Don’t worry. No breakin & enterin laws were broken with the writing of this post. And I didn’t actually go inside casa de Petersik. In fact, all I did was obsessively observe when they came to visit. And then I opened the floor for a bit of nosiness to you. That’s right. I was gonna give you the low down on John and Sherry…but apparently you don’t have that many questions. BOO YOU. Either that or you don’t read my posts…in which case, I don’t blame ya.
Seriously, only Anon & Karin spoke up. So first I will answer their questions and then I will answer questions that you should have asked. That will be the fun part.
Karin – excellent inquiries. Let me be frank for a moment (you guys be Ron)…while they share some of the same qualities – they are definitely different people. I would say John is more easy going than Sherry. And Sherry is definitely more bubbly. And while they are both more stylish than me in their choices of home decor and clothing – I would say that they aren’t the kind of people who obsess over the upcoming fads and trends. From seeing them IRL – how they dress, and talk about their home, they don’t take ONLY style into account…but cost, usefulness, and longevity. Which I think is why they are so popular.
And as far as the blog goes – I saw it happen with my own two eyes. Sherry does reply to some answers (like questions about their paint colors & where to buy stuff) on her own…and gasp, use the ‘we’ instead of ‘I’. BUUUUUT, I also saw Sherry & John work together to come up with answers…four eyes are better than two (that’s what I always say!). And I saw John do a bunch of behind-the-scenes work to make sure that the comments, layout, production of posts, and some email questions were bloggerific. And no…Burger does not participate in answering questions.
Anon…this is actually more of a question for John & Sherry…but I think that the probably of me freaking them out is quite high. And yes, the thought of chaining them up in the basement and forcing them to create thousands of moodboards for my home did enter my mind…but then I reconsidered. After all, we have windows down there. If they escaped then how could they ever fall in love with me?!?
Ok – now onto the questions I was really hoping you would ask that weren’t asked…
1. How often did they go to the bathroom? Sherry went into the bathroom twice the day she arrived, four times one day, three the other. But I only counted the times that she went downstairs…so probably increase that number by two for each day (once upon waking, once before bed). And I have no idea if she actually used the restroom…we don’t have a camera in there…that would be weird.
2. Did you sense any tension in their relationship/was John gay? The only time I sensed tension was when John was checking out Jeremy. I have no idea if John is gay but I did find a Playgirl magazine in the guestroom. Whose was it? I guess we’ll never know
3. Was Sherry a little tart? I didn’t actually taste Sherry so I have no clue. I will tell ya this tidbit of fun – the girl can talk quicker than anyone I know. But then again I do live in the south…they can make the word ‘fast’ into four syllables.
and lastly….
4. Was Burger actually a stuffed Taco Bell dog doll? At first I thought he might be…but no. I checked the poop in the backyard and I have never seen a doll poo something so tasty. Just checkin to see if you were still reading Actually we loved Burger lots and lots…he loved to snuggle on the top of pillows…like a princess but with little boydoggie parts.
So there you have it…all the info you might ever need on the Petersiks. Stay tuned for a post on our fabulous new kitchen runner and how we did our duty to protect it from harm
You are so funny!
Thanks for the inside info on the Petersik’s!
you are too funny!
Oh my goodness, you are so weird and I’m laughing so hard my eyes watered!
OH my gosh! You are hilarious! My students must think I’m crazy laughing and snorting like crazy while they’re trying to read about the Holocaust.
Loved the insight.
I love John and Sherry, too! But I have always thought John to be a little metrosexual. I don’t know why – maybe because he dresses nice, is photogenic, and does their cooking and laundry, and is interested in decor? Glad to hear he is not gay, I wouldn’t want their marriage to be a sham like TomKat, wait, did I say that?
Does Sherry wear the pants in the family?
And, of course, I love ya, too!
Ahh, these are hilarious! And I completely forgot to ask a question. None of mine are as fun as yours though.. hmm..
Katie, I love your blog! You crack me up! Keep the potty humor, celebrity cracks, and overall greatness coming!
Hey! I gave you a lovely blogger award today
Silly girl!
You said ‘duty’. Oh hell, your potty humor’s rubbing off on me now.
Hi Lindsay – actually Sherry did wear pants! But so did John. How did you know that? Are you a stalker too? please say yes!
Sherry & Burger – thank you both for writing me a comment…that means alot to me. Also, I miss you both.
Freckles – don't fight it girl. Just let it flow outta ya…(see how easy it is! heehee!)
XO – Katie
YES, I am a HUGE John and Sherry stalker! But more of a stalker of their home decor – I love it so much! Once I buy a house, I am going to decorate it just like theirs and then send them the pics – do you think that will scare them to have a replica of their interior on the West coast?
And, just for the record, I am new stalker of you, too! After I read some of your posts linked from TYH – I went and read every post from all your archives! I officially am in like with you :)Don’t be scared – I am really nice!
Girl you are so crazy. I look forward to reading your blog, cause I never know what you are going to say. Thanks for the laugh!!!
So, when I’m feeling like I need to improve my lifestyle and style in general, I read TYH, which I loooorrrrvvve.
But when I’m feeling like I need to relate to someone–I read your blog. Except my apt. is not cute like your house. I live in an old bank building.
For the record, I usually go to the bathroom twice during the average movie (my Grandmother once said, and I quote: "Sherry has her grandfather's eyes and my bladder") so I must have been so entertained by you and Jeremy that I completely forgot about my 45 minute habit. And yes, it does make road trips a bit of a stop & go activity for us.xo,Sherry (& Burger)
You are so crazy funny. I loved reading this! my husband thinks I’m a weirdo because I was laughing and trying to explain it all to him. he wasnt as amused as I was.
Lindsay – they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! I am sure that Sherry would be thrilled to hear that you love everything about her pride & joy.
Leslie – I get told I am crazy all the time…if by crazy you mean inappropriate, crossing the line, and politically incorrect, then yes, all the time
Davenport Dame – your house… building sounds unbelievable! I would love to have an unusual place like that…I even have a dream to live in an old barn one day…now to convince the boyfriend.
Glad you guys are still laughing!!!
XO – Katie
OMG… You’re hysterical!! Do you stalk anyone else?
this was awesome
i have to stop reading when i am drinking
or eating
tends to fly out of my mouth – ha!
oh my gosh i’m dying!!! hahahaha i haven’t red This Young House so will be off to there next!!
I know I am so behind on this post, but I am laughing so hard that I am crying! And I am at work, which working on a Saturday is a total bummer-but this post made it better.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I came across this post because the blog isn’t working properly I guess??? But it’s ok, because this was absolutely hilarious!!!!
I love the YHL blog!! 
Can I just say, this post was a riot!
BAH! Katie Bower! You are funny.
Sigh. The good ‘ole days.