All I wanna say is thank you.
Thank you to everyone for all your virtual hugs and love and encouragement and perspective the other day when I was so cranky. I was gently reminded that if you have wanted something really REALLY badly (whether it is a ring on your finger, a new baby, a house, a new job or pretty much anything in this world that you don’t have immediately), and had to experience that feeling for one month or one decade, that we have all felt that stinging pain of the wait. And that sting can bring us together. It gives us a common thread. a bond. a rich tie to one another that transcends age, race, and situation. I love that. I love being threaded together with you.
And I loved all your emails. even the ones from the dudes that are waiting for the right moment to pop the question. even the ones from the now grandmas who waited decades to finally get their first. even the ones from the girls who finally got the medical answer to why they aren’t pregnant already. even the ones from the hundreds of friends who have miscarried, lost their husbands after finding out they are expecting, waiting on husbands for years to be ready, waiting on boyfriends for years to get down on one knee, and those of you that are just simply in the same boat as me. You are amazing amazing people. And I am glad we are rockin this life boat together.
And I loved the suggestion of a prepregnancy bucket list…so at the risk of sounding like a lush, I did one. I forgot to add – do twenty photoshoots that require laying on my belly 🙂 Yeah…I am booking those crazy things already! But I know that there are other great ideas out there for a pre-sperminated bucket list – What did I miss?
What a great idea 🙂 I’m so happy you’re looking on the bright side of things because eating sushi & cookie dough is always awesome!
Great idea Katie! I hope that you hit most of these before you have to put the wish list on hold 😉
Awesome idea!! Happy to hear you may be inching toward a positive place with this and hope things get easier and everything else falls into place when it should:) I guess I should be honest with you too, since you are always honest with us….even if it means you’ll hate me?? 🙁 your list reminded me of all the things I CANT do right now. Oh well either side of the spectrum and we both have things to complain about…such is life!
I have a wonderful idea… I know they have prenatal massages at spas but let’s face it those probably aren’t as intense and relaxing at a real one. I know you’re not supposed to get massages while pregnant especially in the first trimester. So I think you and Jeremy should get a couple’s massage. I bet you’d be a whole lot less cranky after that! Oh and go ice skating… go on some rollercoasters…. I love sushi so much I’d probably eat my weight in it. If you’re ever in Charlotte NC go to Cowfish… really great fusion restaurant with awesome sushi.
Wear cute low cut shirts before your pregnant chest makes them highly inappropriate and you have to wear a scarf over everything? Hike somewhere? Run?
Okay the last one is weird, but I’m 6 months pregnant and craving a jog. And I’m not a runner. I’m usually pretty lazy, but just the fact that I can’t makes me wanna… 🙂 And I just got back from a vacation that included a lot of hiking, boating, swimming and shorts wearing. None of those activities were very fun for me and my swollen ankles, but my pre-pregnant self would have been all over the place 🙂
I obviously know little about pregnancy… who knew you couldnt eat cookie dough or deli meat!
Maybe you should add a hot date with your hubby sans leaky boobs and spit up 🙂
Praying for you guys today and that the wait would be bareable
*LUSH ALERT* (Not you, me) Drink rum & coke every weekend would definitely be on my bucket list! We are closing on a house in 15 days!!! so we are waiting a bit before babies (unless God has other plans) and I plan on going wild with my good friend Capt. Morgan before we start trying! lol
This is a great idea Katie! And I hope you don’t have time to accomplish it all! 😉
eat hot dogs! get a spray tan! I love this list by the way.
Hot Baths – Run – Rock a Bikini – Go on a Roller-coaster –
So proud of you for being patient and allowing God to do His thing in your life!
Having just come out of pregnancy (for the first time), let me second your sushi and wine tasting party comments – Wow, did I miss that. Don’t tell anyone, but I totally ate some occassional goat cheese and kept my normal coloring appointments.
I’d add to that list wear heels / dress up (you’ll never feel quite so pretty when you’re preggo), and go out to your dinner with your husband A LOT. I imagine it only gets harder with 2.
Good luck and have fun with your list!
haha, this is great!
“And I loved all your emails. even the ones from the dudes that are waiting for the right moment to pop the question.” — please tell me my boyfriend was in that mix 😉
I’ve never been pregnant so I’m not up on all the do’s and don’ts but isn’t soft cheese not allowed? Cause if that’s the case you should go on a cheese eating spree.
Love your list! I think it’s great to try and focus on the positives!
Go skydiving or bungee jumping.
My husband and I are childless so far, but one of the items to check off my pre-preggo bucket list is get so rip roarin drunk before we conceive that the hangover will last nine months and I won’t miss my nightly glass of red wine at all.
Yeah…I’m not convinced either.
Love this idea!! You are so amazing, and I am glad you are feeling a little better 🙂
That is a great list! The only thing I can think to add is buy yourself something frivilous…maybe new outfit complete with accessories and shoes or something for the house you don’t need. I know from my pregnancy experience we go into lock down on the extra spending. Another thing I think about is just enjoying not having to be on the toilet or in the bathroom 5,000 times a day….I had to pee ALL the time when I was preggo!
Read your post yesterday. Went home to the hubby and said with a big smile on my face – ‘we are certainly not alone, and it’s nice to be reminded.’ First time out of the gate we got pregnant, and then miscarried. Sting? For sure! Still not pregnant = sting some more! Thank you for your honesty. Here’s to being threaded…
I. Love. This. I enjoyed this very much…haha. You are fabulous! Hope you are feeling better!
How bout visiting Lake Lanier Islands? They have a “sip (wine) and zip (line)” package! Or you could do LanierWorld as a fam… and wear a bikini!
I’m sure no matter what you come up with, you will love it and your family will love it too. Keep that gorgeous head up 🙂
Now this is an awesome idea. I’m not ready to start “trying” – heck, we won’t be married for a few more months – but I’m pinning this for the future!
AMEN to those rum and cokes. I’m 8 months with my second now, and I am jonesin’. Like, I’m starting to really wonder if I have a problem, because I really just want to pop this kid out and pour myself a cold one. Also, yes. SUSHI. A million raw tons of it.
It took Eric and I 5 months to get pregnant. I got pregnant on a night that I thought it was a hormonal impossibility, and I was completely surprised. It WILL happen for you. But there is NOTHING wrong with getting pissed and venting about it! It’s STRESSFUL! It’s also hard on all us readers who can’t wait to see another Jeremy and Katie creation! Let’s face it, the world needs more beauty! xoxo
So glad that you are feeling a little better and finding a way to make the best of your vacant womb.
