Now that you saw the very rushed photos from the matron of honor (that’s me) of my sister’s wedding…now it’s time for the professional pictures. I scalped them from the low-res online gallery because I am crafty and sneaky and awesome like that.
I’m just gonna tell you whatever I think about when I see the photo…it’s probably not important…it’s probably random. just roll with it.
My Mummum and Boots grandmother were given broaches as their corsage. I love that idea. Ten points for Nornie on her smart thinking of giving something beautiful and lasting 🙂
Oh and did I mention that Nornie and Boots incorporated a bunch of old Jewish and Hebrew traditions into their ceremony? They did. I loved it. Even when it was comical…like the blowing of the shofar to signify the celebration. My brothers both had one and let’s just say that if it was done incorrectly – it sounded like a cat dying in a recycling factory. Thankfully – they both blew that horn like it was their job. well, it was their job…but you know what I mean.
Nornie being dramatic 🙂
sisters 🙂
Many of you know that Norn was a single mom. And that Cole is a very special member of our family. I think what most people don’t think about is that there was a time when my 19 year old sister who found out she was newly pregnant had to decide what to do…to keep this baby and raise him by herself…or give him up for adoption. Can you even imagine that kind of decision? that kind of pressure? that kind of responsibility and loneliness? I hold a very special place in my heart for women who are single moms…those girls that take the bad and the good of parenting all by themselves…those people that are immensely strong and sacrificial and that don’t live in fear of the unknown…but with hope. And that to me was what Norn’s wedding was all about – a fresh start with a heart full of hope.
One last prayer before we headed down for the ceremony…
My mom used shephards hooks to hang these glass lanterns (we used them at my wedding too so it was doubly special to me to see them) to line the aisle.
And Cole used our special ring bearers box to carry the rings for the ceremony. At our wedding, our nephew Braden (who was only 5 at the time) carried this same treasure box. I love that the cousins have shared in this.
The ceremony was so simple and precious. They even washed each other’s feet during it…to signify service and humility to one another.
Right after…
We girls just held bunches of babys breath…love the simplicity of that, don’t you? And yes, those of you on Team Hair Down – this was one of the last photos Lori had her hair up in…
Don’t they look so happy?! I love that. I also don’t wanna beat a dead horse but seriously – the hair. I hate to say it because it feels soo darn good and I don’t like reminding people constantly that I am spot-on about pretty much everything (sarcasm)…but I WAS sooo right about the hair. So so right 🙂
All the pictures were taken right there in our front yard…and in the side yard…glad that we actually mowed over there 🙂
My grandparents….holding up a 5 and 7 to signify their 57 years of marriage together. I love them so much and am so glad that they have made it that long…it gives me a goal 🙂
Let me just say that I had to give a speech. And usually me + public speaking = me crying in public with eye makeup running into my mouth. So I tried to keep it short and simple and not laugh too much at myself…because that’s just awkward when you laugh at your own jokes and nobody else is. I did tell the story about how when Nornie brought Boots home the first time to meet her family. I was severely pregnant with Will and basically grilled him to an inch of his life about his intentions with my sister. I blame the hormones.
And there was only one little moment where I teared up…but I will say that I didn’t end up in the fetal position in front of 100 people…which has been known to happen. Success!
Brownie bar! Such a genius idea.
Okay – and now we get into the part of the night where I basically let my hair down, pulled out the ugly face and did the homeschooled white girl’s version of dancing. And yes, that is my darling boy toy behind me looking like he’s drop kicking my butt out of the dance floor.
This one is my favorite. I think I was spanking someone while simultaenously doing the Tootsie roll with my legs 🙂
And my mom pulled out these sticks with tinsel on them (which were a huge hit by the way) and my older brother was demonstrating how guys already looked dumb enough trying to dance at weddings…the last thing they needed was streamers 🙂
This is my brother and my husband and my other brother. Yay. Don’t you wanna invite my crazy family over for your wedding?
And my grandmother. Now you know where I get the energy – it’s genetic 🙂
And yes, this is all while the DJ was playing gangsta rap 🙂 Seriously though…he didn’t do it the whole night…only when he wasn’t given any requests by us country folk.
