Totally understand Ashton if you have to skip this post purely based on the title. Totally totally get it.
So Operation Heart of the Home continues….let’s call this one “Trading an overly brown kitchen for an overly white one with too many photos of my kid” edition.
Here is where we began…
Brown meets brown meets tan meets a wall color for kicks.
And this is where we left off…ceiling painted, trim painted, cabinets mostly painted, paper and plastic everywhere. Sounds like the start of a killer horror flick. Hopefully one where I can learn how to discard of a body without the cops ever finding out.
After Jer tackled the ceiling (he did two coats by the way and it covered pretty darn well), we did one more layer on the cabinets. You can click here for more cabinet-painting info.
This side of the room was looking pretty good…but we had to use the floor space to lay out more doors and do another coat on those bad boys. Remember how I said it took like four coats to fully cover the cabinet doors? That’s four coats PER SIDE. That’s eight spray sessions. And we still have touchups to do. erg. If I wasn’t a lady, I’d say “middle finger to you cabinet doors”.
Yes, my darling spray-happy boyfriend is an angel sent by the Lord of kitchen-makeovers. And no, I don’t regret changing those brown cabinets for white for even a moment. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it white in there.
Obviously it’s a personal preference thing and some folks love woody cabinets (they can be so beautiful! My mom even has wood toned cabinets so I am definitely not knockin’ em!) but I have always wanted a white kitchen and once Jer was on board (kinda important since he was doing the work), I literally was like a rat at a fair (Charlotte’s Web hollah!).
So that’s when I realized the kitchen is REALLY white. Like white EVERYWHERE. And I guess this is where a lot of people are gonna question our sanity.
While the kitchen was under wraps, we were doing all our kitchen stuff in the living room. I was sick and tired of it.
Yes, we lived like this for six weeks. SIX WEEKS!
It was kinda funny how Jeremy would come home and I would try to not nag motivate him to do anything…that is not my nature. But I know waking up at 6 am, driving a couple hours to work, working, then driving a couple hours home, working on a kitchen, and going to bed two hours after getting home is not exactly his idea of a fun time…so I kinda let him decide if he was gonna have a work-night or a Will-night or a rest night. By about day 12, he was so sick of this set-up that as soon as he saw it, he always tried to squeeze in at least an hour of kitchen stuff before bed. But one hour of kitchen stuff five days a week with a day each weekend is not that much time.
Henceforth…six weeks.
And yes, the cut-out ‘door’ of the plastic is so that he could watch a very very blurry version of NFL while working. He said he didn’t want his fantasy team to suffer just because he was renovating a kitchen.
Finally I knew that it was about time to move back in….darn those touchups could wait…the kitchen-in-the-living room situation needed to go. So I texted him and told him that I was tearing down the plastic and ripping up the paper.
And he said…there are cabinet doors on the floor. And I said…I’m moving em. And I did.
All the cabinet doors got moved to the basement to cure a little longer (I didn’t want to risk marking them up with the hardware)…that took me 21 trips up and down the stairs to move them all. And yes, I paid the price the next day with a pregnancy-sciatica-flairup. Totally worth it though.
After I shop-vac’d the paper (I was nervous about any paint dust flying), we started ripping up the paper. I had an awesome little helper.
He loved the fact that I was letting him back in the kitchen. He even put his firetruck on the counter and told me that the firetruck was “watching me work”.
About an hour later, I had the kitchen back! I removed the paper on the island too….I needed a sink. So as soon as Jeremy walked in the door he installed the new faucet. Oh. Em. Gee. Having a sink is so awesome. Having a dishwasher is even awesomer. I loaded that bad boy up asap and can not tell you how much I just wanted to kiss it. Six weeks washing dishes in a tiny bathroom sink is so not my idea of a good time.
Jeremy celebrated by sledgehammering the tile. I am not joking. He was very excited.
Speaking of tile….yes….we are definitely tackling it. I know I said in an older post that the backsplash would wait till phase 3 (we are currently in phase 2 of the kitchen makeover) but when we realized that we would have to remove some for our new hood it changed our minds. I thought…well…we can always just put a piece of white painted board over the broken tile and call it a day. Then one of our amazing sponsors, The Tile Shop offered us free tile. It would be ridiculously dumb to say no and save that money. Especially since I had already picked out my favorites from their site. I immediately told Jer, did a happy dance that looked like this, and begged Jeremy to concede to doing the entire backsplash with me earlier rather than later.
And he did.
So that nasty old tile that sucked up the paint is out.
This is the result of a boyfriend and a hammer and a hatred of traffic.
Yup. It took about two hours to get just a third of the backsplash demo-ed. He scored the edges with a razor so that the drywall would have a clean cut….and then just took out some rage.
The next day, we had a special surprise for Will.
The folks at The Tile Shop had sent him a present. They didn’t ask to see it on him or even mention that they were sending it or want any thing in return…just wanted to give something to a kid to make his day. I just love sponsors that actually read this blog and think of us like that. It makes me support them all the more.
Grandparents – this is for you.
Other folks – get ready for the onslaught.
SOooo very excited to be ‘wookin like Daddy’.
A little saw action for breaking up the tile….obviously he needs to watch the DIY network a little more otherwise he’s gonna end up on Renovation Realities.
He really wanted Jer to help…so Jer did.
I can imagine him thinking “You’re gonna blog this, aren’t you mom?”
a half hour and too many photos later, Will was over the hardwork and requested a coke and the tv remote 🙂
Jer continued with his demo.
That night was another three hours of demoing. I snapped a few pics and then did the whole Will-to-bed thing.
The next day, we had Cole over. He’s like the best babysitter ever. First of all, he’s eight…so he doesn’t mind playing Matchbox cars for hours on end….and he’s very careful with our overly agressive Will…showing him an amazing example of how to be a good big brother. We told Cole that he could come over ANY time and that we would even give him money. He really liked that idea 🙂
I worked on the doors in the background while the kiddos played.
And as I finished one door, Jer would come in and grab it and install it back in the hinges.
As soon as I was finished, I walked in to see the most glorious sight….
Sure there is no drywall on the backsplash, insulation is showing worse than a celebrity wardrobe malfunction and the walls have overspray on them…but seriously. seriously.
Oh and did I mention the hood? It looks amazing. And it looks like it was part of the original design. Amazing what a little caulk and paint can do.
There was one small snaffoo with under the hood. See it?
Yeah. We uncovered a bunch of wires that were bundled together without being an electrical box. Big time no-no. Fire hazard no-no. Building code no-no.
