Never in my life did I think that a child would be so overly excited about a jumbo pen. But I guess that is why they have fourteen varieties of them for sale at the Dollar store. They are banking on the ‘jumbo pen’ making every kid’s Christmas wish list. and every adults. and every infants. and every NFL players, and zombies. and leprechauns.
oh p.s. did I mention I’m in a weird mood? yeah. happening.
So we wrote a letter to Santa. It was part of the 12 Days of Christmas jar party. The treat was a gigantic writing utensil. The activity was writing a letter celebrating greed…I mean asking nicely for a reward for good behavior. He told me what to write in the blanks. It reads…
Dear Santa, I have been a bad boy. I like to go to creek, see trains, see stars, Mickey Mouse, make circle. This year I would like choo choo train ride, to put a hat on, a red, green & blue. Thank you very much. Love Will Jackson Bower.
I’m fairly certain that ‘bad boy’ comes from a movie because we never have said anyone is a bad boy…not unless Will is listening at the door when Jeremy is flirting. Rawr. And ‘put a hat on’ means that he wants to ride something that would require a helmet…such a little adreneline junkie. I have no idea what a red, green and blue means. And he does refer to himself as ‘Will Jackson Bower’. It’s very formal. If he ever meets the president, he’s ready.
So Santa this year was located inside a Barnes & Noble because it was raining. The carriage sleigh ride was canceled. I shed a tear.
As we were leaving the house, I went through my routine of walking around grabbing important stuff like fruit snacks and burp cloths and muttering ‘we need this’ over and over. Will ran into the kitchen and grabbed his paper, crumpled it into a ball and yelled ‘we need this’ at the top of his lungs while stuffing it down his shirt. After arriving at the bookstore, he ran with balled-up letter in hand past all the pillars of hardbacks and past the line of people waiting to order coffee and right up to the big man himself. Normally this child is relatively shy with strangers…but this time, he wore confidence like an oversized parka. He walked right up, said “Hi Santa” and handed him the letter, turned and plopped down in the seat next to me. All business.
After it was all said and done, the train table was the real star of the show.
Oh and yes, we do happen to have one of the best Santas I’ve ever seen…he’s very authentic looking. The photographer in me is very happy about that. I’m also happy that I have the first three visits of Will and Santa together. I didn’t get a solo shot of Weston with Santa (unhappy face) because he was needing a boob break. Next year I suppose.
So anyone else out there in a funky mood? I blame the christmas treats. and the hormones. and the fact that I have a two year old who is addicted to helmet activities. nuff said.
More christmas to come. It’s the holiday that just won’t stop 🙂
Cute pics 🙂
My little man (3 months) has the same outfit as Weston…so adorable!
a bad boy??!! omg that’s so cute. love the letter!
He’s probably trying to build his street cred with have to picture him giving the big man some little gang signs–“that Will Jackson…he’s bad….”
I want a big pen too.
Loving that letter!! I think the fill in the blanks makes it even more fun!
bwah haha. I LOL’d at “we need this” I can just picture Will doing that copying his mama. I am so jealous you have pis of Will not only on Santa’s lap but actually not squirming away. This year my kid gave Santa a hug but all I got was a picture of the back of his head before he bolted 🙁
Wow! I’m so proud of Will for not freaking out about sitting on Santa’s lap! My little guy…..not so much. He wasn’t having it. :/
Moody? The combo of postnatal hormones + large quantities of sugar = “who the h*!l is this” reaction when looking in the mirror. Hugs to you…I was in your shoes 9 quick months ago with baby #3.….just keep holding on everything will adjust. Merry Christmas!
I keep picturing the zombies in Walking Dead walking around with Jumbo Pens…thanks for the visual. And boob break…good one! If I ever have kids I promise to always refer to feedings as boob breaks.
WOW… is that the same Santa each year? How fabulous that Will is able to get that comfortable feeling that this IS Santa.
LMBO at the “we NEED this!” Love your weird moods.. hee.
I’m loving your funky mood. I say go with it.
I find that when I’m in a funky mood, I’m just plain funnier. I think you are, too.
Love this!! I also am amazed at how you have kept at things with that new little guy!! I am lucky to have dinner on the table these days with a month old and a 2 yr old. lol And returning to work full time now… let’s see how this goes.
Will we be getting a post on how things are different with this baby?
xo – kb
Your posts always cheer me up! So cute!
Your boy is adorable! “put a hat on”, haha that’s brilliant!
I love this. My little boy (Westley Alexander) is 8 days old and I can’t wait for all those first. First Santa pics, first Easter egg hunt, etc. I agree with another poster, you do a great job of doing a lot while having a one month old.
Question, which B & N is this? mall of GA? I love the idea of the same Santa!
It’s at the Avenue at Webb Gin. There is no guarantee that there is always gonna be the same Santa but we’ve been lucky!
xo – kb
Hilarious letter. Btw, I need to find me some adult sized New Balances with the velco strap instead of laces. That would be life changing.
OMG love the candycane PJ’s. Where did you find them, I would love to get matching pair for my two little ones. I never thought I would do the whole matching PJ’s but after seeing so many cute pics this holiday season of little ones in matching PJ’s I am totally onboard. Now I just need to find the right ones.
They were from Baby Gap – I got it on sale a while back so they might still have them 🙂
xo – kb