Brad is a goofball. I love him so much and am so glad he’s my brother. Nobody makes me laugh like him. I have no idea what he was doing here..but it was hilarious. obviously.
So that’s it…a few of the pics that I snatched off the professional wedding photographer’s website for a little nuptial recap.
If you are interested – the photography was done through Sugar Snap Photography (the actual photographer’s name I forgot but he was really fun) and they should get a big round of applause for capturing some really funny, sweet and beautiful moments.
And now I am officially done with recapping about the wedding! Yay!
Anyone wanna share something sweet/hilarious/goofy/wrong that went down at your wedding or a wedding you’ve been to? And for the love of God, please someone tell me that they look as crazy as I do when dancing…
Love these! The pictures of you ladies praying is just beautiful! I also love the thoughtfulness that was put into the little things -like them washing eachother’s feet. We had two colors of sand that we each poured at the same time into another vase/bottle thingy symbolizing how we’re one and it’d be almost impossible to separate- it’s been a great reminder to see that every day 🙂
Looks like it was a beautiful day!
And, I’m on team hair down- it’s just beautiful!!! Seriously- if she could sell that she’d make a lot of money… 😀
LOVE the pictures of the dancing! I have pictures like that from our wedding and they are some of my favorites
What a gorgeous wedding! It looks like everyone had the best time! My sister is getting married this June and I have to give a speech – I’m terrified. I’m sure I’ll cry and then my throat will make a weird croaky sound that’s super attractive. Ack!
Oh, and I totally look like a lunatic while I’m dancing. But I still love to do it!
The pictures of the dancing are HILARIOUS. It’s so nice to see a family having such a great time together, even if this time it didn’t involve muffin tops, dip tins and blacked out teeth.
It looks like a really beautiful event and I’m glad you (finally!) shared pictures of the day. Good job with everything you did to prep for the wedding KB, and congratulations to Norn, Boots and Cole!
Thank you for sharing! I love the brownie bar idea too and Lori’s hair is gorgeous!!
PS: The dude in the background of the shot with your Granny dancing reminds me of Draco Malfoy. That, combined with your sister’s beautiful Hermoine-esque hair and we’ve got 2/3 of the Harry Potter kids all grown up! 🙂 i can’t even tell you which ones i love because i love them all. praying one, love. sisters, love. norn & boots – love love love. brownie bar pic? amazing.
and then there are the dancing pictures.
whoa baby. these are freaking hysterical. bookmarking this page so i know where to go when i need a pick-me-up. your dancing skills are fantastic, and the boys look like a rockin’ good time. 🙂 LOVE them all!!!!!
Yay for wedding posts! They were fantastic and it looks like the wedding was a blast, which is the whole point right?
Just a quick question…I’m a curly headed gal myself and chance you know what hair product Lori uses because her hair looks AMAZING! Love the blog, and be proud of what you do!
I am dying over here! Get it white girl! Your family is hilarious.
I just spent about 5 mins going back and forth between the dancing pics!!! SO FUNNY! Looks like everyone had a great night
Yes, yes I do want your family to come to a wedding! I’m afraid you might blend in a little too easily in south Louisiana though 😉
I LOVE the picture of Norn and Cole, so beautiful! The wedding was gorgeous, including all the ugly dancing faces! And I totally made the ugly dancing face at my wedding, but the best pic of all was during our first dance. My husband and I thought we would get all fancy schmancy and do fun twirls and dips… except it turns out we’re really not all that graceful… We went in for the last dip, and wouldn’t you know, my guy stepped on my dress (which stuck out at least a foot around me, so you can’t blame him) or lost his balance and nearly fell over on top of me! The photographer happened to catch just the right moment / angle to capture the panic on his face and it’s just hysterical! Luckily, he caught himself (or my giant dress held us up) and we just died laughing, it was awesome and totally set the tone for a fun and goofy night!
My matron of honor toast at my best friend’s wedding was an epic fail. I wish I could blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol, but no. Not even a sip.
The dancing pics are fantastic. As much as I love the posed pictures, candid shots will always be my favorite. My wedding album is made up of professional pictures, polaroids, and pictures my friends took. I love them all. Oh, and at my wedding reception, I found out from a boychild cousin that the kids had a food fight in the hallway and kitchen. I was so giddy I didn’t care – I didn’t have to clean up the mess after all!