Since Jeremy was moving that blue outlet box anyway (turning it the other way to make it accessible to the laundry room instead of distracting from our upcoming backsplash), he took care of the other wires too. I can not tell you how much I love it that he can do electrical work.
So all in all, we went from this…
to this…
LOVE. Can I just say that one more time? Love love love love love. And that’s not even with paint or a backsplash yet!
Now it’s time for a little painting…a little drywall…and then tile. Is anyone else getting hot in here? Oh just me then…
Wow, what a transformation! 6 weeks well spent, Bowers! Great job! Can’t wait to see it all put back together with the tile you’ve chosen and the hardware, etc. 🙂
LOVe it!! What a difference. Can’t wait to see all the backsplash in and what you decide for a wall color, oh, and that nursery too!
I liked it better before.
JUST KIDDING!!! I’m sure after all that work you did and six weeks of washing dishes in the bathroom sink, you are not going to take those sorts of comments too kindly! Actually, I think it looks fantastic and was totally worth the effort! I’m so glad you love it! Can’t wait to see the reveal once the walls are painted and the backsplash is in.
Yay, yay, yay,I’m so excited for you guys! It looks awesome so far. We are about to start our own kitchen remodel and the thought makes me nauseous. I see ours taking much longer than 6 weeks. Our’s will be completely gutted before we can put it back together and my husband has similar long workdays. I can’t wait to see your finished product.
I have loved following all the kitchen posts. I keep checking back for updates and get all nerdy excited when you post something! It’s looking so great! I’m excited to see phase two complete. Thanks for taking us all along on the journey.
Oh wow! I can’t even believe what a difference that is. I love a white kitchen too and yours is going to look great! Can’t wait to see the tile you picked out. Hope there’s some color to it to offset all the white.
Looks SO much better! I wish I could talk my husband into painting all of our wood cabinets and trim (ALL over the house) white, but I am still working on it.
Also, Will & Jeremy are seriously TWINS!
Looks amazing!!! I can’t wait to redo our kitchen!!
What a transformation! Your husband is a good hard working man.
We had similar electrical issues in our basement. We went to change out light fixtures, and there were no j-boxes. The lights were powered by EXTENSION CORDS in the ceiling. It’s a miracle the house hadn’t burnt down.
I’m glad my partner in DIY knows electrical also. Can’t wait to see the rest of the kitchen!
Love it too! It’s looking so amazing. And the white makes the already huge kitchen look even bigger. I love my white kitchen and it looks so much bigger too than the dark wood that was in there. I still have trim to finish painting and the walls. I have put it off for months. Just to had to do with the kids around and we never feel like doing it. Guess it will get done eventually.
Oh Katie!!!! Its already so beautiful!!! White was the way to go in here! Even without a backsplash! AHH!
Yay for white cabinets! They’re so pretty!!!
It looks awesome, Katie! The white makes such a huge difference. Can’t wait to see what you picked for the walls. And really excited to see the new black splash. The sneak peek on instagram was gorgeous! Will looks so grown up in his outfit!
Love your white kitchen! Beautiful job.
ah-MAZ-ing!!! it’s going to be so beautiful when you guys are done with it. i can’t imagine the amount of work, but so awesome you’ve done it together!
It looks so much bigger! I love white cabinets, I also love wood, but I LOVE white! We are moving into a house that is stuffed with cabinets and I want to paint them white. After seeing what you guys have tackled and some helpful hints, I think I can do it 🙂 I can’t wait to see the finish!
OMG…your kitchen is undeniably awesome.
So pretty and fresh and light-filled..
Will takes the cake here!
He is SO grown up in these pix, all determined and serious in his important work 🙂
Something that I have found true is that early photos of our kids show the kind of adult they will be. Will seems all business yet adventurous, and is turning into a true first-born.
I personally love the “Jeeze, Ma, Do you HAVE to take my picture?” ‘tude- hilarious.
BTW-What color are you going to paint the walls?
Very nice!! So much hard work!!
LOOKS AMAZING! I love the dark counter tops with the white! What kind of backsplash are you doing?
Katie, its gorgeous! I love it! I can’t wait to redo our kitchen one day. You’ve given me inspiration that I (we) could actually do it ourselves. Mine will be white too. Right now its an awful pea green color. Ugh.
Katie, it looks absolutely stupendous! What a transformation. I bet you are practically dying of sheer giddiness! I can’t wait to see the tile – and follow in your footsteps next month when we tackle our own brown cabinets 🙂
Fan-freaking-tastic Katie!! I love it!
It’s going to be sooooooooo awesome when you’re done!
Katie!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! It is beautiful! SO worth all of the work you guys put into it. I can’t wait to see the backsplash either. It is going to be such a transformation. Sort of like a Miss Congeniality transformation…from ugly and awkward to sleek and shnaz-ay!! Great job guys!
Also, just wanted you to know that you have been on my mind and in my prayers. I’m so excited for baby numero deux and pray that everything goes well for you, Jeremy, and Will. Can’t wait for the big announcement!
I’m a white cabinet gal myself and even without any backsplash and such, the kitchen looks fantastic! Also, those shots of Jeremy helping Will on the backsplash made me tear up! It’s just such a sweet set of shots.
LOVE LOVE LOVE! I’m no expert but want to just put it out there (I’m sure you have thought about it and I just missed it!) but have you thought about doing under cabinet lighting before the tile goes up and everything is open? Just a thought!
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!!!! Wow it looks great in there! I love all the white. It looks so big and fresh. Did you say what color you are painting the walls? Oh, and I can’t believe you were washing dishes in the bathroom sink for 6 weeks! That’s commitment. Can’t wait to see more updates! (enough exclamation points in this comment?! No? !!!!!!!!!) 🙂
My husband came in while I was reading this post and said, “Oh, NO, you should NOT be reading blogs about white cabinets!” …I’m 5 months pregnant and have wanted our kitchen cabinets painted white for 3 solid years now (we’ve only lived here 3 years so it’s been a goal the whole time). What is it about pregnant women tackling way too much work? Our kitchen is about 1/3 the size of your’s though so maybe it wouldn’t be that bad?!?! <–talking myself into insane amounts of work. Just looking at your kitchen it makes the room seem twice as large! I can't wait to see what wall color you've picked. I'm almost as excited to see the kitchen finished as I am to hear about your VBAC. Got a doula yet? Yeah, I know…I pester. 😉
it looks soooooo fantastic!!! Loving the white…such a fabulous update!!
~ Jillian
So exciting! LOVE it!
