Loads of loads of loads of stuff to update you on…
Basically these past two weeks have been jam-packed with great summerness. We also went on a trip to Chattanooga (strike that off my summer list!) and did LOADS of stuff.
And I can’t wait to share them all with you…this crazy and lovely time in our life is so sweet to me. I can’t get enough.
Even the hard parts – like learning how to deal with an extremely headstrong child…who is opinionated and violent and ignores me (I thought that wasn’t supposed to start till tween-hood…WRONG). But even though he doesn’t obey when I say “WHY CAN’T YOU BE MORE LIKE JUSTIN BEIBER?!” – this rogue little guy is changing everyday and makes me laugh till I choke on my tears. And even those tough bits make this life better to me…I like the gravel of life. And I am trying to cherish each moment – they will fly by even when I am watching wide-eyed. So hopefully I can jot down here what is the best moments…
oh and get some massive loads of laundry done…because dude, it’s getting harder to find the washer door with all the clothing mountains. I am not joking. I’m going to have to start charging twenty-something year old guys to train in there for Mt. Rainier.
In other bloggy news –
Angela – you are the lucky winner of the Scentsy Giveaway! You said:
“Scentsy Me- ASAP! I want the little stuffed animal for my son’s nursery! Too cute! Also, of course I LOVE the pics of Will. He is ADORBSSS!! Oh and by the way, I found the little madras swimming trunks at a Gap Outlet last week (I asked you about them bc I loved them so much!). SCORE!! =)”
Email me girl to claim your prize! And loads of thanks again to Jennie for giving away so many fab freebies/samples and for sponsoring this giveaway
Moving right along….
Here is a True Value update – they are back with their DIY True Stories…basically an opportunity to win $2500!
You can read all about it here…DIYers THIS IS YOUR MOMENT of GREATNESS!
Oh and come back later – hopefully I will have a new GIVEAWAY post up – gotta love them freebies! Until then – loads and loads of virtual kisses from our home to yours!
I know how you feel about the laundry. At least you have machines in your house! We live in an apartment and they’re in the basement (such a pain to carry everything down). If we forget about our clothes, it gets real awkward. We’re moving in less than a month to a house without a washer dryer so that’ll make laundry even more annoying!
Glad you guys have had a great 2 weeks. It looks like Will got a little color on his arms!
Ya know, I am dealing with a headstrong one myself (well his brother was/is the same way). It keeps making me wonder if I am doing something wrong, but I cant see what it would be. Why is he hitting, throwing things to make me mad…… I know some of it can be frustration b/c he cant verbalize everything yet and he doesnt understand that just b/c he wants something right here and now he cant have that, especially if I am in the middle of washing dishes, making a meal, etc. I love him to death and like your Will, he cracks me up tremendously, but he has his moments (many) that make me want to check into a mental hospital (well that is a combo of him and his 5 yr old brother). Being a stay at home mom is HARD. Some people (even my own husband ) dont understand that. I never get a break. I have been doing this nonstop for 5 years. Not that I would rather be stuck in a job that I hate, but I miss out on meeting new people, socializing with adults often, etc. And due to financial obligations, I dont get to do much for myself or go out on dates with my hubby often. We havent had a vacation in 3 yrs!!! That has to change. I know bills are important to pay off, but I dont think I can make it another yr w/o going somewhere. I think our family needs it- to be healthy emotionally/psychologically, etc. We need to do something fun and relaxing at the same time (although you know vacations w/ kids arent always relaxing). Hopefully a trip to the Outer Banks is in our future this Spring.
Every time you post things about Will, it reminds me of Isaac. Raising You Spirited Child was an awesome read for me. Maybe check it out if you get a chance.
I can’t wait to hear all about how your summer with your lil Will is going so far!!! The picture of Will in his biking gear just makes me melt in a puddle!!! The hubs and I jotted down a summer bucket list of things we want to accomplish during the year and going biking is on the list!! When I saw the picture of Will, it reminded me that I better “get to gettin” and get it checked off our list………..but first I have to buy myself a bike!! haha. I have a question…..Do you edit every single picture in photoshop before you post them on your blog…..and how long does it take you?? I’m considering getting photoshop this summer and I’m a little scared that it may just be too overwhelming and hard to learn!! ~Joanna
i love summer. and you’re right; i feel like i had my son yesterday when in reality, he is going to… wait for it… PRE K in TWO WEEKS! WHAT! yes, he has to reassure me “i will be home right after i get done learning, ok mama??” ::sigh::
I do edit each photo – unless it is one of those funny candid shots (like the one in the Blindingly Obvious post)…in which case, how could I possibly improve on that?!
It takes me a while – that is why the posts that have the 20+ photos are a big deal to me
xo – kb
It looks like you are having a great summer! I also came off a great summer week at my parents farm. It was so nice to get away from everything, even the internet! I spent most of last night digging through google reader!
I can’t wait to hear more about what you and your adorable family have been up to!! Enjoy the rest of your summer, it’s going too fast!! Take care!
A vacation can make life livable….even if it is a staycation at a friends house and you just do free stuff like go to the beach! I absolutely recommend it
xo – kb
Oh my stars, is that sweet Asher in the top left corner? Y’all’s boys have the BEST hair! Thankful you had some time in ChattaVegas!
Love all of the summer pictures! And you had me lol-ing with the Justin Beiber comment
My sister found the following book really helpful in getting the message across to her toddler that not everyone wanted to “WRESTLE” http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Be-Gentle-Virginia-Miller/9781406311877
Your summer looks beautiful. It’s freezing here in Australia!
aw man wish I coulda have spotted ya! I live in Chattanooga!
Hey Katie!
You are always saying what a handful baby Will is? Do you mind if I ask what your discipline methods are?
I am convinced that we both visit family in Chattanooga always at the same time! Maybe our Will’s will run into each other sometime
It probably says something about me that I was drawn to the food picture first, and then to the cute baby pics. Can’t wait to hear about your summer fun!
Well, that’s tough right now because he isn’t communicating more than the words momma, diddy and juice.
We do the whole ‘NO!’ thing and make a stern face and lower our voice. We also spank…but it doesn’t really affect him at all…he doesn’t even cry…so now we are trying Operation Freedom Relief…which basically means, he gets a warning and if he continues to do something we put him either in a pack n play for a time out….or if we are somewhere where we don’t have a pack n play, we hold him in a backwards bear hug with his arms down by his side. The one thing that upsets him is loss of his freedom…so this really makes him angry…but he thinks he’s in charge and that’s not safe either…so we figure our version of time-out will last until we can communicate a little more.
It’s probably not the best way but we believe that leaving him alone after direct disobedience is a type of neglect…and we want him to understand there are consequences for his actions. But I am always open to suggestions!
xo – kb
Can’t wait to hear about your trip to Chattanooga. That’s where we live. I actually just traveled to Atlanta this weekend (to the Britney Spears concert).
These pictures are so cute and it looks like you guys have been having such a great summer. I especially like the one of your boyfriend and Will in the water–sooo special!
Hey Katie, when I clicked the link to True Value, I get a msg from Firefox that it is “an untrusted website because their certificate is expired” and FF advises NOT TO GO THERE!! Is anybody else having this problem? and what to do about it? Thanks!
Hmmm…I double checked the link – if it still gives you issues, then it might be your individual firewall or virus protection. Either way, you can go directly to facebook and search for True Value – then “like” them…after that, in their sidebar, there is a little link for DIY True Stories Contest – click there to find out all the info.
xo – kb