I’m getting married in September 2012 and love what you and your fam did for Norn’s wedding.
1. I think I might steal Norn’s idea of giving brooches to the moms instead of corsages; I even just pinned this idea to Pinterest.
2. I totally dance with ugley white girl face, just like you. However, I’m jealous that Jeremy joins in with you because my fiance does not like to dance so then I’m even more awkward, out there by myself. But I rock it anyway.
3. Brownie bar sounds amazing, also might have to steal this idea. Was there ice cream? How was it kept from melting?
4. I’d really like your whole family to come to my wedding. I think we’d all get along famously; the picture with Jeremy and your brothers with ties around their heads sealed the deal for me!
I love the dress you wore….and am in need of finding a BM dress for my brothers wedding…so would you mind sharing where it was from? It was navy right?
Looks like a great party!
I thought about how pretty everything was from you pictures and my first reaction to these are how fun it looks. I would invite your crazy family to my wedding anytime, they would blend well with mine.
The picture of the wedding party was beautiful!! I love the navy and yellow theme and your MOH dress was lovely.
Such a sweet moment when you were giving your speech.
Looks like a great time!
LOL That got a huge laugh out of me! Simple awesome.
My wedding went off without a hitch but we did blow a fuse at my house while getting ready we ended up going to the church 3 hours early. And trust me, we all dance crazy in my family, too! My uncles were doing pushups and arm curls with their daughters during “The Macho Man”, and all little kids had to leave the dance floor during “Kung Fu Fighting”
In the pic of your husband & brother it looks as if your husband is trying to riverdance or something… Not quite sure what is going on with the tie though! lol Love the pics! 🙂
It was navy and it was JCrew but I got it on ebay 🙂
xo – kb
I’m not quite sure if there was ice cream but I’m sure that if there was – it was packed on ice and kept in coolers till the moment for dessert arrived 🙂
xo – kb
Add me to the single moms club…till I met my wonderful husband. Going on 8 years!
So at our wedding the cutest thing that happened was my then 4 year old daughter was the flower girl, but instead of throwing the rose pedals when walking to the front kept them in the basket. We all kind of laughed it off and said she was shy. So we got married and did our first kiss and my daughter grabbed two huge handfuls of pedals and threw them up in front of us. It was the most beautiful thing and looked planned and stunning in pictures. We couldn’t have planned it better if we tried.
Hil-freaking-larios yes get it Katie, love all the wedding pics.
I wondered the same thing about Lori’s hair products – do tell!
The photos look amazing and I am sure the wedding day was just that! Quick question: I see that your sister did a brownie bar and I am pretty sure I saw ice cream in the cup. My sister is getting married this July and wants to do an ice cream bar. We are trying to come up with ideas on how to serve/make ice cream in bulk. What did you guys do? Any suggestions?! Thanks in advance for any suggestions 🙂
What a beautiful wedding. I am an only girl between two brothers so I am envious of sisters – especially sisters that have a relationship like the two of you!
Best wishes to Norn and Boots!!
I just wanted you to know that between “cat dying in a recycling factory” and the dancing photos you nearly got me fired. My office is all open cubicles and usually quiet as a tomb, and when I got to those I snorted out loud and startled everyone on the floor. I tried to cover with coughing, but I don’t think anyone believed it. Totally worth it.
This wedding looks so beautiful and fun. The dancing photos are my favorite.
Double fail before my wedding. The hairdresser who planned to do my hair decided to go out of town and not tell anyone. I showed up at the salon and they said sorry shes not here. My best friends sister ended up doing our hair…while that was going on, my groom had a flat tire, dropped it off at sears to be fixed. When he and his friends went to pick it up, sears said they couldnt put the new tire back on for him because they didnt buy the tire from sears….the boys ended up changing the tire in their tuxs. They showed up to the wedding with grease all over their hands….oh well cant sweat the small stuff 🙂
Sorry – comment number two.