But whoa now- you can’t use a heating blanket while pregnant? I never knew that and I think I might have to move to the equator for 9 months when I have kids because mama loves her heating blanket!
Roller Coaster baby!!
Good for you Katie. I have been through the same thing you are going through and really put my life on hold just waiting for the positive pregnancy test. At a certain point (about a year of trying) I decided to drink when I wanted to, and just live life. My husband and I even took a trip to Italy with four of our other friends which was beyond amazing, and I was able to enjoy all the wine I wanted! It helped to much to just live again and not dwell so much on the prospect of possibly getting pregnant. Luckily for us, with the help of Clomid, I’m pregnant now just a couple months after getting back from our lovely vacation.
On the contrary, I hope you don’t hit many of them, because that would mean you’d be pregnant soon Katie! LOL
Ride a horse. Ride a rollercoaster. Go tanning (or get a spray tan, or lay out in the sun for too long). Rock a two-piece swimsuit and feel good about it. Go rollerskating. Get drunk on a winery patio. Have a mimosa with brunch. Or a bloody mary. Or both. Drink a big ‘ol cup of coffee, maybe two. Go on a cleaning-with-bleach binge.
Most of all, have fun. 🙂
Coffee, Diet Coke, energy drinks, wearing non-stretchy pants!
This is awesome! I read your previous post and wanted to say something but wasn’t sure what would/wouldn’t make you throw your laptop across the room. 🙂 Sooo glad that you have a different perspective and felt encouraged by those who shared their own stories with you.
I’d add a four-day weekend trip away for just me and the husband!
One thing I know you can’t do while pregnant is clean the litterbox.
So if you’re into weird things like cleaning cat poop out of a box… go nuts before you get sperminated… LOL. Hope this makes you smile! You’re the best KB.
my bbf and I went skydiving! It. was. awesome.
I’m also adding shark diving to my list 🙂
Loving your list, KB! I second the votes for rocking a two-piece at the beach, drinking, and drinking lots of coffee!
I hope this doesn’t come across as rude, but… I hope you don’t get the chance to cross any of these off. I want you to be blessed with Baby Bower #2! Mainly because I feel like the day you announce it in blog world, women all over will be celebrating and toasting with pink champagne while sitting in hut tubs chowing down on sushi in your honor. And, lets face it, nearly all your readers are awkward and wish they had you as a real life friend – myself included. So, I think we are all rooting against Aunt Flo here.
But, until He decideds it’s time, I would totally hunker down with a cold cut sandwich and a frosty brew on Super Bowl Sunday.
I’m going to echo a few others and say “go to an amusement park!”
The couples massage might help out the pregnancy as well 😉
I’m doing this too! I’m really thankful that you’re writing about this…in an effort to stay calm about the if/when/now/what? pre-knocked up phenomenon, I am also focusing on all that I can do with just one little one in tow before surrendering my body to the baby growing powers.
Ok, so mine are pretty darn similar to yours (I’ve been having sushi every week, even if it’s just of the grocery store variety) with a few additions:
-REVEL in how easy is is (comparatively) to get out of the house with just one toddler.
-Date nights while we’re only paying the sitter for one child or asking my parents to take care of one child.
-Running. This is a funny one because I don’t especially like running, but I remember distinctly saying to myself when I was 400 months pregnant that I would never again take my ability to move easily for granted, so I’m trying to be on that bandwagon and appreciate my ability to move and go.
It will happen–one of my best friends had a long wait with her first and second, but when you see those boys it’s hard not to think, man that was REALLY worth the wait! xo
Has anyone mentioned Caesar salad?? I’m also waiting on my first. Every time I get my monthly gift, I try to convince myself that it just wasn’t the right timing.. I still need to renovate the kitchen, I still need to paint some rooms, etc.. Maybe when I run out of good reasons, I will finally conceive. Until then, I will eat sushi and drink champagne.
No pre-pg bucket list item to share but want to tell you that I think that you’re a neat lady!
Sweet girl, I feel your pain! I’m watching mine run around but I’ve been where you are. Why not find a pool and do a big belly flop?! You can also show Will how to swing on your tummy! Then, count how many hugs you give your Boyfriend in one day. Close, no belly-in-the-way hugs. Try to get to at least 50. 🙂
This list (and the comments) also helps to slow down my “I’m ready for a baby” hormones while I’m waiting for my husband to be ready. Oh, cookie dough, cheese and wine, I will miss you so.
1. If you are a coffee girl, I love Pinnacle Coffee Liquer(spelling?) …seriously I don’t like all kinds of alcohol…but that stuff is a real treat!
2. Go 4 wheeling.
3. Junk food
4. I second the hot date with your hubby
5. Have Jeremy take Will for a night and do a girlfriends night-spa or whatever, because once you are pregnant/have a 2nd baby, you start going, “ok I will take Will and you take baby “Salem”-(thats my fav. somewhat weird boys name that I can’t have b/c our last name starts with M)
Awesome list–love it…I think you nailed all of them!
I think making this bucket list is a GREAT idea! You’re right – it’s so easy to get fixated on wanting what we don’t have instead of focusing on the great things we have or can do right now. And let’s be honest – the items on your bucket list are so much fun. Cookie dough and sushi and pink champagne?! YUM
Katie, This list is awesome! It always helps me to have something else too focus on instead of the problem at hand. I’m with ya, and know how defeated you feel each month that you wait and wait and wait. Hugs, Jen
I love this list Katie! Over the past several months I’ve been desperately searching for a job, but in the meantime, decided to start a cooking blog to keep me occupied. Just 2 months into blogging (which had become a real obsession and love of mine!), I got a job. It really almost felt like as soon as I was ok with not having a job, I got one. So I am kind of partial to this type of “reverse psychology” – hopefully accepting the current situation will somehow trigger a change! Thinking of you and hoping the same works for you!
I love this idea too. I would add iceskating and horseback riding to the list… and maybe bumper cars. 🙂
I love your bucket list. I’m going through a funk right now too – so I have been putting post-it notes around the house – reminding me of all of the blessings I do have and reminding myself this is just a moment in time. I actually drew the inspiration for doing this, from your kitchen “I get to do this” chalk board. I’m sure my hubby thinks I’m crazy, but it actually does help me.
Your bucket list should include snuggling with Will, before your big ol’ belly gets in the way:) Also – enjoy your family of three…who knows what God has in store. Perhaps you will soon be a family of five?? Or six?? :):)
Lift the couch! Random, right? When I was pregnant I loved rearranging things, and it would drive me crazy when people would tell me not to lift things. One weekend I wanted to rearrange our living room including the couches, and I had to wait all day for my husband to come home from golfing. I knew I would get an ear full if I pushed/lifted the couch without him.