Whoa! I’m so glad to have an update. I especially like the pics of Will in his safety gear. Sooooo cute! I can’t wait to see your finished kitchen. I have white cabinets in my kitchen with a similar color wood floor, white appliances, and white laminate counters. I’ve been wanting to replace the counters with something dark. So I’m happy to get a nice visual with your white cabinets/dark counters. Though my kitchen will never be as swanky as yours (don’t want to over-improve for my neighborhood)
I can’t wait to see our finished kitchen so I can get more ideas for mine. I’m having a hard time picking a backsplash to go with white cabinets/dark counter/orange walls. Yes, my kitchen is orange, and I love it! Any ideas on a backsplash for me?
This looks so great! I can’t wait to see what color you pick(ed) for the walls and what the new backsplash looks like!
Absolutely love – as is! I’m going to be super psyched to see tile but I sooo love it much better than the darker cabinets!
amazing! i’m so happy for you because I totally know that feeling. our old kitchen was ugly and white paint works wonders! can only imagine how hard it’s been for you, esp while prego!!
AMAZING! What a huge difference. I can’t wait to see how it turns out!
Love!! Can’t wait to see it all finished with the back splash. And your husband must be a saint!
Just one word: WOW! Love it!
Oh my GOSH!!! The kitchen looks so beautiful!! I know there’s no paint, drywall, or backsplash but it is BEA-U-TI-FUL!! And those pictures of Will are too cute to handle! I especially love his smooshed little nose under his goggles. 🙂
They look awesome. The anticipation has been killing me. Well, it was worth the wait to see the painted cabinets. Love white cabinets.
Your kitchen looks a MILLION times better, even without a backsplash and the walls not re-painted!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! =) It looks so open and spacious! I cannot wait to see how the room gets transformed through the rest of the process. I can’t wait to see the tile you picked out!
And those pics of Will….I die. He is so adorable. And Jeremy with him…precious moments right there!!
It’s a pretty marble hex. I love it 🙂
xo kb
Actually we already have that…it is a really good idea though! If we didn’t already have it, I would want it 🙂
xo kb
Ever try subway tile? It’s cheap so you don’t have to sink a lot of moolah in it & you can do so many variations of how to lay it!
xo kb
Haha…it’s the hormones 🙂
And no I don’t have a doula…jers gonna have to be mine 🙂
xo kb
WOW, Katie! What an amazing result. The whole room looks so much brighter. Can’t wait to see it finished. xx
Gray 🙂
xo kb
LOVE!! That’s all I could think while looking at all the pictures. We recently painted our kitchen white, too ( and it made the biggest difference in the world. I just stared at it for days. I’m so excited to see how your kitchen is turning out!
And we love the tile shop, too – we are in the middle of a bathroom remodel and they’ve been super helpful. Tiling is tedious, but so worth it! I will be staring at subway tile all day this Saturday, and I really hope we get it closer to finished.
<3 Erin
(shout out from Pittsburgh!!!)
Love the transformation so far! LOVE white kitchens and I can oly imagine how stunningly gorgeous yours is going to end up!!!
Looking good! Big props to Jeremy for getting all that painting done – it’s cool to see this come together in a real world DIY time frame.
Loving your brown kitchen turned white! You know what they say…”Once you go white you never…” oh, wait. Nevermind.
We painted the builder oak cabinets white in our previous kitchen and, to this day, it was my favorite project in that house. It was also one of the least expensive projects. Here’s to ugly brown cabinets, white paint and handy hubbies!!
Looking forward to seeing more although it’s already looking pretty spiffy.
I didn’t even notice the missing tile/exposed beams in the after. It looks THAT good!
If Ashton skips over this post he’s gonna regret it! Wow! So happy for you Katie. You guys have both worked so hard . Cole will be just the momma’s helper you need when the baby comes too. So excited for you all!
LOVE doesn’t even describe it. The white is amazing and I am sure you are happy to have more of the tan trim go. 🙂
Will in his work gear is just the cutest little boy.
Great work. Your husband deserves a round of applause doing it all after a day of work.
Can’t wait to see the final results.
So happy to read this post and know you are back in your kitchen. It looks amazing! Our house lacked a kitchen faucet and I washed in the laundry utility sink for a month. Ugh! Functioning kitchens are awesome.
OMG!!! Those pictures of Will are the cutest!! The first one of him on the counter and the ‘you’re gonna blog about this’ – gasp! I think I may have to buy a little outfit liek that fromt he tile shop for my little one. Do they sell them?
Oh oops you moved back into your kitchen? It looks great too! But Will & Jer together…makes me a little weepy. Are they both lefties?
Looks amazing! I can’t wait to see the paint color you go with!
I’m right there with you…LOVE it! Such a gorgeous transformation. Your kitchen already had great bones, but painting the cabinets white took it from traditional to contemporary (just my style!). I also love how the white cabinets really make the hardwood floors stand out. Can’t wait to see the backsplash!
I must admit that the kitchen looks so much better after the cabinets were done, even without the backsplash! My husband would have been so over the project and when he gets to that point he gets sloppy. I love that Jeremy took his time and did it right! Well done, the hard work is definitely worth it, because it looks amazing already. Oh, and Will looks adorable in those safety goggles. Love! It makes me want to buy something from the tile shop!
the lights! oh my goodness…i can’t believe how great the pendants look now. they have come alive. 🙂
Those cabinets look amazing! Love them! Even without the tile or walls painted I gasped when I saw the cabinet doors back on. All that hard work definitely is paying off! And Will? I could just eat him up! He is scrumptious!
FINALLY! I have been waiting weeks to see those doors back on! 😀 It looks amazing…Jer and yourself have done an amazing job so far, keep up the great work!
I love the white! I’ve been thinking of painting my cabinets white too, but four coats, front and back…wow! Good thing you didn’t need to use the one finger salute! The in-between looked rough, but you are getting great results! Can’t wait to see it finished.
WOW!!! It looks really amazing!! Thanks for the inspiration!
It looks beautiful Katie! I cant wait to see it with the walls painted! So happy for you : )
AGH! It looks so good!!! And seriously – those pics of Will in the construction gear are precious!
Hi there, just looove the great job you guys are doing! I’m gonna need details on spray gun. Did I miss it?
Also, getting (or at least trying) for that VBAC would be awesome, Katie. My Doula rocked in mine. Don’t think I would have gotten it otherwise.