As you can tell, my name is rather unusual. It’s Hawaiian, and pronounced My-lee. Most people on the mainland have never heard it, nor have any clue as to how to say it. My grandfather, a minister, was supposed to perform my wedding ceremony, but had a stroke a few months before and wasn’t strong enough to stand during the whole thing. We had to get an emergency replacement, and the father of someone my sister knew offered to help out. He couldn’t say my name correctly to save his life, but instead of mispronouncing it, he actually used a different name each time he said it. He called me Maria, Marla, Marlene… everything but my actual name. I nearly lost it at the altar and it was all I could to to keep from bursting in hysterical laughter. My husband thought I was fighting tears, and kept whispering sweet things to me and I kept muttering at him to shut up because it only made me want to laugh more.
Aww, yay! We did the foot washing thing at our wedding as well. 🙂 And the photographer left before I got TOO crazy with the dancing, though I’m sure I look even more spastic at other people’s weddings than I did at my own. I think the dress helps mask the ridiculous moves when you’re the bride a bit more than the shorter dresses. 😉
I can’t remember if she had ice cream but if she did, I’m pretty sure that they would pack it in coolers with loads of ice and then serve it at the last possible second.
xo – kb
Ummm…this SERIOUSLY looks like SO MUCH FUN!!! Beautiful pics!! Well worth the wait 🙂
Thank you for sharing!! You have such an AWESOME Family!! Very blessed.
your sister is STUNNING. umm… seriously.
and you (as always) look gorg! what a pretty wedding!
your sister and i got married on the same day so i love seeing that other people had beautiful weddings on september 24th. what a perfect day 🙂
your sister is STUNNING. umm… seriously.
and you (as always) look gorg! what a pretty wedding!
your sister and i got married on the same day so i love seeing that other people had beautiful weddings on september 24th. what a perfect day 🙂
The dancing pictures are fantastic…I think our families would tear it up at a wedding together, so…I think my Marley should marry your Will 😉
Yep. Jeremy’s Lord of the Dance impression was my absolute favorite, though if this was a Best Picture race, they’d have to have way more than 10 nominees.
I wish I had thought of a brownie bar! Pure genius! Another option I was toying with was a s’more bar and hot chocolate bar. If you find the time between running after Will, doing projects, and loving your boyfriend you can read up on some of our wedding sweetness.
What a great wedding! It’s obvious there’s a lotsa love in your family. I was a single mom, too. It’s not an easy road, but it definitely makes screening future husbands easier…only the amazing ones made the cut. Glad your sister found one worthy of both her and Cole! You looked gorgeous, by the way! I keep laughing at the contrast between this and the White Trash family portrait…
Serious question, though. What’s your favorite ‘do on your sister?
Gorgeous pictures! I wish I had the guts to dance at all 😉 Your family looks like so much fun!
Also, definitely props to your sister for being a single mom at 19! I became pregnant at 19 as well and thank God everyday that now 5 years later I’m happily married to my best friend. On days my husband has to work late or something, it is INTENSE with energetic kids. I admire anyone who can do the Mom job 24/7 alone! I’m so glad your sister found some one to not only love her, but her son as well. What a blessing! And yes, her hair is amazing down. What a beautiful gift.
At 16 though, I was one of the few pregnant girls that makes the other decision…adoption. You hit the nail on the head…it is a huge responsibility, pressure, and lonely to face that life changing decision not matter what the outcome is. Though, I would argue that the same would apply to what you said about many birthmoms too, “those people that are immensely strong and sacrificial and that don’t live in fear of the unknown…but with hope.” My 7.5 year old daughter and I have an open adoption, its quite amazing 🙂 I live in hope, too, that she will always know that I love her. God leads all of us down different paths, its always wonderful to hear different stories of perspective and hope!
I also wanted to add simply out of awareness that birthmoms prefer the term “placed” verses “giving away” regarding adoption. Giving away implies we didn’t care about our baby, or love them wanted and the easy way out, when actually that is FAR from the truth. “Placed” has intentionality, a lot of thought and love goes into it 🙂
Just down and curly…and I like her blonde…because she is naturally somewhere a little darker…but I like the fact that her highlights make the curls pop!
xo – kb
I am a single mom and am so encouraged by the details you shared about your sister! I love hearing stories like this!! Thanks for sharing! Keep on dancing!