Bikini, for sure…though I guess you can wear those while you’re pregnant, too…Personally, I’m not into that fashion trend 🙂
Oh, I wouldn’t get highlights if I were you unless they’re super subtle. Once you’re pregnant, you can’t refresh them…You’ll look haggard enough in pregnancy that you don’t need bad hair to get you started!
xo – kb
It’s great that you’re choosing to look at the positives here – it took us 4 years of IVFs, miscarriages, and a long adoption process (almost completed!) to realize that we could choose to look at what we didn’t have and tell ourselves we couldn’t do things “until we have a baby” or we could embrace each month as one more that I could drink the strong coffee I love, or take an impromptu road trip, or just simply be lazy and eat cereal for dinner while watching a totally not-kid-appropriate movie marathon without interruption. Once we shifted our mindsets, time seemed to speed up and life just became fun again. Try to remember that especially if you start to go down the road of fertility monitoring or treatments – it’s so, so easy to fall into a rabbit hole of focusing on nothing but getting pregnant (I know from experience!) but starting out with this positive mindset will hopefully make things so much better!
OK half those things I didn’t realize you couldn’t do – I feel like I’m having that moment in Knocked Up where he’s like “It’s like a big list of things you CANT do.” I’m so glad you made this list for yourself because I think it will remind you (and everyone reading) of the simple joys we often take for granted. Enjoy the waiting game… and we’ll continue to pray that some good news comes your way soon. 🙂
Whoa Tiffany – you are an adreneline junkie! I am so impressed!
xo – kb
I love the idea of a pre-pregnancy bucket list. I’m 26, live in Chicago and am nowhere near having a child, but I get where you’re coming from. I’m an actor and the theatre business is tough! I’ve been very fortunate thus far in my career, to have had steady work here in the city. But I still feel like I haven’t hit the big one yet. However, just yesterday, a friend recommended I do exactly what you are doing! Make a list of all the things I am able to do and enjoy while I’m not in a show, since once I get cast in something (as wonderful as it is) it sucks away all your time. Sending you lots of love and good wishes from the Windy City!
Thank you KB! Too many women/couples suffer in silence with infertility. Thank you for putting a voice to the pain and drawing together so many of your readers that share this bond.
I would add run a race to your list. Trust me – it’s addictive (I rolled my eyes when someone first said that to me). But Will would make a cute cheerleader 😀
Brilliant! My list includes napping and sleeping in on the weekends (but I don’t hae any little ones….that may be harder with Will around). I love your perspective on things.
I second Roller Coasters! (or am I third? fourth?)
Amazing list! I would add “wear sexy non-cotton undies as much as possible” ….because you know that you can’t wear that hot lace thong too often when pregnant, for reasons that I just won’t mention here 😉
Girl, I heart you big time. You are awesome. We are going to start ttc in about 7 months and I needed to see this. All I’ve wanted was to get this show on the road and the hubs is just not quite ready yet. This made me realize to enjoy where we are/where I am now and take advantage! I didn’t give you a big virtual hug in the last post because I just didn’t really know what to say… but I know exactly how you feel from other similar experiences and am thinking about you! You go get on that bucket list… because I am!!! 🙂 Although instead of rum and coke, mine will be skinny margaritas. Rum and coke makes me think of UGA game days and hangovers and while I loved me some game days, hangovers Ha!
Don’t worry about getting highlights while pregnant. I am a hairstylist and don’t let my clients get regular color services during their pregnancy (but ESPECIALLY the 1st trimester) but since highlights never actually touch your skin there’s no risk to the baby. The real risk comes when regular color is applied to the scalp because then there’s a chance it could be ingested into the bloodstream. But with highlights that doesn’t happen! So go out and get those foils!
<3 your bucket list!
I love how you’re so honest on your blog – it makes it seem like you’re a friend xo
How about sneezing without peeing? It’s directly proportionate to the number of children you have 😉
Loved this post! Just recently decided not to try to have a baby and was so disappointed – but I have been extra-enjoying wine, soft cheese, training for a mini-marathon.
My other thought is that perhaps this a little like when girls complain they haven’t found a husband – usually when they stop searching and striving that’s when you get one! Oversimplified totally, but I think your new mindset is great!
Put on something sexy and feel sexy. Enjoy not having to pee every 5 minutes. Enjoy the fact that you can laugh and not pee your pants. Enjoy when one baby sleeps it really is you time. Cherish your only baby now, because soon you won’t know how you could love someone else that much. Reflect on what kind of mother you’ve been so far, what has surprised you, what makes you feel proud, what do u wish to do differently? Take a hot bath, read a good mag and enjoy : ) I only have 1 baby too. But we really want to wait. I want to enjoy my daughter, and have me time, and maybe when she’s older we’ll have another one. But I constantly remind myself and my husband how different it would be with 2. That being said, that’s our family plan, not the right one, just ours. I’m hoping you get everything off your bucket list and everything happens exactly as it should for your family : )
I think you should add the following items:
– Enjoy not feeling nauseous
– Run around outside like a crazy person
– Jump on a trampoline
– Take Advil for a headache (it just works so much better)
– Drink your favorite caffeinated beverage
What about eating raw cookie dough or cake batter? I know this is frowned upon even for non-preggers, but it’s just so tasty.
Oh and one more. Go on a hot air balloon ride. There’s a hot air balloon festival in May (of course I hope you’ll be with child by then, but I think your boys and Cole would get a kick out of it.) in Simpsonville, SC. I’m not sure how far away that is from you but I want to take my husband and son there this year. Here’s their website.
More to add:
– Allowed to carry around Will and any other heavy people/things 😉
– Downward facing dog and other Yoga moves.
– Diet Coke!
I love this bucket list! I’m motivated to host a wine-tasting party again!
I love your bucket list and I love how real you are. Nothing else to say other than I’m thinking about you and praying for you! And I agree with a previous poster…I really hope you dont get to cross anything off that bucket list….but if you do sushi would be the first thing I would pick!!! Good luck! Hugs!!
Great list!
Some more things you could possibly add:
– enjoy feeling good! (Not sure if you experienced morning sickness, but for me it’s an all day every day sickness, so enjoy being able to live life without feeling like you’re going to throw up any minute!)
– Take medicine! If you have aches and pains, allergies, a cold, a stomach ache, enjoy taking meds to feel better!!