I have no idea if they sell them or not…I just know that this one came in a package (it might be one labeled construction worker in a normal costume shop) and The Tile Shop added their logo to the vest. It’s so cute 🙂 And Jer is a leftie but we think Will is leaning right 🙂
xo – kb
Literally laughed out loud at your first line Dana 🙂 Ridiculously inappropriate makes me laugh.
xo – kb
I am sending you virtual bacon & a footrub for your prego toes……b/c y’all amaze me. The kitchen looks awesome even w/out paint & backsplash. Mr. FC has a long work commute too & there are days when I can barely keep up w/ regular stuff, let alone renovations.
(I’d booty-bump you then give you a high 5 but that might send you into labor…unless that’s what you want. Thinking of you & wishing you a safe, swift, happy delivery & baby boy.)
Here’s to trying! I am doing all I can to make it happen…so hopefully it will be successful but I just keep reminding myself that the most important thing is healthy baby/healthy mommy 🙂
Also – here is the post with the pic of the spray gun!
xo – kb
Wowwowwow. I love love love it! So much that I just repeated two words three times. Should I do it again again again? Okay. That’s annoying. I’ll stop. But seriously… Jaw dropping kinda amazing. I can’t wait to see it when it’s completely done! (Yay yay yay?)
I love the white cabinets and I love love love that you gave a shoutout to Templeton the rat at the fair!!!
WOW!!! Looks amazing, can’t wait to see it finished. Your so lucky to have a “boyfriend” that helps so much with house projects. Sadly in my house is me doing all the projects, I can say that I know how to do flaming, electrical, plumbing, hvac, drywall, etc etc after finishing or basement 90% by myself (and everything passed code/inspections) but I sure would have loved some help and I am quite envious of you.
Aww thanks girl. I must admit that your kitchen backsplash pushed me over the edge when it came to making decisions. I owe it all to you girl 🙂
xo – kb
Seriously impressive though…doing it all yourself. I did a couple rooms in our old house (and my first apartment) all by myself and I tell you what…it’s no joke. Just know that there are some girls out there envious of you and your bad to the bone DIY skills 🙂
xo – kb
THIS LOOKS AMAZING!! And that belly boogie is seriously impressive too.
But your white kitchen must be so soothing on your eyeballs. It looks GOOD!
It is looking great! Were in the middle of working on our kitchen… I’m curious, did the insane 4 coats include the primer? Did you use the Advance primer?
I love how great your counters look with the new white cabinets–the black really pops. Can’t wait to see the new tile & wall color!
I am so excited for your kitchen! I have a vision, now that I’m reminded that your chairs are red… you’re going to prep-ify your kitchen!! Bright white, shiny black, red… and turquoise. I feel it coming! Kate Spade meets Julia Child!
Well, even if I’m wrong (which I frequently am), I’m still pumped for the final reveal!
Speaking of reveals… praying for your upcoming labor and delivery! The BIG (but hopefully under 8 pounds) BOWER REVEAL!
What a difference a little white paint makes 🙂 It looks awesome … and it’s a huge inspiration since the kitchen is next on our to-do list (we let the pros take care of the ceiling and electricity stuff but we are going to do the rest). What are your plans for the colors/backsplash and everything else for the kitchen ? Good job !
I have major kitchen envy! I have always wanted a white kitchen too! So I completely understand your complete looove of the space! It looks amazing!
Love, Love, LOVE it!! Will Jeremy be able to go back to working from home eventually? I pray (for the sake of your sanity with an infant and toddler) it’s sooner rather than later.
AWESOME!!! I thought you got new counter tops too on the after pic. I scrolled up to the before pic to verify. They look SO GOOD with the white cabinets!
My left eye is twitching like crazy…your kitchen looks amazing!
There is no such thing as a ‘too white kitchen’…very classic, clean and classy, also super easy to ‘touch up’ if the paint gets bacon fat on it.
When your BF is finished at your shack, can you send him over to mine…I’m a below par DIYer and hired a builder for my kitchen reno and he has gone AWOL at the 90% mark!!!
AHH! That’s is AWESOME! And I love the pics of Helper Will. Too cute!! I am dying for the day I can demo my kitchen (hopefully not while pregnant, but I’d take it if possible). I’m going for a white kitchen with dark floors like yours and possibly a dark counter top. Love the contrast. Can’t wait to see the tile and walls painted and everything else to finish this baby up! Congrats to you on doing some of the moving and stuff by yourself. You deserve a massage!
Wow… that looks so nice! All of the hard work has definitely paid off and gives me the kitchen makeover bug… not too seriously tho since I see all that you guys are going through so far 😉 The pictures of Will are just adorable. Great work guys!
Oh how I love it! We have honey oak cabinets…which I hate. I’ve wanted to paint them since we moved in but my husband (actually my entire family) protested the white. I’m not giving up though. I am now considering staining them dark. Not a fan of the honey oak at all! I’m also looking at a few alternative options. You are so lucky!
I love white kitchens and yours in no exception! Great job! Can’t wait to see the finished post!
I love white kitchens too and yours is looking great! And I felt like you were really restrained in the number of pics of Will you posted. With a kid that cute in that outfit, I say go for it!! And what a good helper he is. I love the pics of him pulling up the paper.
Looks so great!!! Those pendant lights are getting the glory they deserve! Will you keep the chairs red?
Wow! It looks great. I LOVE white kitchens, too!!! No offense to wood, but there is something about a white kitchen that just makes me happy.
what color are you thinking for the walls? Have you already talked about it and I just missed it?
Jeremy is such a hard worker! You are a lucky girl (I know you know that!) 🙂
Beautiful!!!! The white cabinets with the counters and pendants…. looks so great!
Love this transformation! The pendant lights are getting the attention they deserve! Will you keep the chairs red? Thanks
LOVE your kitchen. I painted my kitchen cabinets white over the summer, and I still love walking into the room every time. Makes such a difference. Only difference is that I did all the painting myself. I still have a few projects left (like building in the fridge) and I may have used your boyfriend’s hard work to (hopefully) guilt my husband into helping! haha.
Love love love it!! And that pic of Will with Jeremy pointing to the tile (looks like he is teaching him what to do) is beyond PRECIOUS!!!!! You are an amazing woman Katie hauling all of those doors downstairs by yourself!! I am seriously impressed with both you and Jeremy (and of course the cutie patootie little boy of yours)!!
What an amazing transformation! I’m so happy for you (especially because you’re not cooking out of your living room anymore)!! Keep up the beautiful work and thank you for sharing it with the rest of us out here.
This. Is. Awesome. I knew it would be great, but this? This is incredible! Great job, Jer and Katie! Did the paint ever harden up?
I actually said “oooooh, nice” out loud when I saw the reveal. Good work! I painted my green cabinets white earlier this year – it took a mere 4 days, nothing like SIX weeks. The difference is amazing, I literally glance at them every day and think how happy I am that they’re white. Well done, team Bower!