YAY! I love wedding photos. Your sister looked gorgeous..and yes, I love her hair down! I’m a straight-haired girl who would love to have curly hair. You looked gorgeous too…I loved your hairdo! What a huge feat you and your man accomplished pulling off a wedding so soon after moving in! Looks like it was a beautiful day..thanks for sharing 🙂
Beautiful photos! It looks like it was a perfect wedding… and I definitely agree with you about the hair down.
Our wedding was the past October… when that freak snow storm hit the Northeast. Our wedding ceremony was able to happen on Saturday but our party had to be postponed until Sunday after our venue lost power (we had a dinner celebration on Friday at a restaurant near our hotel). One of my favorite things about our wedding was frolicking around with my husband in the snow. In October. It was easily the happiest moment of my life because even when all of planning I had done for our day was falling apart, I was still laughing.
(I did a full recap of our wedding here, here, and here.)
Oh My Gracious….I seriously laughed so hard at the dancing pictures. Seriously. Too dang funny! Norn is awesome-ly gorgeous! Y’all looks so much alike.
Ok, I’m a fellow curly girl and am so jelous of your sisters hair. Do you know what product she uses? Thanks for sharing!
A third vote for a norm hair blog post!
Oh my goodness, the photo of your brothers and Jeremy dancing is the best!!! Jeremy looks like he is river-dancing, like that guy from Lord of the Dance (Michael Flatley)! Hilarious.
Girl – you got the moves like Jagger! 😉 I knew you were a good one – these pics are proof!
Man you guys look like a fun crew! I love fun weddings!
I love the navy suits and such a strong yellow tie – it’s not mustard and not sunshine yellow… this perfect inbetween shade. It complimented the amber details very well. Compliment Lori on her superb taste 😉
And I must say the you and Jeremy laughing at Brad picture is a favorite. It’s just how I picture ya’ll in my head … Katie always laughing and Jeremy standing by your side smiling.
Has anyone says your husband looks eerily similar to drew brees? I couldn’t put my finger on it until those crazy dancing photos!
As a photographer yourself, is it kosher to be pulling low res images off a photographer’s gallery when selling prints is most likely how she makes her livelihood? If your sister owns the rights to all the prints, that’s different. Just wondering…
I think all of us awkward homeschoolers learned how to dance with the same level of intensity/ugly face…
My sister has the cd of the high resolution images and the shared print release – just got frustrated at waiting for my lil sis to let me borrow it – otherwise I wouldn’t have pulled them off the online gallery 🙂 But yes – that is a very real concern for many photographers though – so it’s definitely important!
xo – kb
At our wedding my candle fell into the unity candle and started melting it. The only person on the platform who noticed was my husband, who obviously couldn’t do anything about it. My sister, the maid of honor, noticed right as the pastor told us we could kiss, so in the kiss picture you see her reaching for the candle. Because of my wedding, I know of at least four couples (my sister included) who did not do a unity candle. We still have the unity candle, and I laugh every time I look at it.
haha…no…but we’ve heard Tim McGraw when he has facial hair, Ethan Hawk, Brett Favre A LOT when he’s wearing a hat…funny huh?
xo – kb
Love the photos — and yours too! The baby’s breath is so pretty and simple in a good way.
What a beautiful tribute, Katie! The wedding look incredible.
You look like you’re having fun–not goofy. FYI-when I dance, I look like I’m being electrocuted through jell-o. It is painful to behold.
That made me laugh too. I’ll have to mention this to my daughter who is getting married this year! 🙂
Oh Katie… you and your sister are so beautiful. I love the photo of her and Cole before the ceremony. It seems as though she’s done an amazing job raising him. Your family looks like sooo much fun!
India xx
I love that you love your sister and family so much. What a beautiful wedding.
such a pretty wedding, and it looks like it was so much fun! I think her hair down was the way to go to, she was obviously a beautiful bride either way, but it was soo pretty down!
hahaha I am CRACKING UP at the dancing pictures.
My husband and I are big fans of dancing at weddings. We bust out all kinds of white people moves and even pretend like we know how to shag despite only taking 1 lesson 3 years ago.
There are many facebook pictures that get de-tagged after we attend a wedding haha
What a beautiful family wedding! Y’all definitely seem to know how to throw a good party.
At my wedding in GA 6.5 years ago, my DJ announced the split of Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger and also announced he’d be playing at a strip club after the wedding, and for everyone to come there. It was definitely unforgetable for my Southern Baptist family.