– Get x-rays done at the dentist! Not too fun maybe… but something you can’t do once you get pregnant 🙂
– Go fly somewhere and go through the full body scanners – because if you opt out of those (like I did since I didn’t trust that they were safe for a developing fetus) you have to get felt up by an agent standing spread eagle in front of everyone else at the airport. Annoying.
– Enjoy the extra time you get to spend with your husband because I bet once another baby comes along whatever one-on-one time you guys have now will be diminished!
Those are what came to mind. I hope they help 🙂 Best of luck to you Katie!!
I ran throughout almost both my entire pregnancies. It’s perfectly safe. If you feel the need to jog…go for it!
Love this, Katie! I finally created a “pre-marriage” bucket item of going to see the Olympics, and it has given me something hugely exciting to look forward to instead of focusing on what I don’t have.
Oh, and I can I just say,
Desperately wanting something but having to wait for God’s timing sucks. Know that you’re loved by so many of these cyber friends of yours that’ll send you loads of cyber hugs and prayers during the sucky times, and even MORE cyber hugs when it finally happens. 🙂
I would totally add ride rollercoasters and take a second honeymoon that involves a beach!! 🙂
I am with you on this….except you reminded me of what I can’t have right now…which I was definitely in that category of waiting of hubby to come around…TWO YEARS waiting. Hard stuff. I want some coke and cookie dough right now. 🙂 I cheat with the heating blanket. I turn it on to warm the bed and then turn it off when I get in bed. Can’t be having my baby get into cold sheets.
adorable idea, I love this…I think I am going to do this too! I remember the last time that I was pregnant I would get so frustrated because there were so many things I wanted to be able to do but just couldn’t. Mainly during the nesting part, where I basically wanted to drown my whole house in bleach, then completely re-organize and re-decorate it in a week:)
Love it! So smart. Hmm.. what else can you add?? You need to do LOTS of fun stuff because you could be knocked up any day!!
I totally vote for horseback riding.. and maybe find a good roller coaster. And go get a couple of full body massages! Where you have to lay on your stomach! And if you’re considering laser hair removal, totally do it now. And then let me know how it goes, because I need some of that in my life. 🙂
Great idea–love all the ideas on the list! Maybe something to add to the list is a trip to somewhere fun/romantic with Jeremy?
Waiting is hard. Praying for you!
I haven’t had a chance to check in on you this week until now because my overly obsessed mind has been going over and over all the new things I have to do now that my husband and I finally decided to go to a fertility specialist to finally have our first bambino. We have been trying for a year also and there is just a bit of an issue of irregularity, (not that you needed to know that, but I’m an over sharer as well) but otherwise no issues. We. Are. Dying. I feel your pain through and through and I love your blog all the more because of it. Not that I want you to feel the pain of waiting, but because it truely is the thread that connects people like us. But, if I have to hear one more person say to just forget about it and it will happen….Let go and let God… will happen when you least expect it, I’m going to scream! Because I will never not be thinking about it and I will always be waiting for it. And of course one of those people is a woman from work who has an 18 year old at home and had her tubes tied YEARS ago and told everyone she is now pregnant once again. I felt like I must be on Punked or something….right??
But the kicker is, I will never hate that I felt so passionately about wanting this baby. This baby will be soooo wanted and sooo loved when they finally decide to get here.
So I’m just another reader wearing similar shoes and giving you my story to try and comfort you the way your blog comforts me. And to let you know that I’ve been having a lot of dialog with God lately….well, mostly a long running monologue…but that I’m including you in my rants. Not to sound super dorky, but it would be pretty cool to be pregnant along with my favorite blogger. 😉 Thank you Katie….really…thank you.
I love that idea!!!
I would add one more… ride a roller coaster!
A real one, not an emotional one.
A big, scary, make-you-wanna-pee-your-pants roller coaster!
I was JUST thinking you should do a second baby-moon! (Even if it’s just a weekend bed and breakfast.) It would definitely give you something fun to plan for/look forward to. 🙂
I don’t know if this is true, but someone told me that it takes 3 years for your body to return to pre-pregnancy status (meaning it takes that long for your body to stock-pile all the nutrients, restrengthen muscles etc… I am a science drop-out so I don’t know exactly what, but you know-what-I-mean), so as I wait for my hubby to ‘pull the goalie’ (may never happen, he is happy with one), I try to remember that each month I am not pregnant is one more month that I am stock-piling goodness to pass on to the next little one I may be blessed to conceive and carry. So, you can add “get my body into tip-top shape for #2” to your list! xo
Oh Katie! I feel like we’re best friends (it’s a pretty one sided relationship though. You spill the beans and I just listen). I just want you to know I’m praying for you. Really praying. And it feels a little odd because I care so much for this person who I feel I know so well but at the same time don’t really know at all, right? Anyways, one of my close friends (in real life) struggled for over a year to get pregnant with their first. Then found out they wouldn’t be able to get preggers without fertility drugs. I started praying for them (along with many, many others) and she is pregnant and expecting a sweet babe at the end of June. We need to be the squeaky wheel…er…uterus that gets the grease…fertilized egg. Oh, add Paint my Toenails to your bucket list 🙂
Suggestion for the bucket list: go scuba diving!
Also, I feel you on the waiting… We are on the waitlist for adopting 2 kids from Uganda…. Agonizing…
My boo is 10-months old, and I miss going to bed without a nursing bra on and sleeping on my belly. Until these guys stop making boob juice, its a night bra and nursing pads and sleeping on my back. Oh, to just throw on a tshirt and dive in the bed belly down. Smother my face in some pillows and then sleep. Oh, that would be a great night. And while we are at it, how about keep little boo from night-waking! Is Will a good sleeper? Seems like I recall him not being a good night-sleeper. Mine is teething something fierce, so he wakes around 1am to get a cuddle nursing in. It’s not cool, but I’m too weak at 1am to protest. So, add to your list to sleep on your belly, bra-less, and not be woken by anyone. Earplugs may help that last one.
May none of your wishes come true 🙂
what a sweet list! some (okay most) days all I can think about is being pregnant again, thanks for the reminder to just be patient and enjoy life now!
Katie! I miss you sweet friend!! I am loving your pre pregnancy bucket list and I could join you on a few of these!! I would love to get together soon!!
