. Aside from the fact that your DIY skills are always rockin’ my inspiration world, you and I share a love of bacon, the Steelers and makin’ cute baby boys. 😀 Some days I feel like we are sista’s from another mista.
Love ya girl!
Yes, you are Martha and I am Bertha Stewart. You know it’s true.
xo – kb
Awww, I love you KB. Thank you so much for the shout out, and for being the awesome blogger, mama, friend, and cow-milker you are.
(PS. Totally kissing your belly again this summer. I don’t care if you’re pg or not.)