It’s really getting there! I LOVE how much more grand and current your cabinets look painted white. Also, the shot with your light fixtures in front of the white cabinets totally made your “black” decision make sense. I was kind of on the fence (about the lights) before, but now I love them!
I LOVE it. It looks so amazing. And thank goodness you pulled that tile down and found those wires. I can’t believe they hid those in there.
Katie…it looks awesome! I painted my kitchen cabinets white a few years ago and I love it. You will never regret it!
WOW!! It finally looks like it’s all coming together! It looks great as-is!! SUCH an improvement. Keep up the good work, ya’ll!
Used gorgeous colors! the little master seems an expert 🙂 Beautiful pics at all.
The white is causing me to drool! I love it!!! And I love will in that outfit…it’s like a free Halloween costume.
…obviously he needs to watch the DIY network a little more otherwise he’s gonna end up on Renovation Realities…made me spit out my coffee 🙂
OMG!!!!!! I LOVE IT and I’m so jealous that you convinced your “boyfriend” to do all of this! Now I have to figure out how to convince my hubby to do the same. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm…..
WOW!!! I can’t even imagine the amount of work, but it looks amazing!
Katie, I’ve never commented but after all the work you guys did, I had to! I relate to this project on so many levels. 1st. We are in a rental and the kitchen looks just like yours (pre painting) and I so so want to paint the cabinets! Also, we painted cabinets white in our last house and I did it, by hand, while pregnant, in our basement with a mask and the windows open. 6 coats each side (including primer). So I feel your pain!
Congrats and know that a stranger in Virginia (in a totally no creepy way) is thinking of you as you have your second baby. Two kids are awesome, overwhelming, crazy and so so wonderful! And ps, I found it got a lot easier when baby #2 hit 5 months. Before that it was survival mode! You got this!
SO MUCH BETTER!!!!! Even without a backsplash it looks so much better!!!! Love! Totally showing this post to DH so he’ll be inspired to tackle our kitchen now. YAY! Great job!
I keep scrolling up and down to see the before and after over and over because it’s so amazing! That’s your new tile under the pumpkin, isn’t it? I know you gave us a sneak peak on Instagram. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what wall color you pick. Jeremy did an awesome job!
Wow! I liked your wood cabinets, but I LOVE them white! Go you guys for tackling such a huge project on your own (especially while pregnant!). And I love the little squished nose picture of Will in those goggles. Too cute.
It looks great! Sooo worth it! Great job guys. Can’t wait to see the finished product. It just looks so fresh and modern.
Katie, it looks so awesome! I love white cabinets. They are just so classic.
AMAAAZING!!! What a transformation! Isn’t it amazing how much brighter a kitchen looks when its white! I am so jealous that you can’t see your hinges..I can’t stand that about mine now that its white the hinges look awful. (feel free to voice your thoughts on the hinge issue..i’m not sure what to do..
Can’t wait to see the finished look!
Looove those pictures of Will. What a cutie!!
I totally agree, wood has it’s place, but I love white kitchens, especially with dark countertops! I’m so glad you chose to paint them, and I can’t wait to see what you choose for a backsplash. Oh by the way, do you mind if I bring my dishes over to put in your dishwasher? I’ve been washing mine by hand for the past 6 years like a sucker. The next house will definitely have a dishwasher.
It’s looking great, sweetie. You could win a contest for Extreme Nesting. 🙂 My favorite Will photo is one of the last ones where his little nose is all squished down from the goggles. It can be a wonderful thing to be surrounded by all those boys. That’s my life too. xo
Wow! I imagine this view alone makes the 6 weeks of living room fridge totally worth it. Can’t wait to see the finished product!
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Great job! You are very lucky to have a hard working man that gets the job done right!
Yay big progress! Yay having your kitchen back! Doubly yay for how adorable Will is in his work gear! 🙂
The space looks amazing and you certainly did pick the right man to do life with . What a special man toy to help with all that work and look good doing it!
I also wanted to share a new guilty pleasure from HGTV from another mommy blog I read. Totally need to check it out. Great kid room ideas.
Amazing Katie!! WHAT a transformation!! Loved this. You guys must be so thrilled! 🙂 🙂
AMAZEBALLS!!!!! This post has it all! Cutest kid ever? Check! Cute hubby doing demo work (better than Magic Mike any day)? Check! Stunning white kitchen so gorgeous I would volunteer to do all your dishes every day? Check! Adorable preggo lady eating bacon while painting cabinet doors? Check! I’m so happy that you might have the kitchen done by the time Baby Bower makes his entrance. Congrats! Wishing you all the best!
This kitchen is not even done yet and it already looks AMAZING! Makes me have the itch to redo my own kitchen! It is on the list but I have only been in my place for 3 months so now so a kitchen remodel is down the line a bet yet… but I can’t wait!!!
So excited to see it finished!!
i definitely squealed as if someone had just delivered a truck full of bacon to my front door.
So so so excited for you – it’s beautiful! and will is adorable, of course, not that you needed me to tell you that 🙂 🙂
good luck with the tile! xox
My husband protested the white too so I painted our black. 🙂 I love them!
It looks awesome! I am so jealous! We have a half bath and the entry way to do and then when we hit the jackpot I plan on winning… I will be tearing out every builder grade 90s cabinet in my house, knocking down a wall and installing white cabinets. Can’t wait to see what you choose for wall colors and backsplash!
Love the kitchen!! Can’t wait to see it finished. I should have offered my wall painting services in exchange for family pics. 😉
I’m so so so glad you’re doing this while preggers. You see, I came home from a business trip yesterday and my wonderful husband said, “what do you think of white kitchen cabinets?” and I swooned. (I thought he LOVED the maple doors we have – come to find out, he’s a closet (kitchen?) white cabinet fan). So I did a little happy dance, then came back to reality. Yes, we’re in our first trimester of our first baby, and we’re planning to paint the cabinets, add a few more where there’s some inexplicable holes, replace the countertops and backsplash, and replace the fridge. Ourselves. So thank you for the ongoing blog posts and good luck with both kitchen and delivery! 🙂
LOVE it! All the white is gorgeous – not too much white at all. Did I miss the part where you tell us what you’re changing the backsplash to? I’m sure it’s going to look amazing. In fact, it looks so good the overspray on the walls isn’t even bothering me! High 5 to you and Jeremy for having the patience to do all of that painting and doing dishes in the bathroom. I would’ve quit halfway through, I’m sure of it.