Katie- I miss you.. would love to get together soon.. I could join you on some of your bucket list ideas!!
ok oviously I have never commented b/c I did it twice!! Hopefully you got my point!! lol
Fabulous! I’m totally making one of those! 🙂
Hi Kristin! I was just thinking about you! Actually I was thinking about that sweet ole dad of yours and how he prays for Will and I need to make Will pray for more than just food and the people present at the table…and then I thought – we could pray for all his baby friends…and their mamas and daddys (that’s when I was like I wonder how Kristin is!)…
yeah…long story – let’s get together soon. text me, we’ll make it happen. oh and do you wanna come over saturday night? 5ish?
xo – kb
ideas for your list:
Rock. and. Bowl (it’s juvenile, but still a snort-laughing good time)
Ride a bicycle (I think it’s something you can still do while pregnant; but who wants to sit on a tiny little seat while big and pregnant?)
The centipede (if it’s not currently in your dance bag of tricks – it should be!)
🙂 Have fun!!
Awesome Katie! I would suggest a boudoir shoot to celebrate your non-prego bod!
We’ve been trying for 2+ years and finally I hired an amazing photographer (who I knew from college) to take some sexy pics as a way to enjoy where we are in life right now. It was actually super fun, even though I’m self-conscious about certain things, and my hubs LOVED them.
Sneeze without peeing. ‘Nuf said.
I wanted to add, beside drinking coffee, sleep on your stomach 🙂
My sister miscarried her first 2 pregnancies. After the first, she trained to run a 10 k . After the 2nd, she trained to run 10 miles. (the most she had run prior to her m/c was 4 mi.). It was her way of not only having something to distract her / focus on, but also her way of saying “take that, body!!”
I second (or third or fourth or fifth) the roller coaster idea!
My husband and I are in the process of adopting the cutest baby boy from Korea you ever did see, and I’ve always joked that I wanted my baby shower to have wine, soft cheese, a deli tray and sushi. And then everyone will go for a rollercoaster ride and sit in a hot tub together 🙂 I guess you could say I’m embracing my freedoms in the midst of enduring a crippling 3 year wait to my first child. We never bothered to pursue anything naturally, we just knew this is what we were called to do, so I know it’s God’s way of granting me a little patience… Your time will come, too, Katie!
egads! I just saw that you replied to my comment on Monday! So sorry for not responding. Bowling and riding a bike were on my list, but not the centipede. I dont’ have the coordination that is needed for mastering that move. I just end up looking like I’m having convulsions on the floor when I try!
This is such a GREAT idea. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for 2 years (so I know the feeling…..and its not a good one!) with no luck. BUT, then we bought our fist house a few months ago and decided we would NOT try because that would be just our luck……we would get pregnant right away. We wanted some time to enjoy our home just the two of us and get a feel for what it was like to be first time homeowners and DIY’s!! So I guess timing is everything even when you are at your absolute low with frustration!! I too have essentially made up my own bucket list (in my head). Some including things that are on your list and some include a few things such as losing 20 pounds (I know just to gain it all back right?!?!HA!) and take a few “me and hubby” vaca’s/roadtrips before we try again in a few months. I love that you are so real with your life and what you share with your bloggers and that there are more people that are going thru the same emotions as I am!! Thank You. I also mentioned you in my post today about your burlap wall. You inspired me to “put a burlap on it” when it came to my V-day Decor. HAHA!! xo Jo
mine too! 🙂
Umm…can you please combine the wine tasting and cookie dough eating into one fantastic party…then invite me? (Plus, with murphy’s law and all you would find out you are prego the day before the party and then I would get to eat your share as well!)
Good luck and good job enjoying what God gives you!
Take a mini babymoon with your hubby…er, boyfriend =) whether it be a weekend in or a week away. Enjoy!
Just a question from a curious reader and maybe a (timely) post idea. I’m nearing the “Let’s have a baby” time and I KNOW my husband is several years off. How was the decision made? Did Jeremy (and readers husbands…) finally say, “Let’s make a baby!” or did it take gradual persuasion? I can’t imagine my husband making an “I’m ready” announcement, but maybe he’ll surprise me?
Take a mini babymoon with your hubby…er, boyfriend =) Have fun!
What a great idea! I can’t think of a better way to kind of, sort of look on the bright side of things. Good job! I think I will make a list too.
Hey Katie! It’s been a while since I’ve checked in over here, so I was a little late in reading the original post from a couple of days ago. I just wanted to say i’m right there with ya sister. Both on the intolerable (is that a word?) waiting and on the being a hermit! So, next time you come up to Chattanooga you can meet a new person and STILL be a hermit at the same time at my house!! 🙂
Great idea, wish I would have thought of this during the “year of trying” at our house before one of the swimmers made it to its destination! Right now, at 25 weeks, the things I want most are a glass of wine and just 10 minutes in a tanning bed. MN winters can be chilly and I miss just a few minutes a week in a warm tanning bed. Maybe not your style, but my pasty white face could use a little color!
My hubs and I are I’m the same boat over here, waiting and waiting are killer. And to have my 4 yr old constantly asking when she gets a brother and sister (she thinks twins are super normal since they are all around us) just makes it harder.
I love the idea of this list and would have to add Pepsi to this list. I remember being prego and taking deep sniffs of my hubs Pepsi and would even ask to open the can just for the feeling of the fizzies on my fingers. Ok, so I may have a Pepsi problem!
Cutest comment ever:)
Rooting against Aunt Flo made me laugh!
Go horseback riding!
Hi Katie! I know everyone and every Dr. is different, but my Dr. has highlights, deli meat and soft cheeses (pastuerized only) on the OK list. Obviously whatever is your comfort level, but I didn’t want to scare any non-preggos out there into thinking everything is off limits! I’ve had my hair highlighted with foils and since nothing touches your scalp there is no reason you have to have roots for 10 months! Best of luck in your journey for Baby #2!
PS – I’m 17 weeks and have been craving sushi like crazy, so eat as much as you can now! That is my #1 missed thing (and wine) 🙂
I am so glad you posted this…especially today. I just had a miscarriage and trying to see the bright side of things has been tough…but this did make me laugh and i look forward to doing many of these things soon.
I’m in a similar boat floating next to you, friend — the waiting every month is so hard. Hang in there, girl, and EAT YOUR WEIGHT IN BACON while you’re still allowed to eat cured meats!! If you’re looking for me, I’ll be in the kitchen frying bacon…
add – go on a rollercoaster. go on a wine tasting tour. go to a microbrewery and try all the beers. ingest a lot of deli meat. get drunk in cancun (this kills like three birds with one stone…drinking, airport security, and traveling to a place with poor medical care). go for a run. daily. or other extreme sports…snowboarding, boxing/kickboxing/karate, water skiiing, gymnastics? and drink some more.
ok, i’m a lush too.
Wear non-elastic waistband pants. Seriously. I’m 7, almost 8 months pregnant now, and I miss NORMAL pants.