Boy you really asked for it when you gave the women of the world a chance to talk about their own weddings, you know how much WE LOVE IT. Your sister’s wedding looked like a wonderful time, and it’s real nice to see you cut loose and dance all crazy… we all do that, fortunately my photographer had already left for the night when I broke out my pouty lips and tootsie roll. Fun fact about my wedding though (doing my best to not get into too much detail) it was supposed to be held at my grandparent’s farm in Maine. My entire family spent 2 years preparing and we weren’t quite lucky enough to have a perfect space already laid out for us – we had to skip a crop of corn that year and plant rye instead. And then… in Maine… we got a Hurricane the weekend before my wedding that caused the River (that borders the field below the beautiful White Mountains) to rise 18 feet… well, it was more than 18 feet, but the water made the measuring device break. Anyway, my beautiful field was underwater for days. Including (btw) the days that the rental company was due to delivery the tent and the dance floor and everything that went with it. We begged the company to come on a later date (I was getting married on Sunday, they came the Wednesday before) but they refused. So after all the hard work (feel free to read about it we ended up getting married at the Fairgrounds up the road. It was a disaster at the time (literally, a natural disaster) but with 6 months to look back on it, I can see it wasn’t the worst thing!
I *love* those dancing pictures! You guys really know how to let loose on the dance floor! Also, the navy and yellow look great together 🙂
hilarious! oh the djs in this town 🙂
xo – kb
Here I am at work trying to be all professional…and then I see the picture of you and the boy toy dancing I think I actually snorted it was so funny. There goes all that so called professionalism I thought I had….HA!
Oh well, it was a great start to my day to see all that fun and love for life. You make me smile Katie each and every day and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.
This was such a beautiful post! Every picture of your sister and Cole literally brings tears to my eyes, what is wrong with me?! Your entire family looks so happy, I love that 🙂
I normally would NEVER bring this up, but you seem to be one of those out in the open type people, no harm in speaking your mind so…..
Did you ever notice in the picture where it looks like you are doing the funky chicken that you can faintly see your underwear….not like I was looking or anything….it just kind of slapped me in the face. HEHEHE…at least you were wearing underwear….a couple of our bridesmaids didn’t for our wedding because they didn’t like the underwear line under their dresses.
Oh man,funny wedding moments. The old church where we married built on the side of a hill, so the bride’s room is on the lower level underneath the actual sanctuary. While we were waiting for the ceremony to start, my 5 year old niece was super antsy. She amused herself by telling the mirror, bridesmaids, everyone “I’m GORGEOUS!”. When she tired of that, the entire bridal party sang the ABCs.
We found out later that all these shenanigans could be heard by the guests waiting in the sanctuary.
I was also a single mom with a 7 year old son when I married my husband. We had our small wedding by the lake at an estate house just a few miles from Disney World. Since the reception was at Disney we made it a family friendly wedding…well turns out while I was getting ready the kids (ages 7-10) were running around playing and decided to dial 911 from the payphone!! Yep you guessed it….shortly into the ceremony the firetrucks arrived yet we were so in the moment neither my husband nor myself ever heard the sirens…That was one for the memory book!! Oh and the guy on the jetski who drove past us during the ceremony and yelled Don’t do it!! That we heard and laughed about!!!
omg the comments of you dancing were hilarious. Yeah I think I’ve made a few of the ugly faces too when I get my groove on..nice pics. Your husband is a hottie!
Oh yeah – my Pappap was horrified that my dress was falling down on top and see through on the bottom. It was like the world was collapsing 🙂
xo – kb
Wow, I definitely cried when you talked about your sister being a single mom, then you showed the precious picture of her and Cole… Oh my word, soo precious. Your family looks amazing! Beautiful wedding 🙂
My wedding is in September…where should I send the invites for you fam? haha!
We were married on the beach in the Dominican Republic. They had cleared a section of the beach for our wedding, but because we are so awesome we drew a little crowd. In this crowd were an older lady who enjoyed sunbathing without her top and a gentlemen whose swimsuit of choice was a gold lamè speedo. Needless to say there are some very funny photo bombs from these too that we didn’t notice until we were back home and going through our pictures!