Also, that outfit for Will? Freakin’ adorable! It makes me want to buy tile from the Tile Shop and we don’t even own, we rent…
WOW Katie. The difference in the kitchen is amazing already! Good job you guys : )
What a transformation! I just love clean white kitchen cabinets, amazing job! I can’t wait to see what you do with the tile and paint colors!
i must admit.. i was nervous… it felt like the brown paper was never going to come down and the cabinets were never going to get put back in…. and oh-my-goodness-gracious, it looks wonderful!!!!! and it looks clean and oh my, your having baby number 2 soon!!! you guys are brave! You give little people like us hope!!! Thanks for sharing the journey!! can’t wait to see the completion!!
Your ceiling seriously looks like HEAVEN. It’s glowing! I love white kitchens and I can’t wait to see it with the hardware and backsplash done.
Even though the kitchen is not done, I agree that it already looks better. Your countertops look great in that space, and for a sec I thought they were new. Will is a doll. He makes me miss my nephew and his tool belt.
I think even Ashton would be able to get over the title to see that before & after! It looks gorgeous and I’m so excited for you! Major snaps to you for doing all of this when you’re pregnant and battling that back pain. You’re officially my hero 🙂
OMG – I have been following this project from day one and have been waiting for this post. Looks amazing! Direct quote from my husband “wow. That is impressive!” and then I told him you were pregnant and had a todler – hopefully this doesn’t increase expectations…. but seriously your kitchen looks incredible.
Katie B! This looks AMAZING! I don’t even care that it’s not done. I can use my imagination for the rest. The white was absolutely the right choice. Props to your BF for all of his hard work!
WOW! I love the transformation of the kitchen. What an upgrade!! But I am commenting for the first time ever to say how adorable Will is in his construction outfit. Its the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!
Congrats on getting your kitchen back! I can just imagine how good that must feel – and it looks great too!
We considered a laundry room reno when I was very-preggo, decided it couldn’t be done at that time because of the hassle of doing wash in either the garage or a bathtub. Even had contractors bid it so it could be done in a much shorter timeperiod, but the bids were much too high for a couple of DIYers!
I’m amazed at your 6 weeks of doing dishes in bathroom sinks. I can’t get over that. It’s looking like it was worth the wait, though!
I thought you might like that.
Love the new look! I LOVE painted cupboards!!
Oh my gosh, love, love, love the white cabinets! It’s going to be so darn pretty in there. And the pics of Will in his work outfit are too cute.
I check Bower Power daily, crossing my fingers, just to see if there is a kitchen remodel update. Thank you for sharing all the nitty gritty details – it’s coming together beautifully!
It looks amazing!!! My 7 year old daughter saw your before and after and exclaimed how beautiful your white kitchen is. Good job Bowers!
Ohhhhhh myyyy woooorrdddd. Katie, it looks unbelievable! All that hard work definitely paid off!!!!
Can’t wait to see it all finished….Will is adorable as always 🙂
Agreed! I can’t wait to see what color you picked.
Oh, the timing on this is awesome — thank you! I close on a new home next week, and am considering ripping out the tile backsplash before moving in (because if I wait until after my stuff is in the kitchen, I know it’ll be awhile before I motivate to move it all out again). Like you, I would do it while keeping the cabinets up .. and am a little unsure how it will go trying to re-drywall right up to the bottom edge of the cabinets (will there be enough room to do a good job mudding the gap?) .. so I am looking forward to seeing your photos of the process! 🙂
OOOOOOOOh….EM….GEEEEEE. I’m with ya girl, LOVE! You, Will and your boyfriend did amazing!!! Can’t wait to see the paint color and backsplash!
We are just picking out our blacksplash too! And trying to decide if we want to go as white as we can… or have contrast in the granite like yours. However, our kitchen is TINY- yours is glorious! We are thinking of maybe knocking a wall down too…
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
OH MY GOSH I LOOOOOOVE IT! It’s so beautiful! I gasped out loud when I saw that first picture with the paper gone. I had to scroll back up, I seriously forgot what your counter tops looked like before, they totally blended in with all the wood and tan. They look so pretty in your new kitchen! And seriously, you have the cutest kid ever! The goggles are my favorite part of his outfit! You guys have done an amazing job so far!! I’m on pins and needles, I can’t wait to see phase 2 complete and see what tile and paint you picked out. Oh and congratulations getting a working kitchen back, I feel your pain. Hallelujah for the invention of the dishwasher!
ps: You and your man are total ROCK STARS!
In the photo of Will and Cole playing on the floor, can you tell me what kind of toy garage they were playing with?
Katie, if the Tile Shop doesn’t ask you and Jeremy if they can use these photo’s of little Will in one of their advertising campaigns, THEY.ARE.CRAZY! He is JUST TOO CUTE in their outfit! 🙂
Why did you choose to unwrap everything before you paint the walls?
So far I love it, but I will say that I’m sad you are getting rid of the blue paint ( I am assuming). I loved it!! Can’t wait to see the tile you picked out!!
It looks amazing!! We just did the same thing to our kitchen except we’re still only in the cabinets are painted phase! We still have to install new counters, a new farmhouse sink and the back splash! You guys are a huge inspiration and Jer did a GREAT job while working more than FT!
SUCH an improvement already! I’m definitely a much bigger fan of painted cabinets…sometimes the wood can really darken the kitchen a lot and I prefer light and bright kitchens. Looks great!
It looks amazing! I decided last month that I want to paint my oak orangish colored cabinets white but I haven’t had the time to do it. I’m saving it for a spring project because it’s getting too cold around here to paint the doors outside and my house is tiny so I don’t have anywhere else to do it. I LOVE how your kitchen looks…even with no backsplash it looks so much nicer in there. I’m looking forward to seeing what your backsplash looks like though 🙂
Love, love, LOVE! We just painted out kitchen white with black counter tops too! My Hubs somehow convinced me to hire a tradesmen for this one, our first hire out ever, which was a good thing since our little baby came 2weeks early- the day the tradesmen started! We came home from the hspital to a new kitchen, and it was the best day ever!
OMG–beautiful job Bowers! You make such a wonderful team. Ummm… is that white honeycomb tile I see under the pumpkin… could it be???? Looking forward to this room’s final reveal and awesomeness…
O.M.G. Love! It’s amazing what a little white paint and hard work can do. I’m hoping that I can start on our painted cabinet adventure soon!
It looks great! But my favorite tidbit from this post was Will’s little nose squished up in his protective goggles (on that “you’re gonna blog about this” photo). Too cute.