So i would add “Dress as cute as possible” to that list! 🙂
A pepsi here or there won’t hurt you 🙂 The recommended daily caffeine intake is under 200 mg per day. A 20 oz Pepsi has under 100 mg. I have one small glass (less than 8 oz or so) per day. Otherwise i’d go crazy!
Our first baby was an unexpected surprise for both of us, so I can’t speak for the first. But one day, out of the blue, my husband turned to me and said “Let’s have another baby!”. It took me COMPLETELY by surprise! Best advice I can give is let him know your feelings, but don’t harp on it. Last thing you want is him doing something he’s not ready for. And maybe he’ll surprise you 🙂
Nice bucket list. Take it from someone who is pregnant (with my 4th). If I could do anything on that list I would paint. Strange and boring, I know. But, just remember WHEN you get pregnant, you want to get everything in order, tidy, and clean.
And for some reason, all I want to do is re-paint all the dingy paint that I have putting off forever. But I know I’m going to have to wait. 🙁
Paint girl, paint! Quick! 🙂
A beautiful photoshoot, just you and Will…? Get as fit as possible, lots of running, aerobics, punching bags etc, gets out frustration and helps with feeling better etc.? And get lots of sleep while you can! xx
I love your bucket list. This past week two couples that my husband and I are friends with had babies. It seems that everyone who is at the same lifestage as my hubby and I are having children right now, but the timing isn’t right for us. It makes my heart hurt a little bit, even though my mind knows it’s not our time yet. Thank you so much for this post. I know you’re hurting, but I’m glad you can see the silver lining. I have faith that God’s timing is always right.
i’m right there with ya, but let’s remember not to overdo it. let’s stay healthy and prepare our bodies for what we are praying for. my SIL just miscarried yesterday so it’s on my heart right now.
here is a timely article that encouraged me:
I LOVE THIS. In fact, I might have to come up with my own. Thanks for sharing your journey; I no longer feel so alone on mine.
I think you should fly while you still can, to Nashville, and we can go on a fun spree of knocking out all those on the list. Minus a couples massage, I think you should save that one for your hubby.
I was told that as well when I was pregnant with my first who is now 2.5 years old. I’m now six months pregnant with number 2 and found out that soft cheeses like feta & blue cheese from the grocery story is OKAY!! As long as it’s pastureized, there’s no problem. I REALLY missed those the first time around. I’m enjoying my Greek salads now! I REALLY miss wine and sushi. That’s the toughest for me to give up.
Go crazy, Katie! And I hope you have a very short amount of time to complete your bucket list:)
you’re staying so positive and having fun (i hope you’re having fun, wink wink) even though the journey seems long. you are not alone in the quest for a #2 and to blog about it is inspiring and courageous. sending prayers your way kb! the rest is up to you and jeremy 🙂
…wow this comment is kinda suggestive, huh?
haha! Amen, sister! I have to cross my legs every time.
Me too!! I’m 31 and my hubby is a few years younger. I’ve been a crank pot about wanting a baby. It will happen when the time is right and he’s ready!
Great idea! I love sushi and I love skiing. 🙂 Now I say this with the risk of sounding like a crazy person (I swear I’m completely normal), but Seattle has amazing sushi and the PacNW has some great ski slopes… if you’re ever interested in visiting Seattle while crossing some things of your bucket list I’d be happy to play tour guide.
Hi Katie! I have never posted before, but I have been a long time reader and think you are out-of-this world fan-FLIPPIN-tastic!
Since I “know” you, I am shocked that this list doesn’t include: EAT AS MUCH NITRATE FILLED BACON AS POSSIBLE.
You are in my thoughts. May the most you wish for be the least you get!
On mine… go ziplining (that can’t be safe when knocked up, right?) and go somewhere that requires malaria pills (also not recommended for the preggos). I want to go on a safari or back to Thailand or to South America. I know that I shouldn’t, realistically, book anything in case it does happen (and, oh, since I hear babies are expensive), but it’s nice to dream. About something. Besides babies.
Also, I’m spray painting tonight. And I use my seat warmers during the non “2WW”… just another day of living on the edge, brought to me by my uncooperative uterus.
such a great idea.
what about ride a roller coaster!
or get a tattoo 😮
I have a nephew named Salem!
I love this list and I think I’ll join you in a glass of wine and tube of cookie dough while we wait for #2, too. It’s really tough to stay in a positive state of mind when you want something so bad (especially when another friend or co-worker announces a pregnancy every couple of days) but thinking positively really does help. I got really down on myself when we went through our long and expensive journey to have our son, who I’m beyond blessed to have.
We know that we can’t get pregnant on our own, but luckily dealing with infertility the first time around taught us exactly what it will take. So now we’re doing what we can do – saving up, looking at job options that might include fertility coverage, getting healthy/losing weight while we wait so I’ll be in the best possible place physically, and doing it when we want to and not just when the doctor or calendar says it’s OK (if you’ve been ttc for a while you know all about that!).
Tons of baby dust to you, friend!
EAT BACON!!! I know it isn’t on every no-no pregnancy list, but I was advised to really limit or end my bacon intake. I miss it!!
I LOVE that ‘eat sushi’ is at the top of your list! I miss it so much right now! I thought of another one for you, ‘sleep on your stomach’! Hang in there, chica!
You can’t eat deli meats or soft cheese or go into a hot tub when you’re pregnant?! This makes me a little sad.
I love your blog. I have quickly become a regular reader. I think you are friggin hysterical, sweet, and appreciate such openness and honesty. I love Jesus too, and I will pray for God to help you through this incredibly frustrating time. My husband and I are not currently trying to have kids, but kind of wish we were. Our marriage is great and we have a good life with an apt and family and friends and a church that are all so wonderful. I am currently in grad school and really liking it. But all I can think about is how I want to be done with grad school and in the career I want to have. I like our apt but I really want a house to paint and decorate how I want to and actually have a legitimate guest room that doesn’t involve an air mattress on the living room floor. All of our friends are having kids and I’m not getting any younger. We’re not waiting for the perfect time. Just our life plan is a little different than I thought it’d be when I was 21, ya know? It’s frustrating. Thanks for sharing your story with us strangers. While I don’t want to wish frustrations on anyone, it’s nice to remember we all have issues in our lives that we struggle with. On another note, the pictures you posted of your sisters wedding are gorgeous!!! What a beautiful wedding!!!