I have hair that’s very similar to your sister’s (but it’s brown, so I sadly don’t get the halo effect). I really struggle with it because as soon as I put it up, I can’t take it back down or else it looks like a mess. Could you ask her what products she uses so maybe I can give them a try? Her hair looked gorgeous at the reception 🙂
Katie, I love how much fun you and your bf have! 🙂 The dancing pics were great, you are a very cute couple.
Add another vote for team hair down- although she is beautiful either way. And her arms. ugh. her arms are to. die. for. Beautiful wedding! Way to go for hosting!
PS- my best friend just found out she was pregnant after over a year of trying- we cried and screamed and prayed and danced and it was wonderful. I know your day is coming soon 🙂 much love!
Hi! I LOVE the picture and I think your sister looks BEAUTIFUL and of course you always do too!
Would your sister ever consider doing a guest post on what kind of products and routine she uses for her hair? I’ve got similar length and similar curls but I can never ever get them to look that good!
so glad you posted this answer b/c I was worried I was going to have to not like you any more. I hate when people steal images off the internet. And YES it is stealing people. Can you go back and clarify your post to make sure people know you didn’t steal the pics otherwise people may think it is ok. Glad I can still like your blog 🙂
What great pictures! I especially love what your hair is doing in the background of the picture of your brother with the tinsel. Looks like you should be in a L’Oreal commercial!
Awww you made me tear up when you mentioned the part about your sister being a single mom. I was only 20 when I had to make the same decision….and I was married to a very abusive husband who is still hassling me today while I fight for a divorce. It’s nice to know that some people do recognize the sacrifices we put in vs just looking down at us, or stating it’s our own fault for being in such a situation.
Luckily now I’m with an amazing man who has taken my daughter in as his own, and has been so supportive throughout the whole ordeal. <3
oh yes. respect the rights!
xo – kb
Those dancing pictures are THE BEST!!! Everything else is awesome too but seriously, those dancing ones had me snorting coffee out my nose. You are awesome!
Katie, I love that picture of Norn being dramatic. She looks absolutely gorgeous! It should definitely be in a magazine. And awesome job with the house. The wedding looked amazing and very personal. Those are the best ones to be a part of and witness 🙂
What a beautiful day! Your whole family looks like such a blast. I love the picture of the guys dancing, where your boyfriend is in mid-air. What a fantastic photo! Congratulations (again) to Nornie and Boots!
What a beautiful wedding! I definitely think you gain a full appreciation for single moms once you have a baby. Looks like she has truly found love and happiness!
Haha! Looks like fun and reminds me of weddings in my family. In fact the picture with the neckties on the guys heads, yeah I think there are a few of those my my brothers (both brothers) wedding pictures. Family weddings also can include several of the following, music from Star Wars, custom Chucks, zoot suits, and a dance floor FULL of (insert my last name here)’s. Needless to say I LOVE weddings!
Love the prayer picture and the one of your grandparents – too sweet! I also love that your sister was able to incorporate items from your wedding into hers. I think that makes it so special. I cannot wait until someone I love asks to borrow something from my wedding! 🙂
These pictures are so sweet and then hilarious! My favorite shots at weddings are usually the ones at the reception of everyone having a good time. Our wedding was such a blast and I love hanging out and dancing with all of our friends!
Funny story: Our friend Dave is a great dancer and he was getting down on the dance floor when one of my mother’s friends (40+ lady) decided to drop it low all up on him. It’s on our wedding video. His face turned red and his eyes were bugging out and he tried to dance it off and back away from her, but you can tell he just wanted to get the hell away from her. So now whenever we talk about our wedding the “cougar incident” comes up. It’s hilarious! 🙂
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and love your take on life! It has made me laugh and cry and has brightened my day several times.
I love the picture of your sis and Cole and that he said the wedding was his too! Because of course it was!
I do have to say… I agree that being a single mom, especially at 19, would be so unknown and would take complete selflessness. I can’t imagine that – even at 27! I do have to say, though, sometimes giving the baby up for adoption takes a selflessness also. I’m a product of that. My birth mother & birth father gave me up when she was a freshman in college because she just didn’t feel like they could give me the life I would deserve. I had a wonderful childhood and was raised always knowing I was adopted. When I turned 18, I found my birth mother and at 20 found my birth father. I have a great relationship with my birth mother, not a mother-type relationship, but more of a close friend. My parents have always been supportive of this relationship.