Oh my gosh, Katie – this is unbelievable!!! I am so so happy for you to finally have a kitchen back – and a beautiful one at that! It’s coming along so well and I cannot wait to see the finished project!
Love it! It looks awesome. We painted our kitchen cabinets when I was pregnant with #4 and your posts brought back all the traumatizing memories (that I can mainly laugh about now). Yes, I did have a big weepy meltdown about how our kitchen would be all taken apart and everywhere when I brought baby home from the hospital. Fortunately, that was not the case and our dishes were back in their places before baby arrived. Our new sink even arrived the day I delivered. And I went into labor in Lowe’s while selecting countertops.
RIP the King of Pop…but this is kinda the Michael Jackson of kitchens, no? So full of talent and beauty… and color changing?
In all seriousness, you guys have done such an amazing job and your new kitchen is going to be beeeaauty-full! And hopefully all done before the little guy arrives!
Congratulations Jeremy and Katie (and Will, too!)!!!! You guys are ridiculous – that kitchen is stunning!!!! I can’t imagine doing that much work in my kitchen… but for those kind of results, totally worth it. Enjoy 🙂
LOOOOOOOVE IT!!!! white kitchens are so beautiful and clean. da-roool. awesome job and totally worth all the pain and sleep deprivation!
Ha! I love the reference to Renovation Realities! That’s one of our favorite shoes on HGTV. I wish they would make more of them. Hubster and I always wonder if the people on that show know they are signing up for Renovation Realities. My guess is no. I think they sign some sort of blanket contract and when they screw up really bad they land on that show. Thoughts?
your kitchen is really becoming so dreamy! loveeeeeee the white! 🙂
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Transformation!
I would be happy dancing all around the kitchen right about now…
Im excited to see the end result, you always do room set ups so well! xo
Yay! The light at the end of the kitchen tunnel! Literally- so much lighter and brighter 🙂 I feel your pain, we did a total kitchen redo and were living with a makeshift kitchen in our living room for 8 weeks! I cooked the kids’ chicken nuggets in s toaster oven on our front porch, white trash style 😉 was curious why you waited to demo the tile until after you had all the painting done. Wasnt Jeremy afraid of messing up all his hard fork painting those cabinets to perfection!? Looking great!
Go Bowers! I can’t wait to see what colors are coming up next after your white. I loved the blue but you could go dark and have a great look. BTW, I also loved your video of the “Girls” on your photography blog. I showed it to both my hubby and my teenage daughter. It’s funny that they both thought the same shot was the cutest. I wish I was rich and I’d fly you out to Seattle and have you take my daughter’s senior pictures next summer! (Maybe I should play the lottery!).
Well, when we found out that there was insulation behind the interior wall, we realized that most of the tile was holding in insulation (which we were afraid to spray onto because we didn’t know what would happen)…we could have gone ahead and tore it out and then drywalled first but we honestly thought that we weren’t gonna do the backsplash until phase 3. It was just a matter of timing and it didn’t end up making a difference in the end.
xo – kb
Actually I had a friend who was on it. And yes, they know. And apparently you can negotiate to get assistance ($$) to redo a room so my friends doubled their budget and all they had to do was be themselves and ignorant of how to plumb 🙂
xo – kb
Wrong. So very wrong. And so funny at the same time. My haters are gonna love that you set me up for laughing at that one.
xo – kb
haha…sounds like something that would happen to only a real pro DIYer 🙂
xo – kb
Because honestly I was over the kitchen-in-the-living room. We couldn’t move the fridge back in till the paper was up…and since I really wanted a counter, I decided that I would just be really careful when painting the walls. We did leave the countertop paper (all but the island) so that we had some protection but in general, I was over it.
xo – kb
Ugh. How are you still alive?
xo – kb
I think it’s definitely on it’s way. I test it every few days just to see and I think I’m noticing a difference.
xo – kb
Yes…for now. Maybe down the line I’ll respray a different color or replace the entire set but for now, we still love the red 🙂
xo – kb
Probably not. I think we are gonna be just the average stay-at-home-mom-work-at-the-office-dad kinda family 🙂
xo – kb
We always like neutral bases and then pops of color. It worked for us in our old house and we think we will continue the trend here too 🙂
xo – kb
Katie! It’s beautiful, absolutely beautiful! NO back splash or painted walls and it’s still gorgeous. Such an improvement from the wood and tan kitchen of before. I cannot wait to see the final product! Congrats! too many exclamation points?? Nahh!!! 🙂
You & your “boyfriend” must be soooooo happy that your kitchen reno is so close to completion. I’m sure so many young ladies out there envy you having a very capable & willing husband who gets stuck in to doing jobs that sometimes he just hates doing. My husband’s pet peeve was putting up wallpaper or installing a drapery rod. You have saved yourselves a ton of money & you’ve all (little helper Will included) done a great job.
We did four coats of paint…not including the primer. And no, we didn’t use the Advance primer. We used bottles of spray paint primer 🙂
xo – kb
We are definitely thinking neutral…like a gray with blue undertones.
xo – kb
It’s a Fisher-Price Little People Racin Ramps Garage (they sell them at Walmart I believe)….we got it at a garage sale for $3 and it’s been the best thing ever.
xo – kb
All that hard work has really paid off already!! I’m sure you’re itching to fry some bacon in that new kitchen! I certainly would be…
WOW!!! Looks fantastic. Great post, love all the little pics of Will. Can’t wait to see the tile and paint. All that work is really paying off.
Take care of yourself, all those steps…*shudder*. Yeah, I would totally do the same thing, and totally have the hubby fussing at me same as yours. ; ) I know about impatience, and husbands do not know how powerful that urge to get things done becomes before baby gets here…
It looks absolutely fabulous!! I love the white! Simply stunning!
Wow! I love it! It looks amazing. I can’t wait to see the backsplash. I need to do that in my own home now.
I am curious why it took so many coats of paint? My husband and I painted our kitchen cabinets. We used one coat of adhering primer (specifically for kitchen cabinets) and only one coat of trim and door paint (from Sherwin Williams) and that ended up being enough. We planned on doing two coats of paint but after one, they looked so amazing, we just stuck with it. Now I am wondering if we were supposed to do more for some reason…
Anyway, can’t wait to see the final kitchen!
I said the same thing! 🙂
Hooray for Cole! I love it that he was so helpful without probably even knowing how helpful he was being. GOOD JOB, COLE!
Also, your husband is really setting a good example about how to love his family. I am glad you will be raising 2 sons with Jeremy because we need more good sons from good fathers out here.