Good call on the hot tub! Okay, maybe add go on hot date with husband and know you look super cute in very high heels. While on that date you can drink, and try to eat sushi or soft cheese. : ) I feel like you should get extra credit if you can do more than one thing on the list at once. You could also add go on a roller coaster.
You forgot sleep on your stomach. That’s my favorite.
Way to go looking at the sunny side.
My husband and I are newley weds and planning for our first baby. We didn’t have a “Let’s have a baby right now” talk, ours was more along the lines about how we are trying to prepare to have a baby within the next year or so. We decided that it’s best to start making plans now- like saving money, buying our first home, doing fun trips, getting our bodies as healthy, me tracking my cycle and pulling the goalie. We just have the understanding that there is nothing preventing pregnancy at this moment and we are leaving it up to fate. Not necessarily trying, but not totally preventing. Although I have to admit every time aunt flow comes I get a little sad, but just have to remind myself that it will happen when we are ready.
You rock it out KB! I raise my glass of pink champagne to you! <3
Definitely feeling the sushi….that is all I wanted when I was pregnant… and beer! (strange really because in my normal life I’m not a huge beer drinker…) Good luck with it all.. who knows with all that alcohol maybe it will just be a “recreational activity” that brings the little one into existence!
Oh I love that idea. I need to train Jer on the camera so I can get some done 🙂
xo – kb
GOOD FOR YOU! I love this idea and wish I would have had a brilliant suggestion like this given to me when I was wishing away the days waiting for number 2 … I love this – grab the day and live in it!
Might I suggest adding something that you do with Will – that you won’t be able to do once number 2 comes along … or at least not be able to do for a very long time???
Praying for you and hoping you get everything you are wishing for!!! Chin up!
I totally have a bucket list of things I want to do while I am still single. Its totally random. Some examples:
-Go back to Australia
-Stop biting my nails (I know…gross…I really want to stop)
-Take some kind of fun class like cake decorating or photoshop or something
-Run a 5k (yeah right I don’t run so I might change this to mile…)
-Read through the Bible again
Love you list. Makes waiting easier when you have things you want to do in the meantime!
This is great – I think everyone would have to agree with you, Meg!
In one of my wedding picture’s we have a picture of my mother-in-law actually helping us cut our wedding cake! She wouldn’t leave us alone! It was crazy. Then she kept going on about how it was her 6th child to get married (and last to get married)! You would think that SHE was the one walking down the isle that day!
wow sorry I totally just put that on the wrong post! that’s a Mommy brain for ya!
i need some color too, here in seattle. It’ll go with the 25 pounds ive lost.
I’d also add “play basketball”.
@Elisabeth Thanks for posting this info! We’re in NC, so this isn’t too far from us and I’d totally love this! lol.
And Katie, glad you’re doing better. That pre-prego bucket list is hilarious!
I wasn’t allowed to drink coffee or eat hot dogs. So maybe add those to the list? 🙂
Wonderful advice, Jane!
I just virtually clinked a glass of pink champagne with you, to your journey and the hopes that go along with it. You’re classier because you stopped after one. I finished the bottle and ended up face down in the front yard after insisting on dancing The Carlton from The Fresh Prince.
If Kristin can’t make it Saturday, we can. I’m a functional introvert, but if need be can go to deeper levels of introversion where we each sit in separate hermit rooms for the night. I may crank call you from the other room, though.
I dare you to not want to clink glasses after reading this:
This is so true! One of the things I love about Katie’s blog is the camaraderie she’s given so many of us “awkward” types. I love the thought that when the announcement comes, so many of us will be celebrating all over this country at the same time, all thinking about the same sweet person and her baby bump to be. It’s kinda like the Borg!!!!! One collective. I love it and I love that such a sweet honest young woman has given us all a place to “collect”.
Okay, this tactic worked like magic for me. Try to lose weight. You don’t need to. You are really thin, so maybe just make it run a marathon or get into top shape on your bucket list. I swear, every time I started a weight loss plan after finally weaning a baby, I would get pregnant. Every. Dad. Blamed. Time. I’d try to tell myself it was all the healthy eating balanced my hormones. Finally this summer I lost ALL the weight I wanted and didn’t get pregnant – of course, I told my doctor if her tubal didn’t work, she’d have to put #4 through college herself. But as I neared the magic number on the scale, I’ll admit, I was halfway expecting to be expecting again despite the surgical, permanent birth control. 🙂
Not sure if it’s already listed but.. Go bungee jumping!
Praying for you Katie! (just caught up on your old posts) What a fun pre-pregnancy list! I’ll join you for soft cheese and pink champagne 🙂
Go camping with Will and Jeremy!!
That is so great! It makes you appreciate what you have and what you wont be able to do you when (not if) you get pregnant!
Visit Ottawa, Ontario (Canada!) for Winterlude and go skating on the longest rink in the world, eat a Beaver Tail (google it, it’s not what you think) and drink Bailey’s in Hot Chocolate.
🙂 Says the Ottawa girl…
I love this idea, Katie! I gave birth to our first 3 weeks ago today and pray God blesses your family with a little one soon. As our baby is nursing for the millionth time today – he thinks cluster feeding means nursing every hour on the hour all night, I must say that you should add sleep to your list. I am sure Will keeps you up, but sleep when you can without being interrupted by a nipple-destroying monster! 😉 And enjoy Will – pregnancy will distract you from him and a new baby will take some attention from him. Savor Will and Jeremy.
I love this! It’s important to find the positive things in life and I truly believe that everything happens when it’s supposed to happen! I had been single for years and finally decided that I was ok being single right before I met my now fiancé. I always used to look ahead thinking “everything will be better when…” fill in the blank. But, enjoying life in the “now” really will make people happier!
& smoked salmon sandwich
& Sommersby
& sauna
& coffee
(that was part of my Not-Being-Pregnant list ). Oh, and actually be able to eat something other than cereals and potatoes 🙂
This post really moved me and once again reminded me that I have to try to be a stronger person.
going to a restaurant and ordering wherever comes to your mind without thinking “is it raw meat? untreated animal product? (talk about living in italy and NOT eating tiramisù for 9 months) badly washed salad?”
and: scuba-diving!!!
dunno if it’s your cup of tea, but it’s amazing (and frustrating) how badly you can breath with a snorkel when pregnant…
Right? It’s crazy! haha
This is the winner right here, if you ask me.
Love this post! And love your positive spin on it all…the bucket list is awesome!!!!
Genius. Pure genius. I’ll be joining you on this bucket-list adventure!
