These were never meant to be shared. But since I’m taking my good ole sweet time writing the next installment of the birth story, I thought this would be good incentive to finish. Afterall, nobody in their right mind would want these to be on their home page….they are just too embarrassing.
But since they are up…wanna play a game?
It’s called CAPTION. And you must come up with a caption for each photo. I’d love to read your captions. It can be funny or crazy or awkward. Whatever. Be creative. Here’s what I came up with:
#1 Stretching in preparation for second dinner…or first midnight snack…they all run together.
#2 Note to self – Kissing photos are even more awkward when you aren’t actually kissing.
#3 Forcing your husband to eat everytime you do IS sweet revenge.
#4 A whole new definition of sexy. also known as Meow!
#5 When Kegels fail.
#6 “It was that thing’s fault.”
#7 Welcome to the gun show.
Ten thousand points to the folks who play the game with me. Ready, set, CAPTION!
I’ve been lurking for a while, and think you are hilarious! I also can’t wait for the remainder of your birth story, it’s quite the page turner, errr…the mouse clicker. Anywhoo, I thought I’d give your caption game a shot…
#1. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!
#2. Stay away from sour candy!
#3. Keeping the TUMS away from your husband is sweet revenge.
#5. Oh why oh why did we have to take these pictures so far away from the nearest port-a-potty.
#6. He farted…
#7. Proof you too can be buff while pregnant, if you follow the Bower formula to a better you!
heeeeeere goes:
#1 – As much as they tried, Katie and her boyfriend could not overcome the polarity of the magnets in their heads.
#2 – “Ummm honey, no kisses, this is how we got ourselves into this situation!”
#3 – “I bet my watermelon is bigger than your watermelon!”
#4 – Katie, I think you’re taking your desire for a “natural birth” a little too far.
#5 – “I’ve always loved peeing in the woods!”
#6 – “Can you imagine if men had to push this out of THEIR….?”
#7 – “I’m gonna punch the next person who touches my belly.”
love the pictures! You’re beautiful even in the goofy ones! I can’t wait for the next chapter of your baby story!!!
#1- Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!!
#2- Too bad his kiss isn’t bacon flavored…
#3- Now we’re having twins!! 🙂
#4- This kinda hurts…and I think I’m stuck.
#5- It burns…it burns…too much Mexican.
#6- Do you see what he’s done to me?? Do you see?
#7- You wanna be me, but you can’t be me.
You still look stunning in all of them!!
#6 – “Can this guy have our next kid?”
haha, these are great! I love the new definition of sexy. I always pose awkwardly and then live to regret it!!!
#4 “Katie takes her woodland themed nursery one step too far and debates giving birth on a log.”
#7 caption is fantastic! No need for change!
number 1- this is how we exercise these days
number 2-smile and nod, smile and nod. look what happened the LAST time he got this close.
number 3-can’t wait til he experiences sympathy pains!
number 4-so i was thinking this would be a really good birthing spot, forget the hospital.
number 5-where is the portapotty?
number 6-??
number 7-cmon ride the train (choo choo) cmon ride the train (ride it)
I’m not creative enough to come up with captions. Just wanted to say I love the photos. You and your hubby are hilarious and adorable.
#1 Today’s President Challenge: the v-sit reach.
Please, oh please, tell me you know what I’m talking about????
Awww, I think they are cute! If those are the “bad ones,” I’d love to see the GOOD ones!!
#6: he tooted
My caption to #4 will only be funny if you’ve seen the musical “Oklahoma”.
Ado Annie: I’m just a girl who can’t say no …
Girly-girl, you are so sweet and endearing. And I want to nom your son’s toes. I love your blog, your posts, and your adorable devotion to your men
#1 something about a farting contest, that’s how we knew it was love
#2 mmm some ben and jerry’s would be nice right now
#3 Constipation–not just a pregnancy symptom
#4 I wonder if there’s a preggers version of coyote ugly
#5 Don’t make me laugh I’ve gotta pee
#6 He is sooo rubbing my feet after this
#7 Momma said knock you out or Do this to me again and see what happens
You are an absolute crack up! These aren’t nearly as good as yours, but I had to play. Too funny! (Most of my maternity outtake photos seem to be some variation of me making an “I hate being a puffy, tired, beotchy marshmallow woman!” face. Pregnancy…good times!
#1. Man, my neck is kinked from trying to see my toes!
#2. If I could just suck that last piece of bacon from between my teeth…it’s just the snack I need right now.
#3. But MY belly goes away after the baby is born….mwahahaha!
#4. Practicing my “crowning” face (and position!).
#5. Too. Much. Water.
#6. Don’t try to blame that on the pregnant lady. The smell is definitely coming from over there!
#7. If you even THINK of taking a picture of me delivering this baby, you’re going to get this!
I love number 4, it’s sooooo great!!!hahaha, it makes me laugh so hard my belly hurts!!!haahaha, you’re a really funny girl!! So sexy!!!hahahahaha, i cant stop laughing!!
I’m terrible at captions so I can’t help there but I love that you posted the outakes! You look gorgeous in all of them but its still fun to see.
#1: If we pull on each other hard enough, surely we’ll be able to pull ourselves up!
#2: Hmmm. I think I do like the name “Spongebob Squarepants” for our baby!
#3: Next on Grey’s Anatomy – sypmathetic pregnancy.
#4: Finally scratched that itch
#5: gottapeegottapeegottapee. Oops.
#6: HOW many are in there?!
#7: No caption for this one, but I can’t help giggling thinking of you dancing like that! LOL
I can’t play your caption game because I am too busy laughing at YOUR caption for #6.
#1 – Simultaneous whining for each other to pull the other one up, “pleeeeease!”
#2 – “Last time you kissed me, you did this (points to belly), so, no thanks!”
#3 – “If your belly is bigger than mine, I’ll love you even more!”
#4 – “Um, Honey? IT’S TIIIIMMMMEEEE!!!”
#5 – “Quit making me laugh! The pee is running down my leg!”
#6 – “Yes, Officer. HE did this to me.”
#7 – “Natural? Check my strength – I can do this!”
1) Talking through teeth: “Do you know what we’re doing? I don’t know what we’re doing.”
2) “I was going to kiss you, but look! Bacon!”
3) “He really thinks he can compete?”
4) “How did I manage to get here and how am I going to get down?”
5) “Don’t make me laugh… don’t make me laugh…”
6) ??
7) “Don’t mess with the pregnant lady.”
you make me smile! funny photos; beautiful girl!
1: “Why are we really doing this? … it feels a bit weird”
2: “Babe, you are supposed to do it this way!”
3: “His secret wish of being me…”
4: “If I push really hard right now, we would probably have the most natural birth ever!”
5: “The anticipation of both my next snack and my unborn baby is giving me the giggles”
6: “If he’s not showing his, I’m not showing mine!”
7: “Sorry guys, I’m taken.. but this is what you are missing!”
Awesome photos!
I think when will is older and see the pictures and think his parents are the coolest!
#1 — “Pull my finger!”
haha, Honestly, I like this selection of photos just as much if not more than the ‘official maternity photos’.
These are great.
ahhh thanks Jenna…that was a fun day 🙂
xo – kb
LOl…omg you’re so funny, love your sens of humor that’s transparent through these photos 🙂