And, the kitchen is fabulous. I’m sure the 188 comments before me all said that, too, but I will chime in: fabulous!
And, completely unrelated, it snowed here today (Minnesota) and it is my birthday so hooty-hoo, there you go. White-white-white EVERYWHERE — your kitchen to our rooftops (but it didn’t stay).
(I don’t say hooty-hoo for just anyone, you know.) ;o)
Oh. My. Gosh. I love it!!!! It is really looking amazing even without the backsplash and paint! I can’t wait to see how you finish it!!!
Oh, and by the way, that belly dance made me snort laugh. At work. No, really.
Amazing! I love the white and the hood and the overspray– well, maybe not that yet– but I can see the finish line and it will be amazing! Go Jeremy for working so hard to get ‘er done!
It looks FANTASTIC, KB! So happy for y’all!
I love your blog and am always checking for kitchen updates!! I can’t wait to see the final reveal! Hope you are feeling well, you’re so cute pregnant! My sister is having a baby in March, I want her to do the nursery like Will’s first room with the plank wall.
You won’t regret getting a doula, but you might regret NOT having one (at least wondering later if that would have made a difference). I know I think about that all the time in regards to my first birth/c-section…if I’d had *trained* professional help they might have been able to get the baby to turn. 🙁 Anyhoo, it’s your decision obviously, but it could be the best $500 you’ve ever spent in your life…better than white cabinets even….and THAT’S saying something. 😉
wow, Katie – it looks AMAZING! Really!!! I cannot tell you how much credit I give you for doing this all yourself (yourself = you, your bf & your super helpful kid). I mean, I’m only a 24 year old with no children/real responsibilities, and I still would never dream of undertaking such a massive project! Can’t wait to see the end result 🙂
I think a large part of it was because of using the sprayer…it uses about twice the normal amount of paint as usual (we found out that after spraying the office) but we think it was worth it for the super smooth finish.
xo – kb
Oh yeah…I would be worried if I didn’t have Jer and my family. But I know that I do have a doctor that is very proud of his VBAC history and is on my team…so that is huge. I also was very clear about what I wanted in my last delivery (with the midwife and the doctor) and so I do feel confident that I would still be able to communicate pretty openly.
xo – kb
BEAUTIFUL! I can NOT imagine life without a kitchen for 6 weeks. Hooray for getting your kitchen back. On a totally unrelated note, in the second picture that shows the fridge in the living room, the one that has your kitchen table right in the foreground, it looks like there is a face of an old lady on the table. Seriously, she is right there! It’s freaking me out. She has bright red lips and a scarf over her head. One big green eye is kind of looking at me from the side. She’s between the box of ziplocs and something with a red lid. Do you see her?!
Katie your kitchen is beautiful!!! I totally feel your pain, we gutted our kitchen a few years ago and my husband did all the work,in his spare time. My kitchen was our dining room for TWO YEARS. Did I mention we have 3 children that were 8, 7 and 4 at the time? Great job!
Oh the patience you have!! Wow – it looks great and is all worth it. Congrats. Will be eagerly waiting for the final “after” pictures 🙂
Three things…
-The kitchen cabinets look GREAT!
-I can’t believe its been six weeks already WOW.
-and seriously, can your family be any cuter? Will is just so stinkin’ adorable I wanna pinch him. I can’t wait to see new baby Bower. 🙂
I am in the process of taking my all white walled, not quite white white cabinets to an actual color. Last weekend I painted all my lower cabinets black. It almost makes the gross pinkish brown cafeteria style tile floor look livable as well as the pinkish brown and mint green 1970’s geometric pattern countertop look, I hate to say it, nice. After 6 years of living in that big white-ish box of a kitchen and the stains from spilled coffee all over my white-ish cabinet doors I decided to just go for it. I had the house to myself and lots of coffee and it looks SOOOOOO nice now. I now have to do the top cabinets, concensus is they will be black too and then find a yellow for the walls that will match the Roman shade that I made the new window over the sink. When you have a 7 foot wide window and store bought shades are a small fortune, you have to make your own. So it is custom to our house with material I adore.
Good luck with finishing up your project. Someday our kitchen will be totally gutted and rearranged but until we can afford that little project, paint is cheap. 😉
Have to say I love, love, love it! And Will’s little outfit is just flipping cute. Whenever I have someone fixing stuff at my house, HJ follows them around with his tools. The poor strange men that let the toddler help them…
haha…FREAKY friday!
xo – kb
Hi Katie! The kitchen looks great! You guys did an amazing job covering the floor too. It doesn’t look like you got any paint on the floor. 🙂
A fair is a veritable smorgasbord!
We did get a little paint near the air vent…but we think it was user error…we actually got so hot in that room we pulled up that corner and perhaps forgot to seal it back (not naming names haha) but it came up really easily with a quick scrub of a Clorox wipe 🙂
xo – kb
Wow. Just wow. The original wasn’t even bad, but this feels so much better. Wow.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE white Kitchens. I’m sure plenty of people are howling “why’d you paint the perfectly good cabinets!!?” but I’m so glad you did. Thanks for the inspiration and for re-iterating to me the importance of making your house your HOME. Can’t wait to see the finished room. Take Care!! ~Chris
I recently became addicted to YHL, and thats how i got to your blog. I read your “reflexions” on what you wanted to do, and i just wanted to tell you that you have accomplished many things on your list, at least you have touched me and inspired me to try new things. Not only to adventure decorating my first house, but to try new things in life.
You have a lovely family and are a beautiful person, you deserve the best of life.
PS: sorry for the grammar mistakes, i’m venezuelan and english is not my main language.
I found a picture of your kitchen table on pinterest, and I am in LOVE with the white/stain combo with red chairs. I have looked through your blog for a post that might have more information about your table, but I can come up with anything. Did you re-do the table yourself? If so, do you have a post I could refer to? Thanks!
Hi MaKayla,
Here you go!
xo – kb
Wow what an amazing transformation. I’m not sure if you have picked out a tile yet but a white subway tile would keep with the white color and look very classy at the same time.
ohhh that’s looks awasome. White painted board over the broken tile looks very classy.
Hi KB!
What an amazing transformation. You guys are awesome! It’s absolutely gorgeous! I’m just loving all your projects. I’m in the middle of painting my kitchen cabinets white and I was wondering how the sprayer handled your cabinet doors laying flat? I thought I read that sprayer likes to be vertical. Did you have to buy an extra tip or did it work just fine?
It does prefer to have vertical surfaces but as long as we moved the sprayer quickly and the tank was full of paint, it worked ok.
xo – kb