I love love love your list (sushi, goat cheese, booze, I would add: Eat TONS of BACON! I’m pregnant now and I can barely stomach/eat any meat. I wish I had eaten BBQ, steak, Red Robin, and all kinds of other meaty items before. Drink copious amounts of Coke and herbal teas. All things in moderation are fine, but now that I’m trying to avoid both I think about that flavor all the time! The hardest thing has been not lifting over 25 pounds. Who knew? For a DIYer this is VERY hard. So, lift all kinds of heavy stuff (like Will) while you still can.
I had no idea about the electric blanket!!! I’m almost 21 weeks, and live in cold Wisconsin! So you know that I have been using it every night. Made me nervous when I read that on the bucket list, hope my bean is O.K.!!
Also go roller skating! I’m still doing that (at an inside rink), but this will be my last month of it since I’m starting to get a bit bigger.
You know you can eat sushi while preggo ? Just not the kind with raw fish… Veggie sushi, cooked shrimp and crab-salad is ok for pregnant sushi lovers 🙂 Just ask for sushi for preggos next you have the craving – just skip the white wine and raw fish 😉 But better than not having any right?
no matter how great maternity clothes are, they just don’t hide the blimp.
Sorry you are going through this waiting period. It took my hubby and I 4 months to conceive the first time, which ended devastatingly in what they call a missed miscarriage – we saw a perfect heartbeat at 8 weeks and 4 weeks later there was no heartbeat. The months of trying after that were so painful, obsessive, and stressful and certainly not a time in life I’d ever want to re-live. The month we were back to our year anniversary of starting to try for a family is the month God blessed us with our seemingly healthy boy due in 6 weeks. It was the most challenging year of my life. I tell you my story so you know you aren’t alone – as much as it hurts remember there are other women right there with you, most of the time they don’t talk about it – infertility and miscarriage are things our society keeps quiet. I hope you get the desire of your heart soon, it’s not easy waiting for God’s timing when it comes to children and it’s something so completely out of control though ovulation strips, doing the deed often, taking temperatures, and throwing our legs in the air for a minimum of ten minutes give us some sort of feeling that we are in control. #2 will come but in the meantime wallow in your favorite sweats and have some ice cream, or a big glass of red!
Great job making lemonade out of lemons and creating a distraction! I would definitely recommend jumping in a bounce house with Will and taking him on a waterslide! God Bless- I will pray for you guys.
I love this idea!! We’ve been trying for #2 on our own to no avail. “Just” for 4 months, but we were really hoping mind would overcome matter and we could avoid fertility medicines. As my body disagrees with our decision, we have our appointment set in a few weeks if we are still stagnant. This may be a “the grass is greener…” situation, but I’d almost rather seen red each month. It really sucks having irregular (re: practically nonexistent) visits from Auntie Flo as you never know when (or IF) you’re ovulating or when (or again, IF) you’re late. So you’re constantly peeing on a stick. We should buy stock in pregnancy tests as much as we’ve bought them. Ugh. …..And the rabbit hole begins. I’m going to stop right now and go make my own bucket list. 🙂
Buy the little test strips on Amazon. $5 for 25 tests!!!
What a cute idea! Love it. Definitely get those photo shoots out of the way too! Love the new hairdo too!
(What font are you using for your list, it’s great!)
Go to Vegas and have a few, or many drinks!! That’s what I did last April! Holding my sleeping Vegas present right now…I guess not eveything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!
Otherwise, I’d put roller coaster riding on that list!
I love this! Not only do I love the pre-pregnancy to do list, I love everyone’s additions! Every time I have had a miscarriage (four times…ugh!) in the past year I grab a bottle of my favorite bottle of wine and gobble down a salmon roll. Enjoy indulging in everything on the list! And, as many people said, may you (and I!) not get a chance to check off every item on the list!
i don’t know if you’re still reading the comments on this post and your other post, but i wanted to first say i’m sorry. wanting a baby is such a powerful thing and seeing that stupid monthly gift every month when you’d rather see two pink lines sucks.
i am experiencing my second miscarriage. 2 babies, gone. i just want one so badly and i don’t have one yet.
your pregnancy bucket list is cute and has gotten me thinking about what i’m going to do until i get pregnant (and stay pregnant). p90x and long island iced teas, here i come! if I can’t be pregnant this summer I’m going to at least look good and drink pretty drinks.
Eat sushi is totally #1 at the top of my PrePregnancy Bucket List (haha… I almost typed “lust”)… it’s my fave food of all time and I have a feeling pregnancy is going to feel like the longest 40 weeks of my life mostly because of that!! Gotta make up for it in advance by eating double sushi!
Yup – still reading. Always reading 🙂
xo – kb
Not sure if this actually qualifies as bucket list material or not, but it might be kinda fun.
Before you are actually pregnant, you could spend some time daydreaming about a crazy way to announce the news to your family when you do become pregnant! I came across an idea and thought of you – set up your camera and gather everyone around as if you were taking a group shot. Instead of prompting everyone to say “CHEESE” or “FUZZY PICKLES” or whatever – you say “I’M PREGNANT!”. Snap the photo at that moment. How fun would that be to capture the look on everyone’s faces?!
My heart breaks for you when I read your posts about getting pregnant. I know it’s such a strong feeling & as much as you try to “relax” (omg that might be THE WORST advice someone can give you, it’s beyond annoying) it’s almost impossible for the mission to not completely take over all of your thoughts & your life. Your sex life becomes this crazy science experiment. I was in a very similar situation as you, conceived 1 beautiful baby almost instantly & then it took what seemed like forever for baby #2 to happen. Just know that so many people are rooting for you & praying for you. Have faith that it will happen when the timing is perfect & that the specific baby you will be blessed with be yet another love of your life. He or she will be so perfect that you could never imagine any other baby & you will thank God that you got pregnant exactly when you did because you couldn’t imagine your life any other way. Oh yeah & I LOVE the bucket-list!!! I need to go out for sushi & lots of cocktails too. Have fun fulfilling your list!
So, How many of these did you get done?
I’ll definitely update ya on it soon! You know I like to strike things off my list 🙂
xo – kb
That was my first thought, too!
Cant wait to see how many things you accomplished… and still waiting for that video of you telling your boyfriend!!!!
I know this post is so old, but I am having my own struggle and have re-read it a few times as inspiration. Every time I thought to start a pre-pregnancy bucket list, I convinced myself I was pregnant…crazy I know…well my Aunt Flo decided to make a visit last night and here I am referencing your list and creating my own. I am so excited to try to accomplish as many things as I can. Thank you for the inspiration and guidance!! You are awesome!!
I think I convinced myself I was pregnant a million times too. I peed on too many sticks!
xo – kb