Just thought I would let you know that Amazon has Better Homes & Gardens on sale right now.
You can get a two-year subscription for the same price as the Baconator meal biggie-sized at Wendy’s with a small chocolate frosty. Yes, I know how much that costs. There is no shame in it. It’s roughly $12.
I just renewed my subscription…and for less than fifty cents an issue, I thought I’d give you a heads up. Oh and fellas, your lady friends might want this for V-day hinthint. Here is the link if you wanna order too:
Better Homes and Gardens (2-year)
Also, I put the link in the wishlist section in sidebar just in case you can’t order at work 🙂
Wow, that was impulse buying at it’s finest! Clicked and bought. Thanks 🙂
Uhhh, Thanks!
I’ve been renovating for months and I’m just starting to decorate this will come in super handy. I’m excited.
Ooo great deal! (I just renewed a few days ago for $20… hrm.)
I hadn’t eaten at a McDonalds for years and years and I could not BELIEVE how expensive it was. I mean, a double cheeseburger meal with fries and a drink used to cost $3.99! And I’m not even that old, truly.
Thanks for the heads up! I just ordered mine 🙂
Been meaning to, but it’s never on my list of “things to do”, so I keep forgetting!
Thanks again!
~Shelley Smith
Ooh! Thank you! 🙂
Love this comment 🙂
xo – kb
I know, right? Kinda ridiculous, huh? But really, can you put a price on bacon 🙂
xo – kb
Thanks for the heads up!!!
I just got my first issue of Better Homes and Gardens in the mail yesterday. I received a free year offer in the Better Homes and Garden dishes I bought at Wal-Mart and then with this first issue they offered another year AND a cookbook for only $5.99!
Just ordered mine… although, when I clicked ‘checkout’ I noticed the total was $27 and some change. I went back to check the order because all I did was click on the link and ‘checked out’ and somehow Amazon added a ‘1yr subscription’ to ‘House beautiful’ to my cart… Not sure where that came from but just a heads up to other readers! 🙂
Hahaha, in less than two minutes – read it, clicked it, bought it. 😀 Thanks!
Awesome Kelly! I love BHG 🙂
xo – kb
oohh thanks for the heads up Kasey! Ya hear that everyone?! Double check your cart!!!
xo – kb
Woah thanks for letting us know! Going to get that right now!
And I have a completely unrelated question – Our baby girl is due in March and I read through your whole birth story today, it was such a great distraction from all the things I needed to be doing! 🙂 What baby books were your favorite? I’ve been fickle with the books I already have. In one part you talked about the devotional book you read while you were pregnant, do you remember which one that was?
My MIL gave me a subscription for Christmas, smart woman. Anyway, when it came in the mail it seemed super thin…did you notice that too? Or am I crazy?
The latest issue seemed super thin to me as well, anyone know if something’s up with BHG? I’ve been a loyal subscriber for a few years and I have never received such a skimpy edition!
Thanks so much! I totally clicked and purchased. $12.82 with tax. Cha-ching!!!
Perfect timing on this. Just picked up my Jan issue and realized Feb was my last issue. Sweet! Thanks for the head’s up!
@Lonna and Patrice, I came to comment on the same thing. It was a super thin issue, and most magazines are *bigger* than usual in January due to all the resolution/organizing content.
I know BHG recently revamped their format, so maybe that’s the explanation? Or lower cost equals smaller issues? I sure love my BHG though — have been a subscriber off and on for years. xo
I noticed that too Patrice…but I think that for the past couple years, the skimpy issues are few and far between. I’ve also noticed that just because an issue is thick, doesn’t mean it has more content (just more ads!). Either way, I always get a good idea or two outta there!
xo – kb
It was a bit skimpy…but that is not the norm…and I still got lots of ideas even from the thin issues.
xo – kb
Woohoo! Thanks for the tip. Just purchased.
Happy Thursday!
Don’t feel bad, I have the price of my favorite combo meal at Taco Bell memorized. It’s no Baconator (which is vastly underrated on the Wendy’s menu, it needs to get more love), but it’s my little weakness.
Those of you who already have subscriptions: does the magazine come in plastic, or is the mailing label stuck right on the actual mag cover? (Our mailman mangles all our catalogs and plastic-less mags.)
Got my two years for Christmas, woot woot!
Thanks for the info, I just placed my order!
Mine usually comes sans bag. And you should really try to woo your mailman into treating your mail with more care…I don’t know how exactly but sweets might work 🙂
xo – kb
I looked up a recipe just today on their site and they made me sign in, then gave me a notice right there on bhg.com that I could buy for that price! Did it! In case anyone misses the deal at Amazon, check out bhg.com!
I’ve been meaning to say thank you for this heads up – i’ve been looking for another “home-y” magazine that I can curl up on the couch to read. And though I love your blog for inspiration (and cute baby pics) sometimes a girl just needs to put the computer down and go old school.