Just wanted to point out that sometimes giving the child up (me) can be a good and sacrificing decision too.
Please don’t think I’m saying anything negative about your sister. I think you all seem like a wonderful family and Nornie, Boots and Cole look happy and everything ended up the way it was meant to be. Looks like the wedding was a beautiful day and I wish them complete happiness in their future!
Absolutely. Growing up with an adopted best friend, I know all too well that adoption is the best choice for some people.
xo – kb
Honestly, the dancing photos were hilarious!!! I laughed out loud at work and had tears rolling! My boss turned around and didn’t know if I was laughing or crying…. funnily enough he did the same thing when I was looking at your hilarious Christmas photos!!
Oooops, note to self – read these types of posts at home :):):)
Great wedding, great party, nice clothes. It would be better that you had the same dress as other girls, this way no bikini strips would be visable.
This looks like such a fun and beautiful wedding to be at! I love the simplicity of the bouquets…I nearly did that myself but we had a surplus of roses.
Yeah, I was looking at the picture and I was like, “Is that? No…” But yes. Underwear.
Yeah – just so everyone knows…it’s not…it’s how the dress was wrinkled (um no I didn’t iron it why do people iron dresses for special occasions or something?!) but I can totally see how it looks like that. How do I know? I was wearing spanx 🙂
xo – kb
Yeah probably – but I got my dress for cheap and theirs cost more than three times the amount. I had better things to do than worry about self-tanner so I thought – heck yeah I’m redneck and rockin the tan lines 🙂
xo – kb
I love the pictures! The ones of you and your boyfriend dancing are hilarious! We can tell how hilarious and goofy you are, but this gave us an inside look at Jeremy, too!
Katie, your house and yard look absolutely GORGEOUS in these pictures! The picture during the ceremony with all the people sitting down and the tent in the background and the wooden patio just showing in the top right literally looks like it could be at a resort. Beautiful!
And P.S. I am also the older sister of a beautiful curly-haired girl and I have to admit I’m sometimes jealous of those curls…thought you could probably relate. 🙂
This is the face I made at my wedding 🙂 The unity candle was NOT cooperating, and I am nothing, if not subtle! (copy and paste the link)
Thanks for sharing! I adored all the pictures and have been looking forward to this. I LOVE the idea of baby’s breath and rice. You are such a creative family!
Seriously? After looking at all these beautiful and fun photos, that’s the comment you felt compelled to leave? ::shaking head::
Katie, whenever I see photos of myself dancing, I’m making that same face. lol xo
That picture is priceless! Love it!
xo – kb
Oh the dancing! Those pictures tell me so much about you guys, and it makes me relate to you even more!! There is plenty of white-girl dancing going on at our house, too.
Hey I just found your blog! (Not sure how I haven’t found it before) but I love it so far, and I’ll start following. The dancing pictures are by far, my favorites. And yes, your sister’s hair is gorgeous! Looks like the perfect day. Anyway- glad to find you!
I can see now how it might be wrinkles, which I totally get. Sometimes you sit for one second and they appear! LOVE Spanx! The wedding looked like a blast and the dress is gorgeous.
AMEN Leah! Thank you so much for your response. I wanted to add something very similar, but you put everything I would have said and in a much better way. Thank you for your decision and for being passionate about educating others about proper adoption language and emotions! You are a hero to me!
The photo with Cole made me tear up. I volunteer with our local pregnancy center and I know what a difficult, scary decision your sister made, and breaks my heart to think of women who decide to end their pregnancy.
Your sister and her little boy are a beautiful picture of love.
Katie –
Since I found YHL and since they led me to your blog, I’ve enjoyed reading your posts. In a creepy way, yes, I love reading the stories. This post was by far the funniest. I love your writing style. It brings everything to life and just love the entertainment… and the budget friendly ideas, too! (I have to admit I was cracking up as if I actually knew you and your family – it reminds me of mine.) Thank you!
OMG! THat photo of the guys dancing is EPIC! Totally EPIC.
I would print it and have it on the wall if it wouldn’t be creepy cause I don’